200+ Summer Meltdown!



  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Just a quickie today to say hi to all and congrats on all the weight / inch losses and clothes size reductions.

    Thanks for feedback re 'bingeing' behaviour. Now I have put it out there, will spend time thinking more about it (including suggestions made) to see what I can do. Thank you for being there to enable me to 'fess up to myself in respect of what I am doing.

    Have great weekends


    ps now my ticker thing working thought I would clarify I have way more than three to go - just broke it down into more feasible stages to kid myself into feeling better!!!!! But - with your help, there is only three to my first goal!!!!!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Nava - Let us know when you decide to go under the knife.

    Suzie - Congrats on the inches lost.

    Check-in for Friday... 1955 cal burned / 1788 cal consumed / 167 cal deficit - No exercise, again. Ugh! Let's just leave it at that. Oh, weigh-in for this week - 243.6 lbs. Only 0.8 lbs, but it's been TOM and I've only worked out twice so I'll take it.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Suzie, I do hope you feel better soon, but congrats on inches!!

    Annette-can't get to the final goal w/out getting to the first one!! We'll be glad to help with them all!!

    Melissa-a lot of us are having partial pound losses, so you're not alone!! Take the .2 as a NON gain & keep goin girl!! A lot of days all I do are my crunches & leg lifts, which don't burn calories per se, but it gets me closer (I hope) to having more lean muscle, which will help me burn calories more efficiently on my own!!
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    hi there ladies

    Weighed in this morning at 192.

    Have a great weekend
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    3688 burned yesterday. Still not logging. Exercise was 70 min, 12 mile bike ride... Plus hauling tables and boxes... The garage sale is going well. It's cold out here today. I've actually got gloves on.

    Weighing in at 190 again this week.

    Suzie - healthy wishes to you. Feel better soon!!

    Kendal - describe your foot pain for me.. When/where do you feel the pain? seeing a doc is a great idea...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I may have doubled up on exercise this week, but I also seriously upped my calories, so I have a gain this week. :frown: a big gain. :sad:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - it will go away...remember that doubling exercise also means you are holding water weight.

    Check in for yesterday: 2821 burn/3112 ate/+291 surplus. I had an espresso martini, sushi, junior mints and root beer and watched Bridesmaids. Great afternoon/evening so I will take the surplus.

    I'm SO tired this morning...well its almost 11:30 lol. I am still fuzzy and don't want to get off the couch. We are going to Five Guys for lunch (eek!) and then to Costco and home. Some time today I have to do Kenpo X since I didn't do it yesterday.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member


    Here's a couple of pics from our day spent in Bavaria. We visited Neuschwanstein Castle and hiked in the foothills of the Alps. It was ridiculously gorgeous. Now I want to sleep for a week.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: I want to see that movie. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    Kendal: I agree with Lacey, it's not "real". I know it's impossible to not sweat it but maybe you should not look at the scale for a week or two, until your body adjusts to the extra exercise.

    Victoria: HOLY HUGE burn batman!!!

    Congrats to all those who lost pounds or inches (or parts of pounds and inches, as the case may be). My body has decided to start dropping 2 tenths of a pound a week just to piss me off but I'm trying to focus on how my clothes fit and whether or not I like how I look in pictures rather than the scale. I HAVE to say I had a major NSV today in that every picture that The Hubbs or The Kid took of me today looked pretty good to me. (Normally I end up deleting them due to a fat roll or double chin or whatever) I didn't delete ANY pics despite a couple of them being kinda sweaty looking (it's a 1.5 km walk UP a mountain just to get to the entrance of the castle, then you walk up and down a bunch of stairs and then walk another 30 minutes if you wanna get the awesome view from the bridge- LOTS of hiking)
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Hey all. Just a quick check in. My official weigh I. This week is.....*drumroll* 239. A loss of 3 pounds. Yay! I will catch up later. Gotta get back to work
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Honestly, I've started a long post with comments to all but people keep interrupting to buy things. The laptop battery is recharging - maybe I'll finish it tommorrow. My 7 mile run helped but 3000 cals burns by 6:45 pm!!!

    Amy - so jealous of your trip!!!

    Amber - WTG on the loss!!!

    Kendal - if your muscles are sore, think water retention...

    Lacey - your evening sounded relaxing and fun...
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    DO NOT READ if you do not want to read about a bowel movement AND/OR sarcastic 17 year old teenager.

    I've been in and out of the hospital the past three weeks and in the hospital (without leaving/over night) for three days straight. My weight will probably be up but I hope it isn't over 3 pounds. I want to stay in the 60's or below! I'll weigh in sometime this weekend--I forgot can we weigh in on Monday since the chart comes out around Monday night/later? I haven't had a bowel movement in over a week and I hate the drugs the doctors are giving me. Urgh, yay for body waste increasing body weight? :(
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Also, does anyone else watch Biggest Loser? Loved the outcome, but Anna Kournikova? Really? You're replacing Jillian with a mediocre tennis slut? What was the point of Brett and Cara?

    Jillian is leaving?? I started watching that show some, but it makes me feel guilty. I hate watching other people working out when I know I should be working out instead of sitting on my butt watching tv. I guess they needed a shake up cause the show has gotten kinda repetitive season after season, but replacing Jillian with Anna Kounikova will be bad. I don't think Anna will be as liked by viewers as Jillian for the exact reason you pointed out. And when has she ever been fat? How will she know how to relate to contestants? Sure, the guys will probably love it, but Jillian had something for everyone.

    Kendal: I agree with you 110%!

    Amy: Wow, you look beautiful! Your recent pictures (the ones with the castle) look AMAZING!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh, it must be amazing to be able to travel but I would miss the states too much. What's the best place you've been to? I am going to start Insanity soon so thank you for the insights! 40 squats/minute--ah, that is EPIC!

    Annette: I'm still trying to figure out life lessons, but I still have my whole life in front of me, right?

    People who have tats: Do you regret it? Does your tattoo look gross as you get older? Ahhhhh, I really want to get a tat but due to the fact I'm still underage my mama won't let me get one!

    Katie: Hills are still my kyrptonite but I decided to face 'em head on! ;) What type of workouts do you like to do?

    Kerry: AHHHHHHHHHHH, do you know is Hangover 1/2 good movies? If so what do you hate/like about it? I have such a HUGE movie list for this holiday weekend (Bridesmaids is included)!

    Kristina: Do you feel like being overweight (I don't think you are now) a few years earlier hindered the dating front? Don't take that statement the wrong way, please! :) My self-esteem is really low and I'm scared out of my mind for college! I figured being healthier will up the self-esteem.

    Lacey: I love your profile picture! Hahaha, your comment about nutpunching people put a smile on my face!

    So, all you parents out there stating how "fun" it is to have children home during the summer helped me STOP being a PIA to my mama! Hahaha, the other day she said to me "Hailie, why aren't you being a PIA?" I love having the freedom of my car and entertaining myself instead of bothering her!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    I've always wondered--how does the thread flip once it reaches the max?

    P.S. I'm working on photobucket prom pictures right now!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-jealous, but love the pics!!

    Hailie-can't wait to see prom pics!! :o)

    Amber--Whoo hoo!! Awesomeness!! :oD

    Lacey-I like 5 guys...yummy...but so BAD for us! LOL

    Victoria-hang in there!! Don't give up on us! Log it!! :o)

    If I missed you...sorry. Pooped! Did a 15 min dance thing I found on Netflix, it didn't feel like enough, so I broke out my new Bollywood DVD...45 minutes later & a bucket of sweat (yeah TMI, but whew) I feel both good & blah! Gonna go soak in the tub, eat a sammich (missed supper chasing Ms Mellie around) and read my book! Nite!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Melissa- it's a Michigander crew up in our thread! Funny! Victoria is upstate, Kerry is in Lansing, and I'm in Ann Arbor. Welcome to the group!

    Kerry- You totes should sign up for the half. I started training last time, but didn't actually sign up until late in the process because I really wasn't sure I could do it. I think I had run 4-5 miles at the most at that point, and just didn't think I could make the jump, but if you stick to the plan, it's completely do-able, and for me, having a goal like that is totally motivating. I'm thinking about doing it again this year.

    Amy- you look gorgeous. Are those collarbones I'm spying?? haha. The castle looks gorgeous as well. I'm totes jealous of you.

    Hailie- I think being overweight probably doesn't help with the dating field, but I don't think it's a datekiller. I'm probably not the best person to ask though, as my dating history has been pretty nonexistent. I think more than anything, it's how you carry yourself. If you're ashamed and have low self-esteem with regards to how you look, it's going to come across. For me, I've never really felt worthy of being with someone. Having a hard enough time look at myself made it hard for me to imagine why anyone else would want to do so, so I have never been really assertive about it. Only now am I making inroads on putting myself out there more. There are plenty of people overweight and in relationships, so no, I don't think being overweight really is a dating killer. There will always be people who can't look past your weight, and you don't want to be with someone like that anyways.

    It's been tough for me to get back into the swing of this. As I've mentioned, I'm worried about my half marathon next weekend. I really don't feel prepared. It won't be pretty. More for a mental thing than anything, I need to do at least a 10 miler either tomorrow or Monday in order to feel like I can make that 3 mile jump. I think my longest run for Detroit was 11 miles, so I'll be fine I think. I just feel so ill prepared, and I don't like that feeling. Hearing Kerry talk about Detroit makes me want to train properly again for that. Victoria, are you potentially up for an anniversary half? I'm only putting this out here, because I wouldn't dare tell anyone in person that I might.. MIGHT try and train for the full. I feel like having a new goal might be a bit more motivating. 20 weeks until the race, and the Hal Higdon Novice program (I used his for the half, and it was great) is 18 weeks, so it's do-able. It'll be hot as hell for the summer at times, but it's tempting. What do you all think? Do you think I'm crazy for even considering? I think what I might do is start with the full training, and then if, I get up there in mileage and it's just overwhelming, I can scale back to the half. That's what I planned on doing with the Detroit half last year--- I didn't think I could do it, and said, what the heck, let me start training for it, and if it's too much, I'll just do a 10k, so who knows? Yeah, I have these fleeting motivating moments. Perhaps it's because I have my iTunes on shuffle and the Olympic theme just came on. haha.

    It's been really hard to get back into my good eating habits since I've gotten back. This is a continued struggle for me when I get off of routine. Routine is key for me, be it diet or exercise. I didn't have a lot of food in my fridge, so I went out more, and just didn't make good choices. Will go grocery shopping this weekend with healthy recipes to make and get back to logging properly, because I just feel guilty. I haven't weighed since before Colorado. I avoid the scale when I know I've gained. I'll fess up to the number on Monday and own it and work from there.

    I've been so busy with work, haven't had much time to do much else. Just responded back to doc about a coffee date, so haven't heard back. Originally was going have second date with the other guy on Thursday, but Emma had her dog training and we haven't rescheduled yet. I also want to work on messaging some people myself. Get myself out there more.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just popping by briefly to weigh in for the week. I'm using yesterday's weight of 213.6 because I'm retaining water like crazy and am actually over 220 lbs at the moment just due to water. TOM started today so I'm hoping it will drop off before Monday. It's not sticking around on my waist according to measurements, but in my face. I look like a giant puffy... pufferfish.

    Anyway, now to get caught up on the thread. Hope everyone's having a nice weekend!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I did a bad thing...I got on the scale a day early.....so I'm keeping what it said!!!

    Kristina=that makes my weigh in for this week....226.2!!!!!! Cartwheel!!
    And whatever we can do to motivate you to keep running & go for it...let us know!! *holding whip ready*

    Hailie-I know it's been a long time since I dated, but I've never been a skinny girl, or had a flat stomach. I was 190 middle of my Sr year, through drugs got down to 170 by graduation, then by that next Christmas, was up to 200 again. I hung around 200-215 til after I had my oldest son, so being big was just who I was. I have to second Kristina, it's how you feel about yourself that makes the difference. I knew "skinny" girls that never got dates in high school, but I had plenty. Mainly b/c my attitude was, I'm worth it, catch me if you can! LOL!! Even at my biggest, I didn't feel worthless, but a lot of that had to do with my hubby & the fact that I have a secure knowledge, that no matter how I look, he's gonna stay my hubby & keep loving me. Alot of my lessons also come from the Veggie Tales that my kids watch day to day...their biggest message is always this...God made you special, and He loves you very much. THAT is what keeps me going!! :o)

    Sarah-I think days like those are why I get on the scale on non-official weigh in days! LOL! (This week, it worked for me!!)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here's my attempt to reply to everyone. But first my NSV. Even though I've lost 50 pounds, I still feel the like I weigh 237 and struggle with believing that 14s will fit. So I made it out to garage sale shop yesterday afternoon - I bought 2 dresses sizes 14 and 12 and 2 pairs of jeans in 14s. I kept holding them up and thinking, these will never fit but for a buck who cares. I'm still too scared to try the 12 on but the 14s all fit great. Why did I have such self doubt? I've been in 14s for over a year now. I also got the coolest garden cart/wagon. My husband jumped in it and I pulled him around the yard... Too funny. My brother said he was grinning like a kid in a candy store.

    This post has taken me 2 days to finish. Sorry to anyone I missed. I went back a few pages then gave up. Check-in for Sat 3542 burned and exercise was 7 mile run. Not sure what I'm going to do for exercise today. I may take the day off since I'm feeling tired. I'm still choosing not to log my food. I'm measuring and doing a rough calculation in my head and it seems to be working. Today the scale was down to 189.25 but I'm sticking with Fridays weigh-in of 190. I've had 2 massive days of great burns. Tomorrow will be another good day as I have a long bike ride plus putting all the garage sale stuff away.

    Amy - Way to rock out the 12s!!! OMG your pics are fantastic!!! How's the scar rubbing going? If you slide your skin sideways, does the scar move or is it stuck? It should move at least 1/2" to each side. If not, scare tissue is sticking the skin to the fascia and muscle. You can break it up pressing fingers down into the rib on one side of the scar and sliding the other out to the side and holding for 15 to 30 sec. Repeat all directions around the scar. I'll do this horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. Within 2 weeks, most peoples scar tissue loosens and breaks free. (Can you tell I do this for people after knee replacement and carpel tunnel surgery?)

    Hi Noelle.. What's up in your life?

    Sarah - I hate water weight gain with TOM. I'd keep the lower number too.

    Katie - Today's another day. Hope it goes better. Do what you can to exercise - even a walk. It will help your mood and destress you. Sorry that I can't help you with the night shift. Would looking at total calories for the week be a better option?

    Annette - I find stress and boredom lead me binge eating. At times, my stomach feels bottomless. Popcorn with some garlic and Mrs. Dash is a great low cal snack that makes me think I'm eating more. Baby carrots too. Great job getting the ticker up.

    Suzie - awesome on being smaller!!! GREAT JOB!!! Are you feeling any better?

    Mellisa - a loss is a loss. At least it's not a gain. I have relatives in Livonia. YEAH for another Michigander. Yes, with time 229 will be 199 then 150...

    Jenn - I'm impressed you handed the cupcake off. (*bows to you*). Have fun teaching summer school and enjoy your time off.

    Karen - I loved the homework story. WTG on the weight loss!!!

    Bethany - great job on the loss!!! You are doing FANTASTIC!!!

    Kerry - last year when I started running, I managed my first 5K in March and my second in April. I worked up to 10K by July 4th and easily was able to do the 1/2 by Oct. If you and Kristina are both doing the 1/2, I'll come down and run with you. What pace are you running at? I'm a slow runner. Kristina is much faster but she nicely kept me company for the first 10 miles (Thanks Kristina!!) The lady that I'm running with up here sounded interested as well. The guy I biked with Fri night said he's probably going down to run with his son and son's GF. We could have quite a party. Give Chris a high five on his weight loss from the MFP gals...

    Lacey - you should see a doctor for your foot. Take some me time and go... Ab Raper (tee hee hee) thanks for the laugh... It really does kill. WTG with P90X!!!

    Hallie - I hope you're doing better. It's very bad not to have BMs... Healthcare professionals never get grossed out over bodily function talks. Several years ago, my husband worked for the same hospital as me. He would often have lunch with me and get freaked out by my co-workers lunch discussions. Until he'd mention discomfort, I never realized how others felt. I'm pretty passive but yeah, I've had that desire to punch some nuts (*wink*) WTG on not being a PIA. You asked about tats. I got my first tat - a rose on my inner ankle when I was 23 and leaving my first job to move to Chicago. I got my second tat my kitties face on my shoulder blade when I was 39. I don't regret either on and both still look great. I see lots of peoples tats with my work and ask about them. The majority of people don't regret them. The ones that do are generally ones with name of lover that went sour or in a place that can't be covered up. Belly tats can get distorted. Good luck with what you decide to do.

    Nava - thank you for being a blood donor!!! I hope everyone is also an organ donor. My dad had a heart transplant so that I had a bonus 10 years with him. They were priceless!!!! I hope today was better for you. Good luck with the surgery. YEAH for the teens... Next stop onderland... I agree on WTF about Anna on BL. We finally finished watching the finally last night. She could barely speak. My husband got up and cheered - they must be doing it for guy ratings.

    psycho - CRACK (that's my whip telling you to get back on it Monday)....We all have days were it seems hard. My goal is more better than bad days.

    Kendal - I'm so proud of you for sticking with P90X!!! Are you doing anything with Mr. Reunion this weekend? Does he exercise (outside of the bedroom)?

    Kristina - I'd be up for a 1/2 but I don't have time for a full marathon. I totally think you could do it but with work and dating, finding time for those long runs will be hard and take time away from Emma. Your idea to try and revert to the 1/2 if it fails is good. You need to find a man that likes running. Good luck on your 10 miler this weekend.

    Crystal - a pound is fantastic!!! Keep up the great work. You are just melting away...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Victoria, I seriously can't see the men ratings going up that high. Do men even really watch the show? My BF watches it only when I'm at his place on Tuesdays. I've been a blood donor since college, but haven't worked myself up to signing the organ donor card yet. I can't imagine I won't eventually sign it... just have to mentally work myself up to it. And good job on the NSV! I bet you look awesome, and try those 12s on just for kicks. I have a pair of 12 jeans in my closet from a few years ago and I'm constantly slipping them on to see how much closer I am! haha

    Amy, LOVE the pic of you and your husband. You look gorgeous! And the castle... OMG. I've always wanted to see it.

    Lacey, that's EXACTLY what my scar will be. My mom has one there too from when they had to remove some nodes from her lungs (turned out benign), so we'll be matchy matchy.

    Karen, out of curiosity, why the vertical scar instead of the bikini one? Is that a necessity thing? Like different baby angles require different forms of approach?

    Katie, I will do!

    As for me, we're sticking with that Friday weigh in for sure! Yesterday, a few of my friends and I got together and had NACHO BAR! for lunch... and on in through dinner. My fingers look like little sausages from all the water I know I'm retaining. Sodium plus TOM = sausage fingers. I'm just not going to get on that scale till next Friday. At least, I think I won't. I've decided I'm not going to stress the weekend messups anymore. It happens, I work hard during the week and lose weight, so right now, it's not ruining anything and I'm not depriving myself and therefore driving myself crazy. For now!
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