Just started counting and I'm putting on weight!?



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    The bottom line remains that CI<CO works no matter what. Yes, a myriad of issues can affect the equation, and one might need to eat a certain way for medical conditions but the equation is always true. People are different but every single person has to take in less than they burn to achieve weight loss.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    Oh and to add insult to injury my thyroid is being attacked by my body and slowly shutting down, so by all accounts I should REALLY be a special snowflake, but here I am.

    I never said all people have the exact same reactions to PCOS. Some women have infertility issues with it. Others don't. Some get acne. Others don't. I also never said you can't lose. You can. Just for some people it is more than just calories in vs. Calories out.

    CICO still applies, it's just the target gets shifted around . I am also well aware what the symptoms of PCOS are. As told to me by my endo - PCOS is a misnomer and has more to do with insulin resistance than ovaries (you don't even have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS). If you are unable to lose weight while doing everything by the book then your endo would likely have put you on metformin and other medication to help get your insulin levels in order, and at that point weight loss should have been achievable.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    The bottom line remains that CI<CO works no matter what. Yes, a myriad of issues can affect the equation, and one might need to eat a certain way for medical conditions but the equation is always true. People are different but every single person has to take in less than they burn to achieve weight loss.

    No that equation doesn't work for everyone. If you have medical issues just keeping cals in below what you expend doesn't work. There is more to the equation.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    Or what you are eating now is low cal but too hard for your body to break down so you are holding on to the food and putting on weight.

    How does that work?

    For example, eating carbs or red meat is really hard for me to break down. So I have to eat salads with light dressings or juice. Or broth soups. If I have a turkey sub on wheat and say bacon egg cheese bowl even though that's a relatively low cal day, it's still not going to result in a loss for me. I'm just giving you examples. Does that make sense?

    No, not at all. Your body uses calories in to determine how much weight you lose/gain. It doesn't matter where they come from.

    That's not true for everyone. How can you say that you KNOW that everyone and every body processes the same? You can't. You are assuming. What works for some doesn't work for others.

    I know because science.

    Lol and you're a proven scientist? I doubt it. Because science would also tell you that there are certain medical conditions where the norm for many doesn't apply. But you didn't know that because you're not a scientist

    No sweetie. I'm not a scientist but I still know that gravity exists, even if I can't explain to you exactly how it works. No matter what the medical condition it's still calories in versus calories out. A medical condition might affect the calories out portion, but the equation still applies.

    Nope honey...I know you're wrong again. Do some research and don't assume and then you will see you don't know what you are talking about.

    I have a dietician, doctor, food scale, trainer, and work out 5-6 times a week. I eat like a bird. Doesn't change the scale. Doctors with degrees see that.

    You are misinformed. Glad you learned about Gravity but you are clearly not fully informed about weight loss.

    Science includes what I believe. You should probably mind your own business...

    Guess what honey, this is a community forum and I am here to dispel untruths.

    Hahahahahaha and you are the God of truth huh? Did you google PCOS? Did you get your info from Wikipedia? You know those are very reputable sources. You can't even put a picture of yourself up in your profile. Why should anyone listen to you and your pasted pictures? I can tell you're very smart and articulate by your thorough in depth posts. Natural selection at its finest huh?

    Be blessed lady.

    All my photos and my food diary are open for your review, I have nothing to hide. Be prepared to be awed:)

    Have a good evening.
  • Reerdaber
    Reerdaber Posts: 19 Member
    Im hoping it's just a "fluctuation" due to it being the beginning of a new diet, the way I was eating before was the same, just too much as I couldnt budge... Im hoping it will drop in a week or two. The doctor is sending me back for more blood tests to see what my hormone cycle is up to. I will start using my food scales over measuring from now on (boyfriend thinks im mental for measuring every little thing I eat lol)
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    Oh and to add insult to injury my thyroid is being attacked by my body and slowly shutting down, so by all accounts I should REALLY be a special snowflake, but here I am.

    I never said all people have the exact same reactions to PCOS. Some women have infertility issues with it. Others don't. Some get acne. Others don't. I also never said you can't lose. You can. Just for some people it is more than just calories in vs. Calories out.

    CICO still applies, it's just the target gets shifted around . I am also well aware what the symptoms of PCOS are. As told to me by my endo - PCOS is a misnomer and has more to do with insulin resistance than ovaries (you don't even have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS). If you are unable to lose weight while doing everything by the book then your endo would likely have put you on metformin and other medication to help get your insulin levels in order, and at that point weight loss should have been achievable.

    I never said I can't lose weight. I said that when I just did cals in vs cals out I didn't lose. In fact sometimes I gained. I am on metformin. Never said I wasnt
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    Oh and to add insult to injury my thyroid is being attacked by my body and slowly shutting down, so by all accounts I should REALLY be a special snowflake, but here I am.

    I never said all people have the exact same reactions to PCOS. Some women have infertility issues with it. Others don't. Some get acne. Others don't. I also never said you can't lose. You can. Just for some people it is more than just calories in vs. Calories out.

    CICO still applies, it's just the target gets shifted around . I am also well aware what the symptoms of PCOS are. As told to me by my endo - PCOS is a misnomer and has more to do with insulin resistance than ovaries (you don't even have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS). If you are unable to lose weight while doing everything by the book then your endo would likely have put you on metformin and other medication to help get your insulin levels in order, and at that point weight loss should have been achievable.

    I never said I can't lose weight. I said that when I just did cals in vs cals out I didn't lose. In fact sometimes I gained. I am on metformin. Never said I wasnt

    Well then if you're not losing at a caloric deficit while on medication to control IR/diabetes then you need to go back to your endo because you are defying the very science they use to have diagnosed you with your condition.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    maidentl wrote: »
    The bottom line remains that CI<CO works no matter what. Yes, a myriad of issues can affect the equation, and one might need to eat a certain way for medical conditions but the equation is always true. People are different but every single person has to take in less than they burn to achieve weight loss.

    No that equation doesn't work for everyone. If you have medical issues just keeping cals in below what you expend doesn't work. There is more to the equation.

    Yes, everyone. As I said they may have to do certain things to achieve that equation. Or are you saying that there are some people who absolutely cannot lose weight?
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    emhunter wrote: »
    Oh and to add insult to injury my thyroid is being attacked by my body and slowly shutting down, so by all accounts I should REALLY be a special snowflake, but here I am.

    I never said all people have the exact same reactions to PCOS. Some women have infertility issues with it. Others don't. Some get acne. Others don't. I also never said you can't lose. You can. Just for some people it is more than just calories in vs. Calories out.

    CICO still applies, it's just the target gets shifted around . I am also well aware what the symptoms of PCOS are. As told to me by my endo - PCOS is a misnomer and has more to do with insulin resistance than ovaries (you don't even have to have ovarian cysts to have PCOS). If you are unable to lose weight while doing everything by the book then your endo would likely have put you on metformin and other medication to help get your insulin levels in order, and at that point weight loss should have been achievable.

    I never said I can't lose weight. I said that when I just did cals in vs cals out I didn't lose. In fact sometimes I gained. I am on metformin. Never said I wasnt

    Well then if you're not losing at a caloric deficit while on medication to control IR/diabetes then you need to go back to your endo because you are defying the very science they use to have diagnosed you with your condition.

    I wasn't on metformin when I wasn't losing. I was counting cals, using a food scale, with a team of professionals, working out and was eating way less than i expended. I did not lose weight. That's when docs started testing me for other things. I have IR and cysts. And I have lost weight with the medication.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Reerdaber wrote: »
    Im hoping it's just a "fluctuation" due to it being the beginning of a new diet, the way I was eating before was the same, just too much as I couldnt budge... Im hoping it will drop in a week or two. The doctor is sending me back for more blood tests to see what my hormone cycle is up to. I will start using my food scales over measuring from now on (boyfriend thinks im mental for measuring every little thing I eat lol)

    You will not need to use a scale for too long. You will get very good at estimating your food intake.
  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    If you want me to concede that I'm not the norm...that's fine. However to say that I'm the only one that this happens to is not true. It may be a minority but this happens. There are exceptions to rules.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    The point being that once your condition was controlled you began losing weight utilizing the same caloric deficit method that we speak of. You're getting yourself all wound up defending something you want to make out to be bigger than it really is as there are a large number of us who have the very same condition you do. Your condition doesn't exempt you from CICO, it requires further regulation that you could not manage solely from nutrition. /story
  • Reerdaber
    Reerdaber Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks queenliz99, you're the only one who hasn't ignored my comment on my own post lol
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Reerdaber wrote: »
    Thanks queenliz99, you're the only one who hasn't ignored my comment on my own post lol

    You're welcome. Did you watch the video? It's very important information, your mind will be blown.
  • Reerdaber
    Reerdaber Posts: 19 Member
    This computer doesnt have sound so I will have to watch it when I get home
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Reerdaber wrote: »
    This computer doesnt have sound so I will have to watch it when I get home

    Please do and let us know what you think? There is another one floating around, I'll see if I can find it. I'll post is when I do :)
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Reerdaber wrote: »
    Im hoping it's just a "fluctuation" due to it being the beginning of a new diet, the way I was eating before was the same, just too much as I couldnt budge... Im hoping it will drop in a week or two. The doctor is sending me back for more blood tests to see what my hormone cycle is up to. I will start using my food scales over measuring from now on (boyfriend thinks im mental for measuring every little thing I eat lol)

    Did your doc tell you to get the blood tests on a certain day in relation to your menstrual cycle? If so, that's why you're getting more tests - because doing those blood tests at a specific point in your cycle helps them rule in/out certain medical issues (like the one everyone else is busy arguing over, PCOS). I just wanted to say good luck to you! :blush:

    Oh, and you actually don't need sound for that video if I remember correctly. I don't have sound on my work computer either and I remember being disappointed that I waited until I got home because it turns out I didn't need it haha :)
  • OsricTheKnight
    OsricTheKnight Posts: 340 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Reerdaber wrote: »
    This computer doesnt have sound so I will have to watch it when I get home

    Please do and let us know what you think? There is another one floating around, I'll see if I can find it. I'll post is when I do :)

    I think you're probably thinking of this video clip from a longer program by the BBC.


    The entire program is worth watching, but this clip captures it.

  • Inkd_babe
    Inkd_babe Posts: 127 Member
    Hi hunny, please don't be discouraged that you are not losing weight just keep working at it your body will need some time to adjust with coming off the pill. Don't forget to track you're macro nutrients as well as count your calories and remember muscle weighs more then fat so the scales may say your not losing weight but you could be gaining muscle so a shred will reveal your rewards in time. Good luck and keep going
  • licaritile
    licaritile Posts: 1 Member
    edited September 2015