I gain weight so easily! He,p! I don't get it!



  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Fulcherj1 wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    robper13 wrote: »
    If you eat too many calories, you'll gain weight. If you eat too few calories, you can also gain weight. Are you drinking enough water? About a gallon a day is good for most people trying to lose weight.

    Whaaaaaat? You can gain weight eating too few kcal? What magic is this?!?

    Not sure if you can gain weight, but you won't lose any weight if you don't eat as much calories as you burn throughout the day. Your body will go into fat storing mode. I didn't know about resting calorie burn until about two months ago. I didn't realize how much calories i burned just while sleeping, etc. figure out your BMR, then determine your activity level and how much your active burn calories are. Total those up and then subtract 500 calories for 1 pound weight loss or 1000 calories for 2 pound weight less. Whatever is left is what you eat per day to lose weight. Has worked for me the last month i started tracking through MFP. I weighed 210 when i started 5 weeks ago, as of Monday i weighed 199.2. I put my goal in MFP to lose 1.5 to 2pounds per week. It gives me my daily calorie intake to lose that weight. Ive done it and it has worked. Whatever calories i burn through exercise, i can just add to my daily calorie amount. Check it out. Here is a link to the resting calorie burn (BMR) calculator. My UP band also shows me my BMR, which is very close to what the calculator shows for my ht/wt/age. http://www.quitehealthy.com/bmr-calorie-calculator/index.php#results

    so much wrong with the bolded...seriously dude...

    RMR+regular activity+exercise = TDEE

    Can someone let me know what RMR stands for? That's one I don't think I've seen. Is it the same as bmr?

    Resting metabolic rate. They're fairly similar but RMR is tested under less restrictive conditions.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For what it's worth, when I was heavier (180 heaviest) I would hike a 1000ft elevation gain, 3.5 miles in 75-90 minutes, and I burned 900-1050 calories consistently on this hike, wearing a HRM. Granted it was uphill.

    As I lost weight, being between 135-145lbs that number is more like 750-850 for the exact same hike in say 10 fewer minutes. So not sure how intense her hike was by comparison, but it's not totally unrealistic for her at 225lbs to burn 750 calories in an hour.
    It's not impossible, but it's more likely an overestimation than not. I'm about that weight, with more muscle than she has, and I don't burn 750 calories doing an hour of walking 13 minute miles.

    How steep are we talking though? I'm 5'5" and 133 pounds and I burn 450 calories *maybe* if I walk 3.5 miles in an hour with a 9% incline. I've done hiking but I really doubt it burns that much, as typically it's not consistently that steep, well, at least where I've been.

    Anyway, I'm sure OP has lost most of the water weight by now.
  • francescabeaverhousen
    francescabeaverhousen Posts: 17 Member
    Update: I lost the water weight and then 2 more pounds within 4 days of being back and to my regular habits! :) the flying combined with the extra sodium I believe was what caused the gain. Thanks for the insight everyone!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Update: I lost the water weight and then 2 more pounds within 4 days of being back and to my regular habits! :) the flying combined with the extra sodium I believe was what caused the gain. Thanks for the insight everyone!

    Good news! Keep up the good work!

  • Janice4945
    Janice4945 Posts: 39 Member
    Give her a break! She was asking for help and encouragement not nit picking away at her. I am sure most of it was water weight from extra sodium and flying. It will come off. Try not to beat yourself up and just get back at it. Good luck!