September 2015 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for September

    9/1 10.5 miles - 10.5
    9/2 6.6 miles - 17.1
    9/3 9.5 miles - 26.6
    9/4 6.85 miles - 33.45
    9/5 20 miles - 53.45
    9/6 REST DAY
    9/7 10.4 miles - 63.95
    9/8 10.25 miles - 74.2
    9/9 7 miles - 81.2
    9/10 10 miles - 91.2
    9/11 6.5 miles - 97.7
    9/12 21.5 miles - 119.2
    9/13 REST DAY
    9/14 10.5 miles - 129.7
    9/15 10.5 miles - 140.2
    9/16 6.35 miles - 146.55
    9/17 10.1 miles - 156.65
    9/18 6.3 miles - 162.95
    9/19 20 miles - 182.95
    9/20 REST DAY
    9/21 10.6 miles - 193.55
    9/22 10.5 miles - 204.05
    9/23 6.5 miles - 210.55
    9/24 5.25 miles - 215.80
    9/25 REST DAY
    9/26 13.1 miles - 228.9
    9/27 REST DAY
    9/28 7.15 miles - 236.05
    9/29 6.2 miles - 242.25
    9/30 6.6 miles - 248.85


    Today's the last day! Congrats to all on your awesome running this month. I will post the October link in a bit.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    OK! October Challenge is now posted:

    October marks my 2 year running anniversary. Jennifer and I started on Columbus Day back in 2013.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited September 2015
    shanaber wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 - I run fasted in the mornings primarily because I can't tolerate anything in my stomach when I run. So I would worry my stomach wouldn't tolerate it if I need to have it before I run. I do sometimes use protein powder in the morning after my run when I know it will be a while before I can actually eat something because of work/meetings. I also have it occasionally at night after a hard day of running and strength training workouts. I use Cytosport that has 6g of BCAAs - not huge but maybe enough?

    You can try taking it a lil earlier. It doesn't take too long for the BCAAs to get into your system (especially the mixed kind). 6g's of BCAAs is actually very good. I think a decent dose is actually 3 g's.

    last week I posted about some pain in the back of my knee after my longer run (8 miles). I had a couple of days rest from running and strength training and it disappeared - my next short run was fine. This sunday I did the same route again of 8 miles (3 mins quicker!) and the same knee pain set in. I have brought this on myself. it seems to be hanging around for longer this time so I will have to wait til it is completely gone before I resume running, then knock back from 8 to 5 miles I think. On the plus side, I have already met my target for the month :-) downside - I wanted to be able to comfortably run 10 miles by Christmas........

    You may need more time with the strength training to build up to 10 miles. Also, more smaller runs will help develop that. But you also said you did the 8 mile route 3 minutes quicker. You shouldn't try to run faster while upping your mileage. You should maintain that same easy pace.

  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    9/2 - 3.36 miles
    9/4 - 3.30 miles
    9/5 - 7 miles
    9/7 - 3.38 miles
    9/10 - 3.0 miles
    9/13 - 8.12 miles
    9/16 - 3.25 miles
    9/18 - 3.27 miles
    9/19 - 9.54 miles
    9/21 - 3 miles
    9/23 - 3.28 miles
    9/25 - 3.29 miles
    9/26 - 10.89 miles
    9/28 - 3.3 miles

    Looks like I'm going to miss my I might do 3 miles tonight, but my hip is hurting. I brought my son to the local Y's adventure room and I slipped on a mat. Didn't fall, just twisted my leg a bit. Feels like I might have tweaked my IT band a bit since it's also hurting on the outside of my knee a bit when I go down stairs. I'm thinking rest day today and tomorrow and back to it on friday.

    Congratulations to everyone who met or exceeded their goals!

    [img] [\img][/img]
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    9/1 - rest day
    9/2 - 5.2 miles treadmill "hill" workout with HM training group
    9/3 - 4.5 miles around the 'hood...heat and humidity is back 74° and sticky at 5:30 a.m.
    9/4 - 4 miles in the humidity...pretty good pace today
    9/5 - 8.2 mi with HM training group...tough, ended with a 1/2 mile hill...twice.
    9/6 - unplanned rest day
    9/7 - 5.76 miles of intervals with HM group
    9/8 - 4 miles in drippy, sprinkly and still humid weather...where is fall?
    9/9 - 4.5 miles, super comfortable. 64° and lower humidity...yay!
    9/10 - 5 miles treadmill/trek class...super sweaty
    9/11 - 4.4 miles...beautiful, cool morning...went downhill a bit after the run, though. Car issue.
    9/12 - 9.66 miles with HM group...beautiful weather!!
    9/13 - rest day
    9/14 - 5.43 miles of intervals / tempo with HM group
    9/15 - 4 miles of easy, comfortable running
    9/16 - 5.3 miles of hill repeats with HM group...I think I may die this hard!
    9/17 - rest day...semi-planned. Tomorrow and Saturday will have easy runs, with a 10-mile race on Sunday a.m.
    9/18 - 4.37 miles; nice weather; hips and glutes were still sore from Wednesday's hill work
    9/19 - 4.0 miles, easy run on a beautiful morning in DSM
    9/20 - 10.13 miles; Capital Pursuit 10-Mile; GORGEOUS morning to run and super happy with my time / pace...wish every run could be like this!
    9/21 - No run; had to go for my annual physical...turn my head and cough. It is nice not to hear "You should lose weight / exercise more / go on a diet" like I always used to.
    9/22 - 4.44 miles; humid today.
    9/23 - 5.01 miles of hill repeats with HM group...thankfully not as hard as last week.
    9/24 - 4.51 miles
    9/25 - No run today :'( Rough night with kids and (apparently) sick dog...little sleep, rough morning.
    9/26 - 11.39 miles with HM group. I felt horrible, total slog. Stomach hurt / cramping the whole time.
    9/27 - 3.0 miles. Again, just felt awful. Yuck
    9/28 - 5.05 miles. Finally felt a little better. Not sure what is up with my gut while running the last three days.
    9/29 - Another unplanned rest day. GI distress plus really tired. So, slept in a little. Still not sure what is going on in my gut.
    9/30 - 5.1 miles of rolling hills with HM group. Beautiful morning to run!


    I promise to run between my driveway and the neighbors tonight to get that last 0.05!

    Great job all!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    This is a tough week for me. I took two rest days Monday & Tuesday. Monday was planned, but yesterday I was just too tired and I had some work to do getting ready for our camping trip. I should skip running tonight but I won't. Tomorrow because it's work > soccer game > 4 hour drive to the campsite, so if I don't run tonight, it will be a 4 day hiatus. I may have to take tomorrow off to which case I would likely squeeze in a run.

    9/01 - Rest
    9/02 - 6.1 Miles, 11:03 pace, 137 HR, 72F
    9/03 - 5.0 Miles, 10:53 pace, 142 HR, 77F
    9/04 - 8.1 Miles, 12:11 pace, 136 HR, 83F
    9/05 - Family Day! - Innertubing down a nearby river and going out to eat.
    9/06 - 7.7 Miles (5.2 + 2.5), First run: 11:05 pace, 139 HR, 76F, Second run with the kid. Also got in a 3 mile walk with Kody.
    9/07 - 13.1 Miles <-- New distance PR! 10:59 pace, 138HR, 68F
    - 2.3 Miles with The Kid
    9/08 - Rest
    9/09 - 8.5 Miles, 10:41 pace, 142 HR, 69F
    9/10 - 9.2 Miles, 11:04 pace, 138 HR, 60F
    9/11 - Road trip
    9/12 - 5.1 Miles, 10:13 pace, ??? HR, 52F <no GPS>
    9/13 - 5.1 Miles, 11:18 pace, 140 HR, 65F
    9/14 - 8.5 Miles, 10:38 pace, 146 HR, 80F
    9/15 - 8.5 Miles, 11:24 pace, 134 HR, 80F
    9/16 - MN Twins game - 12 inning game after a 1hr rain delay. Got home at 1:15am!
    9/17 - 8.5 Miles, 10:53 pace, 136 HR, 66F
    9/18 - Rest
    9/19 - 6.7 Miles, 10:01 pace, 136 HR,
    9/20 - Gluttony
    9/21 - Gluttony
    9/22 - 8.6 Miles, 10:38 pace, 138 HR, 68F
    9/23 - 5.5 Miles, 10:31 pace, 133 HR, 69F
    9/24 - 8.6 Miles, 10:38 pace, 140 HR, 67F
    9/25 - Rest
    9/26 - 3.7 Miles (0.5 mile warm up, 3.1 mile race with PR time of 26:32)
    9/27 - 16.00 Miles, 10:43 pace, 139 HR, 61F <-- Distance PR by 2.9 miles
    9/28 - Rest Day
    9/29 - Rest Day (actually just too tired to run)

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @Stoshew71 thanks for all the info, links and vids about the bcaa's! I looked at the label on the ON 100% Whey Gold Standard powder I bought for my son (who's starting to lift weights) and it turns out there's 5.5 grams of BCAAs per scoop, so I'll experiment with drinking that before my long runs and see if I notice any difference. I was pretty darn sore yesterday, the day after my 16 mile run (but it was a good kind of sore).
    @snha it sounds like you're reaching a point of running "enlightenment"! Those are great moments! It's almost as if you've passed through a gate into the next level of running. I've recently had a moment like that myself.
    @juliet3455, I'm really jealous of your running area!
    @JoRocka another great picture, as always!
    @mwyvr, you may not reach your goal but you have a VERY respectable total!
    @patrikc333, @shanaber, @Stoshew71 and @kristinegift, way to hit those HUGE goals!
    I'm sure I missed some others worthy accomplishments and I apologize.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    karllundy wrote: »


    I promise to run between my driveway and the neighbors tonight to get that last 0.05!

    Great job all!

    ha ha!

    @7lenny7 I'm not surprised you are tired a jump to 16 miles is big. I'd be tired too. Smart idea to listen to your body when it says rest.

    Everyone kicked butt this month, whether you ran 10 miles or 400 miles, amazing work everyone!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    OK! October Challenge is now posted:

    October marks my 2 year running anniversary. Jennifer and I started on Columbus Day back in 2013.

    Thanks! And congratulations on your upcoming run-niversary!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    aarar wrote: »
    I'm in again! I'm aiming to do 400km/250-ish miles this month. I'm running a 50 mile race on September 26th so as long as everything goes according to plan and I'm still feeling strong, I've got about 2 more 100km+ weeks ahead of me before I start tapering.

    Ahhh I fell really short of my September goal, it looks like I'll be finishing this month at 270km/168 miles. I'm not going to be too hard on myself though, I made it through training injury free and successfully completed a 50 mile trail race on Saturday. I didn't have a time goal, just wanted to finish before the cut offs and finish strong, which I did.

    All the soreness from the weekend is gone so I'm looking ahead to October mileage now; post race slump is a big problem for me, so I need some new goals to focus on.

    Congrats to everyone who ran their butts off in September. Bring on October!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    aarar wrote: »
    aarar wrote: »
    I'm in again! I'm aiming to do 400km/250-ish miles this month. I'm running a 50 mile race on September 26th so as long as everything goes according to plan and I'm still feeling strong, I've got about 2 more 100km+ weeks ahead of me before I start tapering.

    Ahhh I fell really short of my September goal, it looks like I'll be finishing this month at 270km/168 miles. I'm not going to be too hard on myself though, I made it through training injury free and successfully completed a 50 mile trail race on Saturday. I didn't have a time goal, just wanted to finish before the cut offs and finish strong, which I did.

    All the soreness from the weekend is gone so I'm looking ahead to October mileage now; post race slump is a big problem for me, so I need some new goals to focus on.

    Congrats to everyone who ran their butts off in September. Bring on October!

    @aarar sounds like your September was a win win! Congrats on the 50 miler that is quite an accomplishment!
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    Ending September Running Challenge with 67.7/60.00 miles! Yee haw! Congrats to everyone else for trying to reach their goal or making it!!
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    9/1 Strength training and elliptical
    9/2 6.5 miles (6 at 11:29 and .5 at 15:00) on the treadmill
    9/3 4.5 miles at 11:59 on the treadmill
    9/4 3 miles at 11:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/5 Rest Day

    9/6 5 miles-nice trail run with 4 at 11:35(ish) and 1 walking
    9/7 1.5 miles at 12:00 with my 10 year old.
    9/8 1.5 miles super-slow walking on the treadmill on max incline plus strength training
    9/9 7.75 miles on my local park trail at 12:33
    9/10 3.25 walking the doggy for my rest day
    9/11 3.00 at 11:30 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/12 Rest

    9/13 Rest
    9/14 4.5 at 12:30 on my park trail.
    9/15 3.25 at 10:46 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/16 2.75 at 11:17 on the treadmill (short run, since I had to go to a meeting)
    9/17 7.5 at 12:20 on the park trail
    9/18 3.25 @ 11:25 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    9/19 Rest

    9/20 4.25 at 12:00 through the neighborhood
    9/21 3.25 at 11:32 on the treadmill
    9/22 3.5 at 11:50 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    9/23 "rest day" 5 miles dragging recalcitrant dog around the lake at Nana's pace of 2.5 mph for two hours
    9/24 3.25 at 11:50
    9/25 Rest day, due to nasty head cold :(
    9/26 Race Day! Still sick, but determined. I did 6.25 miles at 12:49 average, which is not terrible for a really challenging (to me) trail run. My splits were 10:20, 10:54, 14:10, 14:05, 14:09, 13:33, and 11:31. You can probably tell which parts were on the road, lol.

    9/27 Rest day
    9/28 3.5 on the treadmill at 11:17 (did a whole mile at 10:00!)
    9/29 3.0 on the treadmill at 10:49 plus strength training
    9/30 2.25 through the neighborhood at 12:00. With the dog. Who is a lovely dog, but the world's worst running partner. He pooped twice. He chased squirrels. He ran in random criss-cross patterns in front of my feet. He stopped for absolutely no reason. It was not a good run. In unrelated news, I do not like running after lunch. Again, not a good run. Oh well. Month is done and mileage met!

    Goal: 75 miles

  • CancerSurvivor2014
    MFP September 2015 Running Challenge:
    September has flown by.I am adding 2.5 miles from warm up runs. For this month 48 was the number. It was my mileage goal and I also had a goal to run 5 miles in 48 mins(previous PR 49 mins) . I fell short on both of them. But on the bright side this challenge has pushed me to run more. I am gonna set these same goals for October. See ya'll in the October thread.

    Goal: 48 miles
    >>>>>>>> 10 short of goal <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • aprilcanrun
    aprilcanrun Posts: 62 Member
    Last run of the month tonight went really well. Ram with a faster (much younger) girl at running club and it really pushed me.

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    Another great run--very comfortable breathing and muscles. Now I know why running is such an addiction.

    9/1 rest day -- elliptical
    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!
    9/3 rest day -- elliptical
    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!
    9/5 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/6 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/7 3.32--running again!
    9/8 rest day -- no workout
    9/9 3.52
    9/10 2 -- decided to run two days in a row for first time
    9/11 3.18 -- another day of running (three days in a row)
    9/13 3:11 -- took a day off bc of heel pain (did elliptical though) -- fasted 5K: pace 9:51/mile.
    9/14 4.51
    9/15 4.12
    9/16 rest day
    9/17 4.75
    9/18 rest day (elliptical)
    9/19 4.35
    9/20 4.56
    9/21 rest--elliptical
    9/22 5.25
    9/23 rest day
    9/24 2.8 -- last run before my 5k race on Sunday
    9/25 rest day
    9/26 2.6 -- small run with some sprints, getting ready for the little 5k tomorrow
    9/27 3.11 -- 5K race.
    9/28 rest—elliptical
    9/29 5.01 — beautiful run, love it.
    9/30 5.75 -- another beautiful run!

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    4-rest/ travel
    5-1.88 walk
    7-3.43, 5.00
    12- 5.07
    14- rest
    19- 7.69
    20- rest
    23- 2.07
    24- nada
    26-9.03 and kayaking
    27- rest


    Oh, so close to 100..I'll getcha next month!

    GREAT EFFORT EVERONE! See ya in October, Run safe!
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    9 km run up and down Pats Creek just under 60 minutes. So a little slow when my normal avg is 6 min/km.
    Legs did feel a little heavy for the first 2-3 km then seemed to relax and I was able to pickup the pace.

    9/1 - 0 - 0 - 140 km goal
    9/3 - 6 km - 6 - 134 km to go
    9/4 - 6 km - 12 - 128 km to go
    9/7 - 7.4 km - 19.4 - 120.6 km to go
    9/12 - 11.4 km - 30.8 - 109.2 km to go
    9/13 - 6.5 km - 37.3 - 102.7 km to go
    9/14 - 6.8 km - 44.1 - 95.9 km to go
    9/16 - 8.2 km - 52.3 - 87.7 km to go
    9/18 - 10 km - 62.3 - 77.7 km to go
    9/19 - 6.8 km - 69.1 - 70.9 km to go
    9/20 – 17 km – 86.1 – 53.9 km to go
    9/22 - 10.5 km – 96.6 – 43.4 km to go
    9/23 – 5.5 km – 102.1 – 37.9 km to go
    9/24 – 5.7 km – 107.8 – 32.4 km to go
    9/25 –10.8 km – 118.6 – 21.6 km to go
    9/27 – 8.3 km – 126.9 – 13.1 km to go
    9/28 – 5.1Km – 132.1 – 8.0 km to go
    9/29 – 7.7 Km – 139.75 – 0.25 km to go
    9/30 – 9.0 Km – 148.75– 8.8 km past Goal


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @juliet3455, I'm really jealous of your running area!
    So what is your Running area like?
    What about my area do you like so much?

    The positive in my area - Hill Repeats are dead easy - they are everywhere and you don't have to repeat a hill as there is always another one just around the next tree or bend in the trail. So when I get to a race with Hills I tend to be the Mountain Goat who doesn't really break stride or lose a lot of pace when I hit the slopes.

    The Negative - Long Flat Runs are not easy to do unless you get uphill out of the valley up to the Prairie/Table lands- and who in there right mind wants to do that? Especially when there are all these hidden nooks and crannies to explore. I still haven't made it into what the Old Timer Locals call Sherwood Forest, Black Woods, Judah Hills south, Judah Hill Railway, Sand Dunes, Hart River, Forestry Land Slide and the list goes on and on.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    RunTimer wrote: »
    In in it for 50
    • 02 - 6.2
    • 04 - 4.3 (Fisherman's Wharf..dodging tourists)
    • 07 - 5.1 (pre race workout)
    • 08 - REST DAY
    • 09 - 3.5 (5K JPMCC Corp Challenge (under 7m ever :) !!)
    • 09 - 4.8 ..but missed the buss so had to run home :/
    • 16 - 6.4 stopped short due to bio break..THANK YOU THANK YOU QWIKI MART!
    • 21 - 5.7
    • 22 - 7.1 Run Your Butt To Work Day
    • 30 - 7.2