p90x Support Group



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I am so glad I did that. I kicked butt on Legs & Back and ARX today. It was an awesome workout! It occurred to me that working out tomorrow won't be much of a burden, as it's Kenpo X, my favorite X workout. :bigsmile: Then Monday will be the beginning of my recovery week, the end of this round of P90X for me. It went so fast! I think I'm liking this mini-round idea.
  • Way to go on Legs & Back and ARX! That one's a toughie, but such a great workout. I got my Kenpo X in today and I am starting to like it more and more. It was pretty rough on me the 1st time since I have no coordination with moves like that, but I get a little better every time. Enjoy your weekend, friends!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I really must have "brought it" yesterday, because my butt is sore today! :tongue: I wonder what kind of shape I'll be in after today's Kenpo X and then working in the yard. I figure it'll either loosen me up or turn me into a tightly wound pretzel. :laugh:
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    Is it too late to join you all? :) I am on my 3rd week starting tomorrow. I have been looking for a group for support.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    Is it too late to join you all? :) I am on my 3rd week starting tomorrow. I have been looking for a group for support.
    Heck no, it's not too late to join us! Welcome. :happy:

    Just did Kenpo X, and it was a good one, as usual. Tomorrow begins my recovery week, which means I'll have to face the Yoga X music I've been avoiding this entire round. :tongue: It'll be good for me, though, I'm sure. I get to do it Monday *and* Saturday. Woo hoo!

    Hope you're all having a nice weekend. I need to get busy around the house. I feel like I'm slacking. I don't usually work out on Sundays, but I took that impromptu rest day Friday that I had to make up for, but I'm all back on schedule now.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Yesterday i didn't end up doing any exercise, so back at it today. I did plyometrics, was soaked with sweat and actually a little nauseous by the end.

    What I'm proud of: I actually attempted the tuck knee jumps and the rock star jumps and did a decent job. I thought "I can't do that" before, but today, I decided "I can do anything I want to do". Turns out I was right. :bigsmile:

    Happy holiday weekend!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Been slacking on the posts lately, but keeping up with the workouts. Did Chest, Shoulders & Tris/ARX to start off Week 7. Can't believe I've made it this far! My right wrist was bothering me a bit today, so I had to dial it back on the pushups...but otherwise, a pretty good workout.

    Glad to see everyone still hanging in and pushing play!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I revamped my whole P90X schedule to work much much better with my half marathon training schedule.
    So today was Yoga X ... I am still quite sore from the hill run yesterday ... and due to the holiday I have a planned 6.2 miler tomorrow. I made it through about 50 minutes of Yoga X ... I took a hard fall out of the prayer twists and couldnt make myself keep going much longer... oh well some exercise is still better than no exercise, right?

    Tomorrow is Chest and Back.... and the start of week 9 officially! :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hey guys. I got my yoga in today but I was just NOT into it. I haven't felt like this for a while, but maybe it's because I'm getting sick. But I did it and I am glad I did.

    Smiles: I know several people have answered, but I log everything in as cardio. I am also TRYING to do doubles, so on my strength training days I do a cardio workout too, but I don't really do Cardio X. I didn't make it with the extra cardio yesterday though.

    Vickie: No idea about your foot, but hopefully some of the suggestions help and it gets better soon!

    Minniebee: I don't stretch after, but I always try to get the X Stretch in on my rest day and I'm not too sore, for the most part. Hope that helps!

    My SIL started a blog about my nephew in case anyone is wondering what's going on. it's hard to read, but very beautiful, if any of you are interested. http://www.littlechasesbigheart.blogspot.com/

    Was finally on my laptop and able to check out this blog... what a beautiful boy, beautiful momma.... so much heart in this blog. Thoughts and prayers still with them. I bookmarked it and will follow. Hang tough, Eliza. :heart:
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Just curious ... is/ has anyone else experienced dizziness with this program? If so, any tips for minimizing / conquering it?
  • jackelyn14
    jackelyn14 Posts: 59
    Hey - I haven't been posting much at all - but have been reading everyone's posts, and keeping up with the workouts each day. Today is the start of week three for me. I'm enjoying the workouts more and more now as I can see improvements in what I'm able to do - which is good motivation. :)

    Smiles - Have you been eating enough? If I don't eat enough, I end up getting dizzy. Not sure if that's your situation though.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Just curious ... is/ has anyone else experienced dizziness with this program? If so, any tips for minimizing / conquering it?

    Are you hydrating enough? Your electrolytes could be low if you're sweating a lot.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Just curious ... is/ has anyone else experienced dizziness with this program? If so, any tips for minimizing / conquering it?

    It happened to me, I felt very weak at the end of one workout, and it was because I woke up and, and then later worked out without having anything to eat.

    Plyo is a calorie burning workout - so make sure you are nourished before doing the workouts

    Start of week 5 for me.
  • yursza
    yursza Posts: 5
    Just curious ... is/ has anyone else experienced dizziness with this program? If so, any tips for minimizing / conquering it?

    Be mindful of your breathing during the workouts. Holding your breath during weightlifting or breathing too quickly and erratically during cardio can both make you dizzy. Also, try not to stand up too quickly after doing a floor routine...this can be particularly troublesome during the yoga video after spending a lot of time low to the ground with your hips above your head.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Just curious ... is/ has anyone else experienced dizziness with this program? If so, any tips for minimizing / conquering it?

    Be mindful of your breathing during the workouts. Holding your breath during weightlifting or breathing too quickly and erratically during cardio can both make you dizzy. Also, try not to stand up too quickly after doing a floor routine...this can be particularly troublesome during the yoga video after spending a lot of time low to the ground with your hips above your head.

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I do eat and also stay hydrated so those aren't the culprits for me. The breathing though, could be it. I'm not used to lifting weights at all and maybe I'm holding my breath without realizing it. I did think maybe it was From transitioning from one thing to another too quickly.

    The good news is I didn't notice any dizziness during arms and shoulders / ab ripper x today. Starting to feel like ngettin more out of ab ripper too ( like we're supposed to).
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey everybody. Week 5 started off slow with chest, shoulders, triceps yesterday. I could tell(feel) that I haven't lifted weights for a week. Mind you I guess if I did 2 days of yoga I was supposed to do, then maybe I wouldn't have felt like that :laugh:.

    oh well, today was plyometrics, and rocked it toda and my shirt is soaked. It's 30C out today and I will be getting in a c25k session later tonight.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,004 Member
    I began my recovery (and final) week by doing Yoga X yesterday. Man, I was sore this morning! I did Core Synergistics today. That's always a good one. Tomorrow's Kenpo X. I can hardly believe it's almost over, but I feel like the timing is right to switch over to Slim Series for a few weeks. It's nice to finish a program before I'm so sick of it I dread every workout. Hopefully this thread will still be around when I start my next round July 11!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Always an inspiration, Peter and Jill ;)

    I did yoga x today. I wasn't lookIng forward to t even though I know I like it. Today was no exception, I liked it again. Noticing more flexibility and being able to get deeper into some poses and hold them longer. Twisting half moon confines to elude me though. Glad I did it. These aren't exactly exciting workouts to look forward to (for me) - the payoff comes in having completed it.

    I feel like a bottomless lit and want to eat everything in sight. Just had a salad with protein but still feeling the urge to graze. May e I'll try out the new nitrate free beef jerky I got...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Also chiming in with an embarrassing and seemingly unusual issue... I have to laugh though. So today after yoga x I was in the shower and felt a burning / stinging sensation where the hot water hit the top of my .... ahem... bum crack. There is a small area (think the size of a pencil eraser) rubbed raw... This was too familiar, it happened right after I started p90x . The first time I thought what a weird place to have a random injury... And had no idea what caused it. But it's right where the pressure is when balancing on the tailbone for in and outs, crunchy frog, bicycle, boat, half boat, etc. I avoided ab ripper for the first week to let it heal, and I was good as new. Now, two rounds of ab ripper and yoga belly x later, it's back. WTF?? I'm wondering if I have a tag on uncertain pair of shorts that rubs the wrong way? I know, it really is TMI- but it's so baffling. My other conclusion is that I need more padding (fat) on my bum. I sure don't hear about this happening to other people.... So sorry for he over share bit at this point I'm stumped.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I think I might die right now. I just did 20 minutes of Plyo ... plus Chest and Back and Ab Ripper. I am SORE ... but a good sore. I pushed Chest and Back REALLY hard though ... pushed the reps on everything and to failure as much as possible. P.S. How you know you are at failure on Divebombers is when you fall flat on your face because you cannot get up! :)
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