Halloween Challenge - August 29 Saturday to October 31 Saturday



  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    AquaFan wrote: »
    I'm still in it. My Mom fell and broke her leg in 4 places and had to have surgery so I've been dealing with that.

    Starting Weight: 162.5
    Current Weight: 158
    Goal Weight: 154

    So sorry to hear! I hope she is doing well!
  • John90712
    John90712 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi all...hope that everyone is doing well. We can do this challenge!!! Keep a moving.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    AquaFan wrote: »
    I'm still in it. My Mom fell and broke her leg in 4 places and had to have surgery so I've been dealing with that.

    Starting Weight: 162.5
    Current Weight: 158
    Goal Weight: 154

    So sorry to hear! I hope she is doing well!

    Thank you. She is going home today. I'm so relieved.

    I'm down another pound to 157.5.

    Keep at it all!

  • Gained 2 pounds but still down 3. I'll chalk that up to less activity this week. And the beat goes on. Keep at it all! We have to keep motivated and stay confident because its already been 3 weeks! Very proud of our group.
  • John90712
    John90712 Posts: 49 Member
    Halloween Challenge 8/29 SW: 260
    9/4 257
    9/12 255
    9/19 252
    Halloween GW: 240

    I hope that everyone is having a great week.

  • Ashtoretet
    Ashtoretet Posts: 378 Member
    edited September 2015
    Started this challenge at 169 and am now at 163.
  • justrollme
    justrollme Posts: 802 Member
    Halloween Goal: 135
    8/29 SW: 151
    9/5: 149.6
    9/12: 148.8
    CW: 146.0

    Last week was way better than the week before! Only 1 pound to go until I am within the "healthy weight" category for my height! (Although I'm not stopping there, so I have a way to go, still.) Have fun and good luck, everyone! Happy Almost-Fall!
  • KateMonster924
    KateMonster924 Posts: 39 Member
    8/29 211.8
    9/5 208.8
    9/12 206.6
    9/19 206.8

    Loss for challenge: 5 lbs ...7.8 lbs to go!
    Goal weight for challenge 199
    I had a bad week, no exercise and lots of social eating due to my Grandpa being in town. We went to my parents' house a lot and I was not in control of cooking, although I tried to watch portions. I have no regrets tho, I maintained and you can't ever get time back with family. I am Italian so lots of pasta and social eating! I am getting back on the wagon this week, going grocery shopping this afternoon! Happy weighing everyone!
  • carolinagirl919
    carolinagirl919 Posts: 54 Member

    Starting weight (8/3/15): 216.5
    Halloween goal weight (10/31/15): 186

    Challenge weigh ins:

    1st weigh in (8/29/15): 206.6
    2nd weigh in (9/5/15): 205
    3rd weigh in (9/12/15): 205
    4th weigh in (9/19/15): 202.5

    Pounds lost since last weigh in: 2.5
    Total loss since the start of the challenge: 4.1

    Slower than I'd like, but progress is progress. I may need to reevaluate my Halloween goal weight...
  • MrsCaitlinBeltran
    MrsCaitlinBeltran Posts: 241 Member
    Starting weight: 164.4
    9/5: 162.6
    9/12: 164
    Current weight: 159.8

    I had a very good week this week!! Super proud of myself. Next week will probably be a little more difficult because my TOM is coming up, so I'm expecting to see some water weight gain. I hope everyone has a fun and healthy weekend! :)
  • Aeryn24
    Aeryn24 Posts: 34 Member
    Week 3 check in.

    Weight when I restarted this round of MFP tracking: 146.8 (Weighed the Wednesday before the challenge started).
    Weight 1st weigh in (weighed 8/30): 145.4
    Weight 2nd weigh in: 144.4
    Weight 3rd weigh in: 142.8

    Weight this week: 140.6

    Lost 4.8 pounds so far for the challenge!

    (Total weight loss so far this round: 6.2 pounds)

    It's my first week of Whole 30 and I've lost 2.2 pounds! Had a really good weight loss week, but lots of food prep and dishes, dishes, dishes! LOL

    I hope everyone else is having an awesome week and sticking to your logging and your plan to lose the weight!
  • AutumnSkye_16
    AutumnSkye_16 Posts: 21 Member
    This is my first challenge and I'm super excited about it. I'm 5'5" and currently weigh 170lbs...my goal weight is 130 and tone and will be thrilled if I could get to 150 or 145 by Halloween. :-)
  • deescrafty
    deescrafty Posts: 174 Member
    9-14: 232.5
    9-19: 231.5
    Upped my exercise this week, but slowww losing.
    Aquafan, sorry to hear about your mom. Glad she's home and hope she mends well.
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Starting weight (8/29) - 182.4
    9/5 - 182.3
    9/12 - 180.1
    9/19 - 178.6
    GW: 170

    Slow but steady.
  • AutumnSkye_16
    AutumnSkye_16 Posts: 21 Member
    I just realized I'm almost a month behind...just saw the challenge yesterday...I'm just going to jump on in...
    Age: 35
    Ht: 5'5"
    GW: 145

    Hope you all don't mind that I'm joining a little late in the game.
  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    I lost a few more lbs this week 23 lbs so far. I've got 17 more to go to reach my goal of 40lbs! Come on people we got this!!
  • SherryLynn1960
    SherryLynn1960 Posts: 4 Member
    The weekends continue to be difficult, so I am not loosing as fast as I'd like, but I haven't missed logging my food and exercise in almost a month.

    Sw: 08/29 140
    09/12 139.8
    CW: 09/19 139.2

    Hoping to have a better eating weekend next weekend!
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I'm late to the party, but any accountability helps for me. :)
    On August 29 I was 158lbs.
    I'm presently 153.
    End goal is 145!
  • bluebutterfly6
    bluebutterfly6 Posts: 26 Member
    My weigh in today was amazing!! I'm down another 6 lbs this week! 11 lbs to go to reach my 40lb goal by Halloween!! Feeling amazing!!
  • cybyll52
    cybyll52 Posts: 16 Member
    cybyll52 wrote: »
    8/29/2015 134.6
    9/4/2015 133.2
    9/11/2015 133.9
    9/18/2015 133.0
    9/25/2015 133.0