

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Chris in MA - thanks for the inspiration, you're doing so great. Sets an example for the rest. Hit home with me.

    Lillian you made my mouth water and the rest of me tired out. :) You are a busy lady. That garden sounds terrific. The lab looks like a love.

    Mary look forward to your LV pictures. Glad y'all had such a wonderful time.

    MNMargaret - so sad about the 27 year old young man. It's so true, I see all of this stuff on TV and thank God for all my blessings.

    Cheri - Very impressive. You have every right to be proud of yourself. And you are looking great. Way to go.

    Janetr. OKC
  • SandiRemedios
    SandiRemedios Posts: 31 Member
    I am new to the forums. I am 61 years old, live in Hamilton Ontario and have 100 pounds to lose. This is day 3 and I just found this thread. I won't try to reply to everyone, but my goals for August are to log in and track everyday and now to follow this thread and try to participate.
    I am also shopping for a wearable activity tracker, but the options are a little overwhelming and I don't want to invest large dollars in something I won't use. Any suggestions?
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Holy Mackerel, there are 39 post from last night at 11:00 until this morning at 9:45. I’m gonna have to sleep less and read more. LOL I love it.

    Sylvia, you certainly got in your exercise today. Good for you!!!

    Lenora, sorry for your fall and glad you weren’t hurt. Maybe you need to concentrate on that left foot lift as you walk, just to see what you think is going on. Glad there has been a year without seizures. Woo Hoo When I go somewhere special and plan ahead to eat out of my normal daily diet, I don’t even consider it a slip. I have planned it, so I think it’s okay. We are not going to live for the rest of our lives always eating 1200 calories a day, so as long as I plan it and then plan to get rid of any added pounds, I figure it’s all gonna come out in the wash. You just enjoy that Cajun cooking!!!

    Tracey, welcome. This is definitely a place for support and great information, too. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. Come often and post when you’d like. We are here for you.

    Barblg2, welcome to you as well. I love cruises and have been on two this year. I try not to go crazy but do eat and drink things that I’d never have at home. What I find is that if I gain 6 pounds, it’s pretty easy weight to lose when I get back on track. There are times that we just have to enjoy life. I find that planning and consistency are what work best for me. And of course tracking and logging my food and drink. Please tell us about yourself and sign each post with the name you want to be called along with a location. You can do this.

    Joyce, kudos for you on looking at Charlie’s view point on things. It is often hard to balance between what we want and need as well as that of the other person. You have been at this long enough to know that we can eat right and exercise more and sometimes it will just take a while for it to show on the scale. Try to look at the things like the fact that you can do more for yourself, return a shopping cart, carry a laundry basket, etc. It is not just about the weight. The fact that you can move better, now allows you to burn more calories. It will come, so please don’t beat yourself up and keep moving forward. Thinking about you both with the treatment tomorrow.

    Mary, so glad you had a wonderful time. Safe travels home and I look forward to the pictures.

    Allison, you know we are all thinking of you and wishing you the best. I’m not sure if anyone has asked, what do you want? I know the thought of being alone has to be scary at the least, but when compared to what it has been like for you, there are two sides to consider. It definitely sounds like Tom has some demons to battle so I hope he can get it sorted out. (((((Hugs)))))

    Mame, sorry about no interviews with your new degree, but so nice that you found a new gig with the piano. What a royal looking cat Miss Tessa is.

    Lisa, so glad you got some needed rest. I’m looking forward to hearing about the restaurant this week. Great pictures that speak volumes.

    Heather, I’m rooting for you to bring up your book with your son. Not pushing, mind you but hopeful…. You are a great example for those of us that are not yet to maintenance stage. Do you still have to type the whole book or is some of it done?

    Janetr, I can’t believe school has started either? I’m not sure when it starts here but it used to be around Labor Day. I have loose skin in lots of places too but I think the thing I’m most pleased with is where my triple chin used to be. I still have a little double chin but no sagging skin to speak of, so at lease all the other spots can be covered with clothes. Lol

    Lillian, I love the black lab. They are such sweethearts!

    Colleen, good to have you back. All that walking is certainly a great way to start the day/week. Keep it up.

    Cheri, well you certainly impressed me!! Way to go.

    Pip, I’m glad the doc approves of what you are doing, cause as you can tell, I’m not too sure any of us do. I almost think pain meds are like antidepressants in that different ones work for different people. Before my back surgery, my doc switched me from hydrocodone to Oxycontin and it did nothin’ for me. surrender.gif I spent the next 3 days writhing in pain until I could switch back. Ya just never know???

    Katla, what do you mean you don’t want to have a mammogram? You know we all love that part of being a woman!!! no.gif The truth is, it’s a small price to pay for something that can be so helpful. I agree on the 1 pound that Becca gained. I can do that when absolutely nothing has changed. Or maybe it’s the barometric pressure???

    Sandi, welcome. You have found a great place for support and information. Please tell us a little more about yourself to help us get to know you. Also please sign each post with the name you want to be called and your location. Come often and post when you want to. You can do this.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Forty seven years ago today I did the best thing I have done in my entire life. I married my DH. It was definitely the best decision I’ve ever made. He can be frustrating and life hasn’t been perfect but he is a wonderful man and has been a great husband. I am so glad I found a keeper and hope we have many more years together. marriage.gif

    I hope each of you has a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. At least I hope it's good where you are. I got up early and started walking only to find that my hip joints are very sore. So, I didn't walk as far as I wanted to. Then showered and got ready to go to the studio. I called my son to see if he needed any help from me this morning and he snapped at me. He's having a really hard time breathing lately, and doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. I suggested he call the doctor, which was apparently the wrong thing to say. I asked if he needed me to help get his daughter to the clinic this morning to get checked for asthma. Again, the wrong thing to say. I asked if I could go get him some oxygen bottles, because he had run out yesterday, and he said they wouln't give them to me, he has to do it. He told me that he has a lot to do and that HE has to be the one to do it. He was yelling at me, so I hung up. Also, not the right thing to do.

    He called back a few minutes later and apologized. I told him that I know he's in a lot of pain, and he's under a lot of stress. I told him that it pales in comparison to what he's going through, but I am under some stress too. He said he was sorry. I told him to call me if he needs anything, and that I'm always willing to help, but until he asks for the help maybe I should just back off.

    The trouble is, he is dwelling on dying all the time. That can't be good for him or the kids. He's convinced that he will die very soon. I told him that if that is the case, he needs to start making some kind of arrangements for the kids. I hate the thought of them finding him. Apparently, that was also the wrong thing to say. He says he needs to talk about it but nobody will listen. I can understand that, too, I guess. It's really hard for me to hear that kind of talk.

    (For those who don't know, my son has Alpha One Anti-Trypsithin Deficiency which is incurable and there are few options for treatment. It destroys lungs and liver.)

    I'm supposed to take the middle child to the oral surgeon in Kansas City on Wednesday, but they say she has to be checked by a doctor for asthma first, so that has got to be today, and he is just blowing it off. If she doesn't get checked, she can't get her teeth fixed Wednesday. Hubby and I postponed our trip to see his sisters just for that reason, and his sisters rearranged their schedules too. So if he blows this off he is screwing up things for a lot of people, but mostly his daughter. For some reason the kids health concerns have taken a back seat. That burns me up, but of course, I can't say anything.

    So, I'm sitting here at my desk, crying and feeling helpless and sorry for myself - and him. Thinking about the death of my only child, and the welfare of my grandchildren. It's heartbreaking. I don't know what to do. Standing back and waiting for it to happen is really hard to do.

    My walking friend is bringing her granddaughters to the studio tomorrow to play with clay for a while, so today I have to get the work area cleaned up and ready. And I have drafting to do and have to prepare my bill for last month's work. It should be a big one.

    I hope you are all having a great day.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ - AAAAAAWWWWWWWW! <3<3<3 So sweet! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! :drinker:

    No, I haven't typed any of it yet, just the title page and the copyright symbol with my name and date. :laugh: I finished reading it through this afternoon and I know there are a few gaps. Thinking about how to put in family history I didn't know about when I was young. The memoir only goes up to nine years old.
    Also got to decide about photos or not. In my experience, biographies tend to have photos, memoirs not. But those old black and white photos, taken with a Kodak Brownie, are so evocative.

    Did a lot of gardening today. All good for calories. My sweetpeas are getting greenfly, but are still going good. The ladybirds have srrived so I'm hoping they will make a clean sweep.

    Michele and janetr - I don't think you want to come to Paris with me. The one place I have never visited is the Paris Sewers, so I am determined to get down there next time. :laugh: DH is saying we can make a trip to Paris soon as he can see I am pining. I know we could stay in our original friends' apartment, but as they don't seem to want to come to Hampshire I feel a bit awkward about that. We will probably stay in a hotel nearby.

    Dinner tonight is my homemade Passata with King Prawns and peas. DH tagliatelle and me shiritaki noodles. I like a good pinch of chilli flakes. Less than 250 cals for me. :bigsmile: And ten minutes to make.

    Love to all. I have dentist tomorrow as well. She always remarks on my inside cheeks as they get very chewed and sore. I sleep on my front and I think that is when it happens. I also can scratch them easily on sharp food, like a bread crust. She is keeping an eye out for cancer, of course.

    Heather UK
  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    My personal goals for August:
    * Always log my food, no matter what it is, or how much
    * Get ready for bed and be in it by 11
    * Nothing in the sink and all counters clean before bed
    * Drink more water than diet Dr. Pepper :)
    * Eat at home vs. buying take out

    August Resolutions
    *walk 15,000 steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses a water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *thoroughly clean guest room
    *thoroughly organize linen closet
    *speak up--don't sulk

    I am using a computer for posts..... works better than my cellphone! I am 52 (until later this month, then the number goes up!), have 100 pounds to lose. Frustrated by right knee injury. Have fallen several times on this knee, and have a few places in my knee with no cushion left. Too young for surgery....and don't want to do that anyway. So, have to wear a knee brace. Left foot has a bone spur growing into the Achilles tendon so have to be careful what shoes I wear and some stretches/exercises are just out of the question. Have had carpal tunnel surgery in the right hand, and still have tendonitis in both hands along with arthritis. Finding exercises I can do is crazy hard and frustrating. Swimming has been the best option. We do belong to a club, and I need to get back to it. DH is a disabled, brittle diabetic. Had surgery in April for left leg BKA. Is doing pretty well with prosthesis. Have now found out bone infection cannot be stopped in the right foot, so he will have a BKA in September on that one too. Has had about 20 surgeries over the past 20 years trying to save his feet. He is thin, and we laugh (because sarcasm is a coping mechanism for us) that he has no fat pad on the bottom of his feet. Basically walks on the bones, so no question, he will have ulcers. Ugh.

    My biggest problem is that I spend time taking care of DH and 15 year old DD still at home. The other 3 are out of the nest. So.... I'm working with a co-worker to use MFP to log what I eat, be supportive to her and she to me; as well as participate in this community, which is very uplifting.

    I like the August group resolutions.... a mix of health for us and our homes! Thanks so much. Happy Monday.

    Ina from Magalia, Calif.
  • simquilts2
    simquilts2 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I'm Shirley from Northern California. I clicked on the "Community" tab (for the first time) a little over a week ago and found a whole new world of support and friendship! Your group is so positive and I really appreciate the comments you have posted. I think I will be the Senior of your group (but I am an active/young-at-heart Senior); I am 68 years old, a retired Business Analyst, married to my best friend for 48 years. Hobbies include quilting (guess you could assume that from my MFP handle) and the home arts. My husband is in advanced stages of Parkinson's and most of my time is spent with him.

    Goals for August:
    Lose at least 8 lbs.
    Increase vegetables and protein, reduce carbs in daily menus
    Exercise daily - working towards a 15 minute mile walking/running so I can keep up with my kids & grandkids in the "Santa Run" in December.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY Anniversary to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is terrific. It's pretty rare now days to hear of that many years. Congrats to both of you and wishing you many many more!!! :)

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peeps -
    speaking of anti-depressants, they took about 3 months (not 1) for me to realize if it was the right fit for me. i went thru 3 kinds b4 settling on the right one that was working.

    csofled- and impressed you should be!!! you go gurl!!

    Thanks Pip! Everyday I do something that impresses myself whether it's pushing myself another mile walking, or making a better eating decision. It truly is a way of life change NOT a DIET.

    On the topic of antidepressants it usually does take trying several kinds. I myself have tried Cymbalta, Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor XR, Wellbrutrin and Celexa. Weaning off to change is brutal at least for me. Have finally settled on Celexa at a low dose. I also take Elavil at a small dose that cut my chronic tension headaches and mild brain fog in half. I don't plan on fooling around with meds for a while.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sylvia - Ohhh Sylvia, my heart goes out to you. I'm sitting here crying with you. I can't imagine the pain and heartbreak along with the concern and worry for the grandkids. I know nothing I can say will help much and certainly not take it away, but know that I will be praying for your and your family. Sending the most compassionate of (((hugs))).

    Heather - maybe NOT the sewers on first visit, but I do think a visit to the sewers would be most educational for this very sheltered old lady :) Once again, dinner sounds heavenly.

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thanks everyone for the walking kudos! :) One foot in front of the other and away I go....

    My thoughts and prayers for all of you that are going through rough patches right now. Life's journey is full of ups and downs. Hopefully you will come out on the positive side of your situations. :)<3


    Cheri in sunny NE Ohio
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Ina from Magalia, Calif. - certainly sounds as if you have your plate full. It's great tho that you have a friedt there to help encourage and support you. I have found the ladies here to be a great source of encouragement and support, or to administer a gentle kick in the rear when needed. Glad to have you on board.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Cheri - you poster is great, sage advice :) Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Sylvia - only just seen your post because of others' comments. So sorry for what you are going through. :cry:

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Ina, welcome. I am another Diet Dr P fan trying to cut back (with varying degrees of success).

    Sylvia, I don't know what to say other than to send you a big ole cyber hug. You are one strong woman.

    Cheri, way to go with those impressive stats.

    Shirley, welcome. Sounds like you have your hands full, too.

    My DH on the spinach-feta pie: "That stuff you made last night was really good. You can make that again." He is usually not impressed with my "diet" food. Tonight I'm making the white bean salad from that same site.

    Today begins a six-week online Bible Study for me. It is based on the book Taste for Truth that I have talked about before. I am looking forward to it.

    Miriam, I will follow the story of your hunt for an apartment for your son with great interest as we do the same.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited August 2015
    DJ Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sylvia heart goes out to you. Sounds like no matter what you said to son he was not in a place to hear it. If I had to do it over with my sister I think I would have just spent quiet time with her and let her take the lead. I also would have been more honest about how much I could handle. You do have grandchildren to consider, so sometime you will need to have a conversation about his wishes. Prayers for your whole family during this difficult time. You and your son not feeling well doesn't help either.

    Cheri love the poster. Timely reminder for me. Thanks.

    I used to end my posts with: Today I will spend time with a friend ( some other healthy behavior) so tomorrow I will wake to a healthier me. I did this because my sister would always talk about how tomorrow she would start taking better care of herself. She ran out of tomorrows too soon. She past away at age 59 after 2 years of intensive treatment for breast cancer. The age I am now.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • iemchico14
    iemchico14 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning. At least I hope it's good where you are. I got up early and started walking only to find that my hip joints are very sore. So, I didn't walk as far as I wanted to. Then showered and got ready to go to the studio. I called my son to see if he needed any help from me this morning and he snapped at me. He's having a really hard time breathing lately, and doesn't seem to want to do anything about it. I suggested he call the doctor, which was apparently the wrong thing to say. I asked if he needed me to help get his daughter to the clinic this morning to get checked for asthma. Again, the wrong thing to say. I asked if I could go get him some oxygen bottles, because he had run out yesterday, and he said they wouln't give them to me, he has to do it. He told me that he has a lot to do and that HE has to be the one to do it. He was yelling at me, so I hung up. Also, not the right thing to do.

    He called back a few minutes later and apologized. I told him that I know he's in a lot of pain, and he's under a lot of stress. I told him that it pales in comparison to what he's going through, but I am under some stress too. He said he was sorry. I told him to call me if he needs anything, and that I'm always willing to help, but until he asks for the help maybe I should just back off.

    The trouble is, he is dwelling on dying all the time. That can't be good for him or the kids. He's convinced that he will die very soon. I told him that if that is the case, he needs to start making some kind of arrangements for the kids. I hate the thought of them finding him. Apparently, that was also the wrong thing to say. He says he needs to talk about it but nobody will listen. I can understand that, too, I guess. It's really hard for me to hear that kind of talk.

    (For those who don't know, my son has Alpha One Anti-Trypsithin Deficiency which is incurable and there are few options for treatment. It destroys lungs and liver.)

    I'm supposed to take the middle child to the oral surgeon in Kansas City on Wednesday, but they say she has to be checked by a doctor for asthma first, so that has got to be today, and he is just blowing it off. If she doesn't get checked, she can't get her teeth fixed Wednesday. Hubby and I postponed our trip to see his sisters just for that reason, and his sisters rearranged their schedules too. So if he blows this off he is screwing up things for a lot of people, but mostly his daughter. For some reason the kids health concerns have taken a back seat. That burns me up, but of course, I can't say anything.

    So, I'm sitting here at my desk, crying and feeling helpless and sorry for myself - and him. Thinking about the death of my only child, and the welfare of my grandchildren. It's heartbreaking. I don't know what to do. Standing back and waiting for it to happen is really hard to do.

    My walking friend is bringing her granddaughters to the studio tomorrow to play with clay for a while, so today I have to get the work area cleaned up and ready. And I have drafting to do and have to prepare my bill for last month's work. It should be a big one.

    I hope you are all having a great day.


    I am so sorry for the pain and stress you are experiencing. My DH is a disabled, brittle diabetic. He has battled problems with his eyes and feet for decades. Currently, one BKA and the right to go in September. Bone infections are so tough, has caused kidney damage so no more PIC lines with meds. I say this because he has been very depressed sometimes and thinks about death and giving up. We have tried different counselors, worked with our church folks, and family.... unfortunately family is too close, and is too hard for them to understand where he is coming from. Some days it has felt like he was giving up, and perhaps he did. But, I am trying to lose 100 lbs, so obviously I have given up some days too. His health and my weight have been a concern for a long time and our youngest DD is 15 and has long been worried her dad wouldn't be around a long time, but when my knee was injured from a fall, she expressed her fear about losing me. It hit me in the face and I knew I had to reassure her and to take steps to improve my health physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I'm plugging away, and as long as I keep moving forward that's a good thing.

    Sometimes our loved ones that are ill rule every moment of our lives. I rarely have time away from my DH if not at work. He calls, hates being alone, and can be gruff and grumpy sometimes. My fuse tends to get short after a while and we have to work it through. We have been married 31 years, so we know each other pretty well. I still constantly ask him what he is thinking. Sometimes I have guessed, other times it gives him an opportunity to share, vent, or muse about random things. I don't know how long I will get to keep him here beside me, and am fighting every day to keep it as long as possible - that takes a toll and now I'm learning to take care of me.

    Thinking of losing a child is heart wrenching, and to fear for your grandchildren is very real. Hugs to you. I think the nice thing about this group (from the week I've been here) is everyone is supportive and a venue to bounce ideas, express frustration and find support to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

    Hugs, Ina from Magalia - Northern California
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    have a good day,had fun with Violet,come home to horrible sciatica pain.]
    hugs jane
    Baby Nathan is getting a liver today.YAY hugs jane
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,673 Member
    whippet - I just read your post all the way thru - i'm sorry about your pain, both emotionally and physically. we are here for ya babe, i'm sooo sorry. from the major heartaches I have had thru-out my life I do know this. everything happens for a reason. we may not know what that is at the time it is happening but if you reflect, it will come to you. that felt so true with the death of my husband at a young age (34). he had to die so I could later be with Kirby and be as blessed in life as I am now. same thing with my sister, she had to die to bring the family together... we are hear, take it one day at a time.... hugging you from afar...

    I don't think I know anyone by their name and it is cuz of two reasons.
    1- I suck at remembering names, which is why I will always refer to you as your profile name

    2- I still suck at remembering names