Special K Cereal.. Is it ok to eat



  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    edited July 2015
    I don't really care for the additives and preservatives in most kinds of Special K, but if that sort of thing doesn't bother you and you're still within your calorie budget for the day after eating it, then go for it.

    Personally, though, I wouldn't use cold breakfast cereal as the base for a meal. I just find it not filling/nutritious enough to find it as a good choice for being the basis of a meal. Most cereals have nutrition profiles similar to cookies before the manufacturers add synthetic vitamins back in. I tend to treat them more like a snack food, kind of like potato chips, but that's just me.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    MerMandy17 wrote: »
    I eat it every morning but watch the serving size. The serving size is one cup and most cereal bowls hold way more than that. I preportion and measure in baggies to ensure I stay in the right portion.

    I don't think 1 cup equals 45g or whatever special k's serving size is..

  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I eat cereal for dessert rather than for breakfast. Everytime I have eaten carbs in the morning I am just starving to death like an hour later. I stick to protein/veggies/fat in the morning. That keeps me going through lunch.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »

    I <3 Kale. (It does not <3 me, tho. :'( )

  • AlisonStephens1
    AlisonStephens1 Posts: 10 Member
    Porriage, low sugar museli, bran flakes and all bran are the only good ones. You need some more protein though too, whether that's eggs on a piece of wholemeal toast, or a protein shake.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Porriage, low sugar museli, bran flakes and all bran are the only good ones.

    The only good what?

    Breakfast? Grain-based foods?

    Why are people so anxious to tell OP that she must make the same choices they do?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Porriage, low sugar museli, bran flakes and all bran are the only good ones.

    The only good what?

    Breakfast? Grain-based foods?

    Why are people so anxious to tell OP that she must make the same choices they do?

    I'm not sure why people want the OP to eat what they eat.

    I wonder what OPs who ask if it's okay to eat things and get all the different responses - yes, no, maybe, only if it's this, only if you do that - what do the OPs do?

    They never know more after asking. So, do they eat it? Scratch it off their lists? I don't know.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    2BeHappy2 wrote: »
    frumpjunk wrote: »
    Ok. I couldn't find regular Special K, but the Special K Protein is 120 calories. I'm not going to tell you to not eat Special K, but for 30 calories more (150 calories), you can eat a hot bowl of oatmeal. Mix in Splenda and cinnamon and it's delicious. Or mix in some Splenda, chopped strawberries, and a little milk and make Strawberries and Cream. So good and it fills you up much better than Special K.

    I often find that what tastes good to someone and what "fills you up" varies wildly between people. The OP might find Special K perfectly filling. The might not. That's certainly something that they need to consider when making breakfast choices, but I don't think that we can say definitively that oatmeal will fill them up better.

    Thank You Dianne!
    I have read several threads where people have stated They Do Not get full on oatmeal!
    What fits for 1 does not necessarily fit for another!
    On the rare occasion that I want to have a "light" but satisfying my sweet tooth snack, sometimes I get 3/4 cup of my 10 Grams of Protein cereal...plus, its got the "crunch" that Im after :smiley:

  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    edited July 2015
    McCindy....its an option to write in Bold vs the standard grey text, its not yelling!

  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Normal text: Indoor voice


    Bold: Loud, exaggerated whisper, sort of like yelling while being able to claim that you're not

    Italics: Sarcasm

    Strikethrough: You have to say it, but even before you do, you know it's wrong.

    Premium Blend: I know I shouldn't, but maybe if I just whisper, more than loud enough for everyone to hear, I can get away with saying this sarcastically.
  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    Normal text: Indoor voice


    Bold: Loud, exaggerated whisper, sort of like yelling while being able to claim that you're not

    Italics: Sarcasm

    Strikethrough: You have to say it, but even before you do, you know it's wrong.

    Premium Blend: I know I shouldn't, but maybe if I just whisper, more than loud enough for everyone to hear, I can get away with saying this sarcastically.

    Forum etiquette 101: let's make a sticky.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    jim180155 wrote: »
    Normal text: Indoor voice


    Bold: Loud, exaggerated whisper, sort of like yelling while being able to claim that you're not

    Italics: Sarcasm

    Strikethrough: You have to say it, but even before you do, you know it's wrong.

    Premium Blend: I know I shouldn't, but maybe if I just whisper, more than loud enough for everyone to hear, I can get away with saying this sarcastically.

    just fyi, i've enjoyed your contributions to this thread immensely. it's like watching a real human person walk right on to the screen
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    edited July 2015
    jim180155 wrote: »
    Normal text: Indoor voice


    Bold: Loud, exaggerated whisper, sort of like yelling while being able to claim that you're not

    Italics: Sarcasm

    Strikethrough: You have to say it, but even before you do, you know it's wrong.

    Premium Blend: I know I shouldn't, but maybe if I just whisper, more than loud enough for everyone to hear, I can get away with saying this sarcastically.

    Today I learned I live my life in Premium Blend...which also sounds like a delicious coffee. Or a cocktail. Or a coffee cocktail.