Last 10 pounds Club



  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome to the group Elizabeth! Hope I'm not missing anyone, if so welcome to all:) I've not done the shred Sarah but have a lot of friends that have and they are having great success with it. Share with us how you like it once you get started:)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I still need to lose Pounds #11-19

    How did you lost your ten pounds previous that led you to your Last 10 here?

    somehow I'm convinced losing the pounds closest to goal might be different from losing when 50 pounds overweight still


    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Tyra1976
    Tyra1976 Posts: 21
    Can I join too? I'm around 145 (flucuates 2 lbs both directions) and my goal is 140.
  • Tyra1976
    Tyra1976 Posts: 21
    I tried the 30 Day Shred. You'll sweat your butt off! I'm not a big fan of the program. I thought the program didn't include enough stretching, thus is leaves people susceptable to injury. I also don't care to "feel like I'm going to die." Jillian actually says this during the Phase 2 routine. I'm a P90x girl. I think it's just a better, more well rounded program. Best of luck!
  • tpycha126
    tpycha126 Posts: 217 Member
    @sassiesarah I haven't done 30 day shred but I have heard good things about it.

    So yesterday was a rest day for me, but I feel really weird not working out at all so I used Chalean Extremes Dynamic Flow yoga. I absolutely loved that video. I got all stretched out and even better my abs are sore today! Who would of thought that I would have a gotten an abs workout too!

    Today I will be doing Turbo Fire HIIT 25 and Tone 30.

    Hope everyone is doing well and can't what for the weigh in! I haven't weighed in in over a month (I was become a little too obssessed and upset that it wasn't going down like it was supposed to, so I swore it off)

    Have a great day everybody!
  • knmerrick
    knmerrick Posts: 2
    May I join in? I need other people in a similar boat to help motivate me!!

    I've got 3 lbs to go to get back to my lowest adult weight ever, which was 129 in July of last year (achieved after 4 months of hard work to lose 13 lbs). Some of the weight came back on, but I'm focussing again, determined to take off the 3 ...and hopefully another 2-5 lbs after that. I'll see how I feel after the first bonus 2 lbs come off.

    Would like to lose a total of 5 lbs by my 10th anniversary on July 14 (coincidentally, the date I finally got down to 129 last year). this will be a challenge with a road trip vacation planned for July 1-8. No matter how good I am on road trips, I always seem to gain 2-4 lbs.

    Anyway, I've never been Very overweight - my high non-pg weight was 150, but that's too much for my frame. Going from 150-140 and 140-135 have always been fine. But once I hit the low 130s, I just lose steam - I stop measuring food, I stop logging into MFP, etc. This time, I picked up my motivation at 135 lbs a few days ago, lost some water weight (yay!), and seeing 132 lbs this morning REALLY surprised and motivated me to power through. BUT... I need extra motivation.

    Good enough just isn't good enough this time.
    I want to feel comfortable in my clothes!!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi Knmerrick....yes absolutely you may join us:) The more imput and we can get the better especially since we are all in the same situation. Anyone here tried zigzagging calories? I've been reading up on this today at work. I know your body gets used to the caloric intake and the same exercise. Anyway I'm considering that. I feel on days I'm working out really hard, I need more calories and usually do eat most or at least half of my exercise calories back. How about all of you?
  • akadrea
    akadrea Posts: 85 Member
    me me me!!!! I've got 7 lbs to go!!! I seem to yo yo a lot so I've been hovering where I'm at for a while. I need a change, but not sure where! Hold my hand!
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    Me too! I've made it this far only to be stuck again:grumble: :grumble: I have 8 weeks until my 20th Wedding Anniversary and would like/love to lose a few more pounds before then!

    Time to start weight training again?

    Come on everyone, let's head for the "We Made It" clubhouse:tongue:
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Just wanted to update. Last Saturday I weighed myself and I was 168.2. I was very excited about this! I will be weighing myself in 2 days (Sunday) and will log my progress. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'll have to post myself a reminder because Sunday is not usually my weigh in day lol. Great job on your progress Annie:) Happy Memorial day weekend everyone. Holidays seem to be the hardest since there is usually more food around. Just try to make healthy food choices and have fun:)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I almost forgot to weigh in for today. Ha noticed no one else has either. Anyway my weight this morning was 149.8. I've been struggling to get into the 140's and finally did it:) Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I've had a busy day with family all day with lots of food. I've done pretty good considering!
  • missmomma77
    missmomma77 Posts: 42
    Hi Everyone! I weighed in at 141lbs this morning. 7lbs to go! This month I am zig zagging my calories and doing the 30 day Shred. I had a terrible night tonight. I have been trying to eat clean and I had a very dirty mini binge. Booo. Oh well, start again tomorrow. I have to keep telling myself that one bad night isn't going to undo everything. It is hard not to get down on yourself though.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    I usually weigh on Mondays but with holiday got messed up. Wt today 129.5 up a pound. Hopefully just holiday weight and will get if off this week. Have a good one!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    May I join in? I need other people in a similar boat to help motivate me!!

    I've got 3 lbs to go to get back to my lowest adult weight ever, which was 129 in July of last year (achieved after 4 months of hard work to lose 13 lbs). Some of the weight came back on, but I'm focussing again, determined to take off the 3 ...and hopefully another 2-5 lbs after that. I'll see how I feel after the first bonus 2 lbs come off.

    Would like to lose a total of 5 lbs by my 10th anniversary on July 14 (coincidentally, the date I finally got down to 129 last year). this will be a challenge with a road trip vacation planned for July 1-8. No matter how good I am on road trips, I always seem to gain 2-4 lbs.

    Anyway, I've never been Very overweight - my high non-pg weight was 150, but that's too much for my frame. Going from 150-140 and 140-135 have always been fine. But once I hit the low 130s, I just lose steam - I stop measuring food, I stop logging into MFP, etc. This time, I picked up my motivation at 135 lbs a few days ago, lost some water weight (yay!), and seeing 132 lbs this morning REALLY surprised and motivated me to power through. BUT... I need extra motivation.

    Good enough just isn't good enough this time.
    I want to feel comfortable in my clothes!!

    I think I could have written this post myself. Got down to 125 last year around that same time (my anniversary is July 16) and am going on vacation July 5-13 this year. Trying to get back down to 125 now for trip. Let's do this together!!
  • Last_15
    Last_15 Posts: 129
    After 5 days off from work and not counting calories, I was happy to see that my weight stayed the same ~ now here's to a loss for next week!
  • akadrea
    akadrea Posts: 85 Member
    I'm here!!! Chugging along! Weighed in yesterday at 131 - 6 lbs to go until my real attainable goal! I'd LOVE to see 120, but not holding my breath on that one, LOL!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    TGIF!! The weekend is almost here:) I hope everyone is having a fantastic week and has been able to get some good workouts in and healthy food choices. We can shed these last few pounds! Stay focused and let's reach our goals:)
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    May I join in? I need other people in a similar boat to help motivate me!!

    I've got 3 lbs to go to get back to my lowest adult weight ever, which was 129 in July of last year (achieved after 4 months of hard work to lose 13 lbs). Some of the weight came back on, but I'm focussing again, determined to take off the 3 ...and hopefully another 2-5 lbs after that. I'll see how I feel after the first bonus 2 lbs come off.

    Would like to lose a total of 5 lbs by my 10th anniversary on July 14 (coincidentally, the date I finally got down to 129 last year). this will be a challenge with a road trip vacation planned for July 1-8. No matter how good I am on road trips, I always seem to gain 2-4 lbs.

    Anyway, I've never been Very overweight - my high non-pg weight was 150, but that's too much for my frame. Going from 150-140 and 140-135 have always been fine. But once I hit the low 130s, I just lose steam - I stop measuring food, I stop logging into MFP, etc. This time, I picked up my motivation at 135 lbs a few days ago, lost some water weight (yay!), and seeing 132 lbs this morning REALLY surprised and motivated me to power through. BUT... I need extra motivation.

    Good enough just isn't good enough this time.
    I want to feel comfortable in my clothes!!

    I think I could have written this post myself. Got down to 125 last year around that same time (my anniversary is July 16) and am going on vacation July 5-13 this year. Trying to get back down to 125 now for trip. Let's do this together!!

    I just wanted to say that my anniversary is July 14th too!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I do believe today is weigh in today. I'm doing another challenge so I get confused lol. I weighed 148.2 today so I'm down 1/2 lb since last week. Not much but I'll take it:) I'm still losing with the increased calories so I'm going to stick with that until I hit another plateau. Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend!!
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