Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - GRYFFINDOR



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    142.0 Pretty sure that's a loss.
  • blondie2285
    blondie2285 Posts: 40
    Week 1 -145.7
    Week 2 - 144.2
    Week 3- 143.1
    Week 4 - 142.0 (1.1 pounds down!!)
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    check in for gryffindor: 188.4
    loss of .6 pounds

    i will take it!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I'm at 189 this morning. That's a 2.5 pound loss for the week. I'm ecstatic because I met my goal of getting out of the 190's! Yay!
    Well done on getting out of the 190s, you won't ever see them again!

    So many people have managed to lose this week, you all rock!
    To those who haven't, tomorrow is the start of a new week, who knows we can achieve together? :smile:

    GO GRYFFINDOR! :bigsmile:
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    Hello, just checking in. This morning I was 162.4, last week I was 164.6. I've lost a total of 2.2 pounds.
  • deepakris
    deepakris Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh-in, I went camping this weekend, so I could only weight myself just now. I'm 132.8 this week. C: Also, great job on everyone's progress!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Yesterday I had lost nothing, and it was frustrating to say the least. However, I KNEW I did better than that this week so I wanted to see if it was water weight. Happily, it was! I'm now 259.8, and I've finally gotten into the 250's!

    Great work everyone! I know (from experience now) that it's tougher than it looks sometimes, but if you keep pushing it will come. And those of you with losses, YOU ROCK! Great week, Gryffindors! Let's keep 'em coming!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    awesome work this week everyone!!!! No loss for me this week..getting a little frustrated but I just need to step up my game..arg. Still need weights from:


    C'mon guys!!!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    awesome work this week everyone!!!! No loss for me this week..getting a little frustrated but I just need to step up my game..arg.

    i know how you feel :( i also know you can do it! :)
  • motherinme
    motherinme Posts: 38 Member
    I don't know if the scale I was using is totally off but I started using my Wii, which I haven't touched in 1 1/2 years. It told me I was 206.2lbs...That's 6 lbs more than what the gym scale said and I was following calories for a month...there is NO WAY I gained over 6 lbs. So frustrating. But, I'm starting again and going by the Wii and what it says I weigh. Sorry Gryffindor :(
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    sorry that this is very late please dont kick me out. had a very busy last few days with no time to get on here. i didnt lose anything this week. i am going to step it up this week friday is my sons class night and next saturday is graduation, have to look good in that dress i bought.
  • murelzgirl
    murelzgirl Posts: 112 Member
    I'm so sorry I'm late posting my weight this week. We had company all weekend and it was my daughter's birthday. Little sleep, and a lot of running around. I'm still at 176.
  • oici812
    oici812 Posts: 23 Member
    hi all.
    I am very sad that not only I showed a horrible gain, 159.2, but I also was at my husband cabin that absolutly no internet....heck we did not even have water...ha ha...I do understand if I got booted off, please let me know if I did.
    Thank you

    so sorry again....
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    hi all.
    I am very sad that not only I showed a horrible gain, 159.2, but I also was at my husband cabin that absolutly no internet....heck we did not even have water...ha ha...I do understand if I got booted off, please let me know if I did.
    Thank you

    so sorry again....

    Dont worry! you only get booted off if you dont weigh in for 2 weeks in a row. :)
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    Ok Gryffindors, we did a little better than last week but still not near what I KNOW we are capable of! This week we lost .29% with 10 people (not counting the ones already kicked out) not weighing in.

    Ok Gryffindors, this WILL be our week! Lets all make really healthy choices this week! Make sure you think about what you are eating as fuel for your body, do you want to fuel your body with healthy choices like yummy fruits and veggies, lean protein and complex carbs? Or do you want to fuel your body with crap that will make you feel worse later because it cant sustain your energy?

    Try getting outside more...getting out in nature really helps you feel in tune with your body....try to allow yourself one meal per week to eat anything you want and be good the rest of the time..Eating healthy can be delicious!! Baked chicken with garlic, and either rosemary or hot red pepper flakes is sooo yummy!! and veggies all have a distinct flavor that once you are used to eating it without tons of sauce, are really enjoyable! (this may be next weeks challenge but we can start it early :wink: ) Try using different herbs, vinegar, citrus juices etc. as your spices instead of soy sauce and other sauces. A salad with either balsamic vinegar or one tbsp olive oil and one tbsp lemon juice is delicious! Add 1/4 cup parmasean cheese and some whole grain crackers as crutons and you have a very healthy and delicious cesar salad! Experiment a little! :)

    Good luck everyone!! Lets show them what we are capable of!!! :)
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Can I have the numbers again, Uno? Thanks :)

    I know we can pump it up, Gryffindors! Woo!
  • oici812
    oici812 Posts: 23 Member
    oh good, Im not a slacker, so I guess its "on like donkey kong" time to get things going:bigsmile:
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Food Challenge:
    Try to get in 5 servings of Fruits and Veggies per day (if that is hard for you, try to add at least 1 of each more than what you normally have).

    Exercise Challenge:
    In addition to your usual workout routine, try to walk for at least 15 more minutes at least 5 days this week!

    Great challenges!

    I try to have mostly raw veggies with some hummus and a protein (like a hard boiled egg, some string cheese or some almonds) for my morning and afternoon snacks, plus at least half my plate of veggies at dinner, whatever I may be having.

    I find if I have a variety of veggies together, it makes it seem less boring to be eating raw veggies because you get different textures and flavors all at once. I have AT LEAST 2 kinds, but usually 3 kinds at each snack (broccoli, snap peas, bell peppers, carrots, cucumbers, etc).

    I always have frozen veggies in my freezer for dinners and such, too. Frozen broccoli, green beans and peas, and steam packs of asparagus that I also freeze from kroger are relatively cheap and taste WAY better than canned. I get no salt added versions of canned veggies as back ups when I can, too, tho.

    I think experimenting with dips and sauces is good, too. Hummus and Greek Yogurt with dip mix powder added are yummy and healthy. I found a Tzaziki dip by the hummus this weekend that tasted so rich, but was just as good in the nutrition as hummus!

    I only use soy sauce for a very few things, but apple cider vinegar is very good if you want to add a tangy flavor to things, as well as lemon or lime juice.

    I'm looking forward to experimenting more with sauces to help me keep my sodium down, too!
    I hope this helps some of you who may have trouble getting your veggies in :)

    Also, I think I'm going to have to bump up my workouts soon to get the same results I have been, adding walks could be a great way to start!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    A salad with either balsamic vinegar or one tbsp olive oil and one tbsp lemon juice is delicious! Add 1/4 cup parmasean cheese and some whole grain crackers as crutons and you have a very healthy and delicious cesar salad!
    Sounds delicious, I hadn't thought of adding crackers as croutons, I stopped buying them because they were too calorie laden, but just a couple in a salad's a great idea.

    Hmm.. Wonder what crumbled Scottish oatcakes would be like in a salad? Maybe the lack of crunch would be a problem.
    I try to have mostly raw veggies with some hummus and a protein (like a hard boiled egg, some string cheese or some almonds) for my morning and afternoon snacks, plus at least half my plate of veggies at dinner, whatever I may be having.
    Great sounding challenges, and that's a great idea!

    I do try and eat a lot of veg, but yes it would be far easier if I could have more snacks; 1200 calories doesn't allow for much snacking, but on more crisp raw veggies with hummus sounds lovely - maybe when I'm down to my initial target "healthy" weight, and losing far more slowly, I can incorporate snacks like that. Meanwhile I'm very lucky that I love things like cucumber plain. I'll try and do more this week.

    GO GRYFFINDOR! :smile:
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Sorry it's so late, I'm having a hard time getting to the forums recently!
    My weight is 166 this week, total loss this week of 3.4lbs! :)
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