Are You Insane???



  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Week 8 is down in the books- short one DVD. As I said in my last post, I missed out yesterday, so I did Max Cardio Circuit today instead of the Core Cardio & Balance. I figure, if I'm going to miss out on one video in the entire series, that's the one...:laugh:
    Anyways, that leaves only ONE WEEK LEFT OF INSANITY!!!!!!!! :smile:
    I really can't believe it's almost over!!! 8 weeks ago, I kept saying how I wanted my T-Shirt, and in the back of my head, I was really concerned that I wouldn't be able to finish the entire series to get one. Now here I am, one week away from finishing. I'm amazed at myself! I pushed myself harder than I've ever done before. And I am happy I did it. Alot sorer than I was 8 weeks ago, but happy non the
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Week 8 is down in the books- short one DVD. As I said in my last post, I missed out yesterday, so I did Max Cardio Circuit today instead of the Core Cardio & Balance. I figure, if I'm going to miss out on one video in the entire series, that's the one...:laugh:
    Anyways, that leaves only ONE WEEK LEFT OF INSANITY!!!!!!!! :smile:
    I really can't believe it's almost over!!! 8 weeks ago, I kept saying how I wanted my T-Shirt, and in the back of my head, I was really concerned that I wouldn't be able to finish the entire series to get one. Now here I am, one week away from finishing. I'm amazed at myself! I pushed myself harder than I've ever done before. And I am happy I did it. Alot sorer than I was 8 weeks ago, but happy non the

    Great job Skolls! THAT HAS TO FEEL SO GOOD!!! I am just excited to see 3 weeks ahead of me, everyday I get a little more excited! What are you planning on doing after Insanity?

    I was considering doing it all the way through again, and maybe adding some light running as well (at least in the first month.) I am wanting to do it again to see how much better I am at every workout..but who knows, I might be pretty insaned-out by then.

    OH and NSV today: I burned 1048 calories during MAX Interval Circuit today!!!!!!! THAT IS THE HIGHEST BURN EVER FOR ME, (in that amount of time)!! I am really excited. I was doing the workouts at around 97% instead of having to stop 20 seconds early. I rocked it out and feel really good! Plus I think that was the most i've ever sweated in my life. Its nice to see the calories not going down for burn because each workout I get better but I also push harder.

  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    One week left baby! Yeeeyaaa! Congrats to everyone for making it as far as you have...this is a no joke kinda work out and I've loved every minute of it. So far--just off the top of my head--I'm down about 15lbs I think since starting Insanity which is basically half of the poundage I've lost thus far. LOL

    This is the last week and I plan on giving it all I got....are you all in???

    Let's go!
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    Grats to Road and Skoll being on the last week! And Jatie, 3 weeks to go for me too we can do it!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Insane abs: fail. The ab jump things in plank?? WTF. I can't do them, or the T-kicks with a jump. I feel uncoordinated today. :frown:

    It was my first cardio conditioning + insane ab combo...blaaah.
  • zoombie_bear
    zoombie_bear Posts: 963 Member
    I'm done wk-one, you'll have fun and sweat it out!
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Restarted Week #2 yesterday. Today was Pure Cardio. I absolutely love this work out. My floor needs a good mopping now. LOL!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Insane abs: fail. The ab jump things in plank?? WTF. I can't do them, or the T-kicks with a jump. I feel uncoordinated today. :frown:

    It was my first cardio conditioning + insane ab combo...blaaah.

    I skipped my Insane Abs yesterday :blushing: After the Max whatever I felt like that was enough LOL

    Well, today's workout was a bit strange. I was dizzy through out the whole thing. I had to take it easy and take more breaks than usual...not sure where the dizziness was coming from. But I got through it and burned some good cals so that's good enough for me. I'm nervous about my last before and after photo. I hope I look different. I gotsta get rid of this gut! lol
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    Insanity Day 10: Plyometric Cardio Circuit..... Done and Done!!!
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    I was out of it today...think missing my morning cup of coffee threw me off. That, or i'm just friggin exhausted!!!! Anyway, had a good burn, and my carpet was soaked.....however, i felt like I half-assed most of the DVD. 4 days left....4 days left...and just for the record, I don;t have insane Abs :laugh: I have an older version I guess. So i just have the regualr Cardio Is it that much worse????
  • I just recently started insanity and I should be doing my 12th day but my ankles have hurt so bad that I really would be doing my 7th today! I don't know what to do?! Did anyone else have this problem? It makes working out crazy for me
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    After today--one more day yay! One more day yay!

    Skolls, I think it is Cardio Abs lol I just put Insane infront of everything I guess---its all nuts to me.

    Artho my ankles never hurt but my knees were killing me until I realized that my body isn't ready for ALL the jumps they can do so I only do a few, don't jump so high or do another exercise while they are jumping away. You may want to modify something and see if that helps. How are your shoes? That could have something to do with it too.

    One more more day...ha
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184 still have 2 more days!!!!! lol Don't forget the Fit Test on Sunday!! ALthough in comparison, that's nothing compared to the workouts.....I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY T-SHIRT!!!!!! If I don;t get one, I'm gonna be pissed!!!! lol
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    LOL Yea, the fit test is something TOTALLY different Skolls. LOL That's a piece of cake compared to 60 minutes of non-stop sweating. You'll get your doubt about that! They couldn't possibly deny you that much after all the blood sweat and tears given to the workout.

    Soooo....yea....I watched Asylum again....I'm going for it. I'm giving myself 2 weeks and then I'm going in on Asylum. Looks hard as hell, but fun too.
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Wish I could afford it....just not now.....oh well! Lol
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member still have 2 more days!!!!! lol Don't forget the Fit Test on Sunday!! ALthough in comparison, that's nothing compared to the workouts.....I CAN'T WAIT TO GET MY T-SHIRT!!!!!! If I don;t get one, I'm gonna be pissed!!!! lol

    Why wouldn't you get one?
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    Why wouldn't you get one?

    It would just be my luck. I'm having a rather unlucky it's just the way it would Although, I did get to do all 9 weeks only missing 1 workout. Can't believe I made it through the entire 9 weeks. Fit Test tomorrow!!!!! Then what the hell am I gonna do?????? lol

    Also the form states that ALL fields must be filled out. I had no access to getting my body fat % tested when I started, and still have no idea where to get it done at. So those fields will definitley not be completed. Hope they are not too strict!!
  • After today--one more day yay! One more day yay!

    Skolls, I think it is Cardio Abs lol I just put Insane infront of everything I guess---its all nuts to me.

    Artho my ankles never hurt but my knees were killing me until I realized that my body isn't ready for ALL the jumps they can do so I only do a few, don't jump so high or do another exercise while they are jumping away. You may want to modify something and see if that helps. How are your shoes? That could have something to do with it too.

    One more more day...ha

    Thanks I think I am going to buy a good pair of runners, I was just working out barefoot.. Also thanks for the tips, I always thought I had to do EVERYTHING he was doing haha! I haven't done insanity in over a week, I'm questioning if I should start from the beginning or just where I should be?
  • Skolls081102
    Skolls081102 Posts: 184
    I AM DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INSANITY GRADUATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, I;'ll stop yelling now....:laugh: Time to celebrate!!!:drinker: I don;t feel like retyping it all, so here's the link to the post I started for my completion of Insanity.....

    To all of those who are still in it....keep up the great work. It is totally rewarding, and completely worth the effort!!! You are all doing fantastic!!!
  • mamato4kids
    mamato4kids Posts: 217 Member
    I just ordered insanity asylum, going to start as soon as it arrives!!
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