Fat, morbidly obese woman in the weight room....



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Well, there's also the spectre of injury. My weight loss team raved about aquasize classes, because I could move without worrying about gravity killing my joints. But aquasize is not my thing. As soon as I was light enough to move, I began walking, then running. And Zumba. I love zumba. I don't like repetitive exercises whose only point is well, exercise. I've never stepped on an elliptical, and the spin classes look like torture. So I have to have a particular reason for doing weights, like getting some upper body strength for my next Tough Mudder.

    I suspect that the bigger reason is because doing weights properly requires learning how and focusing on form and looking in the mirror, all things that seem hard and awkward and may make someone depressed about their body uncomfortable. I really wanted to strength train, but running and biking were easy (and swimming because I learned as a child). It's a shame because strength stuff is not only good for us, but something that lots of heavy people might actually be better than average at vs. cardio (not me, but I've seen lots of examples).

    Did you do a Tough Mudder and did you like it? I'm vaguely considering doing one.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    WHY don't more obese people lift weights?

    This is absolute and total speculation on my part, but if I were morbidly obese and was told that I needed to lift MORE than my body weight with legs that are probably already tired from getting myself around all day ...

    ... I'm pretty sure I'd view that news with extreme skepticism.

    I'd probably think walking and bicycling were more doable.

    But again, just a WAG on my part.

    Yeah, there was a thread a while back where people talked about why they don't lift, fear of injury was a big one.

    I agree with whoever said people think they have to do cardio to lose weight (even instead of dieting).
  • MGarcia0504
    MGarcia0504 Posts: 51 Member
    I'd give her the smile and nod and be happy that she's doing something to better herself. I know what it's like to be that big, flabby person in gym and was really self conscious. I'd let my fear of other people's thoughts get the best of me and given up too but this last time I started up again and went it was good to have my support system and see that people would just smile and nod to show me they weren't judging and that I was just another person working out. It helped keep me going.
  • idlecrush
    idlecrush Posts: 22 Member
    I am that girl - and I could care less what anyone else thinks. I'm down 1 pant size and 2 shirt sizes in 3 weeks. I have an awesome trainer and I don't pay any attention to anyone but her.
  • cndkendrick
    cndkendrick Posts: 138 Member
    You guys are all great, thanks for the supportive replies. I hope anyone who feels doubtful will read this thread and become encouraged and empowered.