July 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    edited July 2015
    briebee7 wrote: »
    Aresende90 wrote: »
    Quick poll: have you ever run when you were upset? And did it make you run better or worse?

    I was upset yesterday, so instead of eating the pint of ice cream in the freezer I went for 5.5 mile run. . . I had a hard time breathing and my chest felt heavy for the first few miles..i kept having to stop to seriously catch my breath. It went away after a little while..anyone ever experience this? I thought my feelings would fuel my workout...not so much..:/

    For me it depends on the type of upset I am. I have found that if I am stressed or need to work through something in my head then running is a great outlet for me. In those cases it will fuel my running and I will come back refreshed and rejuvinated. However, sometimes when the "upset" is just too overwhelming I end up feeling like you did - that overly anxious, tight chest feeling. Either way I am always glad that I chose to run vs other less healthy outlets.
    @Aresende90 - ^^^ this is pretty much me too. Like @briebee7 if I am stressed (I am pretty much always stressed) or angry, running is my outlet and makes me feel better. Other things not so much. I don't find those other emotions fuel my run or take away from it, it is just that the running doesn't really help. Today was super stressful with work and issues with my daughter's house (lawsuit type issues) I really NEEDED to run but a) it is a taper/rest day and b) there was no time due to the work issues... I did get in my strength training and it helped some but it was not the same as run would have been.

    @briebee7 - welcome to the humidity I have been experiencing! This is not supposed to be in California!!
    @melaniefave41 - we are related - I am Smellysock Bouncyboobs!!
    @Elise4270 - Beautiful sunset!
    @5BeautifulDays - I don't eat before I run unless I get going too late and it never turns out well if I do eat first. I have protein powder in coffee (decaf) sometimes before I go to bed for muscle building, or with milk right right after I run, for recovery.

    No run for me today - taper/rest day.
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited July 2015
    7/1: 6.5 miles
    7/2: 6.5 miles with the Thursday running crew
    7/3: Rest
    7/4: 3.1 miles (New 5k PR of 23:42!)
    7/5: 12 miles
    7/6: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/7: 5 miles of easy "I'm drowning in humidity" pace
    7/8: 4 miles
    7/9: 5 miles -- quick, fun ones with the Thursday running group!
    7/10: Rest
    7/11: 3.1 miles
    7/12: 14.3 miles
    7/13: 4 miles easy recovery pace
    7/14: 5 miles
    7/15: 8 miles
    7/16: 6.3 miles
    7/17: Rest day/XT: 4 mile walk
    7/18: 4 miles
    7/19: 15 miles
    7/20: 4.2 miles (recovery style!)
    7/21: Rest/XT day (14 miles stationary bike)
    7/22: 9 miles -- Temps were 15 degrees cooler than my run on Monday, so this was just a fun, energetic midweek longish run!


  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    @JimCrackinDandy ha ha that Gollum post pretty much sums up my attitude to running! Why is it such a struggle to get out of the door sometimes?

    Ditched the gym last night as it was such a nice, sunny evening and did a lovely 10k in the park. I may actually be in danger of reaching my goal mileage this month :o

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for July
    7/1 REST DAY
    7/2 7.5 miles - 7.5
    7/3 REST DAY
    7/4 13.2 miles - 20.7
    7/5 REST DAY
    7/6 7.3 miles - 28
    7/7 7 miles - 35
    7/8 REST DAY
    7/9 5.25 miles - 40.25
    7/10 REST DAY
    7/11 13.4 miles - 53.65
    7/12 REST DAY
    7/13 8.1 miles - 61.75
    7/14 9 miles - 70.75
    7/15 3.6 miles - 74.35
    7/16 8 miles - 82.35
    7/17 REST DAY
    7/18 15 miles - 97.35
    7/19 REST DAY
    7/20 8 miles - 105.35
    7/21 9 miles - 114.35
    7/22 4 miles - 118.35


  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    @shanaber I always wanted a sister! Well, one that I like anyways!
  • melaniefave41
    melaniefave41 Posts: 222 Member
    @CrimsonWhite Those are fantastic paces, don't sell yourself short! With you 100% on running in cooler temps. I'm ready for autumn and some mid 40's mornings/evenings.

    @Elise4270 Such a beautiful picture, thanks for sharing!

    @5BeautifulDays It really depends on my run, mileage, time of day, etc... For early morning runs under six miles I won't bother with food before, just water. Longer than that and I will eat a handful of almonds or some yogurt. Of going later in the day, I always like to wait around to hours after my last meal before I run, this one learned from experience.... Lol. But that's what works for me. Depends on where I'm running at, too. I'll drink a cup of coffee before I hit the trails because the pace is slower, doesn't bother me, but if I'm just doing a quick in town run, then I wait until after.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member

    Does anyone run without eating beforehand? I normally have a scoop of protein powder in my coffee, but I'm running so early that I'm not sure I'll want anything.

    I eat beforehand on my Sunday long runs, which are usually 12-20 miles. I'll eat a piece of bread with peanut butter and drink a cup of coffee, then I'm out the door. The rest of the week, my runs are 4-10 miles and I go out without eating anything. I did 9 this morning without eating or drinking beforehand, and just took a 10 oz water bottle with me and that was it. It takes some getting used to, and my paces are always slower in the morning (especially when it's a pre-coffee run!), but it's good practice for races.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Rest day today - everyone should be forewarned and stay away from me. :frowning:

    @kristinegift great job on the bike yesterday. I have a nice "pleasure riding" bike but I let Skip's friend borrow it and the two of them managed to run into each other knocking my chain off and popping her tire. I can't for the life of me figure out how the chain got where it is or fix it. I'm going to have to take it somewhere. I can fix her tire, but her punishment is not having it fixed until I get mine fixed. Mean mommy!
    @5beautifuldays - I very seldom eat before I run. I usually run at 5:15am-ish so I just roll out of bed and go. I will sometimes eat crackers if I'm going to run at the Greenway because that run tends to be later like 7 or 8 am and I eat them on the driver over there (10 mins). The day of my HM I ate a 1/4 of a bagel I couldn't get anything else down. I usually eat breakfast about 60 - 90 mins after my weekday run and 30 mins on the weekend run cause that is time it takes me to cool down and get to Jack's for a egg biscuit :wink:
    @aresende90 - if I'm sad upset and run I will usually cry half of the run because it gives me time to think, with thinking comes crying and then I may need to stop because it's hard to cry, run and breathe at the same time. If I'm pissed off I usually just run harder and I'm okay with that.
    @419er it's funny how we think we have these really bad eating days, we log and we go, ah not so bad afterall
    @elise4270 - beautiful picture
    @crimsonwhite - great running time. You are truly selling yourself short in the speed department. Not everyone is going to run a 8 min mile, especially in a training run. Where is @sonicdeathmonkey80 when I need him to say how running flat out all the time isn't good for you.
    @melaniefave41 and @shanaber too funny on you finding out you are related and what a lovely last name ha ha!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    July 1 - rest
    July 2 - 3.75 run/walk combo
    July 3 - 5 miles
    July 4 - 5.76 miles
    July 5 - walked 5 miles in morning to scout out a place to do long run. Then walked another 6 all around the city.
    July 6 - rest
    July 7 - 8.6 - fun run to Roosevelt Island and then around the island. Weather is great for me!
    July 8 - 4.1 miles
    July 9 - 3.51 miles - last run with daughter until HM in October. :(
    July 10 - 5.2 miles in the hills of Virginia.
    July 11 - 3.5
    July 12 - 4.3 very slow miles
    July 13 - rest
    July 14 - 9.26 miles
    July 15- rest day - driving back to FL day.
    July 16 - strength training
    July 17 - 5.62 - back in the Florida heat! Wasn’t as bad as I imagined it would be.
    July 18 - 34 mile bike ride
    July 19 - 41 mile bike ride
    July 20 - 3.26 miles + cycling indoor (FTP)
    July 21 - strength training
    July 22 - 10.21 miles!!! New longest run! It was quite slow (11-12+ min miles) but I don’t care. I’m working on distance and speed will come later. I am obsessed with the Jelly Belly Sports Beans during the run! @elise4270 told me about them and now I love them! I am just having them on my long run days and on my biking days.


    @Aresende90 - I always run in the early morning. When school is in I leave around 4:30am, so I haven't had time to even get mad or upset! I'm too tired, lol. But I always feel better after a run no matter how good or bad the run was. And it seems like the rest of the day just goes better on run days.

    @419er - I don't believe my memory either sometimes. Frustrating!

    @5BeautifulDays - I tried having some milk or protein shake prior to running a few times because of what I read on here (after a long sleep and then running your body needs some food!) but it just doesn't go well. It makes me have to go to the bathroom after about 1 mile. For a few weeks I would run a mile circle, make a pit stop at home, then head out again. But I didn't want my body to get used to that routine, so I stopped it.

  • toriraeh
    toriraeh Posts: 105 Member
    Treadmill again today. This heat is killing me!

  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    7/1 - 1.75mi Today was going to be a rest day because my quads are tight and sore but I did it. It was slow and I went on a sandy path instead of pavement to see if it helped and I do feel a little better.
    7/3 - 3.1mi Did my usual hilly path thru the park. Waited until evening to go but it was nice. Completed the first of 2 virtual 5k's. Now I have the rest of the month to improve my time LOL.
    7/6. - 1.6mi Went for a birthday run with my son, which, While I love spending time with him I hate running with him because i am to much slower than him and he always wants to walk LOL.
    7/7. - 3.1 mi Got up at 4:30am to get a run in before work and make up for yesterday. Think I will skip yoga today, I am sure I will pay for it later this week.
    7/10 - 1.85mi Couldn't get my butt out of bed this morning and I paid for it. Very humid, slow run on a hilly trail. I knew I couldn't do the 3 miles I had planned so I worked on powering uphill and maintaining the faster pace after the downhills on the hilly trail I picked.
    7/15- 3 miles Started off badly by forgetting my watch and decided not to turn around and get it. Was also still stiff and sore for my fitness test on Monday. All the strength stuff was "to failure ". But I am glad I went, I saw a doe and fawn and another doe farther down the path. It started out cool and drizzly but stopped halfway thru and ended with nice temperature
    7/17 - 1.6mi Started off in the rain which was nice but after a half mile I started getting a headache which kept getting worse. I threw in a few walk breaks to see if it would help but gave up early. I will try again Sunday.
    7/19 - 3.0 mi Crazy hot and humid and it made my RAD act up worse then it has all summer. Could not get my lungs to clear out and of course forgot my inhaler because I have not needed it yet. So more walking then running but still I was moving.
    7/21 - 2.0 Late posting this, went for a run during lunch and used the dreadmill to see if it made a difference in how I felt when I ran and of course it was much better. No humidity and air conditioner apparently = happy lungs. Only had time for 2 miles because my new boss was on site and I didn't want to disappear for to long but felt like I could have gone 2 more which is a nice change instead of dying in the second mile and barely finishing the third LOL.

    21 done 9 to go

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7/1 - took the 0-fer today after taking my wife to the ER at midnight, I slept in :/
    7/2 - 5 miles on a perfect morning for a run in DSM...you all should be jealous!
    7/3 - 4 miles
    7/4 - 7 miles, visiting in-laws, partial "trail run" through road construction
    7/5 - rest day
    7/6 - 3.1 miles; planned for 5 but got completely washed out by huge rain
    7/7 - seem to have got a summer cold...slept in, no run
    7/8 - getting worse...ugh! May be a sinus infection. Nothing worse than being sick in the summer!
    7/9 - still sick...blah.
    7/10 - heading out of town for a baseball tournament...still have a cold.
    7/11 - FINALLY! 3.5 miles on hotel treadmill (22.6 for month)
    7/12 - more baseball...son's team won 9 year-old state championship! Woo hoo!
    7/13 - 4 miles at 5:00 a.m., 81° and humid...air you can wear (26.6 for the month so far). Will catch up with everyone's weekend later today.
    7/14 - 5 miles, still pretty hot, but not as humid as yesterday. Because of all the missed days from illness, adjusting my goal down to 100.
    7/15 - 4.1 miles
    7/16 - rest day; had to take oldest son in for his well child check.
    7/17 - 4.1 miles. STICKY! How can it be 81° at 5:30 a.m.?
    7/18 - 6.2 miles
    7/19 - rest day (plus A LOT of yard work)
    7/20 - 4.2 miles
    7/21 - 4.0 miles - may not hit revised goal of 100
    7/22 - 4.0 miles - beautiful morning!

    @5BeautifulDays - I always run on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Sometimes I have a little water or a cup of coffee. Even up to HM distance. If I run later in the day, it needs to be 2-3 hours after I last ate, otherwise I feel nauseous.

    @ddmom0811 - Congrats on the distance PR!!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    edited July 2015
    I did my "long" run this morning--7.2 miles--although as I look at a lot of your distances I realize that I am just a bitty baby in "long distance running!" :)

    Things I learned: A) Running on a fasting tummy was fine, but I felt like my first two miles were like molasses. Which was probably because B) running a long way (for me) on the day after "leg day" at the gym is probably not the best idea. My hip flexor/IT band (I'm not sure which it is--the really tough band of whatever that goes from groin to inner thigh) started to ache around mile 6 and I had to walk a good chunk of the last mile.

    Thanks for all the comments on eating/not eating before a run. I think I like the way I fee *with* my protein coffee better, but it was nice to know I could do it without.

    7/2 4.5 @ 12:42
    7/3 4.5 @ 13:58
    7/4 5 @ 11:54

    7/6 4 @ 12:00
    7/8 5.5 @ 11:42
    7/9 6.5 @ 11:41
    7/10 3 @ 10:47
    7/11 2.5 @ 12:54

    7/13 3.5 @ 11:55/15 splits (half was walking with friends)
    7/14 3.75 @ 12:40
    7/15 6.25 @ 13:40
    7/16 2 @ 15:00 (walking with friends)
    7/17 4.25 @ 13:41
    7/18 4.75 @ 13:24

    7/20 5.25 @ 11:57
    7/21 3.5 @ 12:12
    7/22 7.25 @ 13:54 (my fastest mile was 12:51--on a blacktop path. The gravel felt especially loose today, otherwise...or maybe it was just me, lol.)

    76/100 for the month
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @5BeautifulDays - Ha! I learned not to do my long run the day after leg day that way as well. That's your hip flexor. IT band is on the outside from hip to knee. Fantastic run!!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 I'm glad you like the beans! I have some with caffeine for morning runs, so I can skip the coffee :wink:

    What kind of temps are you running your long runs? I am set on getting disciplined for some early morning runs, catch the temps in the upper 70's. My longest run was just under 9, but it was 62° when I set out for it.
  • truelight_photo_craig
    truelight_photo_craig Posts: 347 Member
    4 miles today...

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    @7lenny7 @mwyvr I have a hard time finding that any formula for a target heart rate will work for me. Am I that out of shape? Or am I an exception? My resting heart rate is 50. Today just walking on flat ground was 150, 160 uphill. Running its not uncommon to see 186+. When the temps are cooler I can run at about 160-175. I'm 45. There's no way I'd be able to run and keep my HR at 130.

    @Elise4270 You may be one of the exceptions or may be in exceptional shape (I'd go with that explanation if it were me, lol). Perhaps there is something about your physiology behind this.

    All of the various formulas presume (based on observation of many athletes over the years) that our max heart rate decreases as we age. You may be an exception.

    Regardless of heart rate, are you able to run your slower pace training runs at a pace that allows to hold something of a conversation (without gasping for air) with yourself or others? If so, that's a decent indicator that you are well within your aerobic zone.

    @7lenny7 since you are a data geek (guilty!) you can evaluate your running over time by finding a good repeatable course, perhaps not overly hilly, where you can run your MAF rate reliably and repeatedly. 5 miles is a good distance, if that works for you. Warm up first, bringing your heart rate to close to MAF and then do your run. Keep track of timing for each 1 mile split. You'll probably find over a period of several weeks / a couple months running at MAF rate (for the bulk of your training; you can still inject some hills and speedwork into your schedule) that your pace at that MAF HR rate will pick up, even if you find you have to slow down initially to hit your MAF HR target.