Who is MFP for?



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its for everyone. Its useful for people trying to lose weight, gain weight, keep track of their nutrition, maintain weight, as a training diary.

    its absolutely none of your business if you think someone looks too thin for your taste
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    While I applaud those who have had eating disorders and are trying to improve their health etc there are plenty more with already too thin bodies aiming to lose another 15, 20 pounds. Very sad
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Not everyone here is here to lose weight, if you notice the title of the site, "MY FITNESS PAL", it is for people that want to be HEALTHY...... the ones here that are suffering from ED's....are here for support, and to try and get and stay healthy.... its is a battle, and some are struggling more than others....

    I hope you see that the near skeletal ones that are here, for the most part, are trying to recover, or are recovered....
    there are plenty of pro ana sites out there for the ones that are not trying to be healthy, so I don't think there is an issue with that here....for the most part we are close friends with each other on here, and we DO NOT encourage each other to be "so skinny", we encourage them to be healthy, and we are there for each other when we fall.....

    And for some, if this site were not available to us, then we would more than likely be on the pro-ana sites, spiraling down instead slowly becoming healthy.
  • Pseudocyber
    Pseudocyber Posts: 312 Member
    Seems to me the easy answer it's for anyone who is concerned about their nutrition, weight, and fitness - whether they want to lose, maintain, or gain.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I am wondering whether this site is for big people who want to be small, unfit people who want to be fit, or a mix of both.

    Oh, crap. You mean once I reach my goal, I get kicked out?! It's like Menudo! :sad:

    "Fitness" is about being healthy, whether it's something you're trying to attain, or something you trying to maintain. Are there folks here who care more about their appearance than their health? Absolutely. But it's those folks who need our support and encouragement even more.
  • Britt22706
    Britt22706 Posts: 97
    I am one of those 120somethings who would like to be 115. Although I have that as my ultimate goal, I am not really that set on reaching it. I have a food addiction that I'm trying to get under control. Let me ask everyone on here with an "overweight" problem, don't you wish you had MFP to make sure you maintained your healthy lifestyle while you were young?

    MFP is for everyone, people who have ED's, people who want to be healthy, people who are already healthy and want to maintain their lifestyle, or just people who simply want to lose weight.

    As for the people on here with anorexia type ED's, we should be happy that they are on here. Maybe they can take a look at other people's lifestyles and see what they are doing to themselves. We shouldn't condone them for having a problem, let's try to help them live a healthy lifestyle!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member

    This place is for everyone (read everyone) to come together without judgement. This post is an example (read perfect example) of someone for whom MFP is not for...

    I am offended by your remarks, comments, and attitude. Your judemental comments are not welcomed here. If you can not live with that I suggest you go find a 'perfect' world website where all your expectaions of others can be realized.

    Otherwise if you remain here (which I welcome you to do) I respectfully suggest that you keep your ideas about other peoples journeys to yourself.



    You are awesome!:heart:
  • BigBeaver
    BigBeaver Posts: 858 Member
    To the OP---Here is my thoughts on your thoughts. MFP is a free website at use for all walks of life, skinny, fat, lazy, anorexic or how every you want to deem us. In your opinion, a skin and bones women is unattractive, well, you are intitled to your opinion but maybe that person is using this site as a tool for support to gain weight and be happy with they way they look. Don't judge unless ye be judged. AND DON'T make rude statements for debate.

    I am here to lose weight, some of my "virtual friends" are here to maintain their body, and others that are my "virtual friends" are here to gain weight via muscle and learn how to better watch what they eat via nutrition. So this site, being free and public is for every Tom, **** and Jane in the free world. If you don't like the pics that you see, you can always close your eyes, or just avoid those pics, which would be a valid solution. I am here to have support from some amazing people, give that support back hopefully ten fold, and to lose these extra lbs that I have packed on in this journey we call life.

    If that is what you are here for, so be it. But everyone has the right to use this "Free" site however the see fit. Let these people seek the knowledge and power and support they need with out judging them based on looks or pics. That is all I have to say.
  • losinfat4good
    I think he asked a great question. He was really just trying to get an answer to a question that was on his mind and if you noticed he did say he was not trying to offend anyone but just wanted to know was the site intended for one type or for all. I agree with most of the comments on here that its for everyone to become healthier and not to get as skinny as possible and most of you all were respectful with your response except for one person. I won't call out the name but if you don't like his question or the post remember you dont have to read or respond to it. This is a place to help and encourage and you really just defeated the whole purpose of the site. He had a question... exactly what the forum is for. I found some great answers on here so thanks for asking the question and thanks all for the resonses! This was very interesting to read
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i was 129 and my goal was 119 and ive reached it and managed to maintain it for a while - while still logging.
    Ive cut back on/stopped the logging now, but i dont want to just leave the site because to some people im not big enough to warrant being a member anymore. I enjoy the message boards and i enjoy keeping up to date with my MFP friends progresses
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    This site is for everyone. Period!

    Yes, there are some ppl on here who have EDs, some like me who've lost weight in the past and wish to continue to maintain their weight, others who need encourage from others. Some who just wish to track their food for whatever reason. But for whatever reason someone choses to use this site is for their own.

    I understand that their are women on here that wish to lose more weight even thou they are already under weight. But that their choice. Hopefully, they will realize they have an ED and get help.

    But to each their own.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So should we make this the eharmony of the fitness sites?Where everyone has to fill out a survey so they can make sure to fit us all in a little box?
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    I am one of those 120somethings who would like to be 115. Although I have that as my ultimate goal, I am not really that set on reaching it. I have a food addiction that I'm trying to get under control. Let me ask everyone on here with an "overweight" problem, don't you wish you had MFP to make sure you maintained your healthy lifestyle while you were young?

    MFP is for everyone, people who have ED's, people who want to be healthy, people who are already healthy and want to maintain their lifestyle, or just people who simply want to lose weight.

    As for the people on here with anorexia type ED's, we should be happy that they are on here. Maybe they can take a look at other people's lifestyles and see what they are doing to themselves. We shouldn't condone them for having a problem, let's try to help them live a healthy lifestyle!

    Thats the informative reply i was looking for, like i said, i asked the question cos i didnt know the answer. Thanks you for replying, I hope the site gives you the support you want to maintain where you .
  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    This site and the people on it are great, i feel informed!!!
  • DarkAngel864
    DarkAngel864 Posts: 229 Member
    Not everyone here is here to lose weight, if you notice the title of the site, "MY FITNESS PAL", it is for people that want to be HEALTHY...... the ones here that are suffering from ED's....are here for support, and to try and get and stay healthy.... its is a battle, and some are struggling more than others....

    I hope you see that the near skeletal ones that are here, for the most part, are trying to recover, or are recovered....
    there are plenty of pro ana sites out there for the ones that are not trying to be healthy, so I don't think there is an issue with that here....for the most part we are close friends with each other on here, and we DO NOT encourage each other to be "so skinny", we encourage them to be healthy, and we are there for each other when we fall.....

    And for some, if this site were not available to us, then we would more than likely be on the pro-ana sites, spiraling down instead slowly becoming healthy.

    Love you Tiny
  • losinfat4good
    While I applaud those who have had eating disorders and are trying to improve their health etc there are plenty more with already too thin bodies aiming to lose another 15, 20 pounds. Very sad

    The point I was trying to make.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The site is open to the world, so naturally you'll get all kinds. As a mother of 2 daughters I am also disturbed by some of the pics and comments from young girls on here. They seem to thing that any body fat is a bad thing.
  • veganjeanie
    veganjeanie Posts: 158 Member
    I'm not on the boards that often, I mostly just use MFP as a tool, but I don't recall seeing many of the pictures you describe. I do recall seeing a few of very fit women, but since the pictures looked professional, I thought they were more like inspirational pictures rather than real ones of that person. Like the username I chose, skinnyjeanie, it was a bit of a joke, and an inspiration. I only had a few dozen pounds to lose, that's small compared to most of the people I see on this site, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without MFP. I plan to keep using it when I reach my goal to keep me on track.

    Like the Internet in general, I expect you will find all kinds on this site, from the sane to the truly twisted. :)
  • wendix
    wendix Posts: 74 Member
    i suffered from an eating disorder for about 10 years, MFP is the best way i've found of monitoring what i eat so i know that i'm getting enough nutriets and trying to re-establish a healthy relationship with food.
    like the majority here, i'm using MFP to benefit my health even though to me that doesnt mean coach potato to gym rat or obese BMI to healthy BMI. i think its not as simple as 'what category is it for' because it's for anyone that needs it.

    having said that, (and i speak from experience) any site dedicated to weight loss is going to attract those with eating disorders. it's not good but theres no way of stopping it because at the end of the day, those who are suffering from eating disorders tend to go online to find support because most people in their real-life wil not support them. like i said, this isnt a good thing but i know how it feels. in my opinion, you just have to ignore it. i know i do and i've written a bit on my profile saying that i won't accept friend requests who are pro-eating disorders or are not in recovery. not because i dont believe they need a support system too, but because it's triggering for me.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    I totally get where everyone is coming from...MFP is everyone, I totally agree.

    However, can we honestly say it is not disturbing to occasionally see people with goals in the 90 lbs range or who seem to be in favor of being thinner than is healthy? (Edit: I am talking about people who are PRO ED, not just recovering/struggling). I have very mixed feeling about the idea that ALL should be welcome and encouraged when it comes to that. It is about health and I think we all need to keep track of that with both accountability AND non-judgement.

    Not easy though, is it?
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