

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I've had a successful week with eating well and exercising, but my food scale has disappeared.

    ETA: Found it. Crisis averted.

    I think my mom chooses not to lose weight so that she has something to complain about. Personally, I would like her to not have a stroke or heart attack (she's a smoker) and die, but whatever.

    @Lefty1290 welcome back! You've been gone a while (and if you have been back the last 2 days, I have been gone so, this is new to me! Glad to have you back).

    Thanks. I took a break from MFP after vacation and decided I was ready to get back on the horse. Ready to get these last few pounds off, it'll be a year in September since I started.

    Well welcome back and I started in Oct so we are close to time spent. :) We missed you.

    Welcome back!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!

    I did go and buy new shoes and I am going to try the water bottle tonight . Freezing it as we speak. I don't mean to be whiney but it's just about bringing me to tears tonight.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I am starting on page 1299. I might not get far tonight.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    This isn't a confession, just a sharing of sorts.

    I had the BEST weekend.

    We did in fact get the house clean Saturday (minus our bedroom and bathroom) and I feel so much less stressed now. The food was incredible and I even got to spend some much needed time with my best friend. I got to experience grilled pineapple for the first time and it is heavenly. I would highly recommend it if you haven't tried it. I would suggest coating it in cinnamon and brown sugar. Seriously...HEAVENLY.

    Yesterday, we overslept so didn't make it to church, but it was nice to sleep in. We lied in bed almost all day watching Netflix and cuddling. o:) Around 5 or so, we got up and got dressed and went to Mooyah's for dinner because I had some gift cards to use. It was incredibly yummy. Mr. Mo had the turkey burger (which I tried and it was delicious. I will be getting that next time) and I had the bacon cheeseburger. I look forward to going again.

    Afterwards, we went to the store to pick up a few things and then headed back home. I changed back into my jammies and Mr. Mo made a pound cake since we had strawberries and pineapple left over but only 1 piece of cake left from the night before. After the cake went into the over, he made us a bowl of strawberries, and pineapple pound cake with vanilla bean ice cream to share. I did not log it. Oops.

    We finished OITNB (Boo, Piper) and started watching Breaking Bad. We are on season 2 episode 3 already and just started watching yesterday afternoon. What an incredibly well done show!

    It was an incredible weekend that was not only fun, but very productive. I am looking forward to spending the week with my honey since Rachael is in Alabama with my mom and stepdad.

    Sorry so long, but I just had to share!
    That sounds lovely!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Waving at @nonoelmo. Welcome back!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!

    I did go and buy new shoes and I am going to try the water bottle tonight . Freezing it as we speak. I don't mean to be whiney but it's just about bringing me to tears tonight.

    I understand! I suffered for years with it. It does not both me much anymore as long as I wear supportive shoes all the time. Sadly no sandels for me but worth it. It will get better if you treat it. Advil, stretching, frozen water bottle and good shoes!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: I have not been pushing myself as much as I feel I should with the exercise because, I feel I am scared to see the results. If that makes any sense?? I have lived in this fat suit for so long now, it's like my personal protective gear. I want to lose this weight, but I think I am a bit scared to see the actual results.

    To be honest, I have heard this is not an unusual reaction. Because... and please don't take this the wrong way... weight is armor. You can hide behind it. I can't remember who early on said that when they were heavy the were not noticed, and when they lost weight, people smiled at them, opened doors for them, etc.

    Its a cover. You can hide behind it. Be invisible. But you know what? WHY do you want to be invisible. Accept people suck. You don't. So look in the mirror. Be proud of what you have accomplished. And just plain of who you are. Whether you ever lose the weight or not... you have to be happy with yourself. I would guess if you are afraid of losing the weight...because you are afraid of who you will be when you lose the weight...because you are afraid of being noticed... you need to realize weight is window dressing. We all think you are terrific. I think you are married... I imagine he thinks you are terrific. Your dogs (if you have them) probably think you are terrific. I know my cats and horses think I am terrific. Just find yourself (at whatever weight) and realize you are a super great person. It took me 47 years to realize that. And I am sad it did. But I did. And you can too. And if being 125 makes you happy or 225 makes you happy (and healthy... please be healthy) then that is where you need to be.

    Thank you Patricia, I appreciate the words of support and kindness. I have dealt with weight most of my life, but have been at a normal weight more than half my life. As we are fond of saying, I wish I weighed what I did when I thought I was fat before. (That was a healthy 135, then). I am still making my way through this process and realizing that I am doing this for me and no one else. My feelings about what I am doing and how I need to go about treating myself to get there are the only ones that matter. We are pretty close in age, so I can understand how you feel about it taking so long to realize what you needed to do. Baby steps, just keep on taking them.

    Yep, and I have been overweight most of my life. My 'thin' periods I can count on one hand. Seriously. I have been active most of my adult life, but 'thin' hardly ever and mostly because of an unsustainable diet. I have never been "super" heavy, but have had a lot of weight on my body. Because I hated myself. I was an unattractive, awkward, unhappy kid who was surrounded by gorgeous OR genius OR successful OR both people. Being generally good at a lot of things, but not great (or super smart) at anything, plus being a middle child in a familly of 5, was really hard. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy (seriously crazy) but talking to all of you finally made me realize I am ok. Not for any reason except none of you have a SINGLE expectation of me. And frankly, until today's picture, had never seen me (except in the batcave). So there was no preconceived notions. Or expectations. And learning about why people hate people who are always late (I try not to be now), why people binge eat, struggles with family, sisters, parents, ,etc. have finally made me realize...I am not a freak. And to have a better understanding of people in general. So yes, I am a work in progress, but I am finally starting to figure out I like who I am .... whatever I look like (facially or weigh wise). Plus.. I have killer taste in shoes. That counts for something. :)

    +1 Agreed!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited July 2015
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Confession: I have not been pushing myself as much as I feel I should with the exercise because, I feel I am scared to see the results. If that makes any sense?? I have lived in this fat suit for so long now, it's like my personal protective gear. I want to lose this weight, but I think I am a bit scared to see the actual results.

    To be honest, I have heard this is not an unusual reaction. Because... and please don't take this the wrong way... weight is armor. You can hide behind it. I can't remember who early on said that when they were heavy the were not noticed, and when they lost weight, people smiled at them, opened doors for them, etc.

    Its a cover. You can hide behind it. Be invisible. But you know what? WHY do you want to be invisible. Accept people suck. You don't. So look in the mirror. Be proud of what you have accomplished. And just plain of who you are. Whether you ever lose the weight or not... you have to be happy with yourself. I would guess if you are afraid of losing the weight...because you are afraid of who you will be when you lose the weight...because you are afraid of being noticed... you need to realize weight is window dressing. We all think you are terrific. I think you are married... I imagine he thinks you are terrific. Your dogs (if you have them) probably think you are terrific. I know my cats and horses think I am terrific. Just find yourself (at whatever weight) and realize you are a super great person. It took me 47 years to realize that. And I am sad it did. But I did. And you can too. And if being 125 makes you happy or 225 makes you happy (and healthy... please be healthy) then that is where you need to be.

    Thank you Patricia, I appreciate the words of support and kindness. I have dealt with weight most of my life, but have been at a normal weight more than half my life. As we are fond of saying, I wish I weighed what I did when I thought I was fat before. (That was a healthy 135, then). I am still making my way through this process and realizing that I am doing this for me and no one else. My feelings about what I am doing and how I need to go about treating myself to get there are the only ones that matter. We are pretty close in age, so I can understand how you feel about it taking so long to realize what you needed to do. Baby steps, just keep on taking them.

    Yep, and I have been overweight most of my life. My 'thin' periods I can count on one hand. Seriously. I have been active most of my adult life, but 'thin' hardly ever and mostly because of an unsustainable diet. I have never been "super" heavy, but have had a lot of weight on my body. Because I hated myself. I was an unattractive, awkward, unhappy kid who was surrounded by gorgeous OR genius OR successful OR both people. Being generally good at a lot of things, but not great (or super smart) at anything, plus being a middle child in a familly of 5, was really hard. Seriously. I know it sounds crazy (seriously crazy) but talking to all of you finally made me realize I am ok. Not for any reason except none of you have a SINGLE expectation of me. And frankly, until today's picture, had never seen me (except in the batcave). So there was no preconceived notions. Or expectations. And learning about why people hate people who are always late (I try not to be now), why people binge eat, struggles with family, sisters, parents, ,etc. have finally made me realize...I am not a freak. And to have a better understanding of people in general. So yes, I am a work in progress, but I am finally starting to figure out I like who I am .... whatever I look like (facially or weigh wise). Plus.. I have killer taste in shoes. That counts for something. :)

    Honestly? And not in a "this is the Confessions Thread Club so I'm being kind/supportive" way... I'm completely bewildered as to why you would ever have thought yourself unattractive.

    You're VERY pretty... nice, even features... I'll assume you weren't all dolled up for the race so that pic is au naturel... it may be a cliche, but you have a Girl Next Door prettiness and -- even better -- you have the kind of looks that will age really well.

    All of which counts for more than killer taste in shoes. ;)

    + a BILLION

    BUT it also helps that she really does have AH-MAZING taste in shoes...
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!

    I did go and buy new shoes and I am going to try the water bottle tonight . Freezing it as we speak. I don't mean to be whiney but it's just about bringing me to tears tonight.

    I understand! I suffered for years with it. It does not both me much anymore as long as I wear supportive shoes all the time. Sadly no sandels for me but worth it. It will get better if you treat it. Advil, stretching, frozen water bottle and good shoes!

    Thanks @Italian_Buju . Going to do all of the above tonight
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I've had a successful week with eating well and exercising, but my food scale has disappeared.

    ETA: Found it. Crisis averted.

    I think my mom chooses not to lose weight so that she has something to complain about. Personally, I would like her to not have a stroke or heart attack (she's a smoker) and die, but whatever.

    @Lefty1290 welcome back! You've been gone a while (and if you have been back the last 2 days, I have been gone so, this is new to me! Glad to have you back).

    Thanks. I took a break from MFP after vacation and decided I was ready to get back on the horse. Ready to get these last few pounds off, it'll be a year in September since I started.

    Well welcome back and I started in Oct so we are close to time spent. :) We missed you.

    Welcome back!

    Thanks! :)
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    Not that I know.
    The best thing is a frozen water bottle rolled under for a while in the evening and really good shoes!

    I did go and buy new shoes and I am going to try the water bottle tonight . Freezing it as we speak. I don't mean to be whiney but it's just about bringing me to tears tonight.

    I understand! I suffered for years with it. It does not both me much anymore as long as I wear supportive shoes all the time. Sadly no sandels for me but worth it. It will get better if you treat it. Advil, stretching, frozen water bottle and good shoes!

    I am annoyed that my tablet changes words on me......that was 'bother' not both lol.
    Sandals also.
    I hate typing on this stupid thing, but it's so easy for reading and then I see something I want to reply to!!
    Good luck @riderfangal I hope it feels better soon, keep us posted!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    There are exercises you can do (google it) plus a thing you can use at night to keep your foot from flopping down when you sleep, which further tightens the foot muscles when you try and walk on them in the AM. And I understand the ice and rolling that @Italian_Buju recommended also helps. I have never had it but I know people who have and its painful!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    @pofoster21, good job with your race. Congrats on placing and being called petite! :) I also want to say I love how you responded to Crosby's post! And also, how much you've "learned" from this thread. Although it took you 47 years to realize you are super great, at least now you know it! And I think that's awesome!
    @raelynnsmama52512, good luck going forward with the house!
    @Lefty1290, welcome back!
    @Italian_Buju, I think it's great that you stand up for what you believe in.
    @riderfangal, hope your foot feels better soon!

    As for me...I'm taking a real rest day today! No running or treadmill...for the first time in well over a month (not quite sure exactly how long). I will walk outside if the rain holds off and I might do my short circuit training video. My step count will be waaay down today... I know I've said it so many times, I know rest days are's just so hard for me!
    Also, I slept almost a full 8.5 hours...that's 3+ hours more than a normal night for me!! Wowza!
    Happy Sunday to everyone!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited July 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I remember a while back you guys were talking about plantar something or other where your feet hurt like a buggar. Well I went to the dr the other day because my one foot hurts like crazy all the time. I just thought it was because I was walking so much more than I had done previously. Nope apparently I have this in my left foot.

    Does using a tensor bandage help any cause it is really painful?

    There are exercises you can do (google it) plus a thing you can use at night to keep your foot from flopping down when you sleep, which further tightens the foot muscles when you try and walk on them in the AM. And I understand the ice and rolling that @Italian_Buju recommended also helps. I have never had it but I know people who have and its painful!

    Everyone has been so helpful about this!
    So, anyone have any good non-prescription remedies for Tinea Versicolor?

    I currently use Selsun Blue shampoo as a body wash in the shower, leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse. I've taken a single 400 mg Fluconazole dosage for it on Thursday morning and was told to exercise into a vigorous sweat and not shower for at least 8 hours after(gross). I also have a prescription 2% Ketoconazole cream that I was told to use twice a day.
    This seems to be working for the most part and skin coloration should return to normal in a couple months. :smiley:

    BUT for the time being I cannot use any lotions and I smell (as Sgt. Sexy Pants put it) "vaguely reminiscent of a rotting mushroom." :bawling:

    I will continue to use the cream for 4 weeks as my doctor prescribed but there has GOT to be something out there besides using Selsun Blue as a body wash every day to prevent a recurrence...hopefully something that smells better? :persevere:

    The fungal rash is quite extensive all across my back, stomach, chest, and had even made it to my shoulders and arms!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Gosh that is embarrassing to put on the internet..... :neutral:
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    So, about the house situation, hubby seems to have changed his mind. He really wants this house, and to be honest so do I, so we are going to get the down payment and deposit figured out so we can get the house. There's a lot of ways to try to get those up, so now it's just figuring out the best way to go about it. :smiley:

    So exciting @raelynnsmama52512, keep us updated.

    @Glinda1971 that Beatles puzzle looks so cool. Are you going to the other yard sale tomorrow?

    Yes I am. My sister and I are going together. She is hoping for shoes.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @lilaclovebird Sorry you are dealing with that. I had to look up what it was, so I don't have any advice - sorry.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited July 2015
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @lilaclovebird Sorry you are dealing with that. I had to look up what it was, so I don't have any advice - sorry.

    It's okay.
    My mom has google and is leaning towards a blend of cinnamon and coconut oils. Both have antimicrobial properties and should help me smell better. I was just hoping for someone who has had personal experience with it....maybe they are embarrassed and could PM me? :wink:

    Although I don't know why they would be embarrassed, everyone has yeast on their skin. Some of us are just excellent yeast breeders! :lol:
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    That would smell good.

    Like you were suntanning all day and then baked cookies. :smiley: