How do you make someone notice you?



  • Vivi_boo
    Vivi_boo Posts: 14 Member
    This is me trying to flirt


    Lol that's so me too!
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    yusaku02 wrote: »
    You need to start by cooking about three and a half pounds of spaghetti while downing brandy like water.
    Next find an outfit with a lot of pockets. You need to fit all the spaghetti in your pockets.
    Go out to the social event where you want to be noticed. You should be pretty drunk at this point.
    Get your object of affection's attention by pelting him with a spaghetti-ball from about 15 feet away. This is called an ice-breaker.
    He's going to be confused and a bit angry. Now is your time to shine. Parrot everything he says while throwing spaghetti into the air, spinning in circles and flapping your arms.
    At this point you should be successfully 'noticed'. If for any reason you don't feel like he knows who you are, sneak up behind him and slip a single strand of spaghetti down the front of his shirt.

    Omg i couldnt stop laughing this is awesome, I just pictured my self as mini me running around doing this!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Just Be Yourself seems to be the repeating advice and the best advice,
    And Alpha seems to have the approach down so if your sending some signals he may approach you. Just know like others say if he likes you he will find you attractive whichever way you are as long as your being yourself. There is a saying that is so true "I used to walk into a room and wonder will they like me?Now I walk into a room and wonder if I will like them" as you grow older you realize your self worth and what you have to offer. Keep your chin up and smile

    alpha_515 wrote: »
    Well if I like a woman I look at her in the eyes

    1. If she holds eye contact - I approach
    2. If she holds eye contact and smiles - I approach
    3. If she holds eye contact and looks away - I walk away
    4. If she holds eye contact and looks up and down - I approach

    I like this saying thank you. I know my self worth, I actually have alot going for me...I just dont want to come off as shallow or conceited so I am trying to find the line

    A wise man told me to stop thinking so deep into topics like this.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Just Be Yourself seems to be the repeating advice and the best advice,
    And Alpha seems to have the approach down so if your sending some signals he may approach you. Just know like others say if he likes you he will find you attractive whichever way you are as long as your being yourself. There is a saying that is so true "I used to walk into a room and wonder will they like me?Now I walk into a room and wonder if I will like them" as you grow older you realize your self worth and what you have to offer. Keep your chin up and smile

    alpha_515 wrote: »
    Well if I like a woman I look at her in the eyes

    1. If she holds eye contact - I approach
    2. If she holds eye contact and smiles - I approach
    3. If she holds eye contact and looks away - I walk away
    4. If she holds eye contact and looks up and down - I approach

    I like this saying thank you. I know my self worth, I actually have alot going for me...I just dont want to come off as shallow or conceited so I am trying to find the line

    A wise man told me to stop thinking so deep into topics like this.

    Thank you wise man


  • Love2Rappel
    Love2Rappel Posts: 450 Member
    Be yourself and don't force it... hell, don't even think about it...
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    How do you make someone notice you (without your *kitten* & Boobs hanging out)? Just curious

    Well, winning the prize for loudest / longest burp when there's no burping contest going on would certainly do the trick.

    But in the event that's not really your "thing", prolonged eye contact with a smile, nod, or some kind of gesture to say "I see you seeing me, and that's okay" can be effective.

    If appropriate, you can also try very simple small talk. Talk about something in the room, ask a non-personal question, or talk about the weather or something the two of you are experiencing at the moment (like what's on the radio).

    You can even greet them with something like "how's it going" and, if they respond with something other than "fine" or "okay", go with it. If they don't give you something to work with in their answer, but then ask how things are going for you, give them something to go with.

    The big thing is to show that you're open to interaction with them and it's not a matter of accidental eye-contact or just happening to be in the same area.
  • ardrasdesign
    ardrasdesign Posts: 7 Member
    I found that I attracted the most marriage offers when I was the most vulnerable and needy. When I was confident and self-sustained, that was totally a repellent to guys. Go figure. That was then, 20 years ago. I am friendly and real. Sometimes, too much. You have to be yourself. Show that you care without being star struck. Shyness comes across, often times, as disinterest. Guys are just as afraid of rejection as you. They aren't going to talk to you, if you don't give them an opening.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,338 Member
    edited July 2015
    Also, never underestimate the power of eye contact. Some people are uncomfortable making direct eye contact. Nothing more intense than meeting someone's gaze from across a room and hold it for even a few seconds. And maybe just a small smile. Yep, that will get you noticed.
  • lislisa123
    lislisa123 Posts: 647 Member
    I don't. I'm a loner for the most part and usually like my space but if there is a good looking guy and if I'm single, I do the whole look when they aren't looking and pray they notice me too and make a move. Never happens which is probably why I had to meet my current boyfriend online. Seems now a days you can't really meet people in person anymore unless you have a friend that knows someone or you want to look like a weirdo going up to a totally stranger based off looks alone and not even knowing if they already taken and risk getting rejected or end up not liking their personality when you get to know them more.

    Yeah, I'll stick to online.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,834 Member
    I have no clue but I'm following this thread now ;)

    I would think bacon might help though!
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,733 Member
    Dress like a famous rock guitarist.
    My grandfather hit my grandmother with a biscuit. It worked for him.

    Just tried that with a packet of digestives. I've just been banned from my gym for literally hitting on the women.

    It has to be a bread product. Try again. Also, find a gym close to a bakery. For convenience.

  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited July 2015
    lislisa123 wrote: »
    I don't. I'm a loner for the most part and usually like my space but if there is a good looking guy and if I'm single, I do the whole look when they aren't looking and pray they notice me too and make a move. Never happens which is probably why I had to meet my current boyfriend online. Seems now a days you can't really meet people in person anymore unless you have a friend that knows someone or you want to look like a weirdo going up to a totally stranger based off looks alone and not even knowing if they already taken and risk getting rejected or end up not liking their personality when you get to know them more.

    Yeah, I'll stick to online.

    Welcome to what men deal with since they started approaching the opposite sex. Maybe that is why some women never approach men but expect it to be reciprocated.
  • asianfashionista86
    asianfashionista86 Posts: 5,045 Member
    I bet if I made this same thread... Things wouldn't have gone the same lol
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,206 Member
    lislisa123 wrote: »
    I don't. I'm a loner for the most part and usually like my space but if there is a good looking guy and if I'm single, I do the whole look when they aren't looking and pray they notice me too and make a move. Never happens which is probably why I had to meet my current boyfriend online. Seems now a days you can't really meet people in person anymore unless you have a friend that knows someone or you want to look like a weirdo going up to a totally stranger based off looks alone and not even knowing if they already taken and risk getting rejected or end up not liking their personality when you get to know them more.

    Yeah, I'll stick to online.

    Hahaha I tried the whole "Online dating thing" boy was that a disaster. His profile said he was 5'9 and athletic...we met up and he stood 5'4 and skinny...I was like Id break this dude hes skinnier and shorter than me fml. Then we sat down and at the bar next to these two old men and he decides to show me pictures of his favorite porn stars which he saved to his camera role then asked me if I was into c*** cages and chains...The two poor *kitten* next to me were as horrified as I was. I grabbed my keys pretended to use the restroom and took off. By the time I got to my car I had a text saying the back seat to his jeep folds down if I was interested in testing it out :/ im all set with online dating

  • EmpireApple
    EmpireApple Posts: 264 Member
    i would think by saying hello is a good start
  • BigLifter10
    BigLifter10 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Most importantly, remember that you need to be yourself - the right people will appreciate that and the connection will be real. You can try to attract someone all you want - you might even succeed in getting a certain someone's attention, but if it's based on something that isn't even genuine, then you'll just set yourself up for either a heartbreak or a hassle. Those who aren't attracted, aren't attracted for a reason - and that reason has to do with what they are looking for - don't try to BE all for someone or you will lose yourself.
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,834 Member
    lislisa123 wrote: »
    I don't. I'm a loner for the most part and usually like my space but if there is a good looking guy and if I'm single, I do the whole look when they aren't looking and pray they notice me too and make a move. Never happens which is probably why I had to meet my current boyfriend online. Seems now a days you can't really meet people in person anymore unless you have a friend that knows someone or you want to look like a weirdo going up to a totally stranger based off looks alone and not even knowing if they already taken and risk getting rejected or end up not liking their personality when you get to know them more.

    Yeah, I'll stick to online.

    Hahaha I tried the whole "Online dating thing" boy was that a disaster. His profile said he was 5'9 and athletic...we met up and he stood 5'4 and skinny...I was like Id break this dude hes skinnier and shorter than me fml. Then we sat down and at the bar next to these two old men and he decides to show me pictures of his favorite porn stars which he saved to his camera role then asked me if I was into c*** cages and chains...The two poor *kitten* next to me were as horrified as I was. I grabbed my keys pretended to use the restroom and took off. By the time I got to my car I had a text saying the back seat to his jeep folds down if I was interested in testing it out :/ im all set with online dating


    I think we went on a date with the same guy!! LOLOLOL

    I met up with one who told me about the craigslist prostitute his friends hired for him the previous weekend lololol

    Back on topic: I'm not a shy person but when it comes to a guy I find attractive I turn into a 14 year old. It's pretty bad :/

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Eye contact, smile and confidence as said. Learn how to flirt if you wnat to be a bit more proactive, but id be with the be yourself.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    lislisa123 wrote: »
    I don't. I'm a loner for the most part and usually like my space but if there is a good looking guy and if I'm single, I do the whole look when they aren't looking and pray they notice me too and make a move. Never happens which is probably why I had to meet my current boyfriend online. Seems now a days you can't really meet people in person anymore unless you have a friend that knows someone or you want to look like a weirdo going up to a totally stranger based off looks alone and not even knowing if they already taken and risk getting rejected or end up not liking their personality when you get to know them more.

    Yeah, I'll stick to online.

    Hahaha I tried the whole "Online dating thing" boy was that a disaster. His profile said he was 5'9 and athletic...we met up and he stood 5'4 and skinny...I was like Id break this dude hes skinnier and shorter than me fml. Then we sat down and at the bar next to these two old men and he decides to show me pictures of his favorite porn stars which he saved to his camera role then asked me if I was into c*** cages and chains...The two poor *kitten* next to me were as horrified as I was. I grabbed my keys pretended to use the restroom and took off. By the time I got to my car I had a text saying the back seat to his jeep folds down if I was interested in testing it out :/ im all set with online dating


    I think we went on a date with the same guy!! LOLOLOL

    I met up with one who told me about the craigslist prostitute his friends hired for him the previous weekend lololol

    Back on topic: I'm not a shy person but when it comes to a guy I find attractive I turn into a 14 year old. It's pretty bad :/

    I have seeing some pretty bad approaches gone wrong. I am sure it is not as bad it you feel it is. Plus it's so rare now for some women to approach men so at least you are trying.

  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member