Building muscle while losing fat??



  • vlovell24
    vlovell24 Posts: 61 Member
    Wait, he's been doing it for 6 months.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Lyle also mentions that an obese individual (not sure what your BMI is to say how much it applies to you) is a bit of an exception to the idea.
    As others have said, you can have some noob gains, and depending on how much you have to lose, you might have some gains before your body's insulin sensitivity goes up (at least that's the mechanism Lyle attributes it to) such that you'd need more of a calorie surplus for gains.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    vlovell24 wrote: »
    Thank you for the replies. I do struggle with protein, so I am going to add in some shakes to help. I have a friend that did high protein, 1500 calorie, and very heavy (and dedicated) lifting. He has lost 45lbs, but his muscle is outstanding. I figured that if he can build muscle on a deficit, then I should be able to as well. And, no, he wasn't a lifter before. He started as a sedentary dude, and 4 months later...holy cow.

    It can be done, but the it lacks serious longevity. You can't sustain this type of routine. It will work for a lump sum of weight but then you will plateau. If you're lucky you might make it to "goal weight" before it happens, but you'll find it's near impossible to sustain. Not to mention all of the ill effects of severe, sustained calorie deficits: cold extremities, irritability, mood swings, hormonal chaos and even hair loss.

    Please come by the EM2WL group and find sustainable, healthy way to reach your goals.
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    This has been a helpful thread. I am on week 6 of weight training and I always have a problem with deciding on my caloric intake. I was at 1900 calories previously and gained 10lbs, but lost 16 inches all over. I'm still not sure where I need to be with my caloric intake, especially since I've incorporated HIIT after my weight sessions, but the comments here are beneficial.
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    This has been a helpful thread. I am on week 6 of weight training and I always have a problem with deciding on my caloric intake. I was at 1900 calories previously and gained 10lbs, but lost 16 inches all over. I'm still not sure where I need to be with my caloric intake, especially since I've incorporated HIIT after my weight sessions, but the comments here are beneficial.

    You can take your stats (ht , wt, age, active hours) and plug them into the Scooby Calculator and it will give you approximations of deficit, maintenance and surplus calorie levels!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    OP if this was possible how do you think the average man would look?
  • blissalexandra
    blissalexandra Posts: 37 Member
    Calorific intake way too low. Especially if u train hard. Dont forget carbs too u need to have a decent ratio of food. So if u increase one decrease another.. Especially for your sprints u need yummy carbs. I do the same I do interval sprinting & weight lifting il have over 2000 calories a day
    The type of training you need to do to build muscle(hypertrophy) whilst building muscle you lose fat anyway so I would increase your calories and train hard !!
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    vlovell24 wrote: »
    Mfp has me at 1200 calories a day, which is what I have been doing. .... I am fine at 1200, and I get through my workouts with no problems.

    MFP's calculation is just an estimate, you need to adjust based on your experience. Are you at least eating some of your exercise calories back? Otherwise this will not be sustainable with your plans to lift and maintain muscle.

  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    This has been a helpful thread. I am on week 6 of weight training and I always have a problem with deciding on my caloric intake. I was at 1900 calories previously and gained 10lbs, but lost 16 inches all over. I'm still not sure where I need to be with my caloric intake, especially since I've incorporated HIIT after my weight sessions, but the comments here are beneficial.

    You can take your stats (ht , wt, age, active hours) and plug them into the Scooby Calculator and it will give you approximations of deficit, maintenance and surplus

    Thanks for this information! After using the calculator, I realized I need more food since adding the HIIT
  • XavierNusum
    XavierNusum Posts: 720 Member
    edited August 2015
    This has been a helpful thread. I am on week 6 of weight training and I always have a problem with deciding on my caloric intake. I was at 1900 calories previously and gained 10lbs, but lost 16 inches all over. I'm still not sure where I need to be with my caloric intake, especially since I've incorporated HIIT after my weight sessions, but the comments here are beneficial.

    You can take your stats (ht , wt, age, active hours) and plug them into the Scooby Calculator and it will give you approximations of deficit, maintenance and surplus

    Thanks for this information! After using the calculator, I realized I need more food since adding the HIIT

    Cool! I'm glad you got the chance to use it! Come by the EM2WL group and learn more about actual TDEE, metabolic resets and metabolic suppression.