Sober September

Hi all! This is a continuation from No Alcohol August! I am admitting that I had a rough start in August and I really just want to plow through September without a drop! I KNOW I will shed some extra weight! Those alcohol calories really are killer! Oh and I know this is a litte early, I am just hoping that maybe someone spots this... has a couple days to internally debate it and then decides to join :) Also, here is a post to No Alcohol August in case anyone wants to join and dry out for the last couple days of the month :)


  • GigiOshun1
    GigiOshun1 Posts: 11 Member
    Count me in!
  • jesha00
    jesha00 Posts: 29 Member
    Count me in...I can't wait!
  • Brooke1076
    Brooke1076 Posts: 51 Member
    Bumping up... September is almost here!!
  • JeffBrown3
    JeffBrown3 Posts: 161 Member
    I'd love to take part... It would be a challenge to see if I can make it a month. More interesting to see if it helps with weightloss.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    This is just way too extreme. :|
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    @Brooke1076 Thank you for continuing the thread.

    Hi Everybody! A month a go I wouldn't have thought it was possible but it was, I went the entire month of August without a drop of alcohol. Saved myself a ton of money in the process. I want to keep this going, at least until I know I can control my consumption. That time is not here yet, when I think of wine I still think in terms of bottles and not glasses :* I hope there comes a time in my life where I can be satisfied with a glass or 2 and not on a daily basis but for now I'm sticking with "Sober September" :)
  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    I think I may be in for this. But it will not be easy as I love my evening beer (or three) or glass of wine. Finances don't allow for it though so this could be good in more than one way!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    @Brooke1076 Thank you for continuing the thread.

    Hi Everybody! A month a go I wouldn't have thought it was possible but it was, I went the entire month of August without a drop of alcohol. Saved myself a ton of money in the process. I want to keep this going, at least until I know I can control my consumption. That time is not here yet, when I think of wine I still think in terms of bottles and not glasses :* I hope there comes a time in my life where I can be satisfied with a glass or 2 and not on a daily basis but for now I'm sticking with "Sober September" :)

    I think that the people who can do moderation would have no idea what this thread is about. I did do moderation for most of my life, but it was always an effort, a battle. Trying to lose weight has made it a necessity as I wasn't able to lose and drink. Not at 60 at any rate.

    I joined on Aug 22 and am looking forward to this September challenge.

  • Lorriesplan
    Lorriesplan Posts: 5 Member
    Im in too...and Im new here and would love friends! Heck I been sober ten years....I should be able to help here LOL
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Im in too...and Im new here and would love friends! Heck I been sober ten years....I should be able to help here LOL

    Wow, impressive! Why did you stop, if you don't mind my asking? And how long was your battle before you felt in control?
  • peterjens
    peterjens Posts: 235 Member
    I was in Marketing for a major craft beer company out here in the Northwest. My team leader would fast from beer (any alcohol) once a year for a month. Obviously he always chose February. :)
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member

    I loved my evening drinks too but my body developed a sensitivity and after just one drink I would wake up fuzzy and hungover the next morning (worse if I drank more). It has been a tough habit to break (routine, relaxation method, social lubricant) but I am glad to say that I am morning-fuzzy-free, and a little slimmer while my wallet is a little fatter. I wish you all the best for your journey.
    Zephalia wrote: »
    I think I may be in for this. But it will not be easy as I love my evening beer (or three) or glass of wine. Finances don't allow for it though so this could be good in more than one way!

    Glad to be continuing on to the second month. Although I still have cravings they are only occassional and pretty easy to overcome. I can even keep beers in the apartment and serve my husband without too much longing. I don't have any planned social engagements for drinking so I am keen to get through an entire month to further aid weight loss. But like most things, the key is not to abstain but rather to exercise moderation and control when occasionally indulging.
  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    I loved my evening drinks too but my body developed a sensitivity and after just one drink I would wake up fuzzy and hungover the next morning (worse if I drank more). It has been a tough habit to break (routine, relaxation method, social lubricant) but I am glad to say that I am morning-fuzzy-free, and a little slimmer while my wallet is a little fatter. I wish you all the best for your journey.
    Zephalia wrote: »
    I think I may be in for this. But it will not be easy as I love my evening beer (or three) or glass of wine. Finances don't allow for it though so this could be good in more than one way!

    Glad to be continuing on to the second month. Although I still have cravings they are only occassional and pretty easy to overcome. I can even keep beers in the apartment and serve my husband without too much longing. I don't have any planned social engagements for drinking so I am keen to get through an entire month to further aid weight loss. But like most things, the key is not to abstain but rather to exercise moderation and control when occasionally indulging.

    First off - thank you for the encouragement. Second, help! lol Day one and we have half a dozen beers in the fridge. Been sitting there since the weekend and I completely forgot this challenge starts today. I'm really going to struggle to watch my hubby drink them solo. Once they are gone it will be easier but seeing them in the fridge is such a tease!
  • fletchsc
    fletchsc Posts: 25 Member
    I'm in, I made it through August without any (not counting a sip of my husbands here or there while we were out to taste whatever interesting cocktail he was drinking) Lost 11 lbs in August doing this it's really made a difference. I think I may make a one day exception for Labor Day though =)
  • meric0se
    meric0se Posts: 16 Member
    Count me in too! I've been sober for 2.5 years and have never felt better! I started out doing something just like this.. challenged myself to go 30 days.. that turned into 90... and so on... Let's do this!
  • leanlicorice
    leanlicorice Posts: 84 Member
    Zephalia wrote: »
    First off - thank you for the encouragement. Second, help! lol Day one and we have half a dozen beers in the fridge. Been sitting there since the weekend and I completely forgot this challenge starts today. I'm really going to struggle to watch my hubby drink them solo. Once they are gone it will be easier but seeing them in the fridge is such a tease!

    I know what you mean! The first week is the worst, especially if you have drinks in the house. Can you hide them? I pack beers behind items in the fridge/ in a special awkwardly placed cupboard which I never use. Out of sight; out of mind!

    Another strategy is a bit of reverse psychology. Allow yourself to have whatever you want whenever you want it so long as... (Fill in the blank; it fits into your calorie goal, you have a glass of water first, you do something else first.)

    Also try to have a substitute - mine is sparkling mineral water with lime slices. I find it satisfies my cravings.

    Let us know how you go!
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi everybody. My name's sherry and it's been 3 days since my last drink.

    I'm going to give this a shot. I can easily put away 8-12 beers in a day (on the weekend). I don't get f***** up, unfortunately I handle alcohol pretty well. It's not good for weight loss though (or my liver). I don't have any issues quitting drinking. In fact I've been trying to only drink on Friday and Saturday since I don't have work the next day and I've been doing very well with that.

    However, when the weekend rolls around, IT'S ON. This is the attitude I need to ditch. A solid month of not drinking will be good for me (and my weight). I bet, just by cutting out beer, I can easily drop 6-8 pounds this month.
  • MyWhole30Journey
    MyWhole30Journey Posts: 175 Member
    Great support here! We CAN do this people. Today marks Day 32 for me :)
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hi all! I have been a nightly wine drinker for years and decided this summer to stop in order to lose weight and get healthy. Did dry July and alcohol free august with just a few slips. Ready for sober September!
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Day 9 for me. I like wine at night. Am now drinking sparkling water.