Magnificent Mamas (Closed Group)



  • jamielangner
    jamielangner Posts: 165
    Ya know, I never realized it before, but Hayley wakes up every night at 3am & 6am exactly and I remember always waking up at those times when I was pregnant!
    Question for all you previous moms - Sorry if TMI but I need some opinions.... DH and I did *the deed* for the first time since giving birth. It was quite uncomfortable for me at first and I ended up needing to be on top so that I could control the action, lol. Well ever since (this was Tuesday night) I have been bleeding a bit. Wednesday morning it was just a little spotting, but last night and this morning it looks more like period blood (is red, not brown). Is this normal?? I thought it could also be due to me starting my new birth control (the mini pill, Sheri I thought you might could help me with this since you are also on it). I knew spotting can be normal for the birth control, but I didn't think it would be this much. It's not heavy by any means, a pantiliner does the trick, but it's more than spotting. Maybe just a combination of the birth control and first time having sex since delivery...?? Any thoughts?
    Megan - I'm glad your trip went well! After my births I have had heavy bleeding and even clotting from sex or exercise. Every woman/birth is different but I don't think it's anything to worry about. Also, I've gotten TOM soon after both my babies even though I exclusively breatfeed.. not fair! lol
    Hey ladies. I am headed off on a week long beach vacation today! We are stopping part way tonight and getting to the beach tommorow. Wish me luck on riding in the car! a little worried about it since I am uncomfortable in a 5 minute car trip. It will be worth it for the vacation though! I will still be on here throughout the week just probably not as much!
    Anne - Hope you enjoy yourself!

    AFM: We spent the last week in NJ at my parent's house and we had a blast. I had time to work out and had my mom's healthy cooking. I'm still steadily losing weight! I'm UNDER 200 for the first time since HIGH SCHOOL! I've never been successful with losing weight like this so I'm just trying to keep it going! I guess I need to go visit my family more often because I feel like I'm a totally different person around them - much happier! It's a 3 hour drive but it's totally worth it!

  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh my gosh, Jamie!!!! What cuties!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Megan – glad you had a good trip with Annabelle!

    Meokk – can’t wait to find out what you’re having!!! I had a countdown until my gender scan! And I’m planning to exclusively BF for at least the first 3, possibly longer. I’m going to see how it goes when I’m actually doing it.

    Jamie – yea for being under 200!!!! Love the pictures you posted, so cute!!

    Lynn – Love your new pic. Maybe your next new one will be of Josh!

    So I just copied and pasted this from the pregnancy thread because I’m lazy. Sorry for all who had to read it twice.

    I got some sad news this morning, a good friend of mine passed away. She was morbidly obese but wanted a quick fix, so she found a doctor that stating giving her hormone shots to suppress her appetite. But she continued her very unhealthy lifestyle and had a massive heart attack last night. She lived in CA and I’m in PA, so there’s no way I’m going to make it to the funeral. I’m sad but at the same time I’m so angry with her – if that makes any sense. I lost track of all times we talked about losing weight, I sent her all the info on MFP but she didn’t want to work at it. I know it’s hard and it takes time but it’s possible. I got rid of all my health problems when I got healthier and I’m so sad and angry that she didn’t have the determination to do the same. Then on top of that I come downstairs this morning to find ants in my kitchen!!! We haven’t had an aunt problem in 2 years…..grrrrrr. :explode: :angry: :grumble: :sad:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Jamie, those pictures are adorable. You have such cute children.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Lynn -- the dishwasher detergent turned out fine, even without the vinegar rinse. We have soft water though. My understanding is it wouldn't work out without the vinegar if we had harder water. So far I can't say I've noticed a bit of difference between the cleaning power of the homemade stuff vs. store bought stuff. So, yay!

    Victoria -- I hope to exclusively feed breast milk for the first 6 months (I have to go back to work after 12 weeks so I'll be pumping and hubby will be giving her a bottle of breastmilk while I'm at work) and then hopefully to continue breastfeeding until 12 months or so. I guess we'll start adding in food if she's interested in it before 6 months but I'm not going to push it.

    Megan -- BOO to TOM showing up so soon!

    Jamie -- Great job with your weight loss! I can't wait to log in from home so I can see those pictures!

    Just chugging along here. We have a super baby filled week next week. Monday I have an OB appointment. Then Tuesday evening we have an Infant CPR class. Then Friday, my best friend and her bf are driving down from DC and next Saturday is our baby party!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    We have a full baby week next week too, Julie! Tuesday we have a breastfeeding class, Wednesday morning I now have my appointment with ultrasound, Wednesday afternoon my husband's co-workers are throwing us a shower, and Friday night my co-workers are throwing us a baby shower. CRAZY! I hope you enjoy!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Megan - how long ago was your baby born? I had been hoping that breastfeeding would keep it at bay once mine is here but I suppose it just doesn't happen that way for everyone?

    Any of you mommas out there have a snap n go stroller? We were looking the other night and it seems like a good idea. Reviews from any of you would be a help though......

    I've mostly been posting on the pregnancy board and can never remember what I've said on each......
    Tuesday is the big ultrasound though, we are finding out boy or girl !!!!!! I'm trying to put it out of my mind or the excitement would keep me up at night more than I already am.....
    I'm planning to breastfeed exclusively for the 1st 6 months - any of you planning the same? Is it working out so far?


    Can't wait to find out what you are having. That is so exciting. I remember when I found out. I was so anxious and excited up until the day of the ultrasound. It couldn't come fast enough.

    I plan on only breastfeeding the first 6 months too, well, I will have to pump because of work, so I guess I am exclusively using breastmilk for 6 months. I don't plan on giving her the bottle, just my husband and my mom when she babysits.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I had Annabelle 7 weeks ago. So I think it is TOM. :sad:

    Jamie - OOOHHH I need a float like that! SUCH cute pictures!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Ron. I think being angry is understandable.

    Oh, and I was SOOO excited about being able to sleep on my stomach after giving birth BUT I've found I still don't get to much because of one of two things....either 1) there is a sleeping baby on my chest, or 2) by morning my boobs are so full it's like laying on rocks. :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Ron ~ I am sorry to hear about your friend.

    Megan ~ sorry to hear TOM showed up so fast. I have been fortunate in the past (knock on wood) and it doesn't return until 9 months or so after birth.

    :Lynn ~ I just saw on the other board that they found an antibiotic for you to take. So happy that has worked out.

    Hope you all have wonderful weekends!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Megan- That really stinks that TOM has showed up so soon! I hope it goes smoothly for you as your body transitions back into that not so lovely cycle! Enjoy the rest of your trip too! Glad to hear the ride went good :smile:

    Jamie- That is absolutely fantastic that you are under 200!!! Way to go!!! What are you doing exactly since you had your recent little girl? And cute girls! Glad you had a good time with your family. Could you live closer to them by any chance?

    Ron- I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That is terrible. Thinking of you :heart:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Anne – have an awesome vacation

    Megan – Boo for TOM, I’ve had spotting a couple of times but nothing more than 2 or 3 days. I’m hoping to keep it away for quite some time.

    Lynn- Any day now! I hope you’ve got your bags packed because Josh is coming any time now <3

    Meook- Ultrasounds are so fun! I am EBF, I plan on doing so for the first 6 months and then I will continue to nurse and make home made baby food. I introduced a bottle just before 2 weeks and Brooklynn will take both.

    Jamie- Those are adorable pictures, we haven’t gone in the pool yet because it has not been warm enough. You look so good and well rested, you’re doing awesome!

    Ronya- So sad about your friend, I explained to my little ones that mommy has to get healthy in order to stay around. I have a friend like that as well who always wants the end result but doesn’t want to put any effort into it. Come to think about it I used to be the same way. I <3 the new me so much more. My condolences to you, it will be tough

    Julie- its just the beginning, life becomes all about the kiddos but heck 18 years flies by, baby party..cute!

    Brittony- yay for baby showers

    AFM: Brooklynn had her 2 month check up today, I think the shots hurt me more than her she got angry. The doctor said she's chubby, lil miss is 12 lbs 14.7 oz and 22 inches! So glad its the weekeend, I'm going NUTS at work and cant catch up.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Meokk - I plan to exclusively breastfeed for the first 2 weeks, and then introduce a bottle (breast milk) at the start of the 3rd week. I'll be returning to work after either the 3rd or 4th week, so I want to make sure he is taking the bottle well. Even after we introduce the bottle, I plan to only give him the breast. Can't wait to find out what you are having!

    Jamie - Way to go girl, so proud of you!! Getting back under 200 lbs is my first post-natal goal. Your girls are adorable! I'm so glad that you had a nice relaxing weekend visiting your family. I agree with someone else, any way you could move to be closer to them?

    Julie - Wow, next week is busy/baby filled, it will fly right by!

    Brittony - Hope your breastfeeding class goes well, I hated mine :grumble:

    Megan - Boo for TOM :grumble: So glad your trip with Annabelle went well!

    Bethe - Yes they did, thankfully! My Dr. wasn't aware of any other antibiotics that could be used because she's never had anyone with such allergies or a resistant strain. Huge weight off my shoulders!

    Sheri - Just thinking about Josh getting his shots makes me want to cry :sad: Hope work settles down for you and you can get everything in place before the other lady takes her maternity leave.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Just a little update, sorry to those on the other board too :wink:

    Had my appointment on Thursday and thankfully we were able to find an antibiotic that I can take that will treat the Strep B. Huge relief for me!

    My first BP reading was a little high and that concerned her, so she said she was going to have it checked again then send me in for monitoring if it was still high. So I laid on my side for 5 mins and the second reading was back down to normal. She is a little worried about preeclampsia even though I didn't have any protein in my urine and no gain from the previous week. So they drew my blood and gave me a jug to collect a 24 hr urine sample that I have to drop off Monday, get my blood drawn again, and get my BP checked again and we'll go from there. She did mention inducing me if things continue to progress, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the initial high reading was just from being stressed about the Strep issue. She asked if I was still working and I told her that I am, but my job is primarily in the office and very non-physical. She said I can continue to work but wants me resting with my feet up after work. She gave me a list of "if this happens" (headache, dizzy, sudden swelling, baby not moving) to call her right away and plan on going to the hospital.

    Right now I'm 2cm dilated and 80% effaced.

    Sheri - I know, any day now!! We've had our bags packed and ready for about a week now. I did have one project that I still wanted to complete. Like 3 months ago I went through our bedroom and all of the closets and put together a bunch of stuff to donate to salvation army. It's been sitting in a corner in my room since. Yesterday when I got home from work, hubby had taken all of that in, and rearranged the bedroom how I wanted it with the travel crib and rocking chair in there. I was super surprised and I LOVE how it looks!

    Trying not to get too over the top and stare at the clock waiting for my water to break or to go into labor because I know that even though I'll be 38 wks tomorrow, I could still go over. So, I'm trying to stay occupied and enjoy these last few weeks, and whenever Josh is ready, we're ready for him!!

    Oh - and for those of you who aren't on the pregnancy board - Mel was being induced this morning due to preeclampsia. I figured you guys would want to know. Prayers her way!!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Lynn- unfortunately she decided that Wednesday was her last day and told me on Tuesday, ugh! She went the last few days without pay because she is fine with money and was in more pain than it was worth.

    I had the same issue with my blood pressure with my first, it is super scary. They would make me come in 3 times a week and I would ALWAYS have to go to L&D to be monitored. I never deveoloped anything else although they thought I was developing preeclampsia, fingers crossed that it is the same for you.

    Poor Mel, I hope she can still get her natural birth and vbac and that being induced does not affect it.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Hi ladies,

    Hope mel is ok, and gets the VBAC, hopefully she will as she is a very strong fit woman.

    Lynn, glad you've got your antibiotics sorted and hope you get plenty of rest and put your feet up when you can because you need to save that energy now for the birth :o)

    Well....I've got my BFP at 9DPO today, looks like I might be joining you on the pregnancy board again in not too long, just going to hold off for the minute because obviously things are very early on at the moment but I'm already feeling queasy so hopefully this beanie baby is a strong and healthy one!

    Thanks for all your good thoughts, something definitely worked out this month for us!!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Yay Steph! Happy for you! Praying this will be a healthy pregnancy for you.

    Lynn ~ thanks for the update on Mel.
  • sthorp1179
    sthorp1179 Posts: 104
    Yay Steph! Happy for you! Praying this will be a healthy pregnancy for you.

    Lynn ~ thanks for the update on Mel.

    Me too, trying to be very positive, feel very nauseous so that is such a good sign that I didn't have last one so I'm keeping everything crossed for now. Hopefully I'm going to be able to get an early US to check everything is ok around 6 or 7 weeks.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617

    Well....I've got my BFP at 9DPO today, looks like I might be joining you on the pregnancy board again in not too long, just going to hold off for the minute because obviously things are very early on at the moment but I'm already feeling queasy so hopefully this beanie baby is a strong and healthy one!

    Thanks for all your good thoughts, something definitely worked out this month for us!!!

    Yayyy!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you got a huge smile on my face reading your post!!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    My husband just helped me and took my before photos and wow :grumble: :noway: :sad: :huh: not good! I cried when I saw them.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julie/Brittony – have a fun baby filled week!!

    Megan – boo for TOM

    Sheri – shots make ME cry, I don’t know how I’m going to handle Kathryn getting them.

    Steph – yea!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!! :happy: :bigsmile: I’m praying you will have a healthy pregnancy!

    Bethe – don’t cry, use that are more motivation to get where you want to be. You can do it!!!

    Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. I’ve managed to keep it together pretty well just because I’m afraid to completely lose it because of the baby, but I’ve been eating my way through my emotions. I did get really dizzy today and almost passed out. Called the doctor and he said isolated incidents are normal and just stay hydrated and rest. Hubby officially wants to put me in a bubble for rest of the pregnancy. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!