Let's have an actual chat - no "would you date/*kitten*/marry/add the person below you" games



  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Monday is a big dumb poopy head!
  • _fitness4life_
    _fitness4life_ Posts: 4,374 Member
    This Tuesday is the longest Tuesday I have ever lived. Ok so we know that isn't true but it sure feels true to me.
  • PurringMyrrh
    PurringMyrrh Posts: 5,276 Member
    Uh oh...I hope it's not that way here too!

    Did you have exceptional circumstances or is it just generally dragging?
  • shanyna01
    shanyna01 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Shanyna and I have been a member of MFP for about 3 years maybe. I am not sure as its been on and off. I am in the military, married to another military member. I have two kids, one who is mine and one who is both of ours. 12 and 3 so I have my hands full. I like that this is a thing because some other posts can be boring. The military has taken a toll on me physically so I am trying to get back in shape before I get too old. lol, but my love of food and being injured is making it hard. It's nice to meet you all.
  • _fitness4life_
    _fitness4life_ Posts: 4,374 Member
    Uh oh...I hope it's not that way here too!

    Did you have exceptional circumstances or is it just generally dragging?

    My job is really quiet right now and I am used to a crazy pace...so I every minute seems like an hour then I get home and the kids have me running around all night. I am exhausted by doing nothing...doesn't that sound weird?
    shanyna01 wrote: »
    My name is Shanyna and I have been a member of MFP for about 3 years maybe. I am not sure as its been on and off. I am in the military, married to another military member. I have two kids, one who is mine and one who is both of ours. 12 and 3 so I have my hands full. I like that this is a thing because some other posts can be boring. The military has taken a toll on me physically so I am trying to get back in shape before I get too old. lol, but my love of food and being injured is making it hard. It's nice to meet you all.

    It is very nice to meet you...I can imagine that having a pre-teen and a 3 year old would be a handful...I am grateful mine are at least close in age so I went through the phases pretty much at the same time. Now at 15-17 I can pretty much leave them to their own activities....I only have to chauffeur them around until my oldest can get off his duff and get his licence.
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    Hello Shanyna...thank you for your service. We are all here on our journey to better health and if you need any support just ask. I had 5 kids and now 6 grandkids...3 of which I watch all the time, and I'm no spring chick..lol. So I completely understand having your hands full!
    And _fitness4life, my day has been extremely long also. Can't wait for the last two to get picked up so I can take a shower and get in my jammies, I don't care if it's only 4:30! The little one wore me out today :neutral:
  • jennmpantoja
    jennmpantoja Posts: 1,080 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennifer, 34, from Kansas City. I'm here because I really want to lose weight, be healthy and just live my life. I want to make friends. I hope to travel to London (maybe meet some MFP friends out there), and eventually Israel. I work all the time, and hope to get back to school and finish my Master's Degree. Rock Chalk Jayhawk!! :)
  • PandaBWA
    PandaBWA Posts: 58 Member
    Burrito night! I love Burrito night!

    How is everyone doing today?
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 688 Member
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.
  • striderb
    striderb Posts: 5,843 Member
    61 year old husband, father and grandfather. Just looking to lose a little weight that crept on due to lack of regular activity.
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    Thanks for the laugh....and I would have eaten it too :smile:
  • shanyna01
    shanyna01 Posts: 12 Member
    Uh oh...I hope it's not that way here too!

    Did you have exceptional circumstances or is it just generally dragging?

    My job is really quiet right now and I am used to a crazy pace...so I every minute seems like an hour then I get home and the kids have me running around all night. I am exhausted by doing nothing...doesn't that sound weird?
    shanyna01 wrote: »
    My name is Shanyna and I have been a member of MFP for about 3 years maybe. I am not sure as its been on and off. I am in the military, married to another military member. I have two kids, one who is mine and one who is both of ours. 12 and 3 so I have my hands full. I like that this is a thing because some other posts can be boring. The military has taken a toll on me physically so I am trying to get back in shape before I get too old. lol, but my love of food and being injured is making it hard. It's nice to meet you all.

    It is very nice to meet you...I can imagine that having a pre-teen and a 3 year old would be a handful...I am grateful mine are at least close in age so I went through the phases pretty much at the same time. Now at 15-17 I can pretty much leave them to their own activities....I only have to chauffeur them around until my oldest can get off his duff and get his licence.

    You're lucky. I couldn't do both kids around the same age. I would have lost my mind, lol. I am enjoying my kids still being young but I cant wait till they get older. lol.
  • shanyna01
    shanyna01 Posts: 12 Member
    memere101 wrote: »
    Hello Shanyna...thank you for your service. We are all here on our journey to better health and if you need any support just ask. I had 5 kids and now 6 grandkids...3 of which I watch all the time, and I'm no spring chick..lol. So I completely understand having your hands full!
    And _fitness4life, my day has been extremely long also. Can't wait for the last two to get picked up so I can take a shower and get in my jammies, I don't care if it's only 4:30! The little one wore me out today :neutral:

    Nice to meet you and thank you. Wow 5 kids, that's awesome. I don't know if I could do that. My parents want more grandkids but I keep telling them they need to ask my brothers. lol. They already have 4, two boys and two girls. I think that its awesome that you are able to do that for your kids. I wish that I was closer to my family so that they get to be there like that.
  • memere101
    memere101 Posts: 461 Member
    striderb wrote: »
    61 year old husband, father and grandfather. Just looking to lose a little weight that crept on due to lack of regular activity.

    Welcome and good for you for getting on the healthy train :smile: You're family will be happy to have such a happy healthy you
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    It's only gross because it's an egg. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who hates them.
  • PandaBWA
    PandaBWA Posts: 58 Member
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    It's only gross because it's an egg. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who hates them.

    My son thinks eggs are poison and my daughter is deathly allergic, so I've given up eggs. Lol
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    PandaBWA wrote: »
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    It's only gross because it's an egg. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who hates them.

    My son thinks eggs are poison and my daughter is deathly allergic, so I've given up eggs. Lol

    Your son is a smart boy!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    PandaBWA wrote: »
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    It's only gross because it's an egg. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who hates them.

    My son thinks eggs are poison and my daughter is deathly allergic, so I've given up eggs. Lol

    That sucks it be hard to go without eggs
  • Crimson_Fire
    Crimson_Fire Posts: 2,504 Member
    PandaBWA wrote: »
    ald783 wrote: »
    I just dropped my peeled hard boiled egg on the office kitchen floor where it rolled around for about 2-3 seconds before I picked it up, rinsed it off and proceeded to eat it. I don't really know if that's gross but it tasted fine.

    It's only gross because it's an egg. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world who hates them.

    My son thinks eggs are poison and my daughter is deathly allergic, so I've given up eggs. Lol

    That sucks it be hard to go without eggs

    Nah, I've gone 25 years without them and I haven't missed them yet. :)
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I eat em almost everyday!!!

    I used to hate hard boiled eggs though wierd