

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Just been ordering some twinkly lights to put in the barn where we'll be having the after dinner dancing on the 17th. And a flashing banner saying Happy 70th Birthday! Getting close now! B):drinker:
    People ask me what DH wants for a present. Impossible! :laugh:

    Going to be watching a programme about the life of an oak tree tonight. Love trees. :bigsmile:

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited October 2015
    Michele ... My husband always insists we have gas in the generator and extra cans full at all times ... The one time he didn't have things as he likes them, we were hit with a blizzard that knocked out our community's electric for 3 days. He beat himself up for weeks! Better prepared than not!

    Cheryl ... Nice photo of both you and your horse

    Linda ....Cute kitties!

    Allison ... It's a dangerous time of the year with every store placing candy front and center ... I try to avoid it like the plague.

    It's been stressful here. Son has not managed school this week, but got his Botox injections today. We know what's happening, now to get past it. Migraines are a symptom of a larger problem.

    NLP and the discussion on positive thinking. Do you think it's possible our brains work in the reverse? Taking negative and harmful thoughts and making them "come true?" Hmm.

    Beth in WNY

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Betty – Enjoy your travels. There’s no reason why you can’t take or purchase fresh fruits and vegetables for snacking or breakfast or such. A little cooler with fruit, then add ice at the hotel, then enjoy the local cuisine for lunch and/or supper. You can do this ! ! !

    Chris in MA
    – Hugs for all the unexpected expenses. What a bummer. Hooray for collar bones (and for looking younger) ! ! !

    The ladies that come into my work have some really fancy bling on their fitness trackers. They look like diamond watches, or thick diamond cuff bracelets, all kinds of pretty options. I haven’t tried anything yet. I just get excited by the little structured movement I am able to do. I was hoping to get back to the hand-bike this week, but my RA travelled into my left wrist and hand REAL bad, so it is the regular bike awhile longer.

    Hugs !
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Seems like September was a challenging month for a lot of us, goal-wise. Thank you all for the inspiration and kitten pictures!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Snavemom, I tried to read your blog, but it told me it was private. I'm so sorry you are down and that you are struggling with the loss of your precious sister. We are here for you through your struggles.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
  • krazykarenn
    krazykarenn Posts: 20 Member
    Wow, looks like I have found the group I was looking for! Active women who actually care about each other!
    Returning to MFP after just logging in occasionally and would love to jump in with you caring folks.
    October goals:
    *log my food every day
    *work out 5 days per week

    That's it. Baby steps!
    Karen in Southern California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :) I have been gone most of the day---dog walking, line dance class, lunch at Chinese restaurant with good friends who paid for lunch in honor of Jake's birthday which is on the 10th, and then grocery store. I have enjoyed reading all your posts even knowing that this is not the day that I will suddenly become good at responding to everyone.

    :) About positive affirmations, just as important is to take the negative talk out of your repertoire....I have stopped saying negative things about myself or about my husband or about my circumstances. I express gratitude for my blessings and treat the bumps in the road as natural things that are likely to come along.

    :) I am fortunate that our neighborhood has a limit on how many animals we can have (as does my husband) or I would have a cat on every surface.

    :)Betty, what helped me in my travels was to seek ways to enjoy the places I went other than by going to restaurants and food stores.....I ate the same food everywhere which generally involved asking for something special in a restaurant---side dishes, foods prepared a special way. It's a big jump to decide to stop using food for recreation, but the health benefits are amazing.

    <3 snavemom, please don't get discouraged....grief will cloud your judgement for awhile...just stay in the moment and keep posting with us....the biggest barrier to success is feeling "what's the use???" I have two health conditions that I shouldn't have if eating right and lifestyle were the only contributors but they've come from heredity---thus my only choices of solution were giving up, getting new parents, or accepting the diagnosis and taking the prescribed medication.

    welcome.gif Welcome to anyone who is posting with us for the first time in October. Please keep coming back...tell us about yourself and jump into the conversation and soon you'll feel like you've known us forever.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Welcome, Krazy Karen.

    My October goals are:

    10,000 steps per day
    Weigh less on October 31 than I do on October 1 (just call me the tortoise)
    7 hours of sleep or more, most nights (trying for all is a sure fail)

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie, your comment about a cat on every surface made me laugh. I am sitting here with three on my bed with me two on separate bookshelves, three on separate desks/ tables, three on the sofa and one in the kitchen on top of the hoosier cabinet watching me. The three outdoor kitties have not come in for the night yet.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I wrote a post this morning, I must have hit a snag when I posted it, because I sure don't find it now. :ohwell:

    I just got back from having my hair cut. I've been trying to explain what I want to my hairdresser for a LONG time and she's gotten close, but not just right. I just don't have the language to communicate specifics and concepts in hair cutting SO I went online and found a haircutting diagram that shows how to cut a particular layered style. I printed it and took it with me. We talked it over and she did a grand job for me. Success!!!!! :bigsmile:

    There is a tragic shooting in the news that occurred in an Oregon Community College today. This is well over a hundred miles away from where I live, in a town called Roseburg. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. The shooter ended by shooting himself. Too bad he didn't start there. :broken_heart:

    Katla in Beautiful and tragic NW Oregon.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I wrote a post this morning, I must have hit a snag when I posted it, because I sure don't find it now. :ohwell:

    I just got back from having my hair cut. I've been trying to explain what I want to my hairdresser for a LONG time and she's gotten close, but not just right. I just don't have the language to communicate specifics and concepts in hair cutting SO I went online and found a haircutting diagram that shows how to cut a particular layered style. I printed it and took it with me. We talked it over and she did a grand job for me. Success!!!!! :bigsmile:

    There is a tragic shooting in the news that occurred in an Oregon Community College today. This is well over a hundred miles away from where I live, in a town called Roseburg. My heart goes out to the victims and their families. The shooter ended by shooting himself. Too bad he didn't start there. :broken_heart:

    Katla in Beautiful and tragic NW Oregon.

    Just heard!!! My heart pains for these people n their families!! Why we will never know??? Peace to all!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,387 Member
    edited October 2015
    Beth I sincerely think that is the case. If you believe you can't do something then you set yourself up for failure as your subconscious works to make that come true as well. In 'The Giant Within' Anthony Robbins gets the reader to experiment with both positive and negative affirmations. I had myself thoroughly depressed in about 10 seconds flat just by doing what he suggested, and I am usually a real Pollyanna of a person.

    Barbie Thanks so much for setting up the October group. I am still playing catch-up most of the time. You have the right idea about banishing the negative thoughts. It's quite difficult to do at first but it gets much easier as time goes on.

    On the fitness tracker, I have a Fitbit Flex and I love it. It was a present from my now DnL. You can get lots of pretty bracelets for the tracker, including very fancy diamante ones. My daughter bought a load of coloured ones and shared with me so I have ones which match my outfits. I even wore mine on the day my daughter got hitched in August. It just looks like a bracelet. I have ones in lilac, turquoise and fuscia pink, as well as the standard black.

    Must go to bed now as I have to attend my Latin study group in the morning. I have missed the first two sessions because of my surgery, so hope they haven't moved too far ahead.

    Type to y'all later.

    Irish Terri
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member

    Good eve. This is DH's BD.Our SIL took him to an Amish restaurant for breakfast & they stopped in a couple of car shops & a few junk shops. Why? Neither one will buy anything......unless they plan on renting storage space. :)

    Joyce,how sweet of your DH & how great you were there.
    Thanks for sharing your moment.

    Our Fl DD & SIL WILL leave tomor & arrive Sat.Just in time to surprise her big Sis & enjoy their Fall party.They have friends,relatives & neighbors.for a weiner roast/pot luck.The girls have always been close ....it's so sweet to have them together.
    Heather,your DH's BD week end sounds wonderful & I envy your bro's visit. Enjoy!
    So many of you share what works for you in losing weight.Need to write a list of what I have learned.
    Boy,that would take a ton of space.

    Tomorrow is checking to be sure the spare bedroom is ready,making fruit salad & a salad using the last of our tomatoes.Will take both Sat,along with a platter of fried chicken.

    Hope everyone has a nice wk end.Pat

    Weird weather.......even flowers are confused.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good night, everyone! Insomnia has been my companion for the past two nights so I am hoping to sleep well tonight.

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hugs to those in Oregon tonight. I've been glued to the news today in terror.

    On a personal level...My hubby teaches chemistry in a university. Chemistry teachers are generally disliked, and my hubby is a pretty tough teacher, so he is more disliked than most. And we live in Hicksville where people love their guns more than their children. So these school shootings cause me to worry more and more about his safety. I really wish he would retire.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:
    spin- 45min 83r 109w 18.5mi 11-16g, 122ahr, 144mhr = 373c
    walk dome 2 hm- 41.55min, 123mhr,2.5mi = 398c, first time
    total cal 771
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    I agree about Heather. If it is your birthday, some one else should be the hostess and the cooking. Have fun anyway.

    Loving all the pictures today. I don't think I had ever seen Barbie's kitty.

    Went walking on the mall with Charlie today and I usually stop at this one antique shop. They routinely drop their prices down and today there was a big table at 75% off. I had been wondering how to make an incontinence pad for our car but didn't know how to start. Sometimes I just get these ideas! There were these pillow shams and one of those yard flags you see for different seasons, or just welcome,etc. I can/t remember what this flag was. But it was big enough that when I cut it in half, each half fits right in each pillow sham. It probably needs a pillow in each just so they look like a pillow to sit on in the car. But it works as an incontinence pad. And unfortunately Charlie has already tried it out and it worked.

    Both of his Karaoke buddies offered to pick him up for their usual Wednesday Karaoke and then bring him home when he was ready. But it isn't far from my church and we both have to be there at 7PM so I just took him and then went to church. Well when I got to church I found out choir practice was cancelled. I could have gone on home and watched Survivor in peace and waited for Jim or Alan to bring my husband home. But I decided to jsut go on over to where they were. Really his diarrhea was on my mind and I really didn't want him to have to use one of those pads in his friends car. He had already turned in his first song request but decided to change it. I wasn't sure why. But they called his name and then he started singing. I immediately knew I had to pull out the kleenexes. Well it was so wonderful to hear him sing and sing so strong but it was what he sang. When we were dating he always sang the song More and that's what he sang. That man has such a hard time saying that he loves me but then he goes and sings that song. I know he was saying thank you and that he loved me. I am crying again just thinking about it. He was tired enough after sitting as long as he did and there were about 25 signers there that we went ahead and left. But they were all glad to see him back and he got a big applause jsut for being there. i was so glad I decided to go there instead of going home and watching Survivor. I normally dont go because of what it does to my MS. We went to Fazolis and he had a senior spaghetti and salad. He even had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (1/2) for lunch. That was the first time he has had anything sweet since this all started 5 weeks ago. Could my husband be getting back to normal???

    Joyce, Indiana
    Vickil57 wrote: »
    Happy Thursday dear ladies. It's my short day (7-3) and going to be a nice cool day. Last evening the neighbor across the street was talking with DH. The next thing I know they are bringing over to large rocking chairs and put on our porch. I have always wanted rockers out there to set and enjoy the evening. So excited about that. They did not charge a lot so that is nice too. Told DH tonight after work we will be sitting out there even if we have to be in coats and blankets.

    Debby--Your vacation sounds like my kind of deal. Just go and do what you want when you want.


    Mary--Love the cabin. I want to come stay it looks very relaxing. You did a good job on the painting.

    Teri--I agree with Chris you should use one of the tickets.

    Barbie--Thanks for getting us started in the new month. You are the best!!

    Joyce--Charlie singing your song warms my heart. Does sound like his eating for today was better. My DH has trouble eating at times. He will eat maybe 1\3 of what he has and eats so slow. I am learning to not take it personal, which is not always easy.

    Sharon--I agree we all need to be more like your DGD and just hug each other.

    Heather--Proud of you for making the phone call. I pray it will all be done and over soon. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday tomorrow and good time with your DB and DSIL.

    Well ladies I have made some goals for this month.
    October Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less, Pray more
    4. Enjoy everyday. Look for the positive.

    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND-NE

    Hi Ladies,
    After some introspection and some brainstorming with my bestie. Here goes my first goal list

    For October 2015 I will;
    Lose six pounds
    Find a yoga class and attend once a week
    Take my dog(s) for a short walk EVERY day
    Take 5000 steps a day
    Develop a fifteen minute core strengthening regimen and do it three times a week
    Stop drinking coffee after ten pm in order to improve my sleep
    Shut off lights and electronics by one am again to improve sleep
    Face my financial difficulties to help anxiety which is interfering w sleep by:
    A. Putting away charge cards
    B. Making a budget that is doable
    C. Keep track of all spending
    D. Resume posting items I have on eBay for two hours twice a week
    E. Setting a weekly two hour period to wrap and send sold merchandise

    Believe it or not this was my greatly curtailed goals list! The last half of which is actually just tangible actions to commit to in order to improve my horrible sleeping habits.

    Will post later about the groups discussions..one thing at a time!

  • mparker1216
    mparker1216 Posts: 66 Member
    I have the Fitbit Charge HR. I like it a lot. I also have the Fitbit Aria scale. I like that it syncs to your Fitbit. You can also sync the Fitbit to My Fitness Pal.
    Maryann in Michigan