30 day shred 5/31 start



  • karq85
    karq85 Posts: 7
    Just did my first workout, yikes! I like to think I'm pretty fit but that was shockingly tough. Starting weight 138.8. Let's see what happens!
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    Starting weight is 194.5

    Measurements I am tracking:

    Arm: 15in
    bust: 45in
    waist: 41in
    hips: 45in
    thigh: 28.5in
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    I did the Shred already but since I am just getting over a cold and just did level 1 today I'd love to join you guys.
    My starting weight is 161. My measurements are in my log and have kind of stalled since I haven't been keepiong track of things as religiously so this will be the kick in the butt I need to get those reduced some more.
    It's amazing how doing this DVD will transform your body.

    So how's everyone feeling after day 1? I find level 1 to be a killer on my legs. They feel like jello for a couple of hours afterwards.
    My goal is to be able to do 20 push-ups in a row before then end of level 1. So far I'm at 15. Those are soooo hard.
  • jerseygirl777
    jerseygirl777 Posts: 148
    I have to get a new DVD because I attempted doing it months ago and lvl 2 ended up skipping. I have level 1 so I am going to try from the beginning again. Day 1 complete! I didn't weigh or do any measurements so I will have to do that this week!
  • clintbritt3
    clintbritt3 Posts: 123
    I'm in too.... I started today :) I need to loose 20+lbs. by August 15th for a wedding..... help me stay motivated please.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm in! I will have to skip the first day because I am going to Wicked. But I will kick butt on Thursday!! :)

    Starting weight: 157.2
  • mishmz
    mishmz Posts: 9 Member
    For anyone that doesn't have the DVDs, you can download levels one, two & three for $1.99 each on Amazon.
  • karq85
    karq85 Posts: 7
    So I'm currently toying with the idea of doing this twice a day. I know the point of them being short is to make them easy to commit to but I feel like it's not enough. I'm also having surgery on the 21st after which I won't be able to workout for 6 weeks (UGHHH).

    Thoughts on more than once per day?
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    Ok, Day 1 down! I'm going to dig out my measuring tape and start logging my inches too.

    I did TurboJam in the morning as well as Shred this evening. I'm going to see how long I can keep it up. I know eventually my schedule will get to the point where I can't do both, but I want to see if it will help me break out of the 150s.
  • caretmier
    caretmier Posts: 66
    So I'm currently toying with the idea of doing this twice a day. I know the point of them being short is to make them easy to commit to but I feel like it's not enough. I'm also having surgery on the 21st after which I won't be able to workout for 6 weeks (UGHHH).

    Thoughts on more than once per day?

    Maybe do the 30DS and a different work-out each day. I feel the same way. That 20 minutes is tough and sucks, but once it is over I feel like I need to keep going for like 15-20 more minutes! I like to add on some cardio or I do a different workout DVD! I dont think I could do 30DS 2 times a day.
  • mishmz
    mishmz Posts: 9 Member
    I don't think I would do the workout twice a day either, mostly because I think it might become boring, but also because I've been told your muscles are going to really hurt after you've done it a few days in a row. Anyway, I feel sort of the same way, so I added an additional half hour of cardio, more abs, and more stretching afterward.
  • Nattiejean57
    Nattiejean57 Posts: 217 Member
    Well sadly I didn't do it today, there was a big storm where I live and I have a lot of family who needed help cleaning up but I am all in tomorrow! I am gunna do a 40 min cardio workout at the gym and then go home and do it...plus I will weigh myself tomorrow. I am so proud of you that started today! Its super motivating to have people to motivate me.
  • Ok let's do is 30 day shred!! I weigh 186.. Trying to get to 170 lbs by the end of august!! Let's do this!!!
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    I also didn't get to start tonight, after being so excited. But, I unfortunately do not have any excuses....lol my husband and I decided to have an "off" night and eat out...one weakness I need to break horribly!!! But, good news is I logged every calorie eaten, which I normally don't do when I know it is going to be so bad. So, progress is progress is I guess! I will begin again tomorrow!!! Also, I normally add a 30 minute walk in before or after the video, which I did do the walk today. As for the question of whether to go by the mfp calorie tracker or the hrm calorie loss....I would say go with the heart rate monitor as I always feel like I burn more than the calorie counter says-but I just go with that so I don't go over. Either way, good luck everyone and can't wait to hear and see the results!!!
  • kcarreno
    kcarreno Posts: 45 Member
    Also, anyone that wants to add me as a friend...feel free. I could always use extra motivation, and I will return it as I am trying to log in every day!
  • monkeybu
    monkeybu Posts: 34
    Day one for me today too, very hard, especially the skipping and the push-ups - ouch! My legs were like jelly afterwards. I logged it as vigorous calisthenics 20min (gives same result as circuit training actually).
  • joyfulmommaof2
    joyfulmommaof2 Posts: 95 Member
    I will join you! I just finished day 1!
  • Coincidentally started day one this morning. Bring on the other 29.
  • michelle_mareshfuehrer
    michelle_mareshfuehrer Posts: 312 Member
    I am on Day 5, but am happy to have a group of others who are starting this around the same time as me. My starting weight was 168.8, but I lost 1 lb. after the first 3 days, so I am at 167.8
  • AquaAura
    AquaAura Posts: 105
    oooh count me in I have my dvd havnt started yet will bust it out tomorrow :D
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