October 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • hrush1889
    hrush1889 Posts: 56 Member
    Name: Hilary
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st October): 143.8
    Goal Weight (1st November): 137

    1st October: 143.8
    8th October: 142.2
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1.6lb:)
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.6 lb :smile:

    Successes/struggles this week: Still struggling to find time to work out, but did better tracking my eating. Progress!
  • lian27chime
    lian27chime Posts: 50 Member

    Name: Lian
    Age: 37
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (1st October): 108
    Goal Weight (1st November): 105

    1st October: 108
    8th October: 109.2
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week:
    My daughter's birthday is over and Thanksgiving Day Canada is soon, just expecting I'd gain but we'll see
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    Name: Eva
    Height: 5' 1.5"

    SW on 5/1: 168.5 Lbs
    Start Weight (1st October): 144 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st October): 139 lbs

    1st October: 144 lbs
    8th October: 143.5 lbs
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: .5 lost
    Weight lost/gained this month: .5 lost

    Successes/struggles: I was down a lb the whole week, so this is disappointing. However, .5 is more than zero. :)
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    It's embarassing that I am easily the heaviest person here. Other than my doctor, I have never shared my weight with anyone, so this is extremely difficult, but here goes:

    Name: Cindy
    Age: 42
    Height: 5' 5"

    Start Weight (1st October):331
    Goal Weight (1st November):321

    1st October: 331
    8th October: 331
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0

    Successes/struggles this week: Well the scale could've moved the wrong way I guess. :( I just really need to focus and try harder. OK, here I go!
  • sunnynaee
    sunnynaee Posts: 18 Member

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'4

    Start Weight (1st October): 190 lbs
    Goal Weight (1st November):185 lbs

    1st October: 190 lbs
    8th October:188.1
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: - 1.9 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1.9lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: I was able to maintain a healthier way of eating.. I've struggled with incorporating exercise on a daily basis...
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member

    Thanks for hosting this challenge

    Name: Donna
    Age: 48
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (1st October): 268
    Goal Weight (1st November): 259

    1st October: 268
    8th October: 265
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -3
    Weight lost/gained this month: -3

    Successes/struggles this week: Drinking enough water

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,225 Member
    edited October 2015
    Name: Marissa
    Age: 39
    Height:5ft 4

    Start Weight (1st October): 174.2
    Goal Weight (1st November):166

    1st October: 174.2
    8th October: 172.4
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.8lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: Have been getting all my planned runs in and feeling fitter
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    edited October 2015
    Name: Mrsjenningsjr
    Age: Generation X
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (1st October): 225
    Goal Weight (1st November): 217

    1st October: 225
    10th October:
    17th October:
    24th October:
    29th October:
    31st October/1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • sizedright135
    sizedright135 Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Gina
    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (1st October):167.6
    Goal Weight (1st November):155

    1st October: 167.6
    8th October: 167.6
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: I actually started on October 5th and my weight was up 2lbs. I have never weighed in on Thursdays before so this is good for me. I am grateful for all of your posts because they help motivate me and keep me accountable. I am learning how to be patient with getting weight off over time since it didn't get on overnight!
  • hapyhart
    hapyhart Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Maureen
    Age: 46
    Height: 5'9"

    Start Weight (1st October):152
    Goal Weight (1st November):144

    1st October:152
    8th October:149
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week:-3
    Weight lost/gained this month:-3

    Successes /struggles this week: Keeping on track with my diet and exercise while out of town.
  • jillebean86
    jillebean86 Posts: 79 Member
    Name: Jill
    Age: 29
    Height: 5' 5"

    Start Weight/Fat%/Water% (1st October):164.6/35/42
    Goal Weight/Fat%/Water% (1st November):159.0/34/42

    1st October: 164.6
    8th October: 162.4/35/42
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -2.2
    Weight lost/gained this month: -2.2

    Successes: eating right (mostly), not feeling too deprived
    Struggles: started push up challenge --> tired arms --> less swimming
    Goal for next week: drink more water, start running again
  • stacydool
    stacydool Posts: 94 Member
    Name: Stacy
    Age: 43
    Height: 5' 4"

    Start Weight (1st October): 225
    Goal Weight (1st November):210 (yes I am going for 15lbs again)

    1st October: 225
    8th October: 223.8
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 1.2 lbs
    Weight lost/gained this month: 1.2 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: My struggles this week consisted of not being motivated and just absolutely exhausted. So I didn't walk Monday or Tuesday and forced myself to go walking Wednesday night. It wasn't fast or long, but it was something. And now today I am feeling so much better and excited about my walk tonight. So I guess that's a success too!
  • __rafael
    __rafael Posts: 8 Member
    Name: Rafael
    Age: 28
    Height: 174 cm

    Start Weight (1st October): 100.6 kg
    Goal Weight (1st November): 97.6 kg

    1st October: 100.6 kg
    8th October: 100.4 kg
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -0.2 kg
    Weight lost/gained this month: -0.2 kg

    Successes/struggles this week:
  • buxbert
    buxbert Posts: 244 Member
    Name: buxbert
    Age: 44
    Height: 167cm

    Start Weight (1st October): 82.2 kg
    Goal Weight (1st November): 81 kg

    1st October: 82.2
    8th October: 81.9
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week:
    Weight lost/gained this month:

    Successes/struggles this week: if I lost a tiny bit I definitely don't know why; I ate so much sweet stuff, just couldn't hold back. I am very frustrated about this lack of discipline. Knee still hurts so no sports, I tried swimming but that was no good either. I think it is getting slightly better though now, after having had rest and a bandage, hope it will be fine for next week. There are so many things going on, job-wise (a new and utterly unreliable colleague = double work for me), organizing kids and spending good time with them... my head is not free for my physical shape. I really hope that this will get better with sports, I am sure it will. It is just easier to focus after exercise. Still, a little bit gone and that is positive :-)
  • LuckyAndi
    LuckyAndi Posts: 203 Member
    Name: LuckyAndi
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (1st October): 190.4
    Goal Weight (1st November): 185

    1st October: 190.4
    8th October: 189.4
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -1
    Weight lost/gained this month: -1

    Successes/struggles this week: I'm still trying to get back on track from my end-of-the-month binge in September. Lately I've been feeling very bloated, and I know that's messing with the scale. Today is the beginning of me getting back to drinking enough water, one soda a week, and a few sweet teas (only at a particular restaurant). That's how I had such a good start in August. I don't think I've hit a plateau yet, so I need to buckle down and drop the pounds.

    I was sure I hadn't lost more than 1/2 a pound, if that even, so that number is a happy site for me.
  • Vamoose924
    Vamoose924 Posts: 34 Member
    Name: Vamoose

    Start Weight (1st October): 152
    Goal Weight (1st November): 142

    1st October:152
    8th October:152
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0

    Successes/struggles this week: Hmmm weight the same. Need to exercise more and cut the calories! Have been craving sweets. Belong to the YMCA but haven't been going. I will commit to going to the"Y" 3x/wk and exercising!

    “Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” ~Doug Firebaugh
  • Louz163
    Louz163 Posts: 243 Member
    Name: Laura
    Height: 5'7

    Start Weight (1st October ): 149
    Goal Weight (1st November): 143

    1st October: 149
    8th October: 147
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 2
    Weight lost/gained this month:2
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Name: Tawnya
    Age: 36
    Height: 5'7"

    Start Weight (1st October): 256.4
    Goal Weight (1st November): 241.4

    1st October: 256.4
    8th October: 258.6
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: +2.2
    Weight lost/gained this month:+2.2

    Successes/struggles this week - I've been following the 21 day fix food guidelines, maybe a few too many carbs and I started exercising! I even resisted pizza and chocolate chip cookies and got in plenty of water. Hoping for a better week on the scale!
  • MommaLovesToLoseIt
    MommaLovesToLoseIt Posts: 271 Member
    Maybe the heaviest person here, but the weight is coming off. I like Cyndi have not shared this info with anyone at all. Name: M.p.
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'9"

    Start Weight (sept 28): 346
    Goal Weight (1st November): 330

    Sept 28: 346
    8th October: 338
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: -8
    Weight lost/gained this month: -8
  • MommaLovesToLoseIt
    MommaLovesToLoseIt Posts: 271 Member
    It's embarassing that I am easily the heaviest person here. Other than my doctor, I have never shared my weight with anyone, so this is extremely difficult, but here goes:

    Name: Cindy
    Age: 42
    Height: 5' 5"

    Start Weight (1st October):331
    Goal Weight (1st November):321

    1st October: 331
    8th October: 331
    15th October:
    22nd October:
    29th October:
    1st November:

    Weight lost/gained this week: 0
    Weight lost/gained this month: 0

    Successes/struggles this week: Well the scale could've moved the wrong way I guess. :( I just really need to focus and try harder. OK, here I go![/quote

    Cyndi, I am too pushing the 330 mark! Add me as a friend, maybe we can cheer one another on and swap hints and tips.