Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • JKM0225
    JKM0225 Posts: 140 Member
    ^^ Agree. People chewing with their mouth open or slurping the end of their drink. When it is gone.. It is gone. That last straw full of air is annoying, haha.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    People driving an rv while pulling another vehicle deciding to park as close to the store as possible, taking up four spots in the process during lunch time. Wtf!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    Kids (and husband) leaving cabinet doors open in the kitchen.
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    Kids (and husband) leaving cabinet doors open in the kitchen.

    lol this or when my 4 year old boy pees on the wall instead of the toilet. Still not sure if he means to or trys to do this yet
  • JKM0225
    JKM0225 Posts: 140 Member
    kace_kay wrote: »
    people who insist on backing into a spot when they clearly are shiteous at reverse parking.

    & especially when you have to wait for them to get in that spot........ Ugh, haha.
  • karenkasbi
    karenkasbi Posts: 216 Member
  • saraleighb90
    saraleighb90 Posts: 20 Member
    commercials, rude drivers, people who are super loud at the pool at night and inconsiderate people in general.
  • meganharvi
    meganharvi Posts: 150 Member
    People who don't say bless you when someone sneezes
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    JKM0225 wrote: »
    ^^ Agree. People chewing with their mouth open or slurping the end of their drink. When it is gone.. It is gone. That last straw full of air is annoying, haha.

    Or people that suck their teeth to get food out. My dad is soooooo guilty of this!! I'm always like "Dad STOP THAT!!!!!" LOL
  • jendiaz9732
    jendiaz9732 Posts: 285 Member
    -grammar, why don't you just take the time and spell it correctly!!!!!! The elementary fundamentals lort Jesus!!!
    -people who bosshog machines at the gym, do you REALLY need thirty minutes on bench press????
    -disorganized cupboards
    -people who cut their nails in public
    -Autocorrect eesh
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    dbanks80 wrote: »
    Rottified wrote: »
    Rottified wrote: »
    Rottified certainly agree with your last paragraph! May I add unleashed dogs to that?

    I ran over a mid sized dog on my motorcycyle years ago, he took after me and left me no choice-hit him or a parked car. Recently a nieghbor's Aussue dog-always roaming free-went after me on the bike. She backed off but really?

    I feel so bad for the dogs whose owners put them at risk, and too stupid to realize if I/anyone wreck, they are 100% liable.

    Ugh YES!
    Pisses me off. I have many clients who when I'm finishing will see me off at the door. When they see loose dogs they don't want us to go out cause they are scared. It enrages me when my elderly clients are stuck inside because they are afraid of dogs and people don't care and let their dogs run, jump, and bark at them. Had one be told to basically get over it, When she said she was scared. She was mauled as a child, not that it changes whether her fear should be respected or not.

    I love dogs! I love them more leashed.

    I get upset when people think less of me because I don't want to interact with dogs. I fully support treating dogs with respect, but some dogs (particularly large dogs that act aggressively) scare me. I'm much better than I used to be, but I was attacked by 2 dogs when I was very young. For most of my life, I was afraid of even tiny dogs 100 ft. away if they were barking at me. I'm mostly better now (except large and aggressive dogs), but I have no plans to ever own a dog. I see all the time where (usually women) people say they won't trust someone who doesn't love dogs because they think we are all just terrible people. Not quite true...

    I prefer people ignore my dog. She's not mean but she's a fool. And any amount of aww and what a cute dog. Sends her over so she ends up corrected.
    I may not get it but I'm 100% okay with people not wanting to interact with dogs.

    But people who hate dogs pissed me off.

    I have a fluffy white Samoyed and she gets tons of attention which she doesn't mind but makes me really uncomfortable purwhen a lot of strangers come up wanting to pet her take pictures with her etc...

    Yes. I have a golden retriever. People don't even ask to pet him. They just do. So annoying and a little scary. What if they tried to grab him? Well..they wouldn't get far because mama bear would be all up on them..but still.

    Totally agree. I recently had to put a lock on my back gate cuz someone tried to steal her! I was extremely pissed to say the least!
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    The Aliens from Independace Day.
  • raleighzia
    raleighzia Posts: 128 Member
    edited July 2015
    People who aren't mature enough to admit when they are wrong to the person they have wronged.
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 670 Member
    When people cheat on their partners. Especially when they act like cheating is not a big deal and everyone does it. Nope! There are loyal people out their and I wish there were more. Anyways, I always get heated on that topic. I can't stand cheaters.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Reoccurring back spasm
  • freak4iron
    freak4iron Posts: 995 Member
    When people leave the sponge in a sink full of rancid dish water, when my dog runs around me on walks and I have to constantly spin around with the leash like I'm doing the fuking nutcracke :P lolz