

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,998 Member
    edited September 2015
    smiley-happy032.gif On the subject of knowing passwords and stuff in case you have to handle things.....Jake and I worked together to create a document that includes passwords, the location of important documents, names and phone numbers of important people to contact, what to do with the pets, location of the direction books for all the appliances, name and contact info for attorney, insurance, stuff about the safe deposit box, where the wills are and a zillion other things that someone would need to know if both of us fell over a cliff. We brainstormed what info we needed to include and each of us located and contributed the info that was needed. The document is on both our computers and a hard copy was sent to the executor of our will and another placed where both of us can find it. We update it every year in the month of our anniversary at the same time that we review our will to see if changes are needed.

    smiley-happy032.gif.DJ, my plan B is to let Jake walk the dogs a lot. This morning I felt OK after breakfast so instead of waking Jake to walk the dogs, I walked each of them for 25 minutes instead of 60 and even though I felt fine, I came in anyway. I changed my steps goal to a monthly average so even if my count is low for a few days, I can make it up later in the month when I'm healed.

    smiley-happy032.gif Katla, I used your idea of using the same goals every month and kept three of my basic goals the same and then added a few others (tasks that needed to be done that I had been putting off, and new attitudes that I wanted to practice)

    smiley-happy032.gif I just had a visit with my friend who had a stroke and has relearned how to talk and is battling health issues of her own and her husband's and yet still says "it is what it is" and spends a lot of time helping others. She is always inspiring to me.

    smiley-happy032.gif Mia, I have been carrying a pedometer for years....I didn't start out with my high step counts, it has come gradually to me....the best thing is to compete with yourself to walk more.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    September resolutions
    *walk an average of 15,000+ steps a day
    *drink 9 glasses of water a day
    *strength training twice a week
    *15 minutes a day organizing photo files on computer and phone
    * meditate for five minutes four or more days a week
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    Barbie - thanks for the reminder to do all that stuff. DH 's password table is totally incomprehensible, but I'm not sure how much I need. I do need him to keep updated his many saving accounts. He is always changing them. I have my savings records in with my very basic will, but I don't think his is completely up to date. I will ring a solicitor tomorrow for an appointment to discuss a better will, that meets more eventualities. My name is on most of the services bills. I have the password for the phone. DH isn't keen on discussing all this. I would like to have it watertight. :ohwell:

    Yoga was great and I loved meeting all my friends again. <3

    The painter/friend came and we have organised it so he will do the kitchen when we are away in December. DH is also going to have a new shower cabinet. It will cost, but it needs doing.

    Tomorrow I am going down on the train to see my friend in Portsmouth. We will have lunch at a very good beachside cafe and have a good walk along the promenade.

    Tonight is the W I . It's a "Meet the Author" event, sadly not me! I will keep quiet as I would hate to have me in the audience!

    Love Heather UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,100 Member
    edited September 2015
    Alison so sorry for your friend's loss. Sometimes there are no words.

    Katla I like the reminder to breathe. I tried to do this for a worker at the State Fair. She got very upset when the technology she needed to do the skin cancer screening was not working. Instead of giving herself a chance to calm down she immediately had me sit down. I had waited 15 minutes to do the test. Having someone so upset working with me made the experience less pleasant to say the least. I recently learned that when you take deep breaths think about breathing into your back. It might have been someone on this site I can't remember.

    Joyce do whatever you need to do during this stressful time. There is no one or right way to go about it.

    One time a doctor said to me in certain situations isn't denial wonderful because it helps to cushion the blows of life. Our minds and hearts sometimes can only take so much and denial is our bodies way of defending itself. I have to remember this when dealing with my own and my DS denial.

    Sylvia so glad not more serious. Although I know it still leaves you not feeling the best.

    Sylvia you did the right thing in contacting the school. Staff needs to be aware of the problem. If they are picking on her chances are they are picking on someone else.

    In my twenty years in schools I have seen bullying in a multitude of ways. Unfortunately bullies tend to pick on someone they perceive as weaker than themselves or have opportunities such as when a student is alone. Suggestions when you talk to the staff is to see if you can pair her with a trusted friend as she walks in the hall. Bullies do not like witnesses . Have her work on her posture. If she stands straight and tall with confidence they are less likely to bother her. They hate confidence that means that person does not have the weak spot they like to go after. Have her practice speaking with strength. "I do not like that, Leave me alone" Bullies hate strength because it means they can no longer fed off of you. One of my favorites is do not let that person have your power it belongs to you and you alone. Of course I have to add my favorite saying "Just because you see the hook does not mean you have to bite." Bullies love reactions because they feed off them. Bullies want you to play their game. They love tears and when they can get others upset. Role play with her to help her learn these skills. They will not only help her with bullies, but help her attract others with these skills. Extra hug and prayer for you and DGD.

    Barbie just finishing up a notebook with that info you are talking about. I put this in a safe place. We had to redo a number of passwords when we were hacked. I still have a couple loose ends to finish up. You remind me I need to copy this and put into our safety deposit box. So thank you for the timely reminder.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    At work and busy busy! Marking my spot.
    Rita from CT
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited September 2015
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise – When I see how many steps some of you get in I’m embarrassed to post this one. Baby steps. We all have to start somewhere. This is my start.
    Mia in MI

    Yeah! any amount of exercise is good! I was surprised at how little steps I had at the end of the day when I first started using my iphone to record them. I am also trying to get in more steps as part of my September goals.

    Barbie I am glad that you were able to get out and walk your dogs this morning. You are wise to take it easy.

    Heather I'm glad that you had fun with your friends. It sounds like you have a busy couple of days. Have a great time.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    Stat for the day:
    60min 83r 85w 15.3mi 10-12g = 491cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mary: Thanks for explaining the power foods. :bigsmile: I discover I'm already doing pretty well with that list, and that makes me happy. :flowerforyou:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Mary: Thanks for explaining the power foods. :bigsmile: I discover I'm already doing pretty well with that list, and that makes me happy. :flowerforyou:

    Good for you! I have trouble including too much sweets so I really have to work on this goal.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Mary, for some reason they stopped sending me the daily jokes. I may have to re-subscribe or something.

    Margaret, thanks for the advice on bullying. I'll certainly try it with her. I'm curious to see how today went after the principal got involved. I had to laugh about the advice to stand up straight and tall. I told her exactly that this morning and she said, "Grandma, I'm only 4'2!" Poor little thing is like the weakest gazelle and the lions are lining up to take her down.

    Hubby came over to the studio today for lunch. I got some ham and cheese and a loaf of crusty bread to keep here at the studio for him to make sandwiches. It's nicer than trying to think of someplace to go for lunch. This way I can eat my own leftovers that I bring from home and control my food better. And truthfully, I like to control his food a little bit too. He needs some adult supervision sometimes when it comes to food. I have a microwave and refrigerator at the studio so it's really a nice place to eat lunch. And we never have to wait for a table.

    Time to go run some errands, then walk to the school and walk the kids home. Have a great evening!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia ... Karate isn't a bad idea. Like Margaret suggested, self confidence is key when dealing with bullies and karate and other martial arts can help with that.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, I forgot to tell you all something funny. I stopped at GNC this morning to get some women's 50+ mega vitamins and the kid at the desk said I got the wrong ones. He said these are for women OVER 50! I said I AM over 50. Does he work on commission or something? Or maybe there's a tip jar? Silly boy.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - great NSV :)
  • babs2u2
    babs2u2 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the discussion. I've just completed my first week with MFP. Been in WW before, but it's spendy.
    Goals for Septrmber in order of priority
    1. Track food daily
    2. 6000 steps daily
    3. Yoga 3 times a week
    4. Make it through 10 day oregon vacation without gaining
    5. Lose 6 pounds

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Barbie: Thank you for the new thread. I hope that your hip gets better quickly.

    Rori: Thanks for sharing the photos..it was great to see you all together!

    Joyce:Hugs & Prayers.. remember take care of yourself first!

    Michelle NC: Glad that your back is starting to feel better

    MNMargaret: Congrats on being successful with your August goals!

    Mary: Whew..I get tired just looking at your list of goals. Love your quote! I know you can too :smile:

    Sharon: I live for the day when my butt looks good in jeans. Yay you!!!

    Penny: Isn't it great when someone else recognizes all your hard work. The PT sounds wonderful. I think you lucked out there.

    Beth: Here's to September being better than August. You can do it!

    Terri: Love the strategy for the late night snack...hurrah for you! respect-055.gif

    DJ:Another pound!!! I'm so happy for you. smiley-gen129.gif

    Linda/IA:Down 6 lbs...Way to Go!!! respect-059.GIF

    Barbie: What great tips on the items to document. I also like the annual review and your anniversary month is a great way to remember when to do it.

    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals - success

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week - success
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:Mani & Pedi
    • W4:Hot Stone Massage, Swimming with the boys
    3. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes. - Wasn't able to do this because of new routine with personal trainer however did manage 15 min on treadmill, 10 minutes rowing and 30 minutes doing stretches and strength exercises 3 times a week.

    I'll post my goals for September later.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!

    Carey in Edmonton
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sept 1st
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi friends. Marking my spot. About to board plane to Newark. Will be back with goals'n'stuff. Have a good one.

    Colorado Foothills
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sharon in windy Lethbridge – Hooray for having a butt that looks good!! Wonderful NSV.

    MNMargaret – Lovely advice on dealing with bullies. Great skill set for dealing with all sorts of situations in life.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 403 Member
    So much going on here--Joyce, I am hoping you can hang in there with all the hospital and illness-related goings on. Life is so complicated sometimes. Hugs!
    I am at a standstill weight-wise. Still trying to eat at that 1200-1300 mark--maybe I need to up the exercise.
    Michele, I am glad Bryan is Skype-ing with someone in the family. I think it is a good sign.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have a story to share about how denial helps one to function in an impossible situation. When I lived in Idaho, outside a town of 200 people, I was a First Responder (EMT 1). There was an accident half a block from my house, I heard the crash and ran out to help. It was two boys in a car driven by a young man who ran a stop sign and was T-boned by a pickup truck. Both boys were in the front seat on the side that was struck. The younger boy was obviously dead, and the other one had a severe brain injury and a fractured femur (thigh bone). I knew the boys, they had lived across the street from us for two years. But my brain refused to let me recognize them. I remember cutting the shoe off the boy to put a splint on his leg prior to being life-flighted to the hospital in Boise. I started to think, "Susan is going to hate me for cutting up the shoes she just bought last week!" And then my brain said, "These are NOT Susan's boys!" So I was able to continue to function. It wasn't until the one boy was pronounced dead by the coroner and the other was on his way to the hospital that I was able to acknowledge that they were Susan's boys. And I could NOT get the coroner or any of the deputies to leave the scene to notify the mom! I was terrified that she would drive up on the accident or hear about it from someone in town. I finally got a deputy willing to drive me to her house, but not to notify her. So I notified her about her boys, drove her to the hospital, and only after she was at the hospital was I able to actually react- I vomitted for an hour, while bawling my head off. And had nightmares for months. So denial can actually be a good thing, temporarily!