Pin-up Girls! - WEEK 2



  • MartiJJohnston
    Well... I didn't lose any weight this week. TOM is here and I swear I'm the most bloated I've ever been. YUCK! Plus I was out of town all weekend at friends', and they barely have cell service. I know I drank entirely too much (which contributed to the bloating I'm sure!!)

    GREAT JOB GIRLS!!! Next week I'm sure I'll get a pat on the back, too!!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hey Rachel,

    I was away for the weekend and didn't get to post my weight yesterday. I weighed in this morning at 133.6 - thanks!!!
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Unfortunately my 0 gain/loss that was put there until I could weigh in is correct. I guess I should just be happy it wasn't a gain. With the 3 day weekend and my 3 year anniversary w/my boyfriend and us going on vacation meaning eating out pretty much every meal I'd say that's pretty good.

    Goals this week:
    Go to the gym at least 3 times
    Stay under calories at least 5 days
    Stay under sodium at least 5 days.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    Great job, Pin-ups!!!! Off to a great start!!

    Goals for this week:

    1. Get to the gym Thurs, Fri and Saturday (tonight and Wednesday are already booked)
    2. Water, Water, Water
    3. Cut WAY down on the sweets (should be easy since the BF and I have declared June "No Ice Cream Month")
    4. Cook, Cook, Cook!!!!! (Why do I keep setting and then ignoring this one?!)

    Hope you all have a great week!!!!!
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Great job everyone! Hopefully I can get back on the exercise wagon!!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I updated the chart again. The most recent one will show a group loss of -149.1.
  • valeriedent2
    valeriedent2 Posts: 154
    Hey Ladies!! Great job last week!!

    I was at my parents all weekend, so didn't weigh-in yesterday. I'm very sorry to announce a gain. I'm up to 203.5. Oy!! I hate to have to even put it in print!!! :sad: So, I'm rededicating immediately!! Back on to my plan that's been working for me officially this AM - more protein, lots of fiber, lots of water, watch the sodium.

    My goals for this week:

    1. Water, water, water!!! And more water!!!
    2. Exercise. Period. As much as I can.
    3. Food. If I bite it, write it!!! Log it ALL!! And eat out less.
    4. Cut back my coffee intake.

    I'm done with TOM, so hopefully the chocolate cravings will go away now. I need to mix up my workouts a little, so I'm going to do a combo of Zumba, TurboJam, TurboFire and Power 90. Between the 4 of those there's enough variety - cardio, strength and stretching, and instructors - that I shouldn't get bored and I should see results within few weeks. I'm taking measurements and photos tomorrow morning and will update in 30 days!! Wish me luck!!!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    Sorry I was late.. I flew from Phoenix to home.. but I got delayed in Chicago and it ended up being a disaster. I am at my parent's house..

    If you still want it, my weigh in this week is 165.0lbs. A loss of 2lbs!! Wohoo. Plus I ran a 5k yesterday in 40:20... first one ever.
  • pinup_mama
    pinup_mama Posts: 33 Member
    First of all: Thanks, Rach, for putting this all together and congrats on making it into the 160's!!

    Secondly, congrats to all the fabulous pin-ups for the great work last week! Let's make next week even better!

    My goals for this week are to workout at least 4 times, drink more water, and find a way to get more calcium into my diet.

    My goal for the end of our 10 week challenge is to get down to my goal weight!! :drinker:
  • TanyaLee122175
    TanyaLee122175 Posts: 67 Member
    Awesome start Ladies. We can keep momentum up. :happy:
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    Should we email you our weight on a certain day? I missed that!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Should we email you our weight on a certain day? I missed that!

    Yes, Mondays. Before 7pm-ish (central time) to be sure you get on the chart.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks Rach this is awesome!

    Goals this week
    2) Burn at least 1000 calories per day for 6 days (keeping up with my challenges)
    3) Reduce sodium intake!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    Oh, GOALS! I forgot about those...

    For this week, my goals are:

    Eat at effing HOME (I buy all the groceries, then decide I don't want to use them? What the heck?!?)
    Keep up with the 30DS!
    Drink LOTS of water
    Keep sodium intake under control
    Battle AF to make healthy choices

    In the end... I want to lose. And I want to lose a lot. Will it happen? Who knows, but I'm going to give it everything I've got and hope for the best! ^_^
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    lhurtubise - I love your avatar! DH is a teacher and the state of Massachusetts has the most screwed up laws about teaching. They make it way too difficult for good people to become/stay/advance as teachers. And then they cut the budget. Ah, love Taxachusetts.
  • TiffanyDawn79
    TiffanyDawn79 Posts: 201 Member
    I stayed the same this week and I guess thats pretty good with the 3 day weekend and only hitting the gym 3xs last week. Ready to get going again!

    Goal this week is to drink a ton of water and cut back on carbs and salt intake! Have a wedding in 4 days! eek!
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    GO us! I am ready to jump into this week.
  • Arielnesika
    Arielnesika Posts: 87 Member
    Can I jump in on this challenge again? CW 155.7
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    If I don't get your weigh-in before I put the chart up, usually 7pm-ish (central time), then you won't see yourself on the chart unless I reupload the images.

    I have 78 girls who 'joined' and didn't weigh in today. If I leave the girls that don't weigh-in on the chart week to week, it ends up throwing off the group numbers. So as long as you get your weight to me before Monday evening each week, you'll definitely be on the chart. :flowerforyou:

    I didn't realize there was a time to submit by on Mondays... good to know. I promise to submit on time next week and apologize for making extra work for you. :embarassed: Thank you for re-uploading the chart to include me - that's awesome! I'm officially a PIN-UP GIRL.!!! :tongue:

    My goals this week are to drink more water, watch my sugar intake and exercise, at least, 5 of the 7 days.
    Good luck with your goals ladies... we can do this!!
  • petitedemoiselle
    petitedemoiselle Posts: 69 Member
    Forgot my goals too. :flowerforyou:

    1. Workout six days this week and continue Turbo Fire.
    2. Cut my diet soda intake in half.
    3. Find the time for one extra non-TF kickboxing workout.