

  • Jeanne3651
    Jeanne3651 Posts: 84 Member
    So far my weekend isn't going as planned. Last night DGS came home with all the fixin's for hamburgers and brats. He and his friend wanted to cook for us. I knew with my stomach problems I shouldn't eat meat but I just couldn't turn them down. So I ate a small hamburger patty and woke up this a.m. sick as a dog.

    I managed to eat some mushy cereal and keep it down this a.m. but the pain was so uncomfortable while I was setting up the kitchen at church that I had to have DH drive me home. I'm sipping water and it seems to be getting better.

    I'm glad everyone seems to be having a good weekend.

    God Bless all!
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good morning everyone

    Welcome to the newcomers (I'm relatively new too).

    This afternoon I'm lawn bowling - we have a mini tournament at our club - 3 short games - hope the predicted showers and possible thunderstom hold off until we have finished.

    I find that if I eat all the calories allocated by MFP then I'm sts or up. I need to be a little under to see any downward movement. Going to have to watch that and see what level helps me to lose and then stay at that point. I certainly don't eat the extra calories I earn from exercise.

    It is a "Give Away" weekend here in Ottawa, where you can put things you don't want outside on your front lawn and then people can just come by and take them. I didn't put things out yesterday morning, but did pop them out when I got home from my day of demonstrating lacemaking. The electric lawn mower disappeared quickly, and the fish tank has gone this morning. There is only an old vacuum cleaner left. It works but is very old. Hope it goes because I don't want to have to bring it in again before I go bowling. I'll never get rid of it. I guess I'll have to take it to the charity shop if it is still left.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sun to you all.Gonna spend the day shopping with my 14 year old.It`s frustrating as she is overwt and wants to be thinner,but doesn`t want to go with the program.So hopefully,it won`t be too painful today.
    Take care
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Good Morning everyone,:flowerforyou:
    Good day here in Oklahoma, but it is going to be really hot this afternoon:smokin: .
    Yesterday I picked up my new glasses, they are kind of frivolous extra, I got new glasses a few months ago and since have learned to hate them because they were heavier than I was used to wearing...So decided I wanted something I liked. Bought rimless Nikon lenses but what I love is the temples have little sleeves that fit over the titanium wires and you can change the color..I bought 12 different colors to match outfits...I am one happy girl!

    We're grilling prawns with chili lime marinade tonight...bought Archer Farms coconut rice and will also grill some fresh pineapple to go with it...a serving of broccoli slaw and Voila, dinner is served. :drinker:

    We are planning 3 days at the gym this week and hope to keep up that schedule.

    Hope wherever you are you have a great day today. xoSissy:flowerforyou:
  • selmaguzman
    I'm not a dancer, but I plan on using my wii to workout. Do you know if they have a dance program?
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hi everyone,

    Lu, your plan to exercise sounds like a good one. I was just telling someone else about that post on Sparkspeople with pics of someone weighing 160, 160, and 160. If I remember correctly, the sizes went from 14 to almost a 4! All due to exercise. She looked fantastic. Replacing muscle with fat makes more of a difference than a lower number on the scale.

    Chiclet, I smile whenever I read your posts these days.

    Viv, I almost always create my response in a Word doc. I toggle back and forth between Word and MFP. This way, I can scroll through MFP and respond to the posts (and drive myself crazy in the process – there are so many posts – maybe I’d be better off just creating the response in MFP!) When I’m done, I copy the Word doc into MFP. If MPF hiccups, I’ve still got my Word doc to go back to.

    Linda, yay for the fruits and veggies. I started out the day with half a cantaloupe and a matching portion of strawberries. I mixed it with ¾ cup of yogurt. I’m amazed how much really delicious food I can eat for so few calories. It beats the heck out of the more concentrated calories. Usually those are in the dry foods like crackers. And, chips? Forget about it. Dry and cooked in oil to boot.

    I wish sometimes I could have larger portions of things like beans and rice and stay within my calorie target. I know the solution – “earn” more calories through exercise. :wink: I’m working on it. I’m amazed when you and many others don’t eat your exercise calories. Most of the time, I count on them. :laugh:

    My older daughter suggested maybe I’ve been stalled on weight loss because I add more calories than I should for exercise. That’s not at all the case. For me, weight loss coincides exactly with what MFP says I should lose as long as I eat within my target calories and log accurately. The problem comes in when I go over my target. Then I can count on gaining weight.

    I’ve gone a few pounds up then a few pounds down since October. I’ll tell you what though, this is by far the best I’ve done at maintaining my weight in many, many years. Let’s see. That’s about 30 of them. :tongue:

    I’m thankful to this group for all the support and motivation. :flowerforyou: I would not be where I am today without you.

    I’m ready now to get on with the weight loss. (I'm almost back to my ticker weight AGAIN after bouncing up, AGAIN, after a visit with family.) My plan for my next visit to my folks, which will be over Father’s Day weekend, is to prepare and measure the food I plan to eat ahead of time. I’ll coordinate with my mom about some snacky things that I’d like to eat, like shrimp, and stay away from the other stuff. I’ll find out what my dad wants for Father’s Day breakfast and plan that out too.

    Amanda, you put things in perspective, “I'm not at risk from dying from excess skin and I was at risk of dying from excess fat.” I’ll keep that in mind next time I’m grousing about my skin. Thanks for the reminder.

    Size 26 to size 4? Amazing. You’ve done a wonderful job. :flowerforyou: BTW, a mom of twins and she’s old enough to join our group? Ohmigoodness. Not in a million years. :noway:

    Robin, you sound wonderful. Your vacation agreed with you.

    Welcome, Diane. You’ve found a great group for encouragement and motivation.

    Jeanne, it sounds as though you’ve got a built-in regulator. Painful and not something you’d choose, but something you can put to good use in your quest for better health. I’d be sure to let my son know the kinds of foods that agree with me.

    Sissy, I love it. Color-coordinating glasses. :laugh: You rock. Your dinner plans sound scrumptious. :drinker:

    It’s drizzling a little just now but we should have a break in the rain in a couple of hours. Izzy and I are going to head out to the trail at 11. :happy:
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    hi all, i'm a 55 year old woman that for the last 10 years have been over weight.....found MFP site last aug did very well until the holidays, when i gain some the weight i had lost...it took me five months to get back to MFP, started in may .....what i have noticed is that though i exercise daily(usually one day off or not) and for the most part keep within my calorie range i still dont lose weight ....but i am hanging in there....if idont lose , im eating better, making good choices, and checking the portions.....
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    goal for june NO SNACKING after dinner!!!!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    go for it girl.....wear and be happy
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Well, I survived my over nighter with 2 of my grand kids but let me tell you, I am tired right about now!! I hope everyone had a good weekend. I am glad that this week I finally get to start my allergy shots, so hopefully that will help how miserable I have been feeling lately.

    Happy Birthday to Caminogirl and Shirley.

    Natalie - I hope you make out alright with your shot for your knee.

    Deborah - I am glad you enjoyed your birthday.

    Sissy and Peggy - I don't think we ever should be too old to wear dark nail polish. I get my nails done every couple of weeks and I often choose dark colours. I don't even think about it.

    Mary - I hope you enjoy your visit with your grandbaby.

    Chiclet - sounds like you are dooing so well with your exercise. Good for you.

    Amanda - good for you for maintaining your weight. That is the hard part.

    Jeane - hope you are feeling better.

    Well, I have another very busy week of work coming up this week but I am going to try and exercise properly.

    Have a good evening.

  • ritamerlot
    ritamerlot Posts: 44 Member
    do any of you get migraines?
    mine have been coming on a bit more often, lately.
    this one's been going on for over 24 hours (had to dim the screen just to use the laptop).
    have earplugs in because sounds are too loud.
    trouble is, i don't feel like getting up to cook, so i don't eat well during these times.
    my husband, thinking i needed caffeine, got me a Redbull to drink (which sometimes helps but not this time) and gave me a couple of boiled eggs.
    i think i can only stomach cream of rice for dinner.

    this sucks.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone.............

    :yawn: A late dip in here tonight.

    :smile: I hope you all had a great weekend.

    :bigsmile: I feel verrrry proud of myself tonight. I've actually finished the sunday paper crossword!! first time ever!! Must be all the brain workout with scrabble etc!!

    :happy: Annnd.....We went to look out for some new ceiling lights for our new Dining room and found two in a discontinued line sale. £9 each against £75 each usually. I got 6 new bone china mugs in a sale too. :bigsmile: On my reckoning I'm about £100 in credit .........just what can I spend it on???

    :ohwell: No exercise today and the evening meal was rather rich but I have lost a little more . Tomorrow is another day and i've extra cleaning hours to do with a new job the agency has given me....helps lose a few lbs and gain a few £'s!!!

    :laugh: DH and I nearly .....but didn't ......book the Zip line trip in Icy Strait Point today!! We're calling in there on our Alaskan cruise in September. It looks soooo exciting but we think we'll wait to book from the ship. It's expensive to do and we'll have to see how we feel at the time!!! We also watched "Sleepless in Seattle" again last night. It's whetted our appetite for our "Let's see Seattle" trip on our return from the cruise.....Just under four months to go now.........hope I can lose the lbs by then!!

    :laugh: #2 son phoned to say hi this morning with a tale about #2 grandson. Apparently he got a portable kiddies toilet seat over his head and then....stuck!! :noway: DIL was panicking and it took a visiting friend who is a doctor to manipulate his head, ears and said "seat" to remove it!!! How I wish they'd taken a picture. Talk about ring of confidence!!!

    :frown: Rita...........sorry to hear you get migraines. I sympathise. Do you get them with all the flashing lights/aura etc.? Mine usually are like that but I haven't had one for a while. Do you know your triggers? Mine are......bright lights, flickery lights, sudden drops in temperature or cold blowing on my face.......I've come out of Tesco a few times with the start of a migraine because the chill section is too cold!!.......dark chocolate and ......stress!!! If you can identify your triggers it can help. Sometimes it's a monthly cycle trigger too. Hope you can work through them and find something to help.

    :yawn: Anyway ..............off to bed now.

    Night all...sweet dreams
    :heart: Jackie

    Night all.Sweet dreams.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm off to Texas! Toodles!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I hope today was a good day for you all. I work up feeling good, lots of energy and got things done around the house. We had to go to a special Mass for our family friend this afternoon. My sister called and had taken my brother-in-law into the ER…they sent him to the hospital for a CAT scan to rule out a blood clot…so the day had some excitement. He is ok….ruled out the horrible things after a few hours but its good they have peace of mind. I felt really crappy this afternoon (again) and I didn’t get to the gym as planned. I think going early in the morning is probably best for me. I did have a very low calorie day….the upside of feeling nauseous!

    I plan to spend some time reading The Thin Commandments tonight. Need to check in with my goals for this month! For now, I changed the language about processed foods so that I focus on fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Welcome, Pam. Weigh or measure every single bite, sip, or nibble and I’ll be you’ll do fine with losing weight. I do – but ONLY if I keep an accurate diary. Otherwise, I tend to forget that “little taste.” :laugh: You’ve come to the right place for support.

    Cathy, those little ones are hard to keep up with. :noway: I love it when I can babysit one at a time. We have lots more fun because Grandma is in a better mood! :tongue:

    Rita, I hope you’re feeling better. :sick: I used to get migraines before every period. When I got close to menopause, I got them before and after. Could they be hormonal? Best bet is to get checked out by a doc.

    Jackie, you have such a way with words. You have me laughing over the idea of your DGS with the potty seat stuck on his head. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Poor guy. I hope they write it down. It’s great material for later on.

    Mary, we’ll miss you! Have a great visit.

    Sally, I hope you’ll get checked out too. Feeling lousy every afternoon is not okay!

    I tried making Portabello mushroom pizza today, inspired by Lorri (gettinfit2). I didn’t have perfect ingredients…had to use grated Parmesan instead of fresh or mozzarella but, oh my, was it ever delicious.

    I used marinara sauce, diced artichoke hearts and tomatoes, a few anchovies, and Parmesan on top. I will be doing lots more experimenting. Pizza without the calories! What could be better? :drinker:

    I walked 3.75 miles today – almost matching my best walk of 4 miles. And my speed was faster – about 3.25 mph overall. It feels good! Izzy enjoyed it too. :happy: I wonder how far is too far for a little dog. I wish she could talk!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    It was good bowling this afternoon - and I ended up being the skip of the top team.

    DBF came to watch and then came back to my place. He cooked a steak on the barbecue and I made a salad and some fresh basil/lemon salad dressing - I need some for tomorrow too. Another bowling tournament tomorrow (all day) and I need to take lunch - they are serving hot dogs and smokies (whatever they are), but I don't eat that kind of stuff as I have food allergies.

    So now it is almost bed-time and I have to go to track my day's meals and exercise and see how I am doing for today. WI tomorrow morning.
  • joylaut
    joylaut Posts: 68
    Splitting headache ( not a migraine) all day today so I'll keep this brief. Did not get hardly anything done on my to do list. Did go out for the short walk -- Gotta keep Cassie happy.

    Michelle & Star -- When I say sugar free, I am not using sugar or fake sugar replacements. I allow a drizzle of honey on my tofutti cream cheese waffle or some stevia. Sugar replacements aren't good for us either. My acupuncturist says honey is metabolized differently, not taxing our pancreas the way sugar does. I have to be careful though because once I get the sweet taste in me, I want more....and more....and even more. Then I'm back on the stuff again.

    Teresa -- I've said no to pastries, birthday cake and funnel cake (at our local town fair). So I would say the sugar free thing is going pretty well, at least for this past week. I've battled with the sugar addiction for many years. I can stop for a couple of weeks then as soon as I have that taste, I've succumbed all over again. But for me, there seems to be more of an internal shift of energy this time around that makes it easier to say no and to truly not want it because I want good health.

    Sissy -- People get old because they stop painting their toes purple. I did turquoise last month!

    Mimi -- when you are over 50, you can wear what you darn please! Get that jacket out again. Scary about the mountain lion. Even though we are in the suburbs, we occasionally get them and black bears because we butt up against foothills. BTW your pizza sounded scrumptious.

    Cindy -- 38 pounds! It's taken me 5 months to lose 13. Way to go!

    Mary -- Have a safe trip. You will be missed here. Hope your mom is doing okay. Interesting bookends -- older mom and newest grandchild...

    Amanda -- MIssed you -- glad to see you back. Hoping all went well with the surgery. Wanted to get to bed early tonight...Oh well.

    Have a good Monday, everyone.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning beautiful ladies.

    I've done a quick skim through the posts I missed but it would be impossible to respond to each one - our group has really expanded recently. In a good way - not in a waistline way!

    I did notice Seasick Steve mentioned. We went to see him when he was in London and he was fabulous. My brother and SILcame with us and we had a real uplifting evening. Especially loved Doghouse Blues.

    With regards age appropriate wear. I have tried to adopt the 'just because I can doesn't mean I should' attitude. By that I mean that I don't wear mini skirts just because I have good legs now! However I do not and will not confirm to a stereotypical idea of what a more mature woman should wear. Instead I choose clothes and accessories that suit, flatter or just make me feel good! I thank Robin for spurring me on to buy over the knee boots last year!

    As far as painting my nails. Hmm - as we speak my finger nails are bright orange and my toenails are a bright bluey green. They don't match but why do they have too?

    Must get moving as I've got lots to do.

    My love to you all and have a great week please.

    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    cherb - down 4 pants sizes -- that's fantastic!!!

    Deborah - way to go, girl on buying the bathing suit. Sounds wonderful!

    Cathy - I totally agree, it really helps me to add the food in BEFORE I actually eat it. I didn't do that today, and I was over by about 18 calories. Then again, some of the things I just guessed at how much (and I overestimated) so that might be part of the problem.

    You know, the Wii says that I gained 2 lbs from yesterday, yet my weekly weigh in says that I lost 1.5 pounds. Go figure!!! I feel good, that's what matters

    Welcome deearra! Log your food, keep posting. I've gotten lots of good advice/suggestions here. Hey there itup2me and Diane and Pam and anyone else that I've forgotten.

    chicklet - when I do water aerobics, I feel it in my arms and sometimes in my legs. But the next day is when I REALLY feel it. Exercising in the water doesn't feel like exercise -- until the next day, that is.

    For some reason, my throat was feeling scratchy tonight, so I had some plain greek yogurt with organic strawberries in it. Yum......

    mimi - I have varicose veins and I find that when I get a tan (or use the "tan in a bottle stuff) they aren't as pronounced. Even your dog likes veggies!!!!

    I'm thinking that tomorrow (Sun) I'll try these training games on the Wii. Something different.

    mimi - oh what a breakfast. Wish you could send some here! Greek yogurt? The mountain lion certain sounds scary. Be careful!

    amanda - down 4 clothing sizes. That's wonderful!

    Jeannie - hope you feel better fast

    I did an hour of Wii training today (Sun). Something different and it made the time go by so fast! Then I cooked pork chops so all I have to do tomorrow is put them in the oven. Lynette wanted to go bowling (honestly, I'd forgotten that I really should ask her), out of 4 games I broke 100 (just barely) twice. My good luck streak seems to have ended! At least I bowled my good game during the league, when it really counted! Actually, she's getting better. Then came home and had tuna with mayo and celery and onions along with spinach. Tomorrow I'll take an extremepump class.

    genelace - I never lose when I added in my exercise calories, so that's why I just note it on the "notes" section and don't add them in. The other thing I've found FOR ME is that if I eat late at night, I can be guaranteed of a gain the next day.

    Pam - let me know how the no snacking after dinner goes. That seems to be the worst time for me.

    ritamerlot - I read somewhere that one thing to do when you have a migrane is to have ice cream. The theory is that the ice cream causes "brain freeze" and you don't feel the migrane. Don't know if this works, tho

    Mary - have a great trip! I'll miss you

    You know, in some ways I WISH I had food allergies so then I could bring my own food and no one would look at me weird. But I guess it's good that I don't

    Forgot to post last night so I'd better do it this morning. Then off to the extreme pump class. Vince is going to lunch and a baseball game today, I might go for some bowling practice. There's a free 2 hour bowl for seniors (yes, by their standards I AM one) from 1-3. I also want to prepare the appetizer for the Mexican Train Dominoes that I'll take with me tomorrow night.

    We're having our first Newcomers general meeting at night this Wed. As head of Hospitality, there's so much that I need to do. Get the coffee pot, get there early to make the coffee, I'll buy the ice, tongs for the ice, cups, napkins, plates, then one lady said that she can't bring the snack so guess who'll be doing it? I probably wouldn't mind so much if it weren't the evening meeting. It was just too late to ask someone else to bring something. So here I will be, with a big bag, a box of supplies, a cooler for the ice, 3 different snacks, don't know if I forgot anything or not. This is a new coffee pot they have so I'm trying to figure out how much coffee will be needed to how much water. Typically, 1T to 6 oz of water, yet on the net I read where you use 1 cup of coffee grounds to something like 25 oz of water. So I'll make using the 1T to 6oz of water, and see if I need to water it down. That means that I'll need to take some extra bottled water with me

    Everyone, have a great day
