Lose 5lbs+ in June!! YES WE CAN!!



  • jodibelle
    jodibelle Posts: 79 Member
    Awesome job guys!! I see a lot of losses!! :happy:

    I lost a little bit (posted yesterday my stat for the week). Wish it would have been more, but I'll take what I can get. I would have liked to worked out more last week, but with my kids having their last day of school and a packed weekend, it just didn't happen. I think I did ok with my eating though and did a ton of yard work to help make up for not making it to the gym.

    A little NSV ~ I have started running! I've started doing intervals on the treadmill. Someday soon I hope to have some endurance built up where I can just run without doing the walk/run intervals, but again, I'll take the small victories when I can!
  • klwalton88
    klwalton88 Posts: 41 Member
    Name/ real name: klwalton88/Krista

    Goal weight on June 30: 170

    06/01: 178
    06/06: 177.1
  • Cusegirl1992
    Cusegirl1992 Posts: 124
    I have to keep my eye on the NSV's...the scale is playing with my brain. Twice in the past 4 weeks...TWICE, i've gone to sleep at one weight, woke up the next day, 2-3 pounds heavier! And it then takes me 6-8 days for my weight to go back down. And then, the cycle begins again. So I basically go back and forth between 115 and 118. I think the scale is sentient and is playing tricks on me...

    I have the same thing happening to me...except some days it's 2-3 pounds and then others it's 5-6 pounds....I am starting to wonder if the battery is going on my scale...it's an awful lot of weight to gain and then lose just like that...
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Major probs to our top weight loss numbers thus far....gabeswife with 5 pounds, cusegirl1992 with 4 pounds and MEMoggridge with 3.8 pounds. Everyone has post some great numbers so far! Keep your hard work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I see some great numbers out there. but how was everyones week. I like it when ppl talk and not just post numbers. anyone try anything new this week? reach any goals or have and NSV out there?

    What does NSV stand for? I keep seeing it and I have no idea what it means!

    Non Scale Victory :)
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    sorry im a day late
    Name/ real name: maher2006/Tammy

    Goal weight on June 30: 134

    06/01: 137
    06/06: 136.4
  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200

    Goal weight on June 30: 209 (10.4lbs to go!)

  • arielian
    arielian Posts: 200
    argh that means no less than 2.6 lbs a week! maybe my goal will be 212...that's 1.85 per week.
  • fabmama
    fabmama Posts: 14
    Good point about not just posting numbers Alyson! I have gained from reading everyone's comments so I will add mine. After a great stretch last year when I lost 20 pounds I have been on a plateau and inching slightly upwards. That is why I am ecstatic about my 1.3 pound lost this past week. What did I do differently? I started keeping my diary of food again and started walking. It is so important to keep track of what is going inside my mouth - it makes a world of difference.
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    Name/ real name: Bri293

    Goal weight on June 30: 135

    06/01: 140.5
    06/06: 140.1

    Sorry I'm a little late... I just moved into a new apartment this weekend and just now have internet! I'm not thrilled with my loss this week but I'm pretty sure I'm holding a lot of water. Moving this weekend resulted in eating a lot of fast food this past week, so even though my calories were under control, my sodium was super high!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I see some great numbers out there. but how was everyones week. I like it when ppl talk and not just post numbers. anyone try anything new this week? reach any goals or have and NSV out there?

    What does NSV stand for? I keep seeing it and I have no idea what it means!

    It is non-scale victory. I know I had to ask also last month. The first one for me was in April when I could fit into my old size 8 jeans :) Have you had any yet?

    I am so happy today!!! For the first time in a LONG time I feel pretty! I am not all done up or anything...hell even before I put on make up I kept finding myself looking at ME in the mirror when I walked by. I can see that my face has trimmed down and I am building some obliques and you can't see my spare tire with my shirt on!!! My legs are even smoothing out! I know that I have been working on this for about 2.5 months but I feel like I just opened my eyes to see the results of my hard work
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I was trying to see if anyone else was going to weigh-in. We ended up with just over half of the 60 people posting this week weight. I am not 100% sure how to post the pic of the spreadsheet. Let me work on it and I will have something up today for you guys to look at.
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    I have to keep my eye on the NSV's...the scale is playing with my brain. Twice in the past 4 weeks...TWICE, i've gone to sleep at one weight, woke up the next day, 2-3 pounds heavier! And it then takes me 6-8 days for my weight to go back down. And then, the cycle begins again. So I basically go back and forth between 115 and 118. I think the scale is sentient and is playing tricks on me...

    I have the same thing happening to me...except some days it's 2-3 pounds and then others it's 5-6 pounds....I am starting to wonder if the battery is going on my scale...it's an awful lot of weight to gain and then lose just like that...

    At least for me, its not the scale. Its just my crazy body. As I've lost weight over the years, i have had a couple of "sticking points" that have really made me believe in set points. I think this is my 3rd one over a 70 pound loss...a weight where my body just draws a line in the sand and says "no mas!" They're more than plateaus, because, to be fair to the old body, it resists gaining as much as losing. Its just like its at an equilibrium and it will take an awful lot to push it off its balancing point. The trick is, to not go crazy with craziness (which I admit...I have done), but to just be patient. Eventually, it relents....eventually.
  • cupotee
    cupotee Posts: 181 Member
    So I have a new goal this week! Eat LESS SUGAR. I did some quick calculations and more than 25% of my food calories are coming from sugar! :( 63 g of it is artificially added too. Boo, time to wean myself off. Whose with me?
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    So I have a new goal this week! Eat LESS SUGAR. I did some quick calculations and more than 25% of my food calories are coming from sugar! :( 63 g of it is artificially added too. Boo, time to wean myself off. Whose with me?

    Yes I am with you. I am always way over on sugar and its all from junk I should not eat... I want at least half of my sugar to come from fruit... well its a start :)
    Thank you for the great idea.
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    So checking in mid week. How is everyone doing? I am at a stand still right now it is weird because last week when I couldn't get to gym all week I was down a pound this week I have been to the gym and even mowed lawn one night after the gym and have gained that pound back. I'm sure part of it is due to TOM coming soon but it is rather frustrating just when I think I am moving in the right direction again it back tracks. I will keep plugging away. My weekends are spent camping right now so I don't have internet access to log which makes me nervous but it hasn't been bad so far.
    Hope everyone is on track for Mondays weigh in:smile:
  • mommyoftwins05
    mommyoftwins05 Posts: 645 Member
    didn't someone say they wanna do thursday weigh ins too? I'm at 140.7 today (down 1.5lbs)
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I hope everyone doing well this Thursday morning! So far a good week! I look forward to weigh in on Monday. I hope to maybe break this plateau that I have been on. Good Luck! Enjoy the weekend! Keep smiling! :smile:
  • harliesmom
    harliesmom Posts: 25 Member
    I am doing thursday weigh in also!

    My weight last week was 160, and today it was 158.2! WOOHOO!!

    My goal is 1.2 for next week, so my total weight lost so far would be 10 pounds!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I am so happy today!!! For the first time in a LONG time I feel pretty! I am not all done up or anything...hell even before I put on make up I kept finding myself looking at ME in the mirror when I walked by. I can see that my face has trimmed down and I am building some obliques and you can't see my spare tire with my shirt on!!! My legs are even smoothing out! I know that I have been working on this for about 2.5 months but I feel like I just opened my eyes to see the results of my hard work
    bmfrazie... That's totally awesome! I can connect with that feeling. :drinker:
    So I have a new goal this week! Eat LESS SUGAR. I did some quick calculations and more than 25% of my food calories are coming from sugar! :( 63 g of it is artificially added too. Boo, time to wean myself off. Whose with me?
    cupotee... I'm also trying to limit my sugar, although I haven't been as good as I should be lately. I try to make it so that the only sugar I get is in the fruits I eat.