Anyone in their late 20s/early 30s working on this weightloss journey?



  • TeeSee89
    TeeSee89 Posts: 1 Member
    manda7389 wrote: »
    Anyone can add me. I'm 26 5 ft 7 looking to lose 35-40lbs CW 180 GW 145. Fast food is my weakness, I work late so fast food is quick and easy. I'm going to school in a week and always looking for awesome recipes to take lun

    I'm in a very similar situation, 26 and work late so fast food is a major downfall! 5ft 6 looking to loose 40-50lbs would be great to connect with people here for mutual support and motivation!
  • mcmorrow33
    mcmorrow33 Posts: 34 Member
    Hiya! I'm 28 and trying to shift those annoying 20lbs :#
    Height: 5.8
    CW: 184
    GW: 164
    Let's do this B)
  • Thatonechickoverthere
    Hello, my name is Tiffany and I'm 27 years old. I am also in New Jersey. I have recently started losing weight, I've been overweight most of my adult life. I wish I had started sooner but better late then never right?
  • spazztazztic
    spazztazztic Posts: 39 Member
    26, married, living in NY.....been at this for 2 weeks and could really use a support system and would be happy to be there for others as well. starting at 190 somehow i'm guessing all the extra water i was drinking i managed to gain 4 lbs from that over 2 weeks hoping my next weigh in on sunday is lower than that so i can get the numbers heading down!
  • P6O9B
    P6O9B Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 25 years, living in New Zealand. I have 8-10kg to lose. I don't have any current friends who are losing weight too so it would be great to connect with others on MFP.
  • missfq
    missfq Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I'm back on MFP after losing 30lbs a few years ago and then falling off the wagon in spectacular style to gain back 40(!) It was so long since I'd tracked calories that I'd forgotten my login details...
    I'm 29, 144lbs (20 to lose) and have dragged myself back on the wagon after being diagnosed with PCOS - the GP weighed me (in front of my husband) and highlighted my weight as a key factor in our being unable to conceive. Bit of an ouch (said the scales...) that was a month and 8lbs ago.
    I'd love some MFP friends - think we can all use some support!
  • diamondwhite09
    diamondwhite09 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, i'm back on the wagon after over a year. I too have PCOS. Any tips you can share would be great. At the moment i'm trying meal replacement drinks, exercise, and plenty of fresh fruit veg and water. Only my third week in, but i am determined!!
  • ayreka7
    ayreka7 Posts: 198 Member
    Hello! I'm 29, going to be the big 3-0 next month. I've been using MFP for years... went hardcore in January and slowed down the past month due to a busier work schedule. I'm back at it.

    SW (July 27th 2014)-252.6
    CW- 178.4
    GW- 139

    Feel free to add me.
  • coolz19465
    coolz19465 Posts: 11 Member
    I just joined a couple days ago with a co-worker. We both work at Domino's so the struggle is real. I'm 6'1". Went from 225 to 200 then back up to 210 with my last weight loss. Started fresh last week. Starting weight this time around is 210. GW is a LEAN 190. Pairing a good diet with high protein and Dailyburn's TBT. Anyone can add me!
  • pointkoala
    pointkoala Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 24 but have felt like I'm mid 20s for the past few years LOL. does that count?
  • MissIlochi
    MissIlochi Posts: 7 Member
    Hello! Please feel free to add me too. I turned 30 in April and went back to eating meat after being a vegetarian for a year. I kind of lost focus and put on about 15-20 lbs. My goal is to lose 15;bs and continue making healthier food choices. I don't know about anyone else, but I quickly learned that losing weight in your 30s is very different than in your earlier 20s!
  • justfixitinpost
    justfixitinpost Posts: 7 Member
    Please feel free to add me! I'm 25, living in Brooklyn, NY, and hoping to finally change my life for the better. In need of major motivation and support and more than happy to give both to others who need it!

    HW - 300-ish
    SW - 290
    CW - 280
    GW - 145
    UGW - 135
  • twinjamom6
    twinjamom6 Posts: 299 Member
    coolz19465 wrote: »
    I just joined a couple days ago with a co-worker. We both work at Domino's so the struggle is real. I'm 6'1". Went from 225 to 200 then back up to 210 with my last weight loss. Started fresh last week. Starting weight this time around is 210. GW is a LEAN 190. Pairing a good diet with high protein and Dailyburn's TBT. Anyone can add me!

    I can vouch for this! I worked at a Dominos and later McDonald's. It's hard being around that food and not eat it! I found when I quit working there though I didn't eat it as much and I never eat McDonald's anymore. So yes, that is a very real struggle.
  • amandamv
    amandamv Posts: 1 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. This is my first time around with this app and I'm mainly looking for accountability. I just turned 30 and realized that I'm feeling my age. I'm sluggish and my joints are annoyed. I like my crappy food and my couch, but I'm working on that. I'm currently doing a Dietbet, ending Sept 8. I'm 5'8" and large-framed. Please don't think I'm using that to excuse my current level of unhealthiness though! At my most fit (cardio and weights, lots of muscle definition), I was never below 135. I want to be able to feel good about myself before my husband and I seriously discuss having children.

    SW: 242
    CW: 242
    GW1: 196
    GW2: 150
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Would love to have more friends and support. I just turned 28. Looking to lose around 20-30lbs but I'm not focusing on the scale as much as I am my clothes and the way I feel. I've been doing crossfit but am also looking for additional fun exciting ways to get exercise in! Feel free to add me!
  • flyygal
    flyygal Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm 34 wife and mom of 2.
    Height 5ft 8
    CW 136lbs
    GW 1 - 130
    GW 2 - 125

    I try to exercise everyday, do IF and watch my diet. Add me if you like.
    I need motivation from people in the same boat like me trying to loose those last stubborn lbs.
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    25 so I'm not sure if it counts as late 20s... but my health is so bad that I could be a granny for all I know!

    I don't know my stats outside the metric system, so here they go...
    1.64 mt
    SW 90kg
    CW 77kg
    GW 60kg

    Feel free to add, my diary is open but it is in Spanish for the most part, however I'm happy to answer questions.
  • Zippedydoodah
    Zippedydoodah Posts: 26 Member
    Hey I am 32 and about 225 :/ have gotten on and off the wagon so many times now but almost hit the roof when I saw how bad it got this time (wouldn't be surprised if I had hit 235 - I didn't dare to weigh myself - I just got out the measuring tape) - aiming to get to 195 as a first major hurdle but trying in the interim to hit 215 (98kg - ish) so I am definitely below 100kg. Diet + training a minimum of 3 times a week + averaging >10,000 steps a day is the approach I am taking so please feel free to add me! :D
  • Foundsheepkatie
    Foundsheepkatie Posts: 10 Member
    Meeeee! I will be 30 in two weeks. Ahhhh. I've already lost 32 pounds.
  • A_New_Creation
    A_New_Creation Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm turning 28 this year. MFP has helped me get closer and closer to my goal weight. I have 2 lbs left and I love have friends who motivate, comment, and encourage me, and who appreciate the same in return.