Pin-up Girls! - WEEK 2



  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    I need some ideas for strength training to do with my cardio. I burned 1001 calories today all cardio. I need to switch it up. I'm still 218 so I need some beginner type excercises.

    Ask someone who works at they gym you go to (do you go to a gym)...they can really help you out. I had actually asked a lady who goes there all the time. She came up with a program for me and I absolutely loved it. I noticed that once I started it, I started to lose weight faster. I am actually going to start it again next week. It's a six weeks program, but you have to be dedicated. I don't have the sheets with me right now, but I will try to remember tomorrow to write it out for you. I LOVE IT!!!

    Thank you so much I would really appreciate it! I am definitely dedicated to this. I don't go to a gym right now I just own an elliptical, I run , and I do the 30DS program.
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Woo-hoo, victorious! Well done, ladies!

    I am up about a pound from Monday. It's TOM, which means *everything* is six times harder, my toddler has reverted to infant sleeping habits, and I've been horribly stressed.

    However! Effective today, I am a Permanent Resident of Canada, and I have finished my first 10 days of 30DS. Even better, in addition to having finished L1, I also lost 17" overall. So, while the scale is being heartless, my measuring tape loves me. I can handle this! Plus, I start L2 of the 30DS tomorrow! Woo!

    Yes!!! That's fantastic!

    And way to win the fight Rach! You are in charge now! You looked that drink in the eye and said, "No! I don't need you!" Good girl!
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Once I knew the tornadoes were going to miss us (yes, I'm in Massachusetts and I did say tornadoes) I did the 30DS with no weights. My neck is a little sore but it's been sore all day. I feel better for working out.
  • valeriedent2
    valeriedent2 Posts: 154
    Just wanted to check in! We're almost done with this week already, and hope everyone is doing fantastic!!

    I'm in my first week of getting back into getting up to workout before work. Oy!! 4:45 comes fast!!! LOL!! But, I've gotten a really decent workout in the last two days, calories have been excellent, and I'm making smart choices for them! I am addicted to my new breakfast!! Chobani and a VitaTop! Love the protein, love the fiber! Love, love, love that it's like eating a muffin, so it satisfies my sweet tooth, but that it's good for me!!! :)

    Keep up the good work everyone!! What's the plan for the weekend??? Any fun and exciting activities planned that the rest of us can be jealous of?
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Happy Thursday Everyone! I'm working from home today and waiting for the AC repairman. Joy. I've got tons of good food to eat here so I'm really happy :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    The scale seems to be responding really well to my increase in protein!! My goal was just to be in the 160's for the concert my bf and I are going to Monday night, and I'm sitting at 167.8 as of this morning!!! Yippee!!!!
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    Staying more focused and the scale is moving in the right direction. Hope to keep off the 2 pounds that I gained last week. However, the weekend is coming and that's never good for me. I'm having my son's 6th birthday party on Sat so I'll be running around with a bunch of boys all day which is good, except there will be cake...
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    The scale seems to be responding really well to my increase in protein!! My goal was just to be in the 160's for the concert my bf and I are going to Monday night, and I'm sitting at 167.8 as of this morning!!! Yippee!!!!

    Congrats. I am sooo happy for you!!! :bigsmile:
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    The scale seems to be responding really well to my increase in protein!! My goal was just to be in the 160's for the concert my bf and I are going to Monday night, and I'm sitting at 167.8 as of this morning!!! Yippee!!!!

    Yes! I'm glad you were able to tweak your diet into action!

    What concert are you going to?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    The scale seems to be responding really well to my increase in protein!! My goal was just to be in the 160's for the concert my bf and I are going to Monday night, and I'm sitting at 167.8 as of this morning!!! Yippee!!!!

    Yes! I'm glad you were able to tweak your diet into action!

    What concert are you going to?

    Deftones!!!! With Dillinger Escape Plan.

    It's extra exciting because the Deftones are kinda of my boyfriend and I's 'band'. Their newest cd came out around the time we started dating and we used to just sit on his couch listening to it over and over and over, talking about music. :heart:
  • fishrockstar
    fishrockstar Posts: 27 Member

    Deftones!!!! With Dillinger Escape Plan.

    Fun! Remember, going into the pit is considered good exercise. I think that's how I stayed skinny back when I was "young". :laugh:

    I've been wanting to go to a show so bad lately, but it's been impossible due to my work schedule. I can't take off holiday weekends (and ALL the good shows happen on holiday weekends, grumble). I *will* go to Viva Las Vegas one of these years though, I wanted to go SO BAD this year but found out too late (plus, who wants to go to Vegas when they're only 20? )
  • fishrockstar
    fishrockstar Posts: 27 Member
    Congratulations fishrockstar! Picture?


    It looks nicer without the flower, which I promptly removed when I got home. I think someone sewed it on, it didnt seem like a part of the actual dress.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Congratulations fishrockstar! Picture?

    It looks nicer without the flower, which I promptly removed when I got home. I think someone sewed it on, it didnt seem like a part of the actual dress.

    Super cute!!! Maybe the flower was a cleavage blocker?? :laugh:
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member

    It looks nicer without the flower, which I promptly removed when I got home. I think someone sewed it on, it didnt seem like a part of the actual dress.

    That's a really cute dress! Looks great on you!
  • atrayubrandy
    atrayubrandy Posts: 188 Member
    I love the dress, too!

    I'm really excited for this upcoming week. I feel motivated. My goals are:
    1. Keep working out like I've been doing. I'm killing it.
    2. Stay at or below my caloric level (and eat back all my exercise calories)
    3. Drink water with every meal and snack
  • lunamare
    lunamare Posts: 569 Member
    Fabulous Dress! I love it!!!
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    What a gorgeous dress! *_* It looks wonderful on you, too!


    Day 11, Level 2 done on the 30 Day Shred. I'm FINALLY, after nearly six months, in a place where I feel all off if I miss a workout. Being in level two does mean that I need my toddler to actually SLEEP in the mornings so I can get that workout in. GAH. Here's hoping! ^_^ In the meantime, I'm still battling AF, and hoping that the scale will show as much progress as the measuring tape does. ^_^
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Signiicantly reduced the sodium intake the past couple days, but today sucked! Damn hot dogs! I will be back on track with sodium tomorrow. I burned 1029 today and drank tons of water so hopefully that helps me!
  • lexiwho
    lexiwho Posts: 178 Member
    Oh man, 30 day shred is showing me just how out of shape I am. I did day 3 of level 1 today and it's a bit easier but I still feel like I might keel over. I'm having a bit of trouble with the fruits and veggies but that's mainly due to being completely broke until tomorrow. I plan on keeping the fridge well stocked with plenty of stuff or at least some v8 smoothies.

    Hope everyone else is doing well, so happy tomorrow is Friday!