

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello all: Haven't posted for a bit but have been reading. I do really well posting my food during the week but then get busy on weekends and don't get it done, so this weekend I did it! Cool cloudy weather has helped since my DD and I could not work outside so much. We have been working on building a slow-feeder for the horses for this winter. It is about 1/3 done, still needs the top finished. We took the horses and went out walking on our new trails on the back of the property. It is much more up and down than it looks from the house. The pond is pretty low after such a dry summer. It will be fun to ride the horses back there but just wanted to give them a look first so they will not be so spooky. It is pretty closed in with trees and brush.

    Got a new entertainment center delivered this week and now all those cords for the TV, Bose system, Wii, DVD player etc. are hidden and everything is organized. Yeah! It looks ever so much better.

    Heather - Hope the BD is going well.

    Irish Terri and Mary from MN - Lovely pictures.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    Beth - what do you do if your dogs misbehave, then? So far I have only put Cracker in her crate because she refuses to do something I have commanded her to do. Then, I learned that when she insisted on sitting in front of me instead of getting in her bed; apparently, she wants to go outside. I'm learning some of her little quirks. She's a wonderful dog; hard to believe that someone would let her stray without contacting the shelter. I had gone to the Albany/Dougherty Country Shelter; but, they would not let me take any of the dogs out of their cage. I don't know how they think you'd know if they were barking because all the other dogs were barking or what. The Terrell County Shelter is a no-kill shelter; but, they did not have but 2 dogs and they were older than we wanted. Lee County is another no-kill shelter and they took her out of the pen and took me to the lobby where they had several pet toys so you could get used to the dog and she to you. I renamed her from Missy to Cracker because of her coloring pattern. They put a chip inside her so that if she gets 'out' and gets picked up they will know how to reach me. I've walked her around the yard and telling her at the same time that this was a far as she could go. I hope that DH doesn't make me make her an outside dog; but, he keeps saying that she 'likes the outdoors' She's getting flea and tick medication; it'll be a while before she is old enough to check her for heartworms. I feed her twice a day and she empties her bowl and she acts like she is full with what I am going her. She's a real mess-and-a-half and has definitely won our hearts. <3o:)<3

    Katla49 - Our teacher did not even understand the concept of the new math; no wonder we all made bad grades in it. Same thing when I was supposed to take AP Trig; the 'unemployed-engineer-turned-teacher' must have been unemployed because he did not seem to want to teach us. We ha a lot of very good teachers; but, we also had several who were really bad. My new math teacher must have co-authored that book with her and brought home a few copies for our used. I had a crush on my History teacher and he also would listen to me 'cry' a lot because of some things that were occurring in my life, that I just did not feel that I could tell my parents.

    Lilymay2 - I can usually do that; but, the last time I was washing my car on the driveway and would have gotten soaked if I did. However, I do really enjoy laying back and seeing things in the clouds. Sometimes my DGDs will do the same.

    DamitJanit - I don't think I will trade in my 'smart phone' for another one. It doesn't hold a charge for very long either; but, I have a 'fast charger' in my Honda - so I can charge it there as well. I'm glad that Cracker and I found one another, too. She is turning out to be a very smart little dog; and already knows what she is allowed to do, or not.

    I still have not posted a pix of Cracker; I guess I need to figure out how to get it off my smart phone onto my computer. I've done it before, just have forgotten how. I'll figure it out; right at the moment (until next Friday) she has a cone on her head. It looks so funny and the dogs that belong to my DOS have not messed with her much. She runs them off when they are trying to make friends with her. She and our cat have met; but, the cat isn't use to a 'puppy' and all their bountiful jumping up and running towards them I think once she gets out of her puppy phase, they'll enjoy one another. I know our JRT was 'cool' with the idea of us getting a cat; they made fast friends with one another very quickly after getting him. They both liked catching things and playing with them ... running back and forth between them, especially lizards.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
    stats for the day:
    at gym
    spin- 45min, 80ar, 84aw, 9-14g, 120ahr, 141mhrm 17.7mii = 351c
    rowing machine- right hand only, 15min, 37aw, 107ahr, 147mhr, 2131meters = 124c
    total cal 475
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member

    Found on Facebook this morning.


    nudist snorting at that one....I say to people that my birthday suit always fits, but sometimes its just wrinkly a bit. :-)
    displaced Nudist in Oregon
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    DJ, the reason Ellie was jumping on the mattress was because it was on the floor. Before I got my sleep number I had a regular double bed mattress. We store it in the storage room and just bring the mattress out and put it on hte floor. And if a mattress is on the floor a 9 year old hyper girl is going to jump. Now my husband sits in his recliner and does his Wii games, no calories burned there. Bless their hearts, they go to a very large contemporary church with a very large youth and childrens department, no choir but special music that sounds like it has come off the radio. In order to show respect for me and my choice of church and the fact that I go to their church when I am there, they do go to my church when they are where. So they go to my church, very typical old fashioned Southern Baptist but small church, only about 100 people with a choir. I am in two trios, both are with ladies all over 60. So we ding old people music. We sang today. We have some women in our choir in their 30's and when they do their duets, it's the kind of music that my daughter/family kids love. But they have never heard these girls. So even though my daughter says y pastor is good as a preacher, the church doesn't meet their needs. I appreciate that she is teaching her girls to respect their grandma. They didn't think much of their grandma's trio either although she said I never went off key!

    Penny, Ioved your pictures of the school. Our school corporation sure wouldn't have the kids go to school in those conditions!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    last night was so much fun. Husband took me to a restaurant nearby that had a comedy night going on. The headliner was a guy that I roomed with in the 1980's when I was single, and crazy. Before his set, I went up to him and as he was talking to his group at the bar he turned to me saying.."I know you". I said, "we roomed together in the crazy eighties bud!" Weird seeing someone you haven't seen in 31 yrs! He was like a brother to me back then, and even taught me how to juggle! He used to start his routines with him juggling apples and taking bites out of them, making a mess on stage. Husband had fun and he actually laughed a couple of times. I on the other hand, laughed most of the night! It was good for my heart, with having my sons gone. Getting back into the routine of normal life. Hugs everyone!
  • umauma2011
    umauma2011 Posts: 14 Member
    Well I do feel pretty alone on my journey, having a hard time staying true to myself
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello. It's been a roller coaster of a day for me. I have a friend who had pancreatic cancer, along with a long list of other serious maladies. He went into the hospital Thursday with pneumonia in both lungs. Well, today his wife e-mailed to say that the doctors said his organs were shutting down and he was not expected to live through the day. I went to the hospital and almost as soon as I got there they removed the breathing tubes and he passed peacefully. It was so sad. His wife and brother and sister in law were there, along with several friends. He was a nice guy and I will miss him. I have quite a bit of his pottery on display in my gallery. It's kind of sad to think of it now.

    So, to clear the sadness out of my mind, I called and asked if the girls could go shopping with me. We went to Claire's and bought them some new earrings. They had their ears pierced a couple of months ago and didn't have any other pairs to change into. So, they cheered me up a lot.

    Now I'm up at the studio cleaning up some stuff that I threw on Friday and waiting for hubby to call and say he's ready to go to dinner.

    LIfe is short. Love your family with all your might.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Something has been goofy here at MFP. I had to go back to the September thread to find the link to the October thread a few moments ago. Am I the only one who has experienced problems with our star?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I was able to leave and come back to where I last posted. I hope this keeps on keeping on. :grumble:
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Sylvia, so sad, so precious to be present at someone's passing. Life zooms by. Karen
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hold my hand...heading off to a smorg with only 537 calories left for the day :#

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - I am sorry to hear about your friend. (((Hugs))) It sounded like he was surrounded by his loved ones.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia (((hugs))) Never easy.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,672 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sylvia - So sorry that you lost a friend today.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Penny, we don’t mean to use things that you wouldn’t know unless you live here. Please forgive us and just always ask. Lord knows I have to ask what things are often enough even when they are right here in the US. I see others have given you the DVM explanation. great pictures. Burrrrrr

    Katla, what a bummer that you will go for TG and DD won’t be there. I got a touch confused. (something new, huh?) Who’s DH hasn’t called her? Yours or hers? I’m thinking you mean yours but when I first read it I took it the other way. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving where ever you end up.

    Sylvia, love it! If it works for her, I need to make a trip.

    MNMargaret, so glad you think you have found a good church. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Karen, great NSV on being “skinny”.

    Vicki, have a wonderful, work free, stress free time off. Take some pictures to share.

    Allison, sorry for DFIL’s day but as usual, you were there to get things right. Dorothy’s going away party sounds so nice and what a nice gift from her/her DD.

    Sue, nice to see you. For weekend logging you might want to try logging at the beginning of the day if what you have been doing is at the end. I find it easier to know how many calories I have left when I do that, and how much I can eat.

    Joyce, I was picturing ya’ll sitting on the bed while you played with the Wii. Now I understand. I’d probably jump on it too. Lol

    Umauma, I’m guessing you are new to this forum? Welcome. It is a great place for support and information. Please tell us about yourself and we ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called. A location is good also, general or specific.

    Sylvia, so sorry to hear about your friend. What a wonderful way to clear your mind of the sadness by taking the girls shopping. You are the best!!

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :) I love my smartphone but posting from my laptop computer is so much easier....just being home is easier.....I have become such a homebody and creature of habit :)

    :'( The return trip from Seattle was easy and any trip with a ferry ride is always great...but the house was empty with not pets.....we'll get them as soon after 8 AM tomorrow.

    <3 Hugs to all of you...you are in my heart even when I'm only reading and not posting.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington t120006.gif

    “The secret of contentment is knowing how to enjoy what you have, and to be able to lose all desire for things beyond your reach."-- Yutang Lin
  • MarilynEuseary
    MarilynEuseary Posts: 9 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    This is day number one for me, I am so ready to get my health together and lose this excess baggage. I am looking forward to being a part of this "Women Over 50 group" Marilyn in Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Penny- great pictures! Kids don't care what the weather is as long as they can go out and play!

    Barbie- welcome back! You will get a royal welcome tomorrow morning!

    Mary from Minnesota