Innocent things your spouse or SO do that ANNOY you to no en



  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    He really doesn't do anything that bothers me. Except when he cuts me off when he asks me a question.

    But I do tons of **** to get on his nerves. I do it on purpose it makes me laugh. I never put gas in the truck and when it needs gas cause it's on E I'll ask him to goto the store to get something. I leave dirty towels on the floor. I'll leave the kitchen stove light on. He has this weird thing about lights being on and I Like having one light on at night. I don't lock t he truck when I get out of it. I'll put an empty container back in the fridge. Lol. I like to hear him yell "SUMMER!!!" when he goes in the fridge to get juice

    Now just so everyone doesn't think I'm an evil *****. It's all in jest. It doesn't bother him that much and I actually think he likes it bc he always laughs about it. The gas thing is my favorite tho. It really drives him crazy. But we've been together three years he should know by now that I don't like gas stations lol
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    When he "does the laundry" ... and his definition of "doing laundry" is over-stuffing clothes in the washer and turning it on and leaving it for me to find the next day...smelling of death. :explode:

    And he breaths so loud when he's playing his video games (but just the handheld ones?!?:huh: ) I want to stab him in his really. :indifferent: there is absolutely no good reason for trying to breath in enough oxgyen for 3 peoples lungs.
  • zaidasky
    zaidasky Posts: 20
    the bad
    lets see james lets the mail pile up and don't look at it for weeks he has to much stuf that is every were so its hard for me to clean cause he gets mad when i move things or put them away or out of sight.he always says really ,for real though,sure, to everything i say makes me feel like i said something stupid some times but other then that he is the best man ive ever met

    the good
    he helps me around the house he cooks and rubs my back when it hurts.
    he dose the laundry takes out the trash.

    the worst
    he has 3 ex's that wont leave him alone and he wont let me do anything about it and he wont let me call the police when they call him 50 times in a night he thinks that not picking up the phone is going to make everything better and they will stop but we have been living together for 6 mounts and it still has not stopped hes to nice hes need to put a stop to this
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i wish i was home with my husband he does thing that annoy me but i would deal with them just to be home with him
  • tiffanyquincey
    He chews with his mouth WIDE OPEN. I ask him to please close his mouth, and according to him its impossible.
    Instead of folding his pants and putting them away he rolls them up.
    When he changes out the garbage, he sets the full bag right in front of the door so that it can't be opened.
    He puts his dirty clothes behind the bedroom door when the basket is 2 feet away.
    He turns his blinker on when the road curves.
    The way he coughs and spits up half his lungs when he smokes a cigarrette and tells me hes just getting a cold.
    He makes toast and then forgets about it and leaves me to find it later that day.
    Goes through 2 cases of soda a week, only drinking about half of each can.

    I could go on and on. For some reason I still love him :)
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    LoL And my husband likes to sleep with his head at the foot of the bed so his rear is in my face!!! **GAG*** lol:sick:
  • tiffanyquincey
    I got more!
    He wears two pairs of socks, then takes them off together, so when I wash them the inside one gets balled up in the outside one and I have to wash them again.
    He flushes the toilet in the middle of peeing instead of after.
    He leaves his keys and wallet on our son's changing table.
    Spends $10 a day on cigarrettes then complains about having to borrow money from his parents for gas.
    Complains about how bad our kitten is when our older cat is the one peeing on our clothes and getting on the counters and into the garbage. Apparently the old one can do no wrong.
    He refuses to eat almost any veggies, and most fruits, making it really hard to cook healthy meals for both of us.
    He changes his shirt daily, but never washes them until they start to stink.
  • tiffanyquincey
    The goods?
    He will do literally anything to make me feel better when I'm down.
    Hes the only guys Ive ever found that can put up with my bipolar/depression.
    Hes an amazing dad to our baby.
    He lets me borrow his car if I need to get out of the house for a little bit.
    He grabs my booty (makes me feel great since I always feel disgusting)
    He doesn't snore!
    He cleans the house. (except the bathroom and kitchen. I guess that's my domain)

    Things I do?
    Nitpick his driving. He likes to drive fast and brake way late. Scares the crap out of me.
    Get on him about eating with his mouth open every time. Ive told him before I'm gonna start making him eat outside.
    I snore when I drink too much.

    I'm sure there's a lot more that I do, but unfortunately I can't read his mind :(
  • queen_bea
    queen_bea Posts: 118
    Ohh god, where do i begin?

    *He bites his toenails - yep bites, but only when im around i think, because he knows i nearly vom. These toenails get chucked on the living room floor, and after recently finding one on the TV cabinet, i've found out he's been chucking them behind the TV, the one i found on the cabinet? "woops, i missed"
    *If he EVER empties the bin, he doesn't put a new liner in it.
    *Sometimes after eating his chips/snacks, he screws up the packet and wedges it between the lounge cushions. This REALLY pisses me off!
    *every morning, on more than one occasion, and at other intervals throughout the day, he snorts/hacks up phlegm and spits it. (bathroom sink in the morning, in the garden outside) makes me wanna hurl.
    *Snores so bad. I have to roll him onto his side.
    *he 'doesnt do' dishes. Has something wrong with him. Apparently he hates putting his hands in the sink with dirty dishes - i dont buy it. Instead, i make him unpack the clean dishwasher, because he's hopeless at stacking it, regardless of how many times i tell him he's got to play tetris with it.
    *he says he's too tired to make dinner, yet he'll stand behind me and tell me how to cook.
    *He drinks milk/everything straight from the bottle. We have separate milks now so this isnt a problem.
    *the same thing with the driving. tells me how to drive ALL the time.
    *He's a scary driver when he's mad and i constantly 'put the brakes on' from the passenger seat.
    *He'll get his 'junk' out and put it on me, especially when he's not showered.
    *Thinks it's ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS when he manages to smack me in the face with his doodle.
    *Tells me i leave every light on in the house and then he goes and does it.
    *is very small minded when it comes to depression/anxiety. "why cant you just be happy" or "Stop being so depressing" doesn't help.
    *He's moodier than i am sometimes.

    The funny/cute/butstillannoying ones
    After showering, he insists on drying his entire body with my hair dryer.
    If he hurts me whilst play fighting or whatever, he insists on 'evening it out' by doing the exact same thing to the other side of my body.
    Shakes me to wake me up to ask me to spoon him.
    Washes towels with clothes (at least he's trying)
    He's taken to wearing my silky pyjama pants and claimed them as his. :| reeeeally annoying
    He's also taken to wearing my dressing down and then cuddles the dog in it so it goes all stinky.

    The Good
    He vacuums, does laundry and unpacks the dishwasher when i ask him to (could use a little more initiative though)
    Lately he's got dinner ready before i arrive home from work on some days.
    He rings me almost every day to say he loves me.
    He goes through little romantic spurts and leaves me notes.
    I always get a kiss and a hug when i get home.
    He lets me use his wallet when i do groceries and dont have enough money.
    Overall he's a pretty sweet guy, but he gets into some SERIOUSLY annoying moods.

    I probably annoy him, but geez, some of the stuff he does....
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I get so pissed when my bf doesn't pick up or put away his clothes.
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    Awww. LMAO.

    It's gotta be the snoring. Although, since we've been eating better it's not as bad as it once was -- we're talking full force tornado ripping through a balsa wood barn filled with rabid cows sorta loud snoring. I can survive the night in the same room with earplugs now.

    He still, however, does his sleep zombie impressions; "naaaaaaaaaaar, NAAAAAAAAR" which scares the everliving *kitten* out of me. Coupled with the sleep-wrestling moves like clothesline-to-the-t*ts sorta crap. *sigh* I'm really not so sure how "innocent" those things are... I'm thinking that's more a type of legal torture.

    *gives the knowing look about the towels*
    I think I've managed to train him on the correct way to fold the towels now. It used to be folded once vertically. HELLO, my dear numbnuts?! Thanks for making me re-fold when I want to hang it on the towel rail.

    the nighttime zombie impressions....oh god i about DIED laughing! That's great!!!!!!!!!!!

    That's so freakin hilarious. I can't stop laughing. That was too funny!!!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I about died laughing!!!! There are so many that I want to quote but I'll just make it easy and say EVERYTHING!!! :laugh:
    But he is great too and loves me for everything I know I do (even though I know my way is right hehe)