New Here and bringing some folks with me...



  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member

    I love this place!
  • Lisainflorida
    Hey - Morning Pepper - just adding in my breakfast on this AWESOME FREE site!!

    Going bak to work yesterday aftr two weeks off was touuuuuugh :sad:
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hello and the best of luck to all the newbies. I'm one too and so far I love the website.:happy: :happy:

    I'm NOT a newbie, but, I'll second that! A HUGE welcome to all of you newbies!
    It's great to have friends doing MFP too! I've got several friends who are going gangbusters at losing weight.
    MFP REALLY, REALLY DOES work! Watch your numbers, drink lots of water, log all your foods BEFORE you have them, get some exercise, and you WILL lose the weight that you want to! :smile:
  • lpadilla75
    Hey Everyone! Anyone watching Diet Tribe on lifetime?
    I am watching this and then the Discovery Health Body Challenge at 11.
    I will hate myself in the morning, but I love these shows!

    I watched Diet Tribe last night. I too love these shows.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Hey - Morning Pepper - just adding in my breakfast on this AWESOME FREE site!!

    Going bak to work yesterday aftr two weeks off was touuuuuugh :sad:

    So I was thinking, as I am prone to do you get to keep your $15 a week now that WWHC has moved to FREE MFP? Alright, alright, party in Florida !!!!!! :drinker: :glasses:
  • melilissa_r

    I love this place!

    Me too! I am going to try this for a month and see if I like this better then WW. I'm thinking I will.

    (((((saving $ and losing weight))))

    And to all of you MFP veterans thank you for all the warm welcomes.:bigsmile:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member

    I love this place!

    Me too! I am going to try this for a month and see if I like this better then WW. I'm thinking I will.

    (((((saving $ and losing weight))))

    And to all of you MFP veterans thank you for all the warm welcomes.:bigsmile:

    You're wecome :flowerforyou: Great to have you here:drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I wanna jump on the welcoming bandwagon...

    WELCOME NEW FOLKS!!!:bigsmile:
  • amymac
    amymac Posts: 42
    I DVR'd Diet Tribe. What did you think of it, Lisa? (((DVR)))
  • _Pepper_
    _Pepper_ Posts: 49 Member
    WWHC = ? Weight Watchers Hot Chicks?

  • lpadilla75
    I liked the show Diet Tribe. I have pretty much always watched the Biggest loser course it would be easier to lose weight when you are taken out of society and live in a gym, but that show isn't reality..

    Diet Tribe focuses on a group of friends trying to lose weight while still dealing with everyday social gatherings . It just seemed more real to me. I really liked it.
  • rebeckyb1
    (((Hot chicks)))

    Hi ladies... I have to get used to this counting calorie stuff.... not doing so good yet.
  • jenn9270
    Thanks Pepper! I would have never got that one! LOL

    Yep this board is great!

    As for shows; if I could stay awake long enough to watch something I would :(

    <<<falling asleep by 7:30.

    *snort* when did I become my grandmother?
  • Lisainflorida
    Thanks for clarifying that Pepper - I have been sitting at my desk trying to figure it out.

    I may be a hot chick, but not a smart one today!! :love:
  • karabeara
    karabeara Posts: 19 Member
    Morning lovlies!
    I'm just entering my breakfast before I dive into work for the day:grumble:
    I'm sure that i'm missing something right in front of my face, but a little help would be great...
    (suffering a lack of sleep with a sick 3 y.o.)
    After I save a meal, how do I put it into my food tracker? Do I go to the saved meal and there is a place to add it, or to my journal and add a saved meal from there? Either way, some (probably very obvious) button eludes me.
    Thank you for all the warm welcomes!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    good morning all you WWHC. I DVR'd diet tribe also last night. I havent watched it yet. I probably will my little one goes down for nap so in about another hour. I hope you guys are still liking it here.

    I still havent quite figured out how to put my meal into my diary yet and I have been here since August LOL. I saved one that says 2 soft tacos and so I just typed that in my diary and it popped up. So that was good. Not sure if that is the easiest way to do it or not.

  • karabeara
    karabeara Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you Connie!
    I typed it in and there it is - woo hoo! I am loving this site!
    Thanks again,
  • amsky
    amsky Posts: 916 Member
    I haven't really figured out the entering of food stuff yet..I am still in points mode and it's hard to get a different mindset!:laugh:
  • Katton
    Katton Posts: 17
    Good afternoon everyone!!! So far so good with my first two days. Today is going okay...I stole a couple of fries from the kids but stopped myself. And yes...I counted them! :ohwell: I really love this easy to enter my food and find everything! I hope everything is doing well!:happy:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    This has to be the fastest growing thread I have ever seen.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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