Fall Weight Loss Challenge



  • Roesbud1019
    Roesbud1019 Posts: 1 Member
    I accept this challenge! My goal is to lose 15 pounds by November 30!! Today is my first day so I hope the challenge helps me stay focused!
  • sangkeunkim
    sangkeunkim Posts: 3 Member
    This will be an awesome way to keep myself accountable after plateauing for 3 months.
    CW: 200
    GW: 185
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    EveryBODY is different and we all have our own likes and dislikes when it comes to eating, but one thing for sure is that we all have the same goal. Lose the weight for good! If you're like me, you are so tired of every little nickel and dime you've spent on trying the newest, latest and greatest fad diet. I guess that's why I wanted to do something for everyone and have it not COST us anything - well except our time and commitment. Just a little friendly challenge that helps to motivate may just be the way to go!

    Here are a few TIPS that are tried and true. For those who asked about ideas of sample breakfasts/lunches I'll include easy ideas - but I encourage you to make it your own. Often a busy lifestyle schedule during the day can preclude us from good eating practices and missing or neglecting both of these meals can plummet your metabolism in a NY minute! Your Mama wasn't joking when she said, "Eat your breakfast!" and "Eat your Vegetables!" These two basic rules are good ones to keep around.


    TIP 1. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST AND EAT EVERY 2-3 HOURS! To keep the (fire burning) and your metabolism revved up try eating at least every 2-3 hours. (Breakfast, am snack, Lunch, pm snack, Dinner).





    TIP 7. MOVE MORE AND MORE. Maybe it's just a walk around the block or chair aerobics, and every week challenge yourself to move just a little more than before.

    BREAKFAST: Protein Smoothie (whey protein, raw spinach, raspberries, unsweetened almond milk, stevia)

    A.M. Snack: Raw Veggies, Hard boiled Egg

    LUNCH: Chicken Caesar Salad (watch out for dressings and croutons that add so many calories) I always order dressing on the side and eliminate it all together. Sometimes a nice vinegar and oil is a great option.

    P.M. Snack: Granny Smith Apple, 1 tablespoon of peanut or almond butter.

    Dinner: Baked Salmon (wrapped tightly in foil at 400 degrees) Add Asparagus and Zucchini, slices of a lemon, fresh dill and brush salmon lightly with grape seed oil. Salt and Pepper to taste and cook for 25-30 minutes.


  • lizziesmom15
    lizziesmom15 Posts: 85 Member
    CW: 231
    GW: (by Thanksgiving) 206

    Would like to lose 25 pounds by then.
  • malvina0421
    malvina0421 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!
    CW - 162
    GW - 150
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member

    Don't give up when things become difficult. Push through; press through; get through. You can do this, and you are the only one who can do this. Changes are going to take place and you are moving to a better place!
  • davinci21
    davinci21 Posts: 60 Member
    Hello all
    CW: 86kg
    GW: 75kg

  • Egsweety2004
    Egsweety2004 Posts: 2 Member
    Im in!
    looking to loose at least 1.5lbs a week.
  • tinker405
    tinker405 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm in.

    C W. 211
    G.W 195
  • enleyva
    enleyva Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in ! I weigh 174 and my goal weight is 130. Hopefully by thanksgiving I'll weigh 154.
  • caednkat
    caednkat Posts: 38 Member
    im in, just got my blood-work done at the drs to see if there is anything medically off with me, im not losing as i should be and easily gain back 5-10 lbs at a time that take months to come off. i do not over indulge often and my calories are set at 1600. Dr says I should definitely be losing based on my activity and such. This is the new jump-start I need to get re-motivated.
    cw 195
    challenge gw 182

    I'm having the same problem, and all my blood work came back fine.

    I'm in. Based on how slowly I've been loosing for the last few months I'd be thrilled to be down 10lbs at the end of November. I'd throw a party if I was down 16. ;)

    Current weight -290
    Goal weight - 274 (2lbs a week, might as well aim high)

    I keep my calories daily between 1500-1800. I'm walking 3 miles a day and doing yoga several times a week. On top of that I do hand weights for my arms.

    My doctor and my nutritionist are baffled why the weight won't come off. My pattern has been drop 3lbs one week then the scale won't move at all for 3 weeks. This went on all summer long while I kept my calories at 1400 a day. I upped the calories thinking that would jump start weight loss but it hasn't.

    Looking forward to posting with all of y'all and maybe getting some new ideas to try for myself. :)
  • chyna973
    chyna973 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in
    Cw 296
    Gw 276
  • holly_roman
    holly_roman Posts: 116 Member
    CW-240 approx
    GW by end of Now - 224

    Looking for friends to have on my page!
  • pwh300
    pwh300 Posts: 99 Member
    CW 149
    GW 140
  • carolbaka
    carolbaka Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in :) 145lbs CW
    125lbs GW 20lbs to lose overall but in 8 weeks possibly 16lbs
  • Petminder
    Petminder Posts: 1 Member
    I just joined today. I'm in though lol.
    CW 163.0
    GW 148.0
  • glitterflower
    glitterflower Posts: 10 Member
    :D I need this!!

    I'll weigh in and update this tomorrow, just starting back up with logging.
    My goal is to lose 10 by November 30!

    CW: ??
    GW: ??

    CW: 164.4
    GW: 154.4

    I'm so excited! Thanks for organizing us!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I love the Fall, but with it come all sorts of fall goodies to indulge in--and it sure isn't great for the weight loss enthusiast! So I prepose a Fall Weight Loss Challenge beginning October 1 and ending November 30th! Let's ease into the Holidays with a fresh new jumpstart!

    61 days and counting! Anyone game?

    If you are, just reply to this discussion board with your goal weight loss for the next two months and check in every Monday with your weeks results. Let's encourage one another on and check in every week with how we are all doing!

    I'll go first:

    Current weight: 143.8
    Goal loss per week is at 2lbs totalling 8 weeks= 16 lbs goal loss
    Goal weight by November 31=127.8

    Thanks for coming along! I can't wait to hear how everyone does!

    "This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind...Let it be something good." AUTHOR UNKNOWN

    @hillcrestbaby - I love your enthusiasm but wanted to warn you that when you have as little weight to lose as you do, a goal of 2 pounds per week is very aggressive.
  • hillcrestbaby
    hillcrestbaby Posts: 577 Member
    :D I need this!!

    I'll weigh in and update this tomorrow, just starting back up with logging.
    My goal is to lose 10 by November 30!

    CW: ??
    GW: ??

    CW: 164.4
    GW: 154.4

    I'm so excited! Thanks for organizing us!

    You are so welcome glitter flower!! All the best!
  • celery54
    celery54 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!
    CW 194
    GW 185
    Great idea! Let's do this ! :)
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