

  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    Lillian- I know your struggles with your sistera first hand. I have an older sister and a younger sister and I can count the times on one had when all three have us have been getting along. Both as children and as adults. My only advice would be be true to who you are and love them both with all you have.

    PJ in VA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Pip - glad the doc has decided to "fix" it. I think too , as active as you are, it's really the most sensible option.

    Janetr OKC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Long day, too tired. Going to bed. Good night.

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    pjnva wrote: »
    Lillian- I know your struggles with your sistera first hand. I have an older sister and a younger sister and I can count the times on one had when all three have us have been getting along. Both as children and as adults. My only advice would be be true to who you are and love them both with all you have.

    PJ in VA

    I wish I had a sister!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of Cathe Friedrich's Power Hour DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do some exercises in the water.

    Someone said (and I don't remember who) "if you eat it you log it". You have no idea how many times I've thought of that saying. Yes, I've been tempted not to log something, then I thought of that quote and I've logged it. It may not be the best, but it got logged anyway. thank you to whoever posted this

    Going out to lunch with the newcomers later today.

    Mary in MN - so glad to hear your SIL will be coming over to your house. Lifting weights will help even at 70. I still can't do a good pushup on my toes. Well, I can do one or two, but that's about it. Then I start to lose my form so I go back on my knees.

    DJ - have fun. You will be missed, but we'll know that you're having fun

    Joyce - great news on the 4 pounds gone. I understand about wanting a Milky Way. Would a 3 Musketeers do in that type of situation? They are usually lower in calories but still have the flavor. All this talk about chocolate made me crave some. So I just had one of those chocolate bran muffins.

    Lisa - 240 windows browsers open -- what a great description! When I'm in the pool, usually my mind is going 360 thinking about this and that. That's actually where I got most of my ideas of making things to play Rummikub in the pool. That's also where I got the idea where to put the pool shed. That's supposed (note the word) to be my "me" time but it always winds up being time when I'm thinking of a million other things. Oh, I do hope you get to meet your DIL! I'm constantly amazed at how much you have on your plate, that restaurant is no easy task. How I admire you for taking that on! Good for you handing the reins over to your crew chief. Take it slow and she/he will adjust. and a manager -- you rock gal with all you do. I have a problem in that I have someone helping me at the hospitality, but I always want to "do it myself" and I know that I have to let them take some responsibility, I have to let them feel that they're needed.

    Cheri - that's a good questions if you can do the 5x5 with dumbbells. Today I did a Kathe Friedrich Power Hour tape. It calls for the use of a bar but I used free weights instead. I think I probably got the same kind of workout.

    terri - congrats on winning those tickets! What an awesome birthday present. Oh, BTW, that's the same day as dh's birthday. Sounds like you had a great lunch

    Beth - I've heard of people giving their cats pumpkin for digestive problems, so giving it to a dog didn't surprise me one bit.

    Yvonne I never thought of pumpkin and yogurt as a treat Bet it would be good.

    Carol in NC - there are times when I get real hot, but never nauseated. guess this has to be one of those weird things. Guess look on the bright side -- at least you don't want to eat when you're nauseated.

    Went to lunch with the Newcomers. Lisa - you won't believe this. We were a party of 25. they knew in advancve that there'd be 25. Yet...they ony had one waitress. It took forever for us to get our orders in, then by the time we were about 1/2 done with our lunch, I realized that some people were still getting theirs! Then we had to wait for the check! Really, you don't make people wait to pay for their meal. I bet if I'd walked out without paying, they'd have been on top of me asap. I had a black bean burger (who in their right mind deep fries a black bean burger?), no bun but they only gave me one piece of lettuce, one piece of tomato and 2 onions. that's IT. I thought for sure they'd be embarrassed to serve that but no...... Then I order the steamed broccoli. Normally, I don't have a problem. But there was so much salt on it that I couldn't even choke it down. I sent that back and asked for some without salt. I was afraid that the cook would be heavy on the salt again. I know that salt makes you want to drink and one thing is that by having a salty food, the hope is that you'll order drinks (high profit). But this was so salty I couldn't stand to even put it in my mouth. Please don't ever do something like this to a group that you might have at your restaurant. They added a tip and I know of at least one person who asked that the tip be removed. He felt that the pizza he got wasn't that good anyway.

    Linda IA - you're going to make such a good foster mom. And congrats on that loss

    Becca - There are times when I like to have cereal for dinner. Next Friday we're having waffles.

    Welcome everyone new!

    drkatiebug - your outfit sounds really neat

    I, too, would like to hear about the different 52 changes.

    Carol in NC - when I get really warm, some frozen grapes helps to cool me down.

    Meg - there are different versions of mahjongg. We usually play the American version. You can't seem to get that online, but I know that you can play the Chinese version online

    pip - surgery is probably a good thing. I didn't like the way that bone was sticking up

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hells Bells, PIP - that x-ray looks awful! No wonder they want to do surgery. How can you even move your arm? At that point, I'd be begging for surgery like I did when my right rotator cuff was torn the 'first' time. Then, after my last seizure (a year ago) . . . hit the deck railings and stiles and tore it again. Not as bad, but, still needed surgery. So I knew what to expect.

    I had a really bad accident in 1998 and they put pins and plates in my right ankle and foot and left arm. I'd set the alarms off at the courthouse. Finally, all the different Marshals got to know who I was and I did not have to go through security checks; but, when I retired and went back to visit; I'd be dumping out my purse, pulling up my sleeves and taking off my shoes; and, I'd be telling them all along, "I'm going to set it off because ..." Never could 'surprise' my former boss with a visit. Except to go to Clerk's office and have one of them take me up. Such a PITA that I just thought I would see him at home.

    I just about had my left forearm taken off; and it has a real bad scar; (crushed both bones) so when people ask me about it I tell them, 'what story do you want to hear, the one where I stuck my arm in the spinning washing machine, the one about being attacked by a pit bull or the truth'? The scar used to embarrass me; but, not so much now. One reason you don't rest your arm on the window sill of a car door. September (Indian Summer) too hot but not too cold, and A/C was not working, therefore I had the windows down. I had to be 'cut out' of the vehicle and I did not remember squat. The EMT's and firemen asked me what I remembered and I said (half-jokingly) 'I damn near killed myself'. That wasn't a good thing to say. I did remember that my BF's husband had been a County/City Commissioner and the nurse who was taking care of me lived behind her. She called her because I could not even remember Louis' name or anything where they could get hold of a family member. She asked her 'if I was suicidal' and Wanda told her 'no, no - I'd never do that'. It really was an accident. That was back when car phones were attached to the floor of your car and they were bulky and heavy. I had called another friend and the dropped the phone so it would not disconnect the call; and was leaning down to try to get it ... STUPID! Next thing I remember is looking up to have a GMC truck grill almost in my windshield. They broke the windshield in the process of getting me out and I rubbed pieces of glass out of my forehead for months. They could not get a hardhat in the door, and the roof was flatten so they could not get it in the window. They used the jaws of life and a chain saw. Now, that is 'scary'. I kept screaming that the car was going to blow up. I had just filled it with diesel fuel. By the time I got out of there I was hysterical and going in and out of shock. They first took me to a little community hospital to get me stable before bringing me into town. I don't remember much of the accident, before, during, or after. Some things I still do not remember and some of that is 'sad'. Had my DGD's car seat in the front seat (buckled) and I could not tell them 'if' there had been anybody in the car with me with I wrecked. Thankfully she was not with me. It took a year before Louis would show me the pictures taken of the car when they went to get my personal items out of it. It looked like a tin can had been opened and flattened. I have no memory of them dragging me out of it, the dashboard was literally in my lap. I just 'thank God, that I lived through it'. Life is and has been way too good for me to take it lightly and not to always be thankful that God was with me that day.

    Carol - yeah, really had a 'fun' childhood; as a teenager could NOT wait to get out of the 'small' town, went to Atlanta to art school and boy, talk about culture shock! Now I'm in the country out from a small town and on a dirt road and wish I had agreed to move long before we did. But, I will enjoy every day of it while I am here. I don't drive on the Interstate any more (because of seizures and my granddaughters who were in the car with me when I had a seizure and rolled the car about 3 1/2 years ago) ... won't get in the car with me driving. Not that I blame them, I'm sure they were frightened. But, it makes it where DOS and DDnL have to pay $60 a month to ride the bus to Albany. I told him that when Madison gets her 'learner's license' I'll drive to school and pick them up and let her drive home. He said, 'that'd work for me'; but, I guess we'll see how Madison feels about it after December. I think having 2 older sisters helped me learn a lot of things to do and not do in order to stay out of trouble. But, several times we'd climb out the windows and crawl over a magnolia limb that hung over the porch and shimmy down it to meet up with friends and terrorize some of them (girl- and boyfriends). We'd sunbath out on the top porch even though Daddy forbade us to get on the roof. We'd have our towels out there and when we saw him drive up, we'd get back in the house. I don't think my sister that went to school with you ever did the sneaking out; or that is what she says anyway. LOL!!!!! Oldest sister and I were the more daring ones in the household. I figured it was easier to ask for 'forgiveness' than to ask for 'permission'. LOL!!!!! >:) Several of my friends who were summer camp lifeguards and I bought the biggest bra we could find at K-mart and hung it on the Confederate soldier on the town square and the police rode by and never looked up . . . we would have hung a jock strap on him; but, he would hold his legs up. I know you lived out in the country; but, we'd spends hours at night riding around, out to the Interstate, around the square, by the Legion Hall, out to the pool, down gasoline alley and to the DQ and sit 'on the wall'. My B-n-L (oldest sister's husband) thinks that I have 'selective' memory because I can tell a story about something we did as children/teenagers and Margaret remembers some of them; but, Suz has 'no memory' (or that is what she says). Margaret was too busy making good grades (like all "A's"). I think we had more fun (Suz and me).
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I am not sure how to join a post I loved reading these posts and I think joining would motivate me. I am 57 and live in Michigan. I started mfp in February and have done ok for the most part. I was down 17 pounds but had a vacation where I completely messed up and gained 5 pounds in a week so i am starting again this week. It was a great vacation though with my two young adult daughters and I made them beautiful meals every night. I work long stressful days and sometimes i am just so tired that I ignore what I know I should be doing because it is just so hard. Here are my goals,kind of easy goals at first.
    1 Walk 10000 steps twice a week Not easy for me!!!! 2. Log it all
    3. Do something fun for one hour ada. 4 add a new goal every week
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    I wish I had my two sisters back! One dropped dead ten days after my first argument with her..I had hung up in anger and kept procrastinating calling her to mend the fence. A year and a half later I visited my other sister who had moved away eight years prior and never answered my calls, texts or emails. Turns out she has struggled w depression and frequent illness..she was a heavy smoker. I convinced her to demand an MRI only to find out she had end stage lung cancer. She died two weeks later. I extended my trip and stayed until it was over. I miss them both. I have one more sister who lives next door happily, and a brother who lives less than an hour away. I talk to his wife daily as we have been best friends for thirty years. My message...CARPE DIEM
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Oops Melinda
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,625 Member
    CORRECTION on my shoulder post.

    doc now thinks a plate and pins he thinks WOULD NOT be enough due to my activity level. so i'm gonna see his colleague for reconstructive surgery instead
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DS and I brought the sailboat up the Columbia River today from Astoria to our place on the river. We had a glorious motor sail all the way into the boat slip. We travelled upstream on a rising tide and were thrilled at how fast we got here. It took us about 9 hours to travel from the dock in Astoria to our dock. We had an upriver wind and an incoming tide to help us. I'm very happy with the ride. :star::bigsmile: :star:
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - It just sounds like a story book to me. I think I must have the most boring life ever. I so enjoy reading about everyone's adventures. So glad that all went well and you have such an enjoyable trip.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,147 Member
    Barbie - are you doing the push ups instead of the bench press? You could lie on the floor on your back with your knees up and use Dumbbells. Just watch the bench press video and using correct form hold db like a bar and push straight up then down to chest, making sure to touch chest. All exercises can be done with Dumbbells. I will let you know how my DSIL does next week.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sharon, so no time off ever while you are using Remicade. How often does he do a colonoscopy. They talked about a clinical trial which would have been free and the colonoscopy would have been every month! But the trial was full. It would sure be nice if they would just insert or port and let me infuse it at home. Durable medical equipment would have to let me rent a pump. But I would do it in a heart beat.

    Lisa, what a relief to know that you are getting some competent employees now.

    Miriam, my van is a 2002. I guess when we get a new car somewhere in the future it will have all those nice features. When my last cat suddenly died of course we were devastated. Now Adora was not a people cat, just a cat for us. She would not tolerate anyone else in the house. My husband would have liked to replace her with a dog when we were emotionally ready to get another animal. Our daughter was fostering dogs at the time and they were having thier semiannual big event and so we went there mainly to support her while she was there trying ot find a forever home for her dog. besides that, it was always nice to go to those events. Who doesn't love seeing a cute kitten or puppy??? But then I saw Adora, beautiful Adora and I knew we just had to have her. I knew when the right time was there we would get another cat and that's what happened. We weren't looking for one but I guess she was just waiting for us.

    DJ, with a cold your husband should immediately check with a doctor. It isn't the norm but with COPD, a cold can turn into a fatal situation. You tell him that nurse Joyce will kick him in the butt with every ounce of strength she can muster if he doesn't call.

    Pip, I love your idea of a Food anonymous sponsor. I really don't think that Isabel is that pretty of a name, especially for you. It sounds so prim and proper and Victorian era. So sorry you haven't had the progress on your shoulder you were wanting. And you have wasted all this time using the brace and you could have had it taken care of a long time ago. I am glad he is having another surgeon do the surgery.

    DrKatie. being called Katiebug by a family member is so cute and loving. My nickname as a child was Doydie. Some people still use it. When I was little my parents called me Joycie. When my brothers were born and learning to talk they couldn't say it and called me Doydie and the name has just stuck. Now my sister's name is Norma and they called her Norpie so I think I got the better name. My sister's husband and I have a close relationship. I guess it's because he can be 'just a little bit gruff' but I see the slft side of him also and how much he cares for my sis. ot just emotionally but with all her illnesses how much he does physically. So he will call me Doydie a lot and I call him Jeff-y-poo. I am the only one he will allow to call him that. I am also the only one he will allow to kiss him on the top of his bald head. He says it si the only time he ever feels good about being so bald. But we did date for awhile!!!

    Mia, my Mother was never given a middle name. But with all the legal papers that get their panties in an uproar of you don't fill in that middle initial and can't accept that you legally don't have one, she started using her maiden name initial as her middle name initial. You know we have to keep the computers happy.

    Terri, remember you can't use cherries on a colonoscopy prep because they are red.

    Heather, what a beautiful to hike.

    Carol, I remember when I was working ( I retired in 1999 so I have no idea when this happened) I would get so hot that I would go to the employees bathroom, strip down naked and take a cold paper towel an use that wherever I could. It would also cause me to have diarrhea at times which would cause me to get dizzy. I was jsut glad that a colde blue was never called when I was naked!

    Beth, I like your thoughts about the crown. Allison should get one and wear it in front of Tom!

    Becca, vent away. There are many times I feel left out. Right now I am going through one of those times. Although I am very proud and respect my oldest daughter for giving up an type of phone that she can actually talk on, no cable TV, I really miss talking to her. Her husband is an extreme tech geek and knows how to fix up programs on old phones. She can send and receive texts but no calls. They have an emergency Tracfone in case Charlie has another heart attack or goes into the ER in the middle of the night. Their every day phone doesn't ring so they can't hear it at night. we fcebook each other and send face book messages. It just isn't enough sometimes. I want to hear her voice. I don't want to type a whole conversation, wait until she types something back, then type another sentence. As a Mom, I want to hear in her voice how she is because she will fake feeling good a lot in her texting but a Mom can know from a voice what is going on. With all that is going on this week, I just really needed to talk. I have always been able to talk to her and she sets me on the right path. She wanted to be a psychiatrist and wold have made a really good one. She really knows the art of listening. So I texted her tonight that I feel disconnected to her. She said that made her feel sad that I felt that way and what can she do. So I am going to call her at work during her lunch hour. i know she doesn't like to do that but is sacrificing it for me.

    Barbie, you Jake sounds like my Charlie. he asks himself questions all the time but he is actually talking and i can't tell if he is asking himself or me.

    Lillian, my rescue cat Melody is a tortie. I ahd never heard their 'conversation' before. But it is quite unique. She will 'talk' to Charlie for a long time. I love to watch them. I am the lap she wants, he is the person she wants when it is time for a belly rub. Isn't anytime the time for a belly rub for a cat, but she sleeps in my bed. she does go and visit Charlie inhis bedroom at times but I think it is because she loves to visit people in the bathroom. And after how adora hated people other than Charlie and I, it is such a joy to have a cat that is a people person.

    Michele, I used to love Three Muskateers, especially if they were frozen. But I love to have that chocolate and caramel combination. Now I love Rolos but I can't just eat a couple of those pieces and leave the rest. and you can buy small bags of mini Rolos but then what do you do with the rest of the bag after eating a couple to 'satisfy' your longing for them. Right now I just can't do that.

    Lenora, what a horrible crash. So glad you recovered from it so you can be part of our family.

    Melinda, big hugs to you tonight

    dim4mom, you posted fine and now you are part of our family!

    Katla, I am confused. I thought a sail boat was using the sail to propel yourself through the water. but you use a combination of sail and motor????

    Thanks all for helping me through my emotional breakdown yesterday. Charlie was asking me today what I thought our max cost on doing the painting and landscaping was going to be and what I was wanted as a cap for that. I said several years ago when we were younger and in better health I would have said $5,000. But right now I just want it done and I really don't care how much it takes. The real nice guy we met at Lowes the other night came out today and looked at the mess to make an estimate on painting, landscaping, a small rail for the front porch, and even our deck. as in many businesses the more projects, the more they will bundle it. So he will get back with us. And I still haven't heard back from a guy who came out a week ago. I need to call him on that.

    We got a coupon in the mail the other day for $20 off a $40 puchase at Bone fish grill. We had been there once before a long time ago and wasn't impressed and thought it was way over priced. But this was a nice coupon. So we went. I had done my home work and already knew what I was having. It made my protein count high but OK in all other categories. I got a pork chop and it came with some sort of cheese which I had left off, zucchini and steamed broccoli. They left the butter off the broccoli and the parmesan off the zucchini. The pork chop was in some sort of red wine marsala sauce. Most of this stuff I had never eaten. And I had never ever had a pork chop like that one tonight. Enjoyed the meal a lot. Since mine was $16.50 and just had water, Charlie had to make up the difference and order a more expensive meal. So he got a BIG rib eye and scalloped potatoes which he said all was very good. The bread came with olive oil and pesto. Will we go there again? No, we just don't pay that kind of money for food and am not used to the more fancy atmosphere. Give me a rowdy Texas Roadhouse and a Denny's any day!

    Love you all. do your husbands get tired of hearing you talk about this forum like mine does??? Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Linda/IA - Beautiful smiles, beautiful family. You look so young. Were you a child bride?

    drkatiebug - Katiebug from here on out. It's a great nickname. My Dad's nickname for me was Sunshine. My Grampa called me Magpie or Sherring.
    I'm sure you guys will be looking "cute" for the photo. Can't wait to see it.

    Terri - Heart should be a good show. Congratulations on your luck.
    I would love to see a photo of your henna. DD has henna in her repertoire. She does it for quite a few brides. She has also done it for some troubled teens, apparently it is quite calming.

    Tracie - Small changes are the way to go. Please keep us posted as to what the change of the week is.

    Miriam - No one should have to endure violence especially at the hands of someone who should be looking out for them. I am so sorry that you experienced this. It sounds like you took pain and turned it into strength.

    Pip - I am so glad that you are getting your shoulder taken care of.

    Katla - The boat ride seems an excellent way to spend your day.

    Joyce - About my brother. This is the first time they have ever been able to complete a colonoscopy.
    I don't think he has another for a year. He has to have the infusion at a clinic or insurance won't cover and Remicade is insanely expensive. No one in my Dad's family had a middle name.

    Since you've all been talking about names and nicknames here goes;
    Born Sharon Madeline Kast , 1st husband's last name is Gounden, DH's last name is Halter.
    Nicknames growing up were Sunshine (from Dad), Magpie (from Gramps), Sparrow, and for some unknown reason Chuck. I have my Mom's middle name, her first name was Zona. Dad's name was Clarence but only my Granny called him that. He was Con to everyone else.

    Today was a long haul at work. Discovering more and more things that the boy Wonder doesn't know and didn't do. Guess who has to make it all work while he is on vacation? OMG, I miss my friend as does the staff.

    DD has taken on a big project of window painting for the EX. I know she and her painting partner will do an excellent job. She will criticize her work as always but she has learned not to let her perfection stop her for doing the job. She is also having a booth for face painting at Whoop Up Days. I see a lot of time with the DGC next week.

    just looked at the clock. I should have been in lullaby land hours ago.

    till we meet again.
    Sharon in Sunny Southern Alberta.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies~
    off to the gym,just had a cup of tea...
    Joyce~ you and Charlie are like Tom and I, we don't go to expensive restaurants either. I cut out coupons for restaurants and we usually dont spend over 20-25 dollars when we do.. I drink unsweetened ice tea with lemon when we go out and put just a touch of liquid stevia in it, and Tom gets that also, we dont drink soda anymore
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Y'all are simply the best, and I don't say it often enough. This is genuinely a haven for me, and considering hothouse, small-town life, the one place where I could say the things I needed to say without having to worry about who's listening or who's talking. It's been a blessing of no small proportions, and I thank each and every one of you.

    One more week and we're off, and while I may worry about the restaurant some, I'm getting better and better about not worrying about what I can't change... changing what I can, and moving forward. "The wisdom to know the difference," between the two sometimes involves beating my head up bloody against unmovable walls... but I eventually figure it out.

    Love all of y'all... off to the races! Supposedly off the weekend, hopefully no major disasters. Fingers crossed...

    Lisa in hot-hot-hot West Texas.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,296 Member
    Does anyone know where Kim has got to? Missing her. :'(

    The fitters came and laid the vinyl. Looking good. Just got to sweep a few bits up and put my cupboards back in.

    Then I tried to type up my memoir, but I spent more time battling with my ÷×##@+ laptop than I did typing. Grrrrrr! :sad:
    DH has just ordered a new one on line so I want to see how he gets on with that and Windows 10 before I do the same. I would also have to transfer my Word 2013. I am not very techy so it's all daunting. :ohwell:

    Lisa - glad to hear your perspective is coming back. :flowerforyou: It's only a job. Your own writing is MUCH more important. <3

    Salmon tonight with our own runner beans - our first of the season. :bigsmile:

    Lots of love, Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Barbie - are you doing the push ups instead of the bench press? You could lie on the floor on your back with your knees up and use Dumbbells. Just watch the bench press video and using correct form hold db like a bar and push straight up then down to chest, making sure to touch chest. All exercises can be done with Dumbbells. I will let you know how my DSIL does next week.

    Mary from Minnesota
    I am still experimenting and trying to create a plan that I can stick to. With 15 pound dumbbells my heaviest and no weight bench , I thought about pushups as an alternative, but if I get the heavier dumbbells I may just do the bench press on the floor with more weight and not do push-ups.
