

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    strange day for me today. Not in the best of moods all day. I actually wanted to just hybernate but I didn't. I am up one pound, and I have covered myself with enogh guilt to sink me. Husband went to the store this morning, and bought all the items I had on my list for shopping today. So I know he was being helpful, but buying my food is one way to control my kitchen. He also bought me a composition book for note taking on a video game he bought for me. So I guess Im feeling alittle angst about all the things he is doing for me... Sometimes my life seems not my own, I am just going thru the motions. And the stupid pound over, just takes the cake.

    Becca feeling out of control.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Welcome Mary Anne, topathemorning, Rebamae, Heidi, and anyone else I missed…

    Janettr – good reminder on the different latitudes… I do also forget that England is more mid Canada than mid California!!! And I loved geography in school.

    Alison – I am thinking of you and really felt like Lisa said what I wish I had the words to say…”Allie -.. His "thinking time" gives you some time to decide if you want him back, should he choose to return. We'll all be thinking about you, hoping that, however things turn out, you make sure that you're OK.” That is why she is a writer and I sew! I love that you gave him the suggestion of anti-depressant. And that you walked you walked out when DFIL said that! While we know that DFIL is unable to do any better, the fact that Tom doesn’t and has never (I’m betting) corrected his dad made you walking out perfect – if Tom was paying attention, he got the message.

    Lisa – I know the feeling about flat rate pricing and then trying to get things moving quickly to up your hourly rate… you are doing great.. Be sure that $62k is high enough… if you really really don’t want it you might want to ask for $68

    Carol – when you over do at home do you ice immediately like they have you do at PT? if not it might help.

    Pip- glad the pain is less…

    The young man (12 years or so) got a drum set… TODAY at about 11am, and with a 1 hour break around dinner time, is still playing it (8:30pm)… Loud, and he only knows 4 songs… over and over and over again… I love the kids and have many in my neighborhood and many have learned instruments over the years… flute, tuba (that kid was bad, really bad) piano, and now drums… Please send some good thoughts (after sending them on all the much more needed causes) that Jonathan learns a couple of new songs…. The good thing is all the sports and musical kids, we have not had one in the “hood who needed to tear up and down the street in a loud car or motorcycle…

    August Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 (good grief - I didn't even do it on day one!)
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 –
    W2 –
    W3 –
    W4 –
    Kim from N. California
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Becca -
    sorry you are feeling out of control, but remember to be thankful you have a DH who is supportive, kind and does things for you... certainly this forum shows us the wide variations in dh styles...

    hugs Kim
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    strange day for me today. Not in the best of moods all day. I actually wanted to just hybernate but I didn't. I am up one pound, and I have covered myself with enogh guilt to sink me. Husband went to the store this morning, and bought all the items I had on my list for shopping today. So I know he was being helpful, but buying my food is one way to control my kitchen. He also bought me a composition book for note taking on a video game he bought for me. So I guess Im feeling alittle angst about all the things he is doing for me... Sometimes my life seems not my own, I am just going thru the motions. And the stupid pound over, just takes the cake.

    Becca feeling out of control.

    Stop!!!!! This is your eating disorder beating you up. Kick ED out of your head, don't let it win! Treat yourself with loving kindness. A pound could be for many reasons, water, hormones, constipation etc. I'm here for you give yourself some credit. Gayle Minneapolis
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello ladies.... I trying to get the hang of the group and catch up on posts... Live it That there's a group of women who are supporting each other in getting healthy... I have autoimmune issues and I know that losing weight will help. My august goals are:
    1. Walk at least one mile 3-4 times per week
    2. Log my food daily
    3. Do some nice non food related things for myself
    Trying to get into this for the long haul. And it will definitely be a haul.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Busy all day!! cleaned the Saskatoon berries, and should have cleaned the house but.... went for a drive and 6 hours later and home and tired

    Talk to all in the morning

    Lillian in West Central Sasakatchewan
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Becca - I feel ya, I too have felt the same way yesterday and today. I was up two pounds this morning and I feel like I have been working my butt off. I'm staying just under 1200 cal. per day exercising 90 minutes per day and NOTHING. Ugh!!

    My bro-in-law is still very bad, doc now said he is septic. They took him off the ventilator and had to put him right back on. The infected cyst in my sis's side is the size of a grapefruit, they lanced and drained it but have to wait for the infection to clear up before removing it.

    Janetr OKC
  • barblg2
    barblg2 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been on MFP for several months, initially lost weight, but have gained some back. I hate having the belly fat. I'm going on a cruise next week and afraid I will gain weight. I'm really thinking about starting lower carbs when I get back. I'm glad I found this board as I really could use the support. Hoping August will be a good month.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, glad that BIL is holding his own.How is your sister? Update, I am so sorry that he has developed sepsis now. What do the doctors say about his prognosis now. Hopefully your sister can get her infection cleared up so that she can be with him. About the hanging empty skin. It can be, not always, but can be a serious medical problem especially with a person with diabetes.You can get a lot of fungal infections between all those layers and believe me, as an RN, it does STINK.

    JanetMMcC, yeah on that size 12. Sometimes it doesn't matter what size you are or what you weigh, those boobies just need to be in a size large. Yes, Charlie has many good and wonderful points. He is very caring to all his girls, his daughters and grand daughters. Sometimes I think the reason he is so good with his daughters is to make up for the lack of attention when they were young. He was very caring to his Mom. I don't think there was a lot of love passed around when he was a boy. They did all the physical needs but I'm not sure about the loving needs. I can't get him to talk about his childhood much at all. So at first I think he cared for his Mom out of duty but as the years went by and I showed him what a wonderful person she was, it changed to love. And he was the same way about my Mom. He often has said that my parents are pretty much the best people he has known. He adored my Father. When he died, he and I were the ones who took over driving Mom to places and just hanging out with her. When he retired my sister says he became a completely different person and she loves the retired Charlie. before she got her mobility van, Charlie was the one who would pick her up and take her to the mall with me. He was so used to putting his Mom's wheel chair in the car he would take mine and just take my sister pretty much anywhere. When Mom was being discharged from the hospital after her hip replacement, he took my sis and i around to all the different rehab places to help us make the right decision for her to try to get some strength so that she could go back to her apartment and be in hospice with him, my sis and I caring for her. So yes, he can be a very caring person. But he has a very quick temper. His temper and cursing pretty much turned me off sexually and that changed a lot of our marriage. I still do love him and tell him frequently. But he would have to make some drastic changes in his life to get a spark back. My sister's 50th wedding anniversary is coming up soon and they are excited. Ours is about 8 years away and I am embarrassed to say I don't look forward to it because it is supposed to be a time of celebration and I see no reason to plan a party.

    Mary Minnesota, are you going to post pictures of you laughing so hard you cry or post pictures of Jay Leno? Glad you are having such a good time.

    Lisa, what do the big kids want to hunt rattlesnakes for??? And isn't that a bit dangerous??? How do you spray baste a quilt? I love all the pictures but I especially like the one with Grandpa holding her and the dog. How the dogs tail is shows he isn't to happy about that baby on his man's lap but Grandpa is so protective. I have a very soft heart about Grandpas and babies.

    DJ, I have a missionary friend who we actually had as neighbors when he was a little boy. Anyway, his wife has numerous tumors in her brain and eyes and they use Caring bridge to communicate with people. But the face book message has the notification on your phone which would let my family know I had put up an update.

    wings, do you have an actual diagnosis of diabetes? If so your insurance might pay for all or part of some training sessions with a dietician. Also many hospitals have free classes. And the American Diabetes Association web site has loads of things. I also like to go to a bookstore and find a comfy place to sit and read. It may be cheating a little bit but I want to know if I really want that book before I buy it. I did htat a lot when I got my diagnosis of MS.

    Pip, charlie was a pharmacy technician for about 35 years. He loved the job, most of the people, just not the politics of the pharmacy/hospital. Sometimes directors have to make decisions that employees don't like. But they don't realize that that director also has to answer to a lot of people. It is big business. are you sure you are supposed to be 'helping' the brace all that you are? A BMI of 21.5! Mine is 34 :'( It was much lower.

    Mame, thanks for sharing about your patient who had such severe fungal infections. Sounds like you are a very caring and compassionate caregiver. RN, NA, nursing home, home health, hospital????

    DrKatie, I was just going to ask how he would be sharing an apartment with some one but I see now that it wouldn't be a good idea. I wish you all the luck in finding him an apartment that will suit his personality and his needs.

    Carol NC, that a girl. You accomplished a lot jsut be being thankful for who you are.

    Michele, are you getting naked on us??? :)

    Becca, ((hugs))) Yes, I know what you mean. Charlie sometimes wants to do so much for me. I think it's a manly thing. But with my MS and weight, I have been restricted for so long that it is so nice to be able to do things like carry a laundry basket down the stairs, put the grocery cart back in the holder. But I tell him that although I see what he is offering and appreciate it, I want and need to be able to do it. But if i thin about it, with his Parkinson's disease and how his ulcerative colitis makes him feel (pooping in his pants and the hallway) he is losing some of who he was. Maybe i need to let him do some of what he wants to do. HMMM

    barbig2, You can do this but you need to do this in a way that you can sustain for the long haul. And can you sustain a low carb diet for the long haul. We all need to dovelop eating habits that will last us for the rest of our lives.

    Well I told Charlie how much I weigh now. I was surprised he didn't say anything. I have really been walking and walking and then walking some more. I got about 1500 at church this morning and then after lunch went to Walmart and then just during every single commercial walked the circuit I have here at home. It takes me into Charlies bedroom which I see the big mirror. It just disgusts me to see what and who I am now. Yes, I know I am the same person but this person let herself go. I looked on my pictures on my iPad and found the one I took that I knew I really was looking GOOOD! The date was June 23, 2014. So I took a picture of me now and showed Charlie the difference and how much I hate this new me. I jsut can't understand it. This week I have been getting at least 5000 steps and the last two days very strict with my calories and the scale is not moving. I get up all excited to see what the scale will show and it's still 198.4. That scale used to be 172.8. I am going to call my doctor tomorrow and see if I can see the dietician again or see if he has any ideas of how many total calories I should be getting. I eat what I think is right and I have problems with even getting 1200 sometimes. And on that subject, my fitbit puts my calories burned for the night on MFP but that is all. It doesn't show anything the rest of the day. Like today, burned 1983 and ate 1120. It doesn't show that on my home page here.

    Yes, I did enjoy my singing. The choir director knows how self conscious I felt about singing a duo and trio the same day. but no one said anything. And oddly enough, at this church I don't get a splitting headache due to high blood pressure that I would have in my old church. I don't know if it is because this church is so much smaller or what. But when I would sing a solo my heading was coming off my body and my blood pressure would be like 200/130.

    have a good Monday everyone, think of us as Charlie takes his first IV treatment tomorrow. It is in the infusion center which is at the cancer center and I don't know how that will affect us emotionally.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    17761776 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    strange day for me today. Not in the best of moods all day. I actually wanted to just hybernate but I didn't. I am up one pound, and I have covered myself with enogh guilt to sink me. Husband went to the store this morning, and bought all the items I had on my list for shopping today. So I know he was being helpful, but buying my food is one way to control my kitchen. He also bought me a composition book for note taking on a video game he bought for me. So I guess Im feeling alittle angst about all the things he is doing for me... Sometimes my life seems not my own, I am just going thru the motions. And the stupid pound over, just takes the cake.

    Becca feeling out of control.

    Stop!!!!! This is your eating disorder beating you up. Kick ED out of your head, don't let it win! Treat yourself with loving kindness. A pound could be for many reasons, water, hormones, constipation etc. I'm here for you give yourself some credit. Gayle Minneapolis

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    All the way to page 4. Should have been started a long time ago Comments tomorrow. Need my bed.
  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    1 pound can be anything. Your hubby sounds like he is trying to help, but may feel like he is walking on glass. Look at yourself in the mirror and find at least 3 positive things to say. Hold on to your power over food... I have had the same issue. Lose 20 gain 25. At it again and really wanting to stick with it this time, for me, my husband and our 15 year old daughter.

    I so hope I haven't offended you. Am a newbie, but hope to share positive info.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! We walked over 12 miles every day we were here! I can't believe we were able to do that! It is time to go to bed now. We have to get up early to fly home. We had such a great time! It seems as though a lot of you are in need of (((hugs)))! We really need to stick together and remember we are not alone we have each other!

    Joyce - I will definitely be praying for Charlie and you tomorrow that everything goes well. Don't worry about the scale. Make sure you eat healthy and move like you are and take your measurements change will happen! I didn't get pictures of Jay Leno they told us we needed to turn our phones off and no cameras. I have lots of pictures of our trip to post.

    Have a good night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    a quick good morning,
    I am off to the gym and yes it is 4 in the morning..
    as I said earlier I went to bed at 3:30 and woke up around 3;30 so almost 12 hrs ,but restless..
    I have to remember this is Tom's inner turmoil and I hope he finds what he is looking for...
    did tell him yesterday afternoon that he would be throwing away the best person he will ever find and he started blubbering and said I know that and was hugging me, he said let me think.. told him I will be here while he thinks..
    sort of got some idea's out his head when we went to the shore.. wants me to stay on his insurance and wants me to have this house.. I told him I cant afford to keep this house on what I make and I was not giving up the dogs..
    all I can do is pray that he talks to his Dr and hopefully anti-depressants could help.
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Miriamwithcats and Joyce,
    Been a professional piano player most of my life. Wanted to leave the night club scene. Studied engineering.
    I'm 57. Graduated with honors but with no experience, I can't get an interview.
    Finally went back to playing the piano but this time I'm working the nursing home circuit. They love my classical music. Go figure.
    Now I play Beethoven, Debusey, Chopin, Brahms etc and get paid 100 dollars an hour to do it. No more top forty radio crap.
    While I was studying engineering, I worked as a CNA. Some of my friends are engineers and some are nurses. I figured you for a nurse right away, Mirium.
    I have a cat. Tessa. She is most beautiful and willful, but I have won her heart and she has chosen to please me by staying off the table, using her scratching post and generally displaying proper manners. So intelligent is she, and mildly affectionate. Sometimes she comes when she is called...sometimes not.

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah, Allie - you and I, back up again at 4 a.m. No advice--you are handling all this better than I would. But then, I was always the one leaving, barring one man when I was just 17. And he was a bullrider who'd landed on his head one too many times. Just... protect yourself however you can, whether it's where you live, or what happens next. You may have to go move in with Pip! :)

    Joyce - hunting rattlesnakes is actually less dangerous than wandering around in the undergrowth without being aware of them. If you're hunting for them, you're hyper aware of what you're looking at, rather than oblivious. Most people get bitten when they're not paying attention, stick their hand into some crevice, or keep walking without hearing that telltale rattle in the grass. They actually did get one, which my son-in-law is terribly proud of, and will be skinning out to put on his wall at home.

    Like everything else here, the population has exploded. Desert animals are opportunistic breeders--many will self-abort or abandon offspring when there just isn't enough of their food source to sustain them and their brood. But with all the rains, the forage for the bunnies and jackrabbits is nearly chest high in places, and their explosion in population has progressed up the food chain, including the snakes that prey on them. We have seen coveys of mid-growth quail (probably half as big as my fist) numbering at 30 or 40, when last year, we were lucky to see groups of eight or ten. Pretty amazing right now.

    The two days off were just what I needed. Hopefully the building will still be standing when I get there this morning. Going in early--have three days of deposits to do, and even though I've built an Excel spreadsheet that will handle it, it's still a pain, just counting the money.

    Got all but one side panel put on the quilt, and am really, really pleased with the way it's turned out. Hopefully will finish that and the binding one of the early mornings this week. Had planned to this morning, but the DD/DSiL used my sewing room as the staging area for the whole truckload of stuff they brought.

    And, by the way, the custody hearing that brought them down here, for the four-year-old grandson, was postponed once more, to August 21--the day we're leaving for Montana. So I won't know until we're on vacation whether the crapweasel sperm donor or my daughter will win that particular battle. Can't worry about it, because I can't change it, or at least that's what I tell myself.

    Off to the races. Jumping in the shower and driving into town at first light. The kids will stop by to say goodbye. Will miss them! And so glad to have my house back and the quiet when I come home...

    Much love to all... hope it's a grand week on our big blue marble...

    Lisa in West Texas
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    I also long for change. I do the stationary bike, ballet stretches, chin-ups, elliptical trainer, ballet stretch, chin ups, stationary bike....it gets boring. When I was young....ahhhh, those were the days...I would run along the beach in Santa Monica. Ran five miles every day... that never got old. Ahhh...now it lives in my memory. One twinge in my knee and I quit. I had read two books on running and I carefully obeyed the teachings there.
    My knees are still in good shape but I don't run any more. Eleven years I ran.
  • mamenat
    mamenat Posts: 19 Member
    Thanx for the welcome. See you on board. The long slow thinning is best don't you think? It's a life style. I will be taking a year of trimming up in preparation for my daughter's wedding, June2016.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ack! Forgot... here's the 1 April to 1 August comparison photo. Was a little disappointed in the change from 1 July to 1 August, with only three pounds lost, the chang in physical appearance is barely perceptible--but when I moved the photo next to the April shot, it opened my eyes up.

    Here's the difference between a size 18 and comfortably in size 12 jeans. In four months, lost 34 pounds, 46 inches (according to how you count them), my waist went from 36 inches to 29.

    I have to remember the cumulative, too... and celebrate.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone!

    Hugs for all those suffering - for themselves or their loved ones. <3 My thoughts are always with you.

    Barbie - I can hardly believe you have my voice in your head! I often have yours! :laugh: I have my dumbbells in the bedroom in a cupboard under the bedroom TV. I lift the heaviest ones sitting down on the bed as my knee woukd complain otherwise. My bicep curls are 9 kgs, 20 lbs each. I use one, still sitting on the bed, for behind head lifts with both hands and then one at a time with one foot on the bed for tricep curls. All this takes up no space at all. I then do side lifts with 2kg weights and rows with those or 5 kg ones. I am standing for those. My body weight and strength training I do at the bottom of the bed on a yoga mat so I don't need much space. Altogether my daily weight and strength training takes 20 minutes. I include knee and balancing in that. Previous to that I have done 1 hr 20 mins on the machines. So altogether I get my 600 calories nearly every single day.
    Yesterday I was lucky enough to get in an hour's brisk walk by the seaside as well. :bigsmile:

    For those who are new and don't know me, I used to have a lot of difficulty in walking, was breathless on the flat, and had a very painful knee. I could only get into the car by lifting my leg with my hands, my leg muscles had got so weak.
    I hated exercise and walking just HURT, all over. I started small and slowly worked up. The transformation still amazes me as I love being fit and healthy. However, my daily motivation is still that exercise allows me to eat the delicious, healthy food I love. I have always eaten back all my calories from exercise.
    I hope that encourages those of you who are just starting out. I was really a sad case, so much that my DH was worried about me and my restricted mobility.
    Chris - maintenance is hard, but so is getting fat again. :laugh: Lifelong commitment, aided by us! ! ! ! It is important to find a way of eating and exercising that you can live with long term. I often moan about the amount of exercise I need to do to maintain my weight, but my DH is an enormous help to me. I never moan about the food part of the equation as I couldn't be happier with my eating regime.

    Terri - oooohhhh that cheese! I had one and a half oz last night, but I had loads of calories going spare from my walk. It was delicious, real vintage Somerset cheddar. I am still doing my cheese exercises and I believe they are helping a lot. :noway:

    On Saturday I typed the title page for my memoir. Looking gooooood! :laugh: Will I discuss the contents with my son this Thursday? ? ? ? ? ? ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Joyce - Good wishes for the IV. And I want to say how much I appreciate your contributions to this thread. :love:

    Heather UK