Dealing with sabatozors



  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    ^ little play kitchen! Lol
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    ^ she has her own apartment, kitchen etc... Believe me it's done purposely. I have asked her to stop not even due to my dieting, but so my kids wouldn't eat the garbage. Still doesn't get it.

    That's pretty disrespectful. If it's your house she should respect the rules you and your husband have set.

    Have you and your husband discussed the matter and both addressed it with her directly?
  • sidricks
    sidricks Posts: 32 Member
    We went to stay on my in laws boat for five days. The first thing mil said to me was "I supposed you aren't going to be eating what the rest of us are eating?" I said no I brought my own food. She said "I hate that. I really do" I said I'm sorry but I'm sticking to counting calories. If it was only a couple of days I would have just ate smaller portions and maybe splurged a little. But five days is a little too long to get off track for me. So the next day my mil and I were sitting beside the water and she looked at me and said "you are so dedicated. I really admire that" :)
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Mother in law moved in with us and continuously brings in junk food and cooks high fat meals. I have continuously told her that we try to live healthy but she could continues to ignore my wishes. I keep plugging along, make my own meals, but I will say thr... Sorry guess I'm just venting.

    If she's living with you, then she is sharing in the food expenses. She has every right to bring in the kind of food she likes and to cook meals her way.

    That said, you have every right to not eat what she brings in and to ask her not to give you kids certain foods. Since it's your hubby's mom, he's the one who needs to talk to her if she's feeding your children foods you don't want them to eat. As for the rest, I'd say to just give her a shelf for her food and let the kids know to leave it alone.

    As for someone else sabotaging you.....nobody can do that unless you give them permission to. You are 100% control of what you eat.

    Good luck. :)

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Mother in law moved in with us and continuously brings in junk food and cooks high fat meals. I have continuously told her that we try to live healthy but she could continues to ignore my wishes. I keep plugging along, make my own meals, but I will say thr... Sorry guess I'm just venting.

    If she's living with you, then she is sharing in the food expenses. She has every right to bring in the kind of food she likes and to cook meals her way.

    That said, you have every right to not eat what she brings in and to ask her not to give you kids certain foods. Since it's your hubby's mom, he's the one who needs to talk to her if she's feeding your children foods you don't want them to eat. As for the rest, I'd say to just give her a shelf for her food and let the kids know to leave it alone.

    As for someone else sabotaging you.....nobody can do that unless you give them permission to. You are 100% control of what you eat.

    Good luck. :)

    All of this.
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    Not Sharing food expenses. She has her own everything.... Just buys it and puts it in my kitchen for our family on her own. Not telling my kids food is bad, I just a don't want them eating food all the time that is high calories and full of sugar and fat.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Not Sharing food expenses. She has her own everything.... Just buys it and puts it in my kitchen for our family on her own. Not telling my kids food is bad, I just a don't want them eating food all the time that is high calories and full of sugar and fat.

    While I really hate the idea of throwing away food that someone else buys, how you're describing it, that's what I would start doing. She is specifically buying food that she is not going to eat and putting it in your kitchen and not her own. If that's the case, I'd just throw it away. And if you can throw it away while she's standing there, even more enjoyment...
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    Last night I came home to a box of donuts on my counter. I'm telling u it's crazy!!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Not Sharing food expenses. She has her own everything.... Just buys it and puts it in my kitchen for our family on her own. Not telling my kids food is bad, I just a don't want them eating food all the time that is high calories and full of sugar and fat.

    There's two possible explanations:

    1) She's doing the whole "grandparents spoil the kids" thing which is quite sweet and understandable. A compromise can be sorted out usually in this scenario like saying the kids like certain things which she can pass to you and then you can portion them out as needs be.

    2) It's a straight up power play and she is trying to usurp your authority as a wife and a mother. That needs to be addressed with a united front between you and your husband.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »

    Is that like a kind of bulldozer?
    I think it was the Decepticon that could turn into a bulldozer.

    OP: have you asked the Beastie Boys for advice? I believe this is an area they're familiar with.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    My grandma used to flat out deliberately bake goodies for my brother and dad any time she got a whisper that my mum and I were trying to lose weight. I just had to decide what I wanted more.

    I hear ya! I swear that's what she does. My daughters and I are convinced. Haha

    It helped to remember that she was doing it because she wanted to see us fail (seriously, she was a horrid old woman) and that would help a lot when I'd reach for whatever it was she made.


    No, seriously haahaa. She was like something out of a sitcom. She would call on weigh-in day, and I'd answer the phone and she wouldn't even say hello, she'd just demand "how much?" and if I hadn't lost weight she'd make snarty remarks and hang up. It never bothered me, it makes for great stories, but yeah. She was hilariously horrid.

    I forget what, but I think I saw another post like this by you that makes me think your grandmother and my grandmother would have made good friends. Or at least they'd do humanity a favor hanging with each other instead of other people.
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »

    Is that like a kind of bulldozer?

    It's obviously a dinosaur. Duh.

  • Ivonne_992
    Ivonne_992 Posts: 45 Member
    I just got rid of them from my life forever. Works perfect lol
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    tell her to keep her "good stuff" in her MIL apartment. and the family can visit her and get it there. and then it's not sitting on the counter
    (though I will say, I would hold personal responsibility above all else. we've had cookies on the counter all week, but I didn't eat any)
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Not Sharing food expenses. She has her own everything.... Just buys it and puts it in my kitchen for our family on her own. Not telling my kids food is bad, I just a don't want them eating food all the time that is high calories and full of sugar and fat.

    While I really hate the idea of throwing away food that someone else buys, how you're describing it, that's what I would start doing. She is specifically buying food that she is not going to eat and putting it in your kitchen and not her own. If that's the case, I'd just throw it away. And if you can throw it away while she's standing there, even more enjoyment...

    I guess you could always drop it off at a homeless shelter or give it away to teenagers working the local deli or something...
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    Not Sharing food expenses. She has her own everything.... Just buys it and puts it in my kitchen for our family on her own. Not telling my kids food is bad, I just a don't want them eating food all the time that is high calories and full of sugar and fat.

    While I really hate the idea of throwing away food that someone else buys, how you're describing it, that's what I would start doing. She is specifically buying food that she is not going to eat and putting it in your kitchen and not her own. If that's the case, I'd just throw it away. And if you can throw it away while she's standing there, even more enjoyment...

    I guess you could always drop it off at a homeless shelter or give it away to teenagers working the local deli or something...

    ^Better option. I don't know if a shelter would take it, but, at least where I live, there's usually someone on a street corner looking for food.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    We are all adults here...what you put in your mouth is your decision. If this is going to work, you have to stop blaming others for your failures.
  • LeslieB042812
    LeslieB042812 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Ummm I would kinda call my husband a saboteur. He has gotten a lot better lately.

    He would do things like sprinkle sugar over my fruit salad that was in the fridge, or add more butter to my food than his. He would also make me delicious treats in the evening and look so hurt and distraught when I said NO. He's the type of person who shows his love through food. And it didn't help that he didn't want me losing any more weight...

    Like I said he doesn't really do it anymore, as he probably got sick of me yelling NO more frequently.

    That's extreme, but very similar to my husband. He shows love through food and sharing foods and also doesn't think I should be losing weight. He would cook an ostensibly healthy dish and insist that it was just veggies and then when it tasted suspiciously buttery/oily, he would admit he put "just a little" in (likely a lot!) and he would sneak butter and mayonnaise into sandwiches because he didn't believe me that I didn't want it. He would also literally shove food in my face, like "here, have a taste." "no thank you", shoves fork of food in my mouth. He would also insist on splitting everything 50/50 and really turn it into a fight. So yes, you can just say no and purse your lips, but that gets tiring (not to mention embarrassing if it's in a restaurant or otherwise public place)..... lol

    He's gotten a little better when I showed him the scooby site's calculators and showed him how much I should eat (5'2" female) vs. how much he should eat (6' male). It was like a light went on in his head and he said "oh, so maybe instead of 1/2 and 1/2, I should have 2/3 and you should have 1/3." YES!!!!! :smiley:

    Sometimes, you just have to find the right way to communicate to them.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    ^ she has her own apartment, kitchen etc... Believe me it's done purposely.

    So don't eat it.

    Easy for me, not for my husband or kids.

    Why don't you make food for your husband and kids then? Wouldn't that solve the problem?
  • lauralash1024
    lauralash1024 Posts: 29 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    ^ she has her own apartment, kitchen etc... Believe me it's done purposely.

    So don't eat it.

    Easy for me, not for my husband or kids.

    Why don't you make food for your husband and kids then? Wouldn't that solve the problem?