Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • jenean52
    jenean52 Posts: 80 Member
    edited August 2015
    Enjoying my weekend off
    JFT Sunday
    1. Stay within calorie allotment .
    2. Drink 10 glasses of water ( hot and humid here today).
    3. Walk or bike 60 min.
    4. Relax and enjoy the day.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member

    The wedding cake arrived last night. Only three days to go lol

    JFT Saturday 15/08
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to plan
    2. Continue exercise plan; 5,000 + steps
    3. Plan for Monday/Tuesday
    4. Focus on relaxing

    Have a great Saturday :)

    :) On track for all 4 goals yesterday.
    JFT Sunday 16/08
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to plan
    2. Enjoy the lovely day in the garden
    3. Organise packing
    4. Enjoy today and be grateful for every moment

    :heart: Miracles are everywhere :heart:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited August 2015

    The wedding cake arrived last night. Only three days to go lol

    JFT Saturday 15/08
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to plan
    2. Continue exercise plan; 5,000 + steps
    3. Plan for Monday/Tuesday
    4. Focus on relaxing

    Have a great Saturday :)

    :) On track for all 4 goals yesterday.
    JFT Sunday 16/08
    1. Pre-plan menus; stick to plan
    2. Enjoy the lovely day in the garden
    3. Organise packing
    4. Enjoy today and be grateful for every moment

    :heart: Miracles are everywhere :heart:

    Best wishes Terri. You've reminded me to enjoy the positives in our daily lives.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Taking kids kayaking today since it's going to be HOT. Glad to be near the water.
    Didn't track yesterday afternoon so I need to try tracking in advance.
    Try to avoid processed foods & get back to eating fresh fruits & veggies.
    Drink 10 + cups of water.
    Get inspired.
    Limit contact with negative people.
    Start planning for kids to go back to school
  • jantrican48
    jantrican48 Posts: 1 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    This is a continuation of a thread I started a thread late October, and another one in January and February, to try to stay on track, "JUST FOR A DAY".

    We have had over 500 replies each month, so I am going to restart this each month. This has helped me tremendously, to start each day new. It has kept me going, and to keep on trying, one day at a time. And, I've met some wonderful friends along the way! Reading others goals for just one day has given me so much inspiration and goals to set for myself.

    If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time.

    So each day I am going to post what I would like to accomplish. While I post my "Just for today" list, I am also going to post how I did the day before, so I am accountable to you guys as well.

    Would anyone like to join me!! I am always so encouraged reading others goals, and together, we can all reach our goals for 2015 and beyond. I hope to keep doing this, starting a new thread each month.

    March is a new month, a fresh start!

    To bookmark this new thread, just click on the little yellow star. That book marks it, so you can find it easy. When you go to post again, to the right at the top of your page is a bell, a star, and a little flower. Click on the star, and it will show your book marked threads.

    Anyone can join!
    joan6630 wrote: »
    This is a continuation of a thread I started a thread late October, and another one in January and February, to try to stay on track, "JUST FOR A DAY".

    We have had over 500 replies each month, so I am going to restart this each month. This has helped me tremendously, to start each day new. It has kept me going, and to keep on trying, one day at a time. And, I've met some wonderful friends along the way! Reading others goals for just one day has given me so much inspiration and goals to set for myself.

    If I can do this for JUST ONE DAY, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, an entire week, an entire month, and this will help me to develop better habits for my life, taking this one day at a time.

    So each day I am going to post what I would like to accomplish. While I post my "Just for today" list, I am also going to post how I did the day before, so I am accountable to you guys as well.

    Would anyone like to join me!! I am always so encouraged reading others goals, and together, we can all reach our goals for 2015 and beyond. I hope to keep doing this, starting a new thread each month.

    March is a new month, a fresh start!

    To bookmark this new thread, just click on the little yellow star. That book marks it, so you can find it easy. When you go to post again, to the right at the top of your page is a bell, a star, and a little flower. Click on the star, and it will show your book marked threads.

    Anyone can join!

    This is the group I need...I could use the support & accountability as I start this journey. One day at a time should apply to so many aspects of my life not just diet & fitness. Here's my goals for today
    1. Enter everything I eat or drink
    2. Do some form of exercise any amount of time
    3. Drink more water
  • tillthefitladysings
    tillthefitladysings Posts: 57 Member
    Today, I will work out for at least an hour. I will not slack off or cut my workout short.
  • Stars2130
    Stars2130 Posts: 101 Member
    I wish I could say do a 60 minute workout but not so simple with an injury. So, glass half full response:

    My goals for today:
    1. Drink more water
    2. Log everything I eat
    3. Keep busy with my needlework so I'm not thinking of food
    4. Do some physio exercises
    5. Spending time with loved ones

    Hope you all have a lovely day :)
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    mmnv79 wrote: »
    JFT 20/07
    1. Pre-plan menus :smile: I did this before I went to bed lol; stick to plan :)
    2. 30 mins Tai Chi; 30 mins Strength; 60+ mins Cardio; 10,000+ steps :)
    3. Relax and enjoy whatever the day brings. :) it brought showers. We walked along the prom between showers and browsed in the shops during them. The BBC were filming for local TV and radio. It cleared up after dinner and I went for a walk.

    My world is being gently washed this morning lol. Perhaps I will need :sunglasses: later :smiley: I didn't need sunglasses lol

    JFT 21/07
    Off to visit Derry City today. So,
    1. Make sensible choices in restaurant for lunch.
    2. 10,000+ steps.
    3. Live, laugh, have fun. I'm on holiday, after all!

    @TerriRichardson112 Derry in the US or Northern Ireland? :smile:

    Northern Ireland. I live in Bangor and we were up on the North Coast for a week with my elder daughter and two teenage grandsons.

    I am jealous, I was able to visit Ireland 2 years ago on a work trip. Absolutely loved it & I loved the people. I was there in April and want to get back again someday!!!!
  • meanoldbag
    meanoldbag Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for your motivating posts - today I will drink more water - take a long walk with my daughter, enjoy the sunshine and keep in mind this is all about "one day at a time" -those days WILL add up however slowly and I will eventually be smaller in size!
    best wishes to all who are working toward a healthier lifestyle
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    @vicky1947mfp - I was in & out of the thread when your dad was sick also. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have the utmost respect for you and care & time you were able to give to him ((((hugs)))).

    I am still trying. I was doing quite well & motivation was skyrocketing. Last week I hit a low. Only 2 days of exercise but both workouts I pushed myself to my limits. I love this group & the wonderful, real, sweet people. Thanks for keeping in real.
  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    @vicky1947mfp - I was in & out of the thread when your dad was sick also. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I have the utmost respect for you and care & time you were able to give to him ((((hugs)))).

    I am still trying. I was doing quite well & motivation was skyrocketing. Last week I hit a low. Only 2 days of exercise but both workouts I pushed myself to my limits. I love this group & the wonderful, real, sweet people. Thanks for keeping in real.

    Thanks Ruby for your kind words. It has been a difficult spring and summer but for some reason I have stayed the course with MFP. I think it gave me something else to focus on during dad's sickness.

    Good luck on your MFP journey also. This thread helps so much.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    Just for Tonight,
    I WILL do my physical therapy "homework" before bed
    i will go to bed early and practice having a still mind
    i will thank my lucky stars for the "minor" problems in my life. because they are. minor.
    i will be grateful that i shared my weekend with two lovely girls from another family, and got to know them better.
    i will look forward to yoga class in the morning, WHOOHOO.

    goodnight all.
  • apeydawn423
    apeydawn423 Posts: 118 Member
    Sounds like total motivation. I'm finished up for today. So for tomorrow
    Just for today, I'm going to take the stairs more at work. I'm going to drink plenty of water, and I'm going to find things to be grateful for!
  • WellingTX
    WellingTX Posts: 617 Member
    WellingTX wrote: »

    For today, I will get back on track. New day. I will stay under my calorie goal and won't over indulge in any single food.
    For today, I will work out for 80 minutes. Will flip my workouts and walk in the morning.
    For today, I will reduce my couch time. Plenty of things to do to keep me occupied.
    For today, I will remind myself of why I'm getting healthier. Morning and afternoon.
    I will continue to add to my grateful list

    Good day, back on track. Well under my calorie goal. Worked out for 1:25 including a 2.5 mile walk at 17:04 a mile pace. Walked in the morning and picked a tougher route. Big victory was walking away from snacks and being active (OK, one nap) for most of the day. Spent time last night getting organized for today.

    For today I will work out for 80 minutes.
    For today, I will stay under my calorie goal and won't over indulge in any single food.
    For today I will remind myself of why I'm getting healthier, morning and afternoon.
    For today, I will take the time to share with my coworker and good friend how much his professional and personal friendship has meant to me. Officed next door to each other for 8 years and he's kept me sane and on track many times.
  • PeterBoon36
    PeterBoon36 Posts: 354 Member
    1) drink enough water
    2) Stay below the maxim calories
    3) workout
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member

    1.) I will embrace Monday as a positive day, fresh start & I woke up to experience it :)
    2.) Work out at lunch ( 30 minutes cardio)
    3.) Notice one simple thing today that makes me feel peaceful
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    JFT Monday
    1. No food aside from "planned". I haven't figured out what's for dinner, but no snacking unless I adjust dinner appropriately
    2. 9000 steps.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    Just for Today:
    1. I will look for the positives in my day and not focus on the negative
    2. I will eat only whole food. Nothing processed.
    3. I will drink 10 glasses of water.

    Have a wonderful week everyone!

  • jlabrum16
    jlabrum16 Posts: 22 Member
    Just for today I will :
    1. Be mindful of my emotions
    2. Eat only my allotted calories
    3. Exercise and feel good about just moving not focusing on burning calories
    4. Have more fun
  • Mbodied
    Mbodied Posts: 38 Member
    I'm new to this thread and love the mindset. I actually have a keychain that says "Just For Today" to remind myself, when I'm trying to steer clear of some craving or other, to skip it just for today. Often reminding myself that it will be in my future, that there will be a cupcake(or whatever my craving of the moment is(usually sugar)) someday, makes abstaining from it now a bit easier. And then remind myself the next day and the next....
    JFT my goals are-
    To make healthy meal and snack choices
    and not get sucked into a jar of nutbutter.
    To do an hour on the ellipticals.
    To prepare a tasty and sensible dinner for two tonight.
    And to drink lots of water.

    Excited to be on this thread with you all,