Chalean Extreme Group Starting Monday 5/23



  • timeformajorchange
    Great job Bev!!!! Way to go! In no time at all, you will be using even heavier ones!!!

    I made it thru the Burn Circuit 1 today, and I not only used heavier weights, but I was able to do more reps than last time, as well as increase the intensity on a few of the exercises!! I cannot believe how much stronger I feel after only one week!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    time: That's wonderful!!

    I weighed in today...I lost 3 pounds!:happy:
    I didn't seem to loose any inches...however that's just in the areas where we actually measure...I do know I've lost some in other areas. is my scheduled as my one of the day's off for I'm off to do some Turbo Fire...

    Everyone have a wonderful well...the sun is finally shining here.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • timeformajorchange
    Awesome job Bev!!! Congratulations on the 3lbs, I know you earned them!! :D Do you like Turbo Fire? Others I've asked seem to love it, so I want to ask as many as possible before I decide to spend the $ on yet ANOTHER fitness dvd set.

    Also a scheduled day off from CX for me. I'm still aiming to get in a TJ workout later, but I will have a houseful of kids today (6, 5 of which are all under 4) so we'll see how it works out......
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    time: Good luck w/all the kids...I think you'll get a workout with just them :smile: Maybe you can at least get the 20 minute TJ in?

    I absolutely love Turbo Fire (I loved TJ too). The are a lot more fast paced so I'm not as coordinated as I was with TJ but I'll get it! I like all the options from 15 minutes to 55 minutes (and all of them really kick your butt!). I haven't done any of the strength ones b/c I am doing CX and I think that's covered.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    went for a bike ride first thing this morning before it got too hot, but now I have to figure out when I get squeeze CHX in...that's exactly why I don't mind getting up early, then I don't have to be anxious about getting it done.

    I'm going to try brushing my teeth tonight--I should have done it last night, but I forgot about it (convienent, wasn't it?). I have figured out another goal (visiting with my friend at a country club--oooh, la, la--and everyone there is THIN!!) and hopefully that will kickstart my focus again.

    Lots to do--hope everyone is enjoying their day.
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Burn Circuit 1 today and apparently, my kitty felt that I wasn't working hard enough - she crawled up on my back to add her 14 lbs. to my push ups!! :laugh: It was really, really, really tough - but I still got them all out on my toes!! :bigsmile:

    Bev - congrats on your 3 lb. loss - keep rocking those weights!!

    Majorchange - isn't it just the most awesome feeling when you can up your weights!! WTG!!

    cat - congrats on the new focus - YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • adanhauer
    adanhauer Posts: 6 Member
    Well I'm starting a little later than everyone else, but I guess I'll just be a little behind. I'm starting Burn Circuit #1 Wednesday, June 1. I'm super excited, I attempted the program back in January but let school and sorority get in the way so now I'm going to make a very committed attempt while I don't have those same excuses to use during the summer... and the motivation of a skinny senior year and a boyfriend coming home from a study abroad internship in October and more importantly a more healthy life to keep me going!!!
  • adanhauer
    adanhauer Posts: 6 Member
    Oh and I am also added more cardio to the program with zumba, the first time I did it I felt it lacked the extra cardio that I personally need and enjoy.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    welcome adanhauer-- glad to have you with us!

    Got Burn Cir 1./ week 2 done! With hubby and son right alongside me. I love having them there! (but they can be a little distracting....).
    I'm going to need heavier weights before next week!

    On my way to a cookout--wish me luck--I did bake an apple pie with very little sugar and oatmeal crust so I have something for dessert.
  • Andi_1977
    Andi_1977 Posts: 47 Member
    Well, I'm back, and I survived my long weekend at my in-laws. Despite all of my FIL's delicious, anything-but-healthy cooking, I didn't gain a pound! I'm so shocked! I need to update my ticker to show that I've lost at least 1 lb. in the two weeks that I've been doing CLX, which is pretty good considering that I haven't lost anything at all in weeks, and these two weeks haven't exactly been perfect. I also discovered that I've lost at least an inch everywhere I usually measure, but since I didn't measure right before I started CLX, I'm not sure how much to attribute to CLX alone. At least I now have something to compare my 30, 60 and 90 day results to. I will have to put on last year's bikini (GASP!) to take a 2-week late "before" picture before I do Burn Circuit 1 & Ab Burner tonight (with Hubby's new Bowflex Selecttech weights--can't wait!!!).

    The most amazing thing about this weekend was that I couldn't stop thinking about how much I wanted to work out. I even did some crunches, squats, push-ups, etc. one night when only my husband was in the room! This is so bizarre for me to be this obsessed with working out! As soon as I got home yesterday, I opened my Turbo Fire set that arrived while I was gone and fumbled my way through Fire 30 with the New to Class option. It was so much fun (really got into the "push it" move, LOL), and I burned 440 calories, despite having to stop a few times just to figure out what the heck I was supposed to be doing! For now, I'm only going to add 1-2 Turbo Fire workouts to my CLX routine, and I will then do the TF/CLX Hybrid schedule once I've completed this rotation of CLX.

    Good luck to all CLXers this week & just keep pushing play!!!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi everyone....

    Last week was pretty bad for me... although I did all of the BURN classes, I didn't get to do Abs, Burn It Off or Recharge because I was on-call for work and got called out on both Wednesday & Thursday night... and only got 5 hours sleep over 2 days.....!

    Anyway, I started week BURN week 3 yesterday.....

    I did BURN circuit one last night, and I think it's time for me to go a bit heavier than 16.5 lbs on the lower body exercises. I didn't do any cardio afterwards.... just wasn't in the mood.

    But it was interesting to see on my KiFit display how many calories I was burning after I had finished lifitng. Just under 3 hours afterwards I had burned 380 calories - at a rate between 3.5 to 2.5 calories per minute.... my normal calorie burn is usually 2 calories per minute

    Compare that to my calorie burn after cardio exercises, which is usually higher 6-8 calories per minute, but that doesn't last longer than 30-40 minutes....

    So, it seems to prove the theory that lifting heavy weights increases the metabolism....

    Oh.... another thing, I've eaten pretty badly for the last 4-5 days - snacking on chips, chocolate, not wnough water - but I'm down 1.8 lbs since yesterday......!

    And I give all credit to CLX......!
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    day off from CHX but I've already walked the dog and did a 30 min Pilates routine--and I plan to do something cardio later today.

    I didn't eat last night--and I was hungry--but I still didn't!! Considering that I went to a party and ate things I wouldn't consider "good" (and did so in moderation) and then didn't use that as an excuse to binge---I consider that a total victory! I just have to remember, in the future, when I'm struggling, that I CAN resist.

    Have a good day!!
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    catniss: Glad you were able to use moderation at the party...something I've usually NOT been able to do! Great for you!!!!

    Hi everyone, anyone! I need suggestions for this upcoming weekend...It is panning out to be a disastrous calorie weekend.

    Would it be rude to take my own lunch to our dept luncheon on Friday? They are providing the food b/c it's our last meeting of this school year. I have no idea what they are planning on providing...usually it's been salads BUT they put the dressing on them before serving them...very bad!

    Then I'm going to a greek festival on Sat...suggestions on what to eat there...all their food seems to be high calories...

    Then I'm going to the "Taste of Ann Arbor" on Sunday...I don't think there's any hope there.

    Then I have a my son's grad dinner really late on Sunday night...I don't think I can't not eat while everyone else is eating...

    Then on Monday I am going to lunch w/co-workers to a place that's "fast food" Italian...


    Bev husband's suggestion...not to weigh in this next week and then see if everything balances out the following week :noway:
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Bev - oh, dear! You have a whole week that seems to revolve around food, but it doesn't really have to be that way, if you switch the focus to enjoying the people you are going to be with and the things you are going to see and do! Make those more interesting than the food!

    When you do eat, be mindful of portion sizes and even go a little smaller than what you think is a correct portion size, then you'll likely hit it just about right. There are plenty of visual guides to correct portion sizes online - I know for certain there is one on Prevention Magazine's web site. Even though I consider myself 'well versed' in portion size, I review these guides from time to time to re-enforce my perceptions of correct sizes - otherwise, I find that my size 'memory' is sometimes larger than it should be! With regard to department lunches - I always take my own anyway. At first, I just used the excuse that I 'forgot' it was being catered and wanted to eat my lunch anyway so it wouldn't go to waste and after a few times of my eating my own lunch, my co-workers just began accepting it.

    Good luck - you CAN DO IT!! Focus on the family, people and events and HAVE FUN!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hello, fellow CLXers!

    Bev, mmtiernan has great advice so I'll just ditto what she said. You'll be fine! :smile:

    Today was Burn Intervals and Ab Burner. That Burn Intervals is a killer! Lifting light weights at higher reps has me spent by the time we're done. And my AC isn't working so my house was REALLY hot (it was 96 here yesterday and will be again today) so the sweat was just bad.
  • catniss
    catniss Posts: 326 Member
    First of all, I don't think it would be rude at all to bring your own lunch--why would it offend anyone--it's being catered right? (other than it might make some people uncomfortable because they haven't yet developed the strength and determination that you are exhibiting--and also, like Chalene says--you'd be modeling a better way to eat and it might encourage other people to do the same). I go on Boy Scout trips and have learned to bring almost all of my own food. At first I got teased a lot "the girl scouts are over there" or "ewww, what's that junk?" or just gross noises--and that was from the adults!!!!!! Then, they just ignored it--like mmtiernan's experience. And lately, I've even had people--the kids as well as the adults ask me about why I eat the way I do. That's helped my son as well because he gets sick if he eats the junk they serve and he's now becoming more comfortable eating the food I bring as well (not to say that he doesn't run to breakfast to get bacon...or get other stuff he doesn't get at home)

    Next, I find it helpful to eat a healthy meal (or at least a snack) BEFORE going out to eat or to a party or a festival. That way, since I'm not really hungry, it's easier to resist or at least eat smaller portions. Another thing--when eating at restaurants, you can ask if they can box half of your meal as take-out BEFORE they bring it to the table or if they would be able/willing to make an entree size into an appetizer size. Also, drink lots and lots of water. It fills you up and also breaks up your time at the table in front of the food since you have to keep running to the bathroom :drinker:

    And then, the thing that is the very hardest for me to do--select the things I REALLY want--eat them slowly and REALLY enjoy them and then do my hardest to not let it derail me for the rest of the day. Like last night, I discovered that if I gave myself permission, ahead of time, to eat, then I didn't feel guilty and didn't feel the drive to "punish" myself by eating.

    Good luck, enjoy yourself, enjoy the experience, enjoy the company (another excellent suggestion).
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I think it's fine to bring your own lunch. More and more people do that now. We all have dietary restrictions/preferences.

    As for everything else, good luck. I always go with a plan. I usually don't end up following it because I have no will power, but even having a plan keeps me more on track than I would be otherwise.

    Today is rest day for me.

    Yesterday was Push Circuit 1 and Ab Burner.
  • LaCubana9
    LaCubana9 Posts: 112
    OMG! Week 3 of Burn, did the Burn Intervals & Ab Burner today AND ... I eeked out ALL 20 BURPIES!!!! This is HUGE for me! LOL The first week, I could only do 10 before my legs completely gave out & the second week, I gave 100% of my energy but had to skip out on 2 of them to get through it. I still felt like falling over after doing all 20 today, but I FINALLY DID IT! ::flexes::
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Well I'm starting a little later than everyone else, but I guess I'll just be a little behind. I'm starting Burn Circuit #1 Wednesday, June 1. I'm super excited, I attempted the program back in January but let school and sorority get in the way so now I'm going to make a very committed attempt while I don't have those same excuses to use during the summer... and the motivation of a skinny senior year and a boyfriend coming home from a study abroad internship in October and more importantly a more healthy life to keep me going!!!

    Hey, I am just starting today. My CLX just came in the mail....can't wait to get started. Our weights are similiar as well. You are a bit lighter though. I was 162.5 on Sat. Let's give it our all on Week 1! Raaarrrrrrrr! :bigsmile:
  • MissBev1
    MissBev1 Posts: 91
    Thanks for the food advice...I looked up what I could so I can have some hope of keeping calories under control!

    So...did push #2---OMG---that's all I can was so tough but I did it!:laugh: So I am stronger than I appear. I also did the HIIT 20 minutes from TF...:bigsmile: it's tough too...survived both and am VERY GLAD I did it!

    Keep pushing play everyone---it's SO WORTH IT!
