August 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2015
    Name: Hayley
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'5

    Start Weight (1st August): 179lb
    Goal Weight (1st September): 174lb

    1st August: 179lb
    8th August: 179lb
    15th August:
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0lb

    Successes/struggles this week: I've more or less recovered from falling down the stairs a few weeks back, enough to exercise anyway, but managed to get a really nasty sunburn across my back and shoulders instead which is again limiting how much exercise I can do. Coupled with comfort eating, it hasn't been a very successful week.
    I've been walking a lot, though, while my daughter is on school break. We often walk for several miles over the day. It's just the picnics and ice cream that is ruining the good work. ;)
  • Jessalane0607
    Jessalane0607 Posts: 89 Member
    August 1: 275
    August 12: 271.4
    Down 3.6 pounds!! I struggled with going out a few times during the last few weeks, and saying no to certain foods. But I see the scale still moved, and I kept up with my 4.5 mile walks! Woot!!!
    Sorry for the late post, it's been s busy few weeks. Keep going everyone!!!
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member

    Name: BlackPup
    Age: 36
    Height: 168cm

    Start Weight (1st August):93.1kg
    Goal Weight (1st September):89 kg

    1st August:93.1
    8th August:92.2
    14th August: 90.9
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week:1.3
    Weight lost/gained this month:2.2

    Successes/struggles this week: went for lots of walks and stayed under calories
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Update 14th - I check my weight on a friday

    Name: Laura

    Start Weight (1st August ):163
    Goal Weight (1st Sept ): 157

    1st August: 163
    8th August: 161
    15th August: 159
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st of Sept:

    Weight goal for this week: 2 pounds

    Currently lost 65 pounds since the 2nd of January
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    Age: 59
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st August):194.5
    Goal Weight (1st September):189

    1st August:194.5
    7th August: 193.5
    14th August:193
    21st August:
    28th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -.5 lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.5 lb

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    Name: Tatho Lee
    Age: 22
    Height: 168cm

    Start Weight (1st August): 177.9
    Goal Weight (1st September): 158

    1st August: 177.9
    8th August: 175.7
    15th August: 171.9
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3.8lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month:
  • tatilove1988
    tatilove1988 Posts: 322 Member
    Not feeling good about tomorrow's weigh in... Have exercised all week, but didn't eat so well.
  • amyhoffman01
    amyhoffman01 Posts: 58 Member
    edited August 2015
    Name: Amy
    Height: 5'6
    Country: USA/PA
    Starting Weight: 273
    Goal Weight: 263

    01-Month: 273

    Loss/gain for the week:-7
    Loss/gain for the month so far:-8

    Struggles or successes of your week:Still plugging away at the gym. only 1 lb loss this week but i know its a up and down process. gla One thing is hit my 25# loss this week.
  • lapimpa
    lapimpa Posts: 9 Member
    edited August 2015
    Name: Pimpa
    Age: 28
    Height: 5' 5''

    Start Weight (1st August): 142.6
    Goal Weight (1st September): 135

    1st August: 142.6
    6th August: 140.4
    15th August: 138.6
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost this week: 1.8 lbs
    Weight lost this month: 4 lbs
  • madcat444
    madcat444 Posts: 38 Member
    Name: Fiona
    Height: 157cm

    Start Weight (1st August): 63.7kg
    Goal Weight (1st September): 61.2kg

    1st August: 63.7kg
    8th August: 63.1kg
    15th August: 62.2kg
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.9kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.5kg

    Successes/struggles this week: Upped my calories this week by 150 as I felt I wasn't eating enough as doing two or three spin classes and a body pump class. Bringing more carbs back in due to the increased exercise so diet bit more varied :smile:
    Going to keep to same calories this week then maybe up them a little next week.
  • uphellyaaa
    uphellyaaa Posts: 6 Member
    edited August 2015
    Name: Ella
    Height: 165cm

    Start Weight (1st August): 75.35kg
    Goal Weight (1st September): 73kg

    1st August: 75.35kg
    8th August: 74.5kg
    15th August: 74.2kg
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.3kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.15kg

    Successes/struggles this week: I was at 73.5kg yesterday morning, but unfortunately I overate significantly in the evening. Regardless, I broke the two week barrier of clean eating. I'm disappointed that I didn't get much beyond that (16 days) as I was interested in finding out when and if the withdrawal symptoms subside again. Anyway, here's to another two weeks and further beyond. I'm currently going to the gym over the summer break, too, but mainly for muscle maintenance and stress relief as I'm solely counting on diet to lose the weight.
  • lucylou1977
    lucylou1977 Posts: 25 Member
    Name: Lucy
    Age: 37
    Height: 5 ft 4

    Start Weight (1st August): 156.5 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st September): 150 lbs

    1st August: 156.5 lbs
    8th August: 155.5 lbs
    15th August: 153.75 lbs
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.75 lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2.75 lb

    Successes/struggles this week: Really pleased to be back in the 10 stone bracket, even if at 10 st 13.75 lbs I'm only 1/4 lb off being 11 stone! On the whole I've been fairly good this week, although I've been a bit lax at tracking my calories on here. I ate some bad stuff (quiche, tortilla chips, pizza etc) at a friend's birthday lunch on Monday but thankfully was fairly restrained on quantity. I even baked a cake but have just eaten a small slice each day. Today I am wearing non-maternity jeans for the first time in nearly 18 months (my baby is nearly 9 months old) - that feels good!

    Well done to everyone who's stuck with the challenge so far. Halfway there now!
  • gemmamarie1
    gemmamarie1 Posts: 19 Member
    Name: Gemma
    Age: 33
    Height: 5'2

    Start Weight (10th August): 168
    Goal Weight (1st September): 160

    10th August: 168
    15th August: 167
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1lb
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1lb

    Successes/struggles this week: pleased with the result as that's in five days and I haven't always tracked brilliantly but I've definitely got better as the days have gone on and I'm feeling really motivated so fingers crossed! I've started Gillian's 30 day shred as well, only done it the last two days but planning on keeping that up and hoping it will help. Although I think my 8lb goal may be a little hopeful!

    Well done everyone!

  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    Name: buxbert
    Age: 43
    Height: 167 cm

    Start Weight (1st August):81.4 kg
    Goal Weight (28st August): 79 kg

    my birthday is 16th of August, by then I want to weigh below 80 kg. If it happens before that day, fine with me!

    1st August: 81.4
    8th August: 82
    15th August: 80.9
    22nd August:
    28th August:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.1
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0.5

    Very happy about these challenges because they make me believe in myself when I am having a bit of a low. Overall, I can see the right tenedency - 5 kg less than 2 months ago.
    This week ahead doesn't seem too dangerous so far - let's see how it goes!

    I don't know what is going on exactly, I did proper workouts and I had one rather bad day, but for most other days I stayed within my calories. Feel puffed up so I "hope" that most of the weight that added on / won't leave is water retention and will finally disappear soon! Frustrated!

    was a tricky week (and the weekend will be, birthday party) but lost half a kg and that's great. I would have wished to get to be under 80 by tomorrow but I guess this is not going to happen. well, then sometime soon. my motivation is back and even though I will allow myself party fun and -food tonight and tomorrow I will be back on track Monday.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,352 Member
    edited August 2015
    August 2015 Weight Loss Challenge

    Name: Terri
    Age: 69
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (1st August ): 176lbs
    Goal Weight (31st August): 173lbs

    1st August: 176
    8th August: 175
    15th August: 175
    22nd August:
    31st August:

    Week 1
    Weight lost/gained this week: -1
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1

    Successes: I have been doing extra exercise for the GoTs Challenge and have surprised myself by how much I can actually do.
    Struggles: getting in my 10,000 steps every day, because of the time I have spent doing Strength and Flexibility workouts and other tasks for the Challenge.

    Week 2
    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1

    Successes: I was doing fine due to all the extra working out for Game of Thrones and was 174 on Monday last.
    Struggles: Suffering some knee pain, so had to ease off on walking for the rest of the week and cut my steps down to 5,000. Scales were not kind this morning. But I am upbeat about it as it's probably water retention or such like as I overdid the sodium the last few days. I will keep an eye on that in future.

    I have a family wedding next Tuesday, but there are still 2 weeks of the challenge to go and I am determined to lose those two pounds. :)
  • CarrieA180
    CarrieA180 Posts: 903 Member
    Name: Carrie
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'10"

    Start Weight (1st August): 300.2
    Goal Weight (1st September): 289

    1st August: 300.2
    8th August: 298
    15th August: 295.6
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.4 lbs.
    Weight lost/gained this month: -4.6 lbs.

    Successes this week: Stayed consistent. o:)

    Struggles this week: All the problems that come with TOM. >:)

    I've been doing this for 48 days: eating moderately, exercising everyday, no eating after 6pm, feeling better. Life is good! :)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Name: Katie
    Age: 19
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st August): 149
    Goal Weight (1st September): 147

    1st August: 149
    8th August: 147
    15th August: 148
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +1
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1

    Successes/struggles this week: I'm actually pretty pleased considering that I went all the way back up to 150 during the week after a few takeaways. If I stick to it today I'll be 147 again by tomorrow since today was 147.8 and I rounded up.
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Name: Kat
    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 10"

    Start Weight (1st August): 201.8 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st September): 195
    1st August:201.8
    8th August:200.8
    15th August: 198
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2
    Weight lost/gained this month:-3.8

    Successes/struggles this week: It was generally a good week - broke into the 100's this week! I'm really excited and motivated to keep going towards my goal. I struggled a bit with exercising enough. I had two good swims but the other days didn't get enough activity in. Hoping to have some nice long hikes this weekend, but we'll see how the heat, humidity, and my dog let that happen. May have to leave her home!
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Name: Nadia
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st August): 167
    Goal Weight (1st September):160

    1st August:167.2
    8th August: 164.6
    15th August: 163.4
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: - 3.8

    successes/struggles this week: my kid was sick the entire week so I had to force myself to eat and exercise. I hope I don't go on a binge once she gets better. it was such a stressful week! I am glad I didn't give up though

  • Motivated1989
    Motivated1989 Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Megan
    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (January 2014): 294lbs, with my heaviest weight being 305lbs
    Goal Weight (1st September): 175lbs

    1st August: 177.8lbs
    8th August: 179.8 lbs
    15th August: 174.2 lbs
    22nd August:
    29th August:
    1st September:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 5.6 lbs

    Weight lost/gained this month: - 5.6 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Finally hit my goal weight of 175! Now it's time to set a new one!! :smile: