

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Busy day today. I will be back in the morning to read through all the post and reply.

    Thanks, Barbie for getting this started.
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    Hello. My name is Sue and Id like to take part too.
    My goal for June is to exercise every day. I cant run or do the treadmill but theres lots of things I can do.
    Took last week off from calorie counting as it was my BD and my sons BD (same day) and we had lots of stuff going on. Wont be doing that again in a hurry as I put a over a pound on . Hoping its water weight. So my second goal is to log my food every day.
    Happy to "meet" you all:smile:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just popping in to say hi. We had tornados in this area that are very uncommon for New England. I hope Debbieanne is OK. It hit pretty hard around her area. 40 miles north of where I live so we were safe. Makes you appreciate mundane and boring days.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Thank you Barbie, for starting the month of June off right for all of us. Mary Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! How wonderful it is that you are married to your best friend. Happy Birthday to all the special ladies whose birthdays I have missed, while I have been out of touch. I am wrestling my way through an audit.:grumble: This was not the way I planned to spend my spare time in the spring. This, like all things will pass and I will be back on track. Still exercising, and still eating well. Oh, fresh veggie season is almost here1

    I have something raiding my bird feeders. I keep them about 6 feet off the ground so the deer don't tear them down, and out on thin limbs so the raccoons can't get them. I think I have a bear stopping by now. He not only takes the feeders down, but tears them apart and carries them off. The local game warden stopped by today and she seems to agree. There was on stopping here for a few days last spring also. I hope he leaves soon as the birds are getting hungry.

    Tonight the coyotes were just down the road, calling there wavering calls. There is a heron fishing in the pond by my drive way, and a beaver has moved into the pond behind my house. I love my neighbors, but Mr. Beaver will have to go as he is cutting trees down and sooner than later will go after the birch and the redbud. I am rather fond of my trees. The redbud came from my parents house in VA and I would hate to lose it.

    Time for this farmer to get to bed, those chickens get up early!:wink: Nite all, Alice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just came back from the potluck. There were 14 women there and I was one of four who ate their dinner at home before coming. Except for the bananas that I brought there was nothing there that I would have eaten. I no longer expect to find anything I will eat at a potluck so I eat at home.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: time for bed :yawn: Bernie, the cat will be waking me at 5AM

    :bigsmile: big exercise today----walking with poodles, four and a half mile walk with my friend on the Olympic Discovery Trail, and two hour line dance class:bigsmile: :bigsmile: 24,000 steps on my pedometer:bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    Happy Anniversary, Mary
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Hello everyone and welcome new people. This is a great group of supportive women.

    I had a break through tonight: Usually if I don't have a full hour or if I'm too tired, I just don't walk at all. Something in me shifted tonight, came home from work at 8, (tired) it was still light and I thought, I don't want to do my 3 miles uphills...but I certainly can go out and walk for 30 minutes. And I did! My Aussie/Border mix appreciated it too. I know that seems simple enough but it was just one of those blocks for me.

    For those of you who have read my previous posts about my struggles with sugar... I read this article and have been sugar free for 4 days now.

    Mimi - I have learned that I cannot have a sugary treat because even just one little thing leads me into a "mindless" spiral of more sugar.


    If you can't paste this into your browser, you can google NY Times sugar.

    My husband and I also saw a movie called Forks Over Knives. It was mind boggling and eye opening. My meat eating, bacon loving DH actually is embarking on a plant based diet after seeing this film. I had already given up meat and poultry, now I'm working on dairy. I do love my cheese!

    Barbie - love the dancing girl and cat
    Mary - Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!
    Birdie -I was astounded to see a tornado in Massachusetts on the news!
    Alice - where do you live? I would love to have an assortment of critters in my yard

    I had quite an indulgent, tasty treat tonight. One Trader Joes multigrain waffle covered with a tablespoon of Tofutti better than cream cheese spread, drizzled with a bit of mesquite honey -- topped with sliced fresh organic strawberries! Total of 187 calories! If you haven't tried the Tofutti spread, It's quite satisfying and DH even says it's very close to the real deal. The best part is that it's only 60 calories per serving and no sugar or cholesterol.

    Happy June Everyone,
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    Okay I know this has nothing to do with anything other than that I just LOVE frogs. :heart:

    Well I was going to say that my June goal was to do water aerobics, but this morning I pulled out my swimsuit and tried it on and it looked like a dress on me. I just stood there looking at myself in my closet mirror shocked at what I saw. The bathing suit looks like a mini dress which I used to filll out completely. Now my boobs don't fill the cups and the whole thing just hangs! I was staring because I actually thought I looked halfway decent in the bathing suit despite the fact that it was way too large now. For once I actually liked what I saw. Which as any woman will tell you is virtually impossible! Mind you, I am no way close to a bikini body, but I can look at myself without being depressed. Nice. But now I have to go and buy another bathing suit and fast, because the classes are going to fill up fast. And I want to be able to do these aerobics because I have such bad knees and I heard swimming was one of the best exercises you can do for low impact workouts.

    I also will continue with my normal 1200 calories and low carb food and now taking the liquid glucosamine. I know it is only day 4 but I wish the month would finish so that I can see the results of taking it and am praying it will help the pain in my knees.

    Mom told me the other day that she is seeing people in her room. In particular 2 little kids and an old woman on separate occasions. Of course they aren't there, she is hallucinating. She also mysteriously can no longer use the remote she has had sincle Novemeber 2010 . I called my doctor and she said she suspected dementia. She told me to have her draw the face of the clock with its numbers and hands pointed at ten minutes after 11, which she did .....perfectly. So I looked up dementia and saw that the hallucinations are common when dementia is very severe. i don't think that is mom. I also read that sometimes thyroids being out of whack can cause this affect. She does have a thyroid problem and is taking medication, so I contacted the doctor and asked for blood work to see if her thyroid has gotten worse or she is lacking in vitamins. Mom is so sensitvie to medicines that I am thinking it is associated with it. Either that or we have ghosts in her room. Either way I will sleuth out the answer and find out what is wrong wth her.

    Today was my guyfriends birthday and I got him Dolce Gabana's "the one" cologne (Mathew Mc Conahey is the spokesperson and they have him so handsomely dressed in a tux and it smells amazing!!! I told my friend to use it everyday. The scent drives me wild, i just want to tear his clothes off when he is wearing it. Talk about an aphrodisiac!!!:smooched: :heart:

    I am still watching my carbs and calorie intake and it slowly is working itself off slowly but surely. I am very proud that I haven't gained any weight and am losing slowly. Tried on 2 pairs of pants today that I bought that were snug and are now loose.Life is good right now. Now if I can get my knees working ..... okay and maybe sneak in some sex ....FINALLY!!!!:blushing: I will be in 7th heaven. HERE'S TO ACHEIVING ALL MY GOALS FOR JUNE!!!

    Good luck to all of you in yours too!!!:drinker:

  • 2youngatheart
    2youngatheart Posts: 338 Member
    Morning everyone! A beautiful morning here...hope you all are blessed with the same. The birds singing....sun is shining...and looking forward to a day of acheivements. I plan to exercise today..something I didn't get to do yesterday...had a miagraine. I struggle with that...seems I work around here all the time, gardening..etc. and there just isn't enough time to always fit it in. I hope June will be filled with more days of exercise! My weight is in limbo...but at least I am not gaining. Trying new recipes....healthier versions of old favorites...I like to cook!
    Barbie...when I go to pot luck, I take something low cal that I will eat...and hope others will too. At least I am assured that there is something for me.... and anyone else weight concious. Pot lucks are very hard to manuver...everyone brings their "most tasty dishes" which means they bring the fattiest too! I agree the fellowshipping is the best part ;) We have a small group that meets each week and it is very hard....I applaud your will power! Thank you so much for starting this thread....I am lookiing forward to getting to know everyone and finding the inspiration to continue this journey....with friends! what a bonus! Hope all has a blessed and great day!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My goal for June is to not beat myself up everytime I fail. Just keep on going. I only lost 4 pounds in May - not the 8 I wanted. But 4 pounds of butter stacked up looks pretty good. Still going to Curves 4 days per week. Get weighed and measured tomorrow . pERHAPS i GAINED MUSCLE AND LOST INCHES - ONE CAN HOPE!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Well I made the start. Kenneth and I walked for 40 minutes yesterday pulling wagon with 2 grandbabies and today I walked this morning for 45 min. I ran 3 times for 7 houses (borrowed your idea barbie) working up to a whole block (about 10 houses) I am drinking my morning drink and going shower. have hair appt today and taking kids bowling. I plan to do each day and continue on vacation. vacations are easy i have company. I am not self motivator. working on it but not natural for me. will read posts and check in later. have a good day. smert that is a good loss for a month. we always want more but that is good just continue doing what you are doing and it will happen. good luck with measure. sometimes we lose lots more inches than pounds. I need to measure soon.
    vicki m
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    (none of the MFP apps work on my phone:tongue: )
    What kind of phone do you have, Kathy? I'm still shopping (aka on the fence :ohwell: )

    I have a Motorola Q9c. It's an older model smartphone but I love it and it works great! It runs Windows Mobile 6.1 and can't be upgraded to WM 7 because it's been discontinued.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    We have a major food centered vacation every year in July. Last year I did fairly well and this year I intend to come back the same weight or less. We go to the beach with a couple from out of state and lots of family shows up too. The guy from out of state loves to cook and is very good at it. He and I used to trade off cooking and trying to outdo one another. Everyone else at the beach is grilling hotdogs and hamburgers and eating out while our kitchen is producing Italian beef, herb and breading stuffed pork roast, potato soup with cream and bacon, marbled steaks, cheesecakes, red velvet birthday cakes etc etc. You get the idea. Last year I tried to join in in moderation. It's not happening this year. Doing that just makes it so hard when I get back to normal at home. I have to fight my demons all over again.

    I just had a thought--and if I wait it will be gone again!--Could you talk to your cooking pal and see if you could come up with a way to 'healthify' the fancy foods? Could even be a contest or challenge type of thing! Healthy Gourmet at the Beach!
    Bought large boxes of yummy fresh blueberries and raspberries so we will have those with cereal for breakfast for a few days, I found a brown puffed rice that is gluten free and actually has some taste..

    Did you know that most of the Chex brand cereals are gluten free? I'd never thought of that before my DSs girlfriend needed to go gluten free for a while. She says they are so much better than most of the cereals out there--and less expensive, too!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Just caught up with all the posts for June - wow what an active group we are, into page 3 already and we are only part way through Day 2.

    Much cooler here in Ottawa today after 2 days of very high temperatures and humidity. So, I'm off out to cut the gass and do some other outside work for a while. It is very, very windy and stuff was blowing around in the night. There are several areas with power cuts this morning.

    I like the thing on the tracker at the end of the day where it says "If every day were like today in 5 weeks you'd weigh" I can really see improvements in my long term forecast where I only see baby steps day by day. The other thing that works for me is that I try to use most, if not all of my calories, but do find that I tend to go over on protein, but I don't log in my exercise until the end of the day. For me, the exercise is what gives me the 'kick' to lose weight - the 1500 or so calories that are my allowance tend to keep me at the same weight which is useful to know when I'll be trying to maintain in the future. So, if I put in my exercise at the end of the day, I don't eat the extra calores that it gives me. Works for me, might be useful for someone else.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Michele asked what to do when going to a potluck or similar. For me it is always a problem as I have major food allergies. I either call the person organizing to see if she/he knows of any of the things that will be there, but I always take something that I can eat - usually a salad that can be easily made with one of the packets of prepared salad but then augmented with other things to make it more interesting, i.e. tomatoes, shrimps, grated cheese, celery, spring onions (for others - I'm allergic), cucumber etc.

    I also make my own dressing - have a recipe for a wicked basil/lemon dressing that is to die for. If anyone is interested I'm happy to give you the recipe.

    By the way I'm a January birthday (28th).
  • cjwil01
    cjwil01 Posts: 4
    Hi everybody,

    I'm felling pretty good about myself! I've been tracking ALL of my food for the past 4 days now and I'm amazed at how close I've been coming to the nutritional goals that MFP set for me. My carbs are close to target (a little over) and my sodium and fats are under the target, but my sugar is a little over. I have to drink less orange juice and eat more oranges. I did go 156 calories over yesterday. I should have walked yesterday and I didn't do it. That would have taken care of almost all the extra calories! I WILL walk today I promise.

    I have type 2 diabetes and have had my best success losing weight using the diabetic exchange system along with walking. So I started focusing on that method of eating again this week. I am also trying to cut down on starch--potatoes, rice, and flour products--by eating smaller portions. I'm still eating all fruit and vegetables.

    I hope you all have a great day. Take care and stay cool!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just marking the thread in case I do actually have time to start posting again.

    Happy Birthday to our June ladies:

    3 - eotrg
    4 - Caminogirl
    4 - Shirley61
    12 – Ldspill
    13- tiarapants
    23 - goldwingrider
    27 - Donna56

    Good luck this month everyone.

  • wehavethestars
    Barbie, thanks for starting June with such wise words.

    Mary, Happy Anniversary.

    Deborah, Sorry about your husband. I hope you continue to find a short time to peek in. I believe your Birthday is coming up. I hope it can be enjoyable.

    Congratulations to all who lost pounds and inches. Keep up the good work.

    Have a good day everyone.


    June goals: continue walking and breathing and stretching exercises.
    lose 2 lbs
    eat more raw veggies
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Hi everyone. I have just started to get serious (once again). I am a 50+ and have over 100 lbs to lose. Yikes! I have been up and down most of my life. Quitting smoking this year, going through menopause and basically just eating whatever the H I wanted has contrubuted to packing on the pounds. I need all the help and support from those like minded. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'll eventually get around to building my profile. Happy to have found this thread.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    June goal is to lose 10 lbs.