How I work out 7 days a week | Lifting Weights



  • sscarmack
    sscarmack Posts: 210 Member
    sscarmack wrote: »
    HugeBum wrote: »
    sscarmack wrote: »
    Hey guys. Finally got around to recording myself. Decided to go for a new PR. 275 no struggle. 295 with a spot. Overall, I'm a little disappointed, but it's definitely progress.

    I'm no expert but your bench form needs a bit of work

    Well according to some people on this forum, if you're not an expert you shouldn't be giving out advice lol.

    While I disagree with that attitude towards people. I take everything everyone says and make my own decision based on the facts they provide.

    My back is flat against the bench. Slightly rounded. My feet are planted. Shoulder width apart. While my hands are slightly past shoulder width. Elbows are locked on. The weight was controlled coming down. While the only thing I failed to do was touch my chest, as I got a little antsy as it was by far the heaviest I've ever done.

    So in your non expert opinion. Whats wrong with my form??? That way I can try and correct it. And maybe my lifts will go up.

    If you want a bigger bench, learn to bench like a powerlifter. Right now, it seems like you are trying to move more weight with a more bodybuilding bench which is going to be a recipe for disaster for your shoulders. If you don't have access to a powerlifting coach, the "so you think you can bench" series on YouTube is a great resource.

    Learn how to create a tight contraction in your mid upper back - rhomboids, lower traps, and upper lats. The single best accessory I've ever done for this is isometric inverted row holds. They suck at first, but are very effective at teaching you the correct tightness.

    Widen out your grip on the bar - rough guide would be approx double shoulder width at the bottom of the movement, wrists stacked up on top of elbows. Play around a little bit until you find the grip that feels best and most natural to you.

    Bench fundamentally is not a comfortable lift - if you are loose anywhere, you aren't going to have an effective lift. When I unrack, I'm tight everywhere and feel like a tightly strung now.

    And finally, relax and don't fear the weight. You either have it or you don't, and if you don't fully trust your spotter, then start lifting in the power rack, with the safeties set properly.

    Now that's helpful post! I really appreciate the time you took to write that up.

    If it would improve my progress all around, I'm all for learning new techniques and trying new things.

    I only go heavy on the bench once a month. The rest of the weeks are either low weight high reps, super sets or drop sets.

    And of course sometimes I ditch the bench all together and just use dumbbells.

    Thank you for the helpful post.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    sscarmack wrote: »

    Hey, I'll take it. Progress is progress. And when I've put on 30lbs of mass on while staying completely lean, I'd say whatever I'm doing works. So unless you've packed on 40lbs while losing body fat, there's nothing you can say that's going to bring me down or knock my progress. Results don't lie. Have a good weekend.

    Snap you got me there OP. Nope not packed on 40lbs of mass.... damn that lack lack of testosterone..... I just win body building competitions ;)

  • sscarmack
    sscarmack Posts: 210 Member
    sscarmack wrote: »

    Hey, I'll take it. Progress is progress. And when I've put on 30lbs of mass on while staying completely lean, I'd say whatever I'm doing works. So unless you've packed on 40lbs while losing body fat, there's nothing you can say that's going to bring me down or knock my progress. Results don't lie. Have a good weekend.

    Snap you got me there OP. Nope not packed on 40lbs of mass.... damn that lack lack of testosterone..... I just win body building competitions ;)

  • emhunter
    emhunter Posts: 1,212 Member
    I love your honest post. It's great to hear you have found what works for you. I hope you can eventually learn exactly what it is so you can, should you desire, pass on all that useful knowledge to others. Congrats on your progress. You look great :)
  • sscarmack
    sscarmack Posts: 210 Member
    emhunter wrote: »
    I love your honest post. It's great to hear you have found what works for you. I hope you can eventually learn exactly what it is so you can, should you desire, pass on all that useful knowledge to others. Congrats on your progress. You look great :)

    I appreciate the kind words. I definitely want to help others! I've been tracking things a lot more than I use to, so once I can fine tune every detail I'll definitely have a better understanding what works (for me). And hopefully I can pass that on to people it may benefit.

    Thank you again :)
  • sscarmack
    sscarmack Posts: 210 Member
    Hey guys, I just picked up the new Go Pro Hero 4. It was hard lugging around my Nikon D4 just to record some footage.

    I'm hoping to start tracking my progress more by recording some of my workouts and hopefully perfect my form, workouts, and my overall knowledge in the fitness community.

    Go Pro Hero 4 Black
    Sleek, low profile
    Shoots in 4k @ 30 fps
    Shoots in 1080p @ 120 fps

    Stay tuned