I've never seen a persons daily meal include junk food.



  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    edited October 2015
    I eat junk food every day. I usually stay under my goal (or right at it), except the last few days, I've been hungry (and I went to my nephew's bday). So I've been over, but still in a deficit. Tonight, I wanted to get buzzed, so I did. Then I wanted Flaming Hot Cheetos, so I had a small bag. But I have "junk" most every day. From Cheez-Its, to Klondike bars, to pizza, to bulgogi burgers. I usually am able to eat all the junk, and maintain my deficit. Just need to stock back up on filling lunches, so I stop hitting the vending machine after lunch.

    And I also have an alcohol "meal." Decided it was smart, since some days I spend several hundred calories on it. If that ain't junk food, I dunno what is.

    My diary is always open, if you'd like to check it out. ;)
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    My father, bless his heart, gave me a jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans. A really, really big jar. It says that 38 are one serving (160 calories). Instead, I take 18 at a time, put them on a plate, and savor each one, putting the jar away before I start to eat.

    You have more restraint than I. My step daughter and I can go through a bag of licorice Jelly Bellies in no time. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,051 Member
    tomteboda wrote: »
    My father, bless his heart, gave me a jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans. A really, really big jar. It says that 38 are one serving (160 calories). Instead, I take 18 at a time, put them on a plate, and savor each one, putting the jar away before I start to eat.

    That reminded me ...

    I was given a large chocolate bunny at Easter by my work social club. Great. I'd been here all of about 2 months, and all of a sudden I had a chocolate bunny to deal with.

    So I decided to eat it. :)

    My husband and I split it, and I carefully weighed out exactly 1 serving each day for about 10 days or 2 weeks or so, and we had it with our evening yogurt. :grin:

  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    Trying to cut out chocolate "made" me eat it every day for two months. I say "made" because I was in a spiral but of course I was the one who made the choice in buying and eating it. But I rebelled against myself and my set rules, so now I don't any more. I try to stay within my calories whenever I eat chocolate or other candy (it's mostly chocolate though) but if I go over, I move on from it the next day. So long as I'm admitting to it by logging it (even if only I can see it) and being mindful of the fact that those extra calories contributed to a smaller loss this week (to prevent a large binge the following week) I'm making progress.

    But yes, you can definitely still eat the "junk", so long as you make up for it somehow - either by cutting other calories or doing more cardio.

  • SunflowerSandra
    SunflowerSandra Posts: 70 Member
    My diary is closed (it's mostly in Dutch so pointless), but I've had wine and ben & jerry's every day for the past 3 days. I just measure out 100 gr of b&j, who knew there's more than 4 servings in there? I could eat the thing in 2 sittings!! :P And I've still lost weight.

    I found it's easier to fit in if I prelog meals. Not always the snacks but breakfast/lunch/dinner. Then I'll know what I've got left to munch throughout the day.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Today I reeeeeeally want to eat some chips or candy, but I can't afford it calorie-wise. I might either get just a small chocolate bar (something around 200cal) or rice cakes, although it's not what I want to eat but...better for my calories.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Sure. I just had a bowl of ice-cream and a mug of hot chocolate (with milk) for dinner. Because obviously I'm adult and mature and stuff.

  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I've heard so many people claim that they eat whatever they want, as long as they stay within their calorie limit, but I've never actually seen a sample diet that included junk food, i.e, cookies, chips, etc. Do any of you guys diaries include junk? The reason I'm asking, is because I find it really hard to stay on a diet that doesn't include at least some of the foods I love. I become grumpy, and just kinda depressed in a way, because junk food makes me feel good, if only for a little while. I would just love to know that I'm not the only one that thinks like this. I cannot manage, however, to just eat junk in moderation, without totally binge eating on the stuff. Do any of you have a way to incorporate sweets into your diet, without ending up on a binge? What's your secret, so to speak?

    I know my diary usually has a lot of that stuff but I cant say junk food makes me feel good. A typicaly breakfast for me is cookies and coffee but I have narrowed down my choices to kashi oatmeal cookies (high in fiber and taste great). I usually supplement my meals with chips because it gives me a good balance of sodium and potassium. i drink alcohol 6 out of 7 days of the week minimum. I like gummy bears but I have changed then to either gummy vitamins or fiber gummies (hard to binge on fiber gummies :) ). I definitely dont eat clean but most things have a purpose in my overall daily plan. These types of foods dont make me feel good, I just like them and if I have room within my calorie goal, and my fiber and protein goals have been taken care of, I eat them.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Please appreciate that those of us who eat 'junk' food as you term also ensure we have an overall healthy, macro-hitting diet as a minimum

    So yes I daily eat ice cream, chips, cookies - probably spending around 400-600 calories on snacky / non macro hitting (in general, but they do help) foods, sometimes more / less (I'm at maintenance, when I was cutting it was more like 200)

    But I hit my protein and fat macros and I always eat a wide range of vitamin and mineral rich foods

    I just like my white toast, chips, oreos and cookies, my ice-cream, chocolate and my glasses of wine too

  • catneyjade
    catneyjade Posts: 1 Member
    New :) I have been doing this for ages but when I go to the supermarket I never buy a lot of a junk food, I only get the small bags or the tiny chocolates if I have a craving because I don't trust that I wont eat a whole big bag in one sitting! hahaha. I also always try to tempt myself with fruits first and then if I get home and I still really crave something then I make myself walk down the road to get it. If I can't be bothered walking for it - then I don't want it that badly hahahahaha
  • LynneHolloman
    LynneHolloman Posts: 14 Member
    I've had Doritos and a milky way. My diary is open. I only try to eat that way on weekends when football is on.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    My diary is open. I don't call food junk. I eat chips and stuff sometimes.
    I don't have a big sweet tooth but salty foods are easier for me to go overboard on. I try to portion my food out and then put away the rest/ leave the kitchen.
    The only food I have sitting out in my kitchen are fruit, bread and onions. The chips and stuff are put away.
    I prelog my food. I eat food I love every day. I choose what will be satisfying and enjoyable while fitting my goals. Sometimes 7 chips are less satisfying than a bowl of popcorn or having a larger dinner when I see the numbers.
    I plan a snack or two every day.
  • veephil31
    veephil31 Posts: 53 Member
    I eat junk food. I just count it in my calories, though honestly I never hit my macros
  • thunderchild007
    thunderchild007 Posts: 43 Member
    Yep, I'm honest. If I eat junk it goes in my diary.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member
    OP, take a look at my diary. Not claiming to be an expert, but if managed weight loss long-term and changed eating habits are factors for believing an random internet stranger, I'm your guy ... gal ...whatever.

    I eat "junk" food every day. If I didn't, I wouldn't have lost 165# so far.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    I have two Lindoor chocolate truffles on yesterday's diary. And pizza a few days before that. On pizza days I eat a big salad for lunch, pizza for dinner. It all balances. Mostly. lol.

    The secret -- for me -- to not having those junk food binges is not to buy the things that I'll eat too much of. So for me I can eat a couple of good chocolates (Dove dark, or these Lindoor truffles) and stop there. But not so much with potato chips where I'll eat a huge bag in two days. So I just don't bring those into my house, ever. If I really really crave chips and can't talk myself out of it I might go buy a single-serving bag. But usually I just eat popcorn instead because the chips aren't worth the drive over to the store.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I log something that resembles what you're referring to as 'junk' each and every day - if it fits in your macros whats the problems *shrugs*
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    Today I ended up getting rice cakes and sour cream & onion dip... I also have a little piece of chocolate.
  • princessbride42
    princessbride42 Posts: 67 Member
    You're welcome to see my diary. It's full of fun food. I've been doing this for a long time and am at maintenance so please forgive the quick add meals.
  • tyediri
    tyediri Posts: 183 Member
    I have snacks when I crave them and do log them. My diary is open, but I have been pretty bad the last couple weeks due to stress at work I am afraid, so it does not reflect my normal eating.
    I agree with everyone who has said to plan in advance. I always do and try and save a couple hundred calories on exercise days so if I am tempted to have something that is not planned (which happens most days) I know exactly how many calories I have spare, so it helps stop me binging on junk. :)