I gain weight so easily! He,p! I don't get it!



  • robper13
    robper13 Posts: 219 Member
    If you eat too many calories, you'll gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can also gain weight. Are you drinking enough water? About a gallon a day is good for most people trying to lose weight.

    Whaaaaaat? You can gain weight eating too few kcal? What magic is this?!?

    Not sure if you can gain weight, but you won't lose any weight if you don't eat as much calories as you burn throughout the day. Your body will go into fat storing mode. I didn't know about resting calorie burn until about two months ago. I didn't realize how much calories i burned just while sleeping, etc. figure out your BMR, then determine your activity level and how much your active burn calories are. Total those up and then subtract 500 calories for 1 pound weight loss or 1000 calories for 2 pound weight less. Whatever is left is what you eat per day to lose weight. Has worked for me the last month i started tracking through MFP. I weighed 210 when i started 5 weeks ago, as of Monday i weighed 199.2. I put my goal in MFP to lose 1.5 to 2pounds per week. It gives me my daily calorie intake to lose that weight. Ive done it and it has worked. Whatever calories i burn through exercise, i can just add to my daily calorie amount. Check it out. Here is a link to the resting calorie burn (BMR) calculator. My UP band also shows me my BMR, which is very close to what the calculator shows for my ht/wt/age. http://www.quitehealthy.com/bmr-calorie-calculator/index.php#results
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    robper13 wrote: »
    If you eat too many calories, you'll gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can also gain weight. Are you drinking enough water? About a gallon a day is good for most people trying to lose weight.

    Whaaaaaat? You can gain weight eating too few kcal? What magic is this?!?

    Not sure if you can gain weight, but you won't lose any weight if you don't eat as much calories as you burn throughout the day. Your body will go into fat storing mode.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    If you eat too many calories, you'll gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can also gain weight. Are you drinking enough water? About a gallon a day is good for most people trying to lose weight.

    Yes, no, no.

    A little extra water can help dilute your sodium, but a gallon a day will do nothing but make you pee 24 hrs a day.
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    Are you just answering your own questions now? If you know all this already, that you couldn't have gained all this weight realistically, then you know it's probably just water weight.

    I understand that you're frustrated, but people are just trying to help and if you know all the answers, why post?

    I'm certainly not answering my own question. In fact, that explanation is exactly why I posted this to begin with. It didn't make any sense, and the water weight explanation from flying clears it up. I am very thankful to everyone with kind words and encouragement. This is turning awfully negative and we're all just here to support each other right?

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    robper13 wrote: »
    If you eat too many calories, you'll gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can also gain weight. Are you drinking enough water? About a gallon a day is good for most people trying to lose weight.

    Whaaaaaat? You can gain weight eating too few kcal? What magic is this?!?

    Not sure if you can gain weight, but you won't lose any weight if you don't eat as much calories as you burn throughout the day. Your body will go into fat storing mode. I didn't know about resting calorie burn until about two months ago. I didn't realize how much calories i burned just while sleeping, etc. figure out your BMR, then determine your activity level and how much your active burn calories are. Total those up and then subtract 500 calories for 1 pound weight loss or 1000 calories for 2 pound weight less. Whatever is left is what you eat per day to lose weight. Has worked for me the last month i started tracking through MFP. I weighed 210 when i started 5 weeks ago, as of Monday i weighed 199.2. I put my goal in MFP to lose 1.5 to 2pounds per week. It gives me my daily calorie intake to lose that weight. Ive done it and it has worked. Whatever calories i burn through exercise, i can just add to my daily calorie amount. Check it out. Here is a link to the resting calorie burn (BMR) calculator. My UP band also shows me my BMR, which is very close to what the calculator shows for my ht/wt/age. http://www.quitehealthy.com/bmr-calorie-calculator/index.php#results

    so much wrong with the bolded...seriously dude...

    RMR+regular activity+exercise = TDEE
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    How much do you weigh? Could it be that burn amount is inflated?

    I weight 275 pounds, so while that may be inflated some, I'm naturally going to burn more calories than someone who weighs less while hiking or while at rest as with the case with my BMR.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    749 for an hour of hiking would be more than I'd log at 225. Maybe when I was 335. Maybe.
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    edited July 2015
    You wrote lobster, crab rolls, clams ...

    I read Salt Salt and Salt ( from the butter sauces and cooking ). Every 100mg of salt is an extra cup of water retention, which is half a pound.

    I imagine your exercise routine wasn't nearly as lengthy/vigorous, and that your logging not as accurate.

    All of which are contributing to your current scale reading, along with normal fluctuations.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    How much do you weigh? Could it be that burn amount is inflated?

    I weight 275 pounds, so while that may be inflated some, I'm naturally going to burn more calories than someone who weighs less while hiking or while at rest as with the case with my BMR.

    This is true... but 785 calories is a lot for an hour of hiking even for your weight.

  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    pmm3437 wrote: »
    You wrote lobster, crab rolls, clams ...

    I read Salt Salt and Salt ( from the butter sauces and cooking ). Every 100mg of salt is an extra cup of water retention, which is half a pound.

    I imagine your exercise routine wasn't nearly as lengthy/vigorous, and that your logging not as accurate.

    All of which are contributing to your current scale reading, along with normal fluctuations.

    You make a great point. Way too much salt, especially for someone who isn't used to it. I forget how much sodium can play into water retention. At this point, I'm just looking forward to getting back on track!
  • theportkey
    theportkey Posts: 52 Member
    edited July 2015
    I can gain up to 6Lbs in weight without trying. This is mainly due to water retention... So this can vary to the size you are. If I drive a long distance POW! Water on me kankles lol
    Don't fret about it and just continue as you have been. I would keep an eye on the granola thing. This can vary but generally contains an awful lot of sugars.
    But good luck with everything and keep logging <3
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    5 lbs of fat over 7 days would be something like 17,500 calories over maintenance. I'm not sure of your TDEE, but unless you ate 2,500 extra calories each day above your maintenance calories (which honestly I _CAN_ do if there's good food around to eat!) that 5 lbs isn't fat. Probably half of it is water. Wait a week, see where you're at.
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    theportkey wrote: »
    I can gain up to 6Lbs in weight without trying. This is mainly due to water retention... So this can vary to the size you are. If I drive a long distance POW! Water on me kankles lol
    Don't fret about it and just continue as you have been. I would keep an eye on the granola thing. This can vary but generally contains an awful lot of sugars.
    But good luck with everything and keep logging o:)

    Thank you!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Hi everyone! So I just returned from a week long trip to Maine and was surprised when I got on the scale: I had gained 5 pounds! In one week! Now before you start thinking, it was vacation and it happens, I watched what I ate the whole time and exercised daily. My first day gone, I chose steel-cut oatmeal at the airport instead of the yummy breakfast sandwich with avocado. When I got to my destination, I went by the health food store and stocked up on good-for-me foods like fruit and vegetables. Every morning I started with a healthy breakfast of fresh blueberries, granola, and yogurt, and cooked most of my dinners (which I aimed to keep under 500 calories) as well. For lunch I let myself splurge a little it was vacation after all) and ate lobster, or crab rolls, or clams, but I was also exercising every day: hiking up to 3 miles or yoga. I wasn't able to track my meals on MFP, because I didn't have service on my phone, but I don't think it would have added up to the shocking weight gain I experienced. I know weights fluctuate, but this doesn't make any sense. I'm frustrated and really disappointed. I'm angry at my body for "not being like other peoples' " As part of my weight loss, I'm trying to practice compassion for myself and balance in everything I do, although that can be hard at times like this. I honestly wonder if there is an imbalance in my body that needs to be addressed medically. I know that with a hypo-thyroid you can gain weight, but I've been checked for that, and don't have any of the other symptoms that go along with it. Any other ideas? (Thanks for reading my rambling post! I really needed to get it out :tired_face::smile: )

    A note in the hypothyroid -- my doctor told me for five years that I had no thyroid problem when I, in fact, did. And I didn't have any symptoms except unexplained weight gain for the first several years before I finally got a diagnosis.

    If it's Hashimoto's, TSH can fluctuate a lot. Mine went from 9.28 to 3.75 two weeks later, so if you get checked during a low point, it won't show up.

    It may not be that, but in my and many others' experiences, PCPs are TERRIBLE at diagnosing and treating thyroid issues.

    However, you were traveling and probably eating in restaurants more than usual. I know one meal at Panera can cause an overnight 5-pound gain for me just from the water retention from all the sodium. Give it a few days and see what happens.

  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    ah actually granola has probably a lot more calories than that...you would have to weigh it to be sure.

    100 grams of my greek yogurt has 100...which is about 1/2cup...depends on MF%

    blueberries...again weight not volume

    plum how big?

    Hiking for an hour does not burn that almost 800 calories esp no hills....I have to run 3/4hour to get that burn. MFP over estimates a lot.

    and your BMR is not 2025...no way no how. I think you have that confused with TDEE.

    Just curious why that BMR can't be right.

    IIFYM has me around there on all the calc versions. TDEE around 2800.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I went away on a retreat last weekend - buffet meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner... I was active too - I even did a 5 mile run Saturday morning!

    By Monday morning I had gained 3 pounds. I watched what I ate throughout the day Monday and by Tuesday morning I was back down 3 pounds.

    I'd say it was water weight from excess sodium.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    ah actually granola has probably a lot more calories than that...you would have to weigh it to be sure.

    100 grams of my greek yogurt has 100...which is about 1/2cup...depends on MF%

    blueberries...again weight not volume

    plum how big?

    Hiking for an hour does not burn that almost 800 calories esp no hills....I have to run 3/4hour to get that burn. MFP over estimates a lot.

    and your BMR is not 2025...no way no how. I think you have that confused with TDEE.

    Just curious why that BMR can't be right.

    IIFYM has me around there on all the calc versions. TDEE around 2800.

    You're a guy who's presumably pretty tall and heavy considering your BMR is 300 higher than mine. She ain't either of those.
  • jesikalovesyou
    jesikalovesyou Posts: 172 Member
    edited July 2015
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    Are you just answering your own questions now? If you know all this already, that you couldn't have gained all this weight realistically, then you know it's probably just water weight.

    I understand that you're frustrated, but people are just trying to help and if you know all the answers, why post?

    I'm certainly not answering my own question. In fact, that explanation is exactly why I posted this to begin with. It didn't make any sense, and the water weight explanation from flying clears it up. I am very thankful to everyone with kind words and encouragement. This is turning awfully negative and we're all just here to support each other right?

    I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be negative. It's so frustrating to see people come here and not take in anything anyone is saying. But obviously, that's not you.

    I apologize. I hope your weight goes back to normal after you've been home for a while.
  • accidentalpancake
    accidentalpancake Posts: 484 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:

    ah actually granola has probably a lot more calories than that...you would have to weigh it to be sure.

    100 grams of my greek yogurt has 100...which is about 1/2cup...depends on MF%

    blueberries...again weight not volume

    plum how big?

    Hiking for an hour does not burn that almost 800 calories esp no hills....I have to run 3/4hour to get that burn. MFP over estimates a lot.

    and your BMR is not 2025...no way no how. I think you have that confused with TDEE.

    Just curious why that BMR can't be right.

    IIFYM has me around there on all the calc versions. TDEE around 2800.

    You're a guy who's presumably pretty tall and heavy considering your BMR is 300 higher than mine. She ain't either of those.

    Fair enough. I didnt see any specifics posted regarding size, so I was wondering if I missed something about the calc.

    I know I'm outside the norm at 6'3" and 215, but I assume that a heavier, shorter person could easily have a similar BMR.
  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    Eating "healthy" doesn't mean you won't gain weight or that it's not loaded with calories. If you weren't weighing everything with a scale you could have eaten more than you realize. That said, it could be water weight.

    This. Granola has tons of calories. Eating with with fruit and yogurt adds even more. Did you eat that crab with melted butter? Tons of calories. Did the crab roll have mayo? Calories. Also, hiking for three miles only burns around 250 calories, depending on how fast you were going and if you were going uphill or not. You were simply eating more than you were burning, most likely combined with water weight. My guess is that at least 2-3 pounds will come off in the next few days from water and that you're only really up by 2-3 pounds.

    Of course I wasn't perfect, and I didn't expect to lose weight on vacation, was just surprised it was so much! As I said, I know there are hidden calories everywhere, and I'm not new to this. A quarter cup of granola has 115 calories and with half a cup of Greek yogurt at 85 calories and half a cup of blueberries at 45 calories, this is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. Combine that with a 500 calorie dinner, and a plum (40 calories) for a snack. I'm at 785 calories. Hiking, cross country not even uphill, for just an hour at my weight burns 749 calories, so we'll just cancel those out. My BMR is 2025. One pound is equal to 3500 calories which averages out to about 2542.8 calories EXTRA I would have needed to eat per day to gain 5 pounds in 1 week. Combined with my BMR, this means I would have had to eat 5317 calories a day. A typical lobster roll with mayo has around 600 calories so I would have had to eat almost NINE lobster rolls a day (on top of my granola breakfast and 500 calorie dinner) to have gained that much weight. Yes, water weight does make sense, and I really do appreciate all the positive comments sent my way :smiley:
    No way. Hiking without going uphill is just walking on uneven terrain!