Keep gaining weight but doing everything right



  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    There is no need for treating me like I'm stupid. Your comment is unnecessary DrEnalg. Especially if you didn't understand what I was trying to say by it.
    No one is treating you like you're stupid.

    If you don't think you're gaining weight because of eating too many calories, what other scientific explanations do you have for that much weight gain?

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    There is no need for treating me like I'm stupid. Your comment is unnecessary DrEnalg. Especially if you didn't understand what I was trying to say by it.

    Well, then you must see us all as treating you as stupid because we are all saying the same thing as DrEnalg, just in different ways. :(
  • Versacam
    Versacam Posts: 109 Member
    What did you eat yesterday? with the calorie breakdown.
  • BoricuaUK
    BoricuaUK Posts: 19 Member
    No, I specifically said that the person saying he needs to shake his head at a comment that I made, is rather rude.
    I put their name in the comment specifying who I said didn't need to treat me like I am stupid. What's going on here?
    Yes there are good and bad foods, you not knowing that shows you don't understand, not me.
    There are foods that cause bloating and that are hard to digest. FODMAP means you are leaving out as I have mentioned, lactose and other hard digestibles. You normally stick to that when you have a gastrointestinal disorder. But yes, I am the one who knows nothing about science right.
    Wow, this was more disheartening than anything else.
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    No, I specifically said that the person saying he needs to shake his head at a comment that I made, is rather rude.
    I put their name in the comment specifying who I said didn't need to treat me like I am stupid. What's going on here?
    Yes there are good and bad foods, you not knowing that shows you don't understand, not me.
    There are foods that cause bloating and that are hard to digest. FODMAP means you are leaving out as I have mentioned, lactose and other hard digestibles. You normally stick to that when you have a gastrointestinal disorder. But yes, I am the one who knows nothing about science right.
    Wow, this was more disheartening than anything else.

    One more time: How many calories do you consumer per day, and how many calories do you burn? How do you know each of those things with a reasonable amount of certainty?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    No, I specifically said that the person saying he needs to shake his head at a comment that I made, is rather rude.
    I put their name in the comment specifying who I said didn't need to treat me like I am stupid. What's going on here?
    Yes there are good and bad foods, you not knowing that shows you don't understand, not me.
    There are foods that cause bloating and that are hard to digest. FODMAP means you are leaving out as I have mentioned, lactose and other hard digestibles. You normally stick to that when you have a gastrointestinal disorder. But yes, I am the one who knows nothing about science right.
    Wow, this was more disheartening than anything else.

    Okay, thanks for clarifying that.

    There are foods that are more nutritious than other foods, but that has nothing to do with weight loss.

    Well, I would say that you are scientifically incorrect if you believe you are not eating too much while you are gaining weight (or even muscle as you said earlier on).

    This is not just a bit of weight that would be normal fluctuation, this is 30 plus pounds. That's quite a lot.

    How does weight gain happen if you don't eat too much?
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    edited August 2015
    As you say you're in the UK, check out Secret Eaters on 4OD.

    It shows people eating 'healthy' on a 'deficit' and gaining weight, the cause?
    They're eating way way more than they think.

    My favourite is the one where a woman eats a massive jacket potato, covered in a whole tin of beans, loads of cheese and fried mushrooms on the side. Apparently it was healthy and low calorie. When she found out how much it was calorie wise she was outraged, all because she used to have butter on it (and that no longer having butter on it made it automatically healthy.
    Edit: Found it, it's series 3 Ep, they're all good but her reaction was one of the best I've seen.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Bacchants wrote: »
    As you say you're in the UK, check out Secret Eaters on 4OD.

    It shows people eating 'healthy' on a 'deficit' and gaining weight, the cause?
    They're eating way way more than they think.

    My favourite is the one where a woman eats a massive jacket potato, covered in a whole tin of beans, loads of cheese and fried mushrooms on the side. Apparently it was healthy and low calorie. When she found out how much it was calorie wise she was outraged, all because she used to have butter on it (and that no longer having butter on it made it automatically healthy.

    How interesting! I didn't even know a channel like this existed.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    I have no idea how intense the training regimen you listed is but if you're active 15+ hours/week but you're still gaining weight, you're eating too much.

    If you keep getting blood work done to find out why you're a special snowflake but everything you've tested for has come back acceptable then what else is there?

    If you're not ready to be honest about what you're eating or how much of it you're eating or maybe you're not burning as much as you think you are, that's ok. It can be hard to objectively look at what you're eating and consuming.

    If you gained 15kg in one year, that's 33 lbs. To gain 1 lb, you need to eat 3,500 calories over and above what you burned. This means you ate 115,500 calories more in the year than you burned, or 316 calories (on average) per day for the whole year. I know it wasn't every single day, but it can be looked at as 2,221 calories extra per week. Depending on what you eat, that could be one or two dinners out a week that weren't planned for.

    When you break it down like that, it's very easy to eat that many more calories than you burn. Heck, I love apple fritters and one of them has like 300 calories in it.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    No, I specifically said that the person saying he needs to shake his head at a comment that I made, is rather rude.
    I put their name in the comment specifying who I said didn't need to treat me like I am stupid. What's going on here?
    Yes there are good and bad foods, you not knowing that shows you don't understand, not me.
    There are foods that cause bloating and that are hard to digest. FODMAP means you are leaving out as I have mentioned, lactose and other hard digestibles. You normally stick to that when you have a gastrointestinal disorder. But yes, I am the one who knows nothing about science right.
    Wow, this was more disheartening than anything else.
    If you don't think you're gaining weight because of eating too many calories, what other scientific explanations do you have for that much weight gain?

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    I looked at the FODMAP link here. And I learned you can eat the following, according to that website:

    Sweet potato
    Cold cuts
    Corn tortillas
    Cocoa powder
    And lots of other calorie dense items

    I think it's pretty easy to overeat any of these, even though they may not trigger your IBS. Unless you weigh them on a digital scale, it's hard to know exactly how many calories of each you're eating.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I looked at the FODMAP link here. And I learned you can eat the following, according to that website:

    Sweet potato
    Cold cuts
    Corn tortillas
    Cocoa powder
    And lots of other calorie dense items

    I think it's pretty easy to overeat any of these, even though they may not trigger your IBS. Unless you weigh them on a digital scale, it's hard to know exactly how many calories of each you're eating.

  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I looked at the FODMAP link here. And I learned you can eat the following, according to that website:

    Sweet potato
    Cold cuts
    Corn tortillas
    Cocoa powder
    And lots of other calorie dense items

    I think it's pretty easy to overeat any of these, even though they may not trigger your IBS. Unless you weigh them on a digital scale, it's hard to know exactly how many calories of each you're eating.

    oh man . . . a list with lard on it. I have IBS but I definitely don't eat/cook with lard . . . the other stuff some of it but cold cuts? no way . . . they make me feel horrible.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I looked at the FODMAP link here. And I learned you can eat the following, according to that website:

    Sweet potato
    Cold cuts
    Corn tortillas
    Cocoa powder
    And lots of other calorie dense items

    I think it's pretty easy to overeat any of these, even though they may not trigger your IBS. Unless you weigh them on a digital scale, it's hard to know exactly how many calories of each you're eating.

    oh man . . . a list with lard on it. I have IBS but I definitely don't eat/cook with lard . . . the other stuff some of it but cold cuts? no way . . . they make me feel horrible.

    How do you do with pineapple? I don't have anything wrong with my innards and even I have problems when I get going with the p'apple.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    Tagging for later.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    BoricuaUK wrote: »
    No, I specifically said that the person saying he needs to shake his head at a comment that I made, is rather rude.
    I put their name in the comment specifying who I said didn't need to treat me like I am stupid. What's going on here?
    Yes there are good and bad foods, you not knowing that shows you don't understand, not me.
    There are foods that cause bloating and that are hard to digest. FODMAP means you are leaving out as I have mentioned, lactose and other hard digestibles. You normally stick to that when you have a gastrointestinal disorder. But yes, I am the one who knows nothing about science right.
    Wow, this was more disheartening than anything else.

    People make many assumptions based upon a few brief sentences in a post - don't read too much into it and ignore the snark. Responding in kind isn't going to deescalate the situation.

    Regardless of being on FODMAP, what you have not discussed is the number of calories you are ingesting. Bottom line if you are gaining weight you are either eating too much or burning too few calories. How you get to a caloric deficit is up to you.

  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    edited August 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    WBB55 wrote: »
    I looked at the FODMAP link here. And I learned you can eat the following, according to that website:

    Sweet potato
    Cold cuts
    Corn tortillas
    Cocoa powder
    And lots of other calorie dense items

    I think it's pretty easy to overeat any of these, even though they may not trigger your IBS. Unless you weigh them on a digital scale, it's hard to know exactly how many calories of each you're eating.

    I'm just gonna come up with some easy errors that *might* add up to 300 calories.

    150 g of banana instead of 100 g = 45 extra calories
    200 g of potato instead of 100 g = 77 cal
    36 g corn tortilla instead of 28 g = 25 cal
    28 g mayonnaise instead of 14 g = 94 cal
    28 g of mixed nuts instead of 14 g = 95 cal
    =336 extra calories and 33 lbs of weight gain in a year

    Edit to add: a paperclip weighs about a gram. So gather 14 paperclips and tell me how much mayo that translate to.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    if I ate off that list and didn't weigh anything, I'd be gaining weight too
  • BoricuaUK
    BoricuaUK Posts: 19 Member
    I only eat fish and vegetables for once. And only vegetables that don't make me bloated, which would be broccoli etc.
    I didn't gain 15kg in a year, that's very different. I did 3 months of training of cardio on average 4 hours a day 7 days a week + 4 days of weight training. Got very strong but also gained probably the 10kg of the 15. I halved the training when I first became i and gained another 5kg. I stopped training for 7 months and ate pretty much the same, but didn't gain anything. Now I've been back with the above mentioned training since May. I've been very sick this year in general, extreme fatigue, the IBS symptoms and bad joint and muscle stiffness. That was the reason I went for bloodworks. My doctors are the ones that keep wanting to do more tests. I'm back in physio because of the cartilage damage in my wrist. I am not even taking in account the medication for IBS or depression, knowing that at least the latter can make it hard. I just want to rule out anything medical. But it seems that on here there is only one answer for everything.
    Can I delete this thread and I can try out anything else when I know for sure that none of these symptoms are related to this problem.
  • brinkmjl
    brinkmjl Posts: 1 Member
    You should check out Gary Taubes book "Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About it." He talks a lot about other reasons besides "you're eating too much" that people gain weight. He looks at case studies such as marathoners that have run the equivalent of 3 times around the globe, and yet still gain weight. It might help you gain another prespective about the chemicals in your body that cause weight gain beyond the simple calories in, calories out model.
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