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  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited September 2015
    Poop – Fingers crossed for your surgery!

    Mindy – Congratulations on being made employee of the week so soon after starting your new job! Maybe it was your enthusiasm for the work that tipped the scale in your favor.

    JanetR – In the pic at the top of the mountain you are positively glowing with happiness at your achievement. And rightly so!

    Carol – You've had a lot of good advice about your job situation. I'd just like to add that withholding information and keeping individual co-workers out of the loop is an adult form of bullying. Common, but unacceptable.

    Why are so many churches hotbeds of conflict? You'd expect them to be little bits of heaven on earth, but everyone who's actually worked in a church knows that the employees are just human beings, with all the usual strengths and weaknesses, idiosyncracies and foibles. My mother was church organist/choir director all through my childhood so I more or less grew up in a church (UCC, like your "good" church). I remember the wife of the minister describing how a parishoner had called on them at home on a hot day in summer when her husband was out back chopping wood – with no shirt on. The parishoner had been excruciatingly embarrassed, as if it had never occurred to her that there was an actual man inside those long black robes!

    Heather – Ceps are my favorite mushrooms. In Sweden they're called Karl Johan mushrooms, after the first Bernadotte king (who originally came from France). They got his name because he loved them too. He even had his gardeners experiment with growing them, albeit not very successfully. A few years back we had a cep year in northern Norway and I picked 14 kilos in a single day! I'll be going out mushroom hunting later this week. Hoping...

    The picture of the pileup in the den struck a chord with me. I thought your husband looked a little fatigued under that heap of grandchildren, perhaps because I'd just been in a similar situation myself. Mine had taken all the pillows off the couch and all the sheets off their beds and half the dirty laundry out of the hamper, and built themselves a nice soft dark hidey-hole under the stairs. And of course Gamma had to crawl in. And they piled in after. This was the day after I'd been to a party that lasted until the wee hours, so I could easily have fallen asleep in there if the kids hadn't been bouncing up and down on me.

    Cargo pants? Is that what they're called? Katla says they're perfect for men of a certain age, but they're perfect for me too. I'm in total agreement with Heather's DH about not carrying anything. Purse? Forget it! I mainly wear my burdens in a backpack. I have a few pairs of pants from a Norwegian clothing company in a style called (suitably) Svalbard. They've got big pockets that zip shut and I've become more or less dependent on them for travel. My cell phone goes in one pocket, my passport and boarding pass fit in another, credit card and driver's license, keys and tissue paper have their own special places. Functional clothing. That's me.

    But I do fancy too. That turquoise silk ball gown... I considered taking a picture but the dress doesn't look very good with nobody in it and it wouldn't look very good with me in it either - not yet. When I get there I'll be sure to provide photographic evidence.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    :'( Wrote a bunch of responses and the goofed and hit the back button by mistake so better luck tomorrow. Nite all
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi guys, I'm poking my head back in to see how it feels.

    For anyone interested: I haven't been on the forum for several months. The reason was that I felt invisible here. I have kept reading in the meantime and I noticed that one person asked where I was.

    Everybody has a full life to lead and not everyone has to have me as part of her life, which is totally fine; I was just having trouble with the feeling of invisibility (not being answered or commented on, etc.)

    I have had contact with some of our group by DM or on our feeds, but I did enjoy the group (as a whole) very much as well. We will see how it goes. There are lots of new contributors, but also lots of "old" ones, which is great.

    Wishing everybody a good Tuesday, especially those struggling with health or personal issues!

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi, Cynthia, I've been on since April - and it makes an amazing difference. Hope you stay this time. Welcome to all the new ones and those returning.

    Pip - best of luck tomorrow, so glad Kirby can take time off with you.

    Sylvia - hope you can get the IBS under control.

    Joyce - keeping up with you and Charlie. Hang in there, glad you're seeing your doc for your health needs, too.

    JanetR - love the pic! and best of luck on your knee operation, as well. I'm trying to put mine off as long as I can, so I only have to do it once.

    Mindy - congrats on employee of the week!

    Yesterday was a head-banger.
    • Cockroaches in the salad bar, can't get the exterminator in until Thursday, so I'm disassembling today and spraying throughout the substructure this morning as soon as I get in. The previous manager built it and left no way to get inside the buggerty thing without unscrewing the metal panels.
    • New crew chief who was hired to eventually promote to manager was short this weekend on a register that only she had the key for, but extorted the money from one of the servers. So she's a bully. That will earn her a verbal warning this morning.
    • And she has yet to get a deposit right and is short on the last one of those, too. So after two weeks of training from me AND the other crew chief (who got it on the second try) she still has zero idea how to actually get it right. And lied in her interview when she said she knew Excel. Gah.
    • Had a burger that the bun had been burnt beyond all recognition and sent out on a to-go order posted on Facebook "Bad Service" page for this small town. Trying to get that one calmed down with a coupon for another meal.
    • No word yet on whether they're going to make an offer to the guy that actually would make a good manager (I hope). The GM says he'll push some buttons if he hasn't heard by noon today.
    • Found out the company's health insurance (my husband works for the corporation as a full-time, permanent employee, but I'm a contractor) has gone to a $3,000 deductible. Which means that seeing my doctor after October 1 will cost more than a $100 each VISIT. Annoying for us, but devastating for those making much less than we are. *sigh* Understand why they did it, but it sucks, nonetheless.
    • Came through the swinging doors and they caught my little finger right hand on the return and took a chunk out of the corner of the nail that went down nearly a half-inch into the quick, looked worse than it was. Was just the topper to a horrible day.

    My troubles are so minor compared to those who are struggling with their own health and that of the ones they love, but I try to remind myself that comparing pain is never useful--we are all in our own lives, and have to deal with what we must. And we do, usually very well.

    But I'm sure hoping today gets better.

    Lisa in gloomy West Texas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Hello Cynthia!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited September 2015

    Woo Hoo! It worked.

    Hi Cynthia. Hang in there.
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Janet's nice picture! What an accomplishment!
    Cynthia. Welcome!
  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    Here it is this morning. Same place, different day.
    Maryann in Michigan
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Hi guys, I'm poking my head back in to see how it feels.

    For anyone interested: I haven't been on the forum for several months. The reason was that I felt invisible here. I have kept reading in the meantime and I noticed that one person asked where I was.

    Everybody has a full life to lead and not everyone has to have me as part of her life, which is totally fine; I was just having trouble with the feeling of invisibility (not being answered or commented on, etc.)

    I have had contact with some of our group by DM or on our feeds, but I did enjoy the group (as a whole) very much as well. We will see how it goes. There are lots of new contributors, but also lots of "old" ones, which is great.

    Wishing everybody a good Tuesday, especially those struggling with health or personal issues!


    Welcome back Cynthia! :)

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    a quick stop in before work, went down to see DFIL and he ate like a horse like he usually does :) then to visit another sweet lady who is also a patient at the office. she got brand new dentures less than a month ago, she is not well and basically on her deathbed. so very sad to see.. gave her a kiss on the forehead and gently carressed her hair and told her what a sweet sweet lady she was and wished her a safe journey. until we see each other again.. it is just so sad to see, but it is like they say in the Lion King its the circle of life..
    well should be a busy day so ta ta for now <3
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Been reading, not much posting (no time!)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Cynthia good to see you back.

    Kim enjoyed looking at your site. Nice work.

    Janetr loved the picture of you at the National Park.

    Maryann beautiful picture.

    Sylvia hope digestive issues are resolving.

    Reading a book called Brain Maker by David Perlmutter. He also wrote Grain Brain. He has some interesting theories on the role of our gut bacteria on our health.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2015
    Cynthia - I am sorry you felt invisible. I assure you it wasn't intentional. I started about the time you did and was mostly just reading myself. This is a terrific group of ladies who are truly amazing. Remind me where you are located. And thanks for giving us a second chance. :)

    Pat - I saw that last night on Facebook. I bawled like a baby.

    Thanks Lisa. I will only be doing the knees once too, no matter what lol. I'm also a lot older than you tho. I am so thankful for Jack being retired Air Force. Government picks up all that Medicare doesn't pay. I'll not pay a dime for the knee replacement. On the other hand, Jack was exposed to agent Orange in Vietnam and Laos and it has its repercussions. Hope your day today is better.

    Maryann. Thank you. Your pic is gorgeous also. Our walks are rather either end of the spectrum. :)

    MNMargaret - thank you.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    morning peeps - 2 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    damnit - it will be paid time off for him, he's not going to use vacation time, he's going to use sick time. he's got like some ungodly amount of sick time (500+ hrs) that's available to him. yes, i'm going to work after a week off. :0)

    janetr - nice pic of you non that mountain, lookin good~

    cynthiat60 - i'm sorry, i am bad at responding to everyones comments. i skim thru alot, i always look at your profile pic and wonder, is that her? is that just a pic she found? it's a beautiful pic. pls keep coming here, i'll try to do better. i've been involved so much w/my shoulder, doc bills, insurance, blah blah i am in my own world right now. sorry

    mparker, puuuurrddyyyyyy pic!!!! we need to park our airstream by the water, so calming.

    type to ya later -
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I'm glad you're home. I'm also glad that your DS wants to step up and take care of his daughter. It is a good goal for him. You need a bit of recovery time, and he needs to be responsible for DGD. Obviously there needs to be adjustments in visits with mom. :broken_heart::heart:

    DJ: Thanks for the comments on Christmas travel. I'll look into it. I like to do lots of things but DH is disabled and finding things we can both enjoy is an important consideration. For example, walking tours are great for me, but he needs to ride. He's been having trouble with motion sickness aboard boats and fishing with our neighbor left him pale and queasy but happy. I'm in a negative frame of mind, I guess. We used to call this block of creativity "Why don't you...? Yes but..." I think it is me with the attitude problem this time. :noway: :ohwell:

    JanetrOKC: Your winter plans sound very appealing. We have friends who do something similar every winter, and I have a cousin who bought a place in an AZ retirement community where they spend winters. They're here in the summers. We've only travelled through AZ once and didn't spend more than a couple of days there. We weren't impressed with Lake Havasu, and that was before the drought. :flowerforyou: I love the picture of you in the mountains! :heart:

    Joyce: Challenging times for you and Charlie. :heart:

    gaworthington: Congratulations on your success! Smaller clothes are wonderful NSV's! :flowerforyou:

    Lagopus: I've never considered cargo pants for myself but since my shape has shifted I might be able to try them. :wink:

    Cynthia: Welcome back. Sorry to hear that you were feeling invisible. :cry:

    Lisa: Frustrating things for you at the restaurant. I'll bet you can hardly wait to get out of the restaurant turn around business! :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Thinking of you. Kirby is one exceptional man and you are lucky in love. :heart:

    We need to replace a door on our deck storage room because the current one has dry rot. We found a carpenter, but the door had to be ordered and will take about 5 weeks to get in. The door itself will also cost about $500. Yikes! We're planning to try another store and see if we can cut down the amount of time, and/or the cost of the door.

    I have spin class this morning while my neighbor does Zumba & it is time to get ready to leave.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    September Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Janetr, I normally go to bed before midnight. The problem I have is that no matter what time I go to sleep (last night was after 1:00) I still usually wake up a little after 7:00. Now that I have the opportunity to sleep in, I wish I could get in my 7 ½ or 8 hours, regardless of what time I get to bed. Oh well, I guess that is what naps are for? Great picture!! You are lookin’ good, lady!

    Joyce, you are really doing all that you can to support Charlie. I’d stick with the real mashed potatoes, too if that is something he will eat. Please just be sure to take care of yourself. It won’t do either of you any good if you get run down or sick. (((Hugs)))

    G, OMG, you have lost 61 lbs in 5 months??? That is fantastic!!! Way to Go!!! Isn’t it fun to get out of the “Women’s” department in the stores? Keep up the good work!!!

    Allison, so glad you got a good night’s sleep. I hope you have a wonderful day.

    IrishTerri, a BIG CONGRATS on your weight loss. You are doing a wonderful job. Keep up the good work.

    Penny, I’d think you travel a good bit so I’m sure you have the pocket packing down pat. I may try that the next time I fly so I can take a tote bag on board without paying a fee for it rather than a purse. I still get cranky about paying for bags on flights. Ppffttt

    Lisa, it is actually so hard to know how someone will act in a job from a resume and an interview. I am just amazed that people will lie about something like a computer program, like no one would figure it out?? Duh! You are right that many of the people probably can’t afford health care if the deductible is that high. Too bad about the increase.

    Maryann, great picture. Someone was up early.

    My friend finally got scheduled for hip surgery but it won’t be until Dec.2. She was hoping it would be early November at the latest. I just have to keep her busy so she won’t go stir crazy before then. Time to get going with my day and I hope you all have a great one.rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Hi all!

    I'm having trouble again with my tablet charging, so I'm feeling a bit cranky. The things I did that worked last time are not working this time. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Cynthia - welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Had a call from the solicitor today asking for an old electrical certificate from 8 years ago. Don't think I ever had one, but referred him to my old letting agent. How ridiculous this whole thing is!

    Penny - I've just finished the book about the Arctic. Very well written. I will read the last two chapters again, about Svalbard and Lapland, nearer the time. I do have a better overall picture of the whole area, the history and the politics.

    I have made a gorgeous chicken and spinach curry for tonight. Will have it with cauliflower "rice" and a yoghurt raita. Found a few last beans on my plants so they have gone in and managed to pick a bunch of sweet peas. It has been really wet here recently.

    At yoga this morning we spent the first half hour just chatting about how to deal with difficult people and obsessive thoughts. Didn't use many calories, but was fun! :bigsmile:
    DH has spent the afternoon making labels for all the rooms at the party. He has a great sense of humour. I still have to finalise the food order and check it over with him. At least I have booked the delivery slot. o:) Nearly everyone has now chosen their options for the catered meal on Saturday night. I am having fresh fig, salami and prosciutto platter, followed by salmon in a lime dressing, followed by creme brulee.

    Love to all. Wish me luck with sorting out my tablet. :'(:'(:#

    Heather UK
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    [b Michele in NC] [/b]-
    exermom wrote: »
    Mia - do you have any friends in the NC or VA area with the computer knowledge/handyman/smart/respectful qualifications?

    Darn. Wish I did.

    Lisa in gloomy West Texas -
    Yesterday was a head-banger ...
    But I'm sure hoping today gets better.

    Sending you good wishes for a better day today. I can’t help thinking that once you get some distance from all this it could be turned into a pretty amusing story. Totally fictional of course.

    Penny – Hooray for zipping up your special dress!! You are so close to being able to wear it comfortably.


    Anyone have input on weather in New Orleans in July? My FL friend is leading a tour in NOLA next year and has asked if I would like to come along as her assistant. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I don’t do well with high humidity and heat. So I’m waffling. I’m assuming that is a time of year when NOLA will be really hot.

    Met a friend for dinner last night. We went to Red Lobster. I spent so much time cracking my crab and pulling the meat out that I ended up barely eating any of it before I realized I was full. So I stayed withing my plan and have a lot of yummy crab and veggies for lunches this week.

    I did a ton of walking during my vacation. I credit that for my loss. Now to try to keep up with walking (or some other form of exercise) during my work week. That is my problem with having a desk job.

    Mia in MI

    September goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Weigh and measure all food that I prepare at home
    Get at least 15 min per day of aerobic exercise
    64 oz. water (or what counts as water for my program) daily