All the Lies

CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
Hey all, I thought it would be cool to talk about (especially new people like myself) some of the things we tell/told ourselves when we were in denial about our weight. I'm not saying reopen old wounds or anything, please don't, but I think it's helpful to hear things like this:

I used to tell myself that my genes (everyone in my family is overweight and unfit) were the reason for my situation. Then I took a really hard look at my family and realized that NO ONE is fit because they don't do anything to be fit! Realizing this really freed me and my thinking to allow for the possibility that I could be fit if I changed. I felt trapped, like I was gonna be this way forever and there was no hope, because how could there be? Now I know there is hope! I can do this!

What barriers of thought did you have and how did you overcome them? :)


  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    That I don't have time to work out. I still drive 3 hours per day and work 10-12, but there's plenty of time if I don't waste my time on the couch when I get home.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    That I couldn't do things because of my back/asthma. I've now run a 5k and hike up mountains all the time.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @ScrAgnX I feel that! I was always complaining my toddler took too much attention, but he DOES nap 1.5-2 hrs a day and I'm not working so what the heck was that excuse?!

    @AddieOverhaul So glad to hear you were able to power through that! Have you found your asthma has gotten better or that it wasn't really asthma to begin with? I hear a lot of people on here say that they thought they had asthma but that it was just unfitness, or that they had asthma for real and that the symptoms got better or went away entirely when they got fit? Which was it for you?

    These are great keep em comin!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I gained weight after getting into a relationship about 6 years ago. Shortly after I started dating a guy his ex had his son and pretty much just gave the baby to us. I told myself that it was okay to be heavier because people would just assume he was my baby and that it was baby weight. Hahahahha. Sad but true.

    On a bright note I dropped the guy but still get the kid. Best kind of winning. :)
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @JenAndSome Oh my god I love that you stepped in for that boy, what a generous thing to do, you motivate me! I had those feelings too. I was 186 the day I gave birth to my son (woot all natural!) and 141 several months later then I gained it ALL back and I thought "Well, after all I did just have a baby, no one expects me to look good in a bikini right now". But that was just an excuse not to put in the effort. And I kept using that excuse for TWO YEARS. He's just over two now and I finally realized that doesn't hold water anymore! Hooray for shedding the weight of poor thinking!
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    That my hypothyroidism, my genes, and my history of always being the bigger girl are the reasons for me being overweight at 31years old.
    My weight has fluctuated over time and Although I do love the gym, I get 'lazy' and just don't make it out and/or I overeat and think- 'it's ok I'll make up for it tomorrow'.

    NO- I need to count calories and get to the gym- period!

  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    edited October 2015
    @thebobo6740 I have done that exact same thing for YEARS. I definitely have a lazy streak in my genes ha ha. You just get to a point where being comfortable is less comfortable than looking in the mirror! And look at us now! No more! You motivate me! That's so awesome!
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not 60lba down... Lol where did you see that?! Hahaha omg in only 7.5 lbs down... I wish I was 60lba down... Lol
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @thebobo6740 Sorry I am so not awake yet, I can barely think before my coffee kicks in (my own d fault for staying up late) I meant to go ha ha. Cause I thought it was cool how close our goals are!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Ha! there's another denial! I don't get adequate sleep because "I can't shut my brain off at night". That's not true. I'm coming to accept that if I'm not tired, it's cause I was lazy that day, or because I don't have the willpower to shut off the screens and calm my system enough to sleep. I need to put in the effort to put away the electronics earlier and actively get myself into the right state for sleep.
  • thebobogrind
    thebobogrind Posts: 143 Member
    And the later we go to sleep the more I sleep in.. So I changed my work schedule from 12-8, to 7:30-4, which forces me to get up at 7 (I work from home) instead of 11:30am... And by doing this, at 11:30pm I'm getting sleepy.. Otherwise it was 3-4am and I was still awake...
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @thebobo6740 See I've been doing that same thing. I am a stay at home mom, so I don't actually have to get up til 730 when my kid gets up. But I find the temptation of alone time after he goes to bed SO hard to resist. It's the only time I get where I'm not at his beck and call, so I have taken to really extending it too much. I think I need a vacation from moming! But my goal is to set and keep a bedtime for me, cause it makes the constance of his demands seem awful, as opposed to an incredible gift, when if I was getting adequate sleep it wouldn't have this effect on my psyche. I don't want to feel annoyed by him, and I know now that I wouldn't be if I wasn't exhausted all the time.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    Honestly, I resisted losing weight for a long time. I knew I needed to lose (only about 30 lbs or so) in college, but the men (boys, really) ogled me enough at my current weight and I didn't want the hassle of being thinner. (I'm asexual so this was a real problem on a college campus.) It was only when I realized that I was sabotaging myself and my health because of others' reactions toward me that I started losing weight. Now I don't care if people stare--my glare of death is very practiced and effective.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I'm not really eating that much, besides I just walked to work and that burns enough calories for me to have earned these chocolate bars (yes, plural).
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    The only thing I told myself was that I didn't have time. I still don't have time. I mean, there are only 24 hours in the day. But I now make the time to get my training in. It's all about trade-offs.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @Kullerva Isn't it freeing to decide to do something for YOU and not from external pressure to be a certain way?! Good onya!

    @nutmegoreo I feel that. That's part of the reason I NEED this app. I am the queen of rationalization. So I need the math to keep my ability to make any logic work in my head in check!
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    @SuggaD It really is. To be fair to everyone, it's true that people don't have time in their current schedule. But it's not because they can't make time, it's because they haven't chosen to replace one activity in this time slot or that to a better activity. I did that with my son's naptime. It used to be my me-time. Relaxation. Now it's my me-time to get the body I've always wanted!
  • FortMaryB
    FortMaryB Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest lie was that I was "at the weight my body seems to want to be at." Um, no...I was working out but eating *lots* of sugary snacks, which made me unable to take off the weight.
  • ohmyllama
    ohmyllama Posts: 161 Member
    Ohhh... I'm the queen of excuses and lying to myself!! o:)

    12 years, 10 brain injuries, a few broken bones later, along with lupus, moving to the city and college... went up 10 sizes... and those were all my excuses. I'm sure there are a dozen more excuses too. I've been looking at old pictures of me recently, and have just realized that I had NO excuse to gain this weight. None.

    Throughout the years I would tell myself that my weight gain was from the accidents and my health issues and there was nothing I could've done to prevent it. I really was bedridden for a while, but still... it was me who put all that food in my mouth. My life revolved around food and what was going to be in front of me next. I would even do "mental exercises" to make myself "hungry," just so I had an excuse to eat even more. Seriously. I would tell myself that if I ate, then I was in less pain. Pffft. It doesn't work that way.

    I'll no longer allow food- or my past injuries or health issues- or stress from college- control my life. I really have no excuses now anyways. I'm healthy. I'm not in pain. I'm never hungry. I live 30 minutes away from the nearest fast food. I have all the resources to buy and cook healthy food. I have an incredibly low, low, low level of stress. I have my doctors and family as supporters. I have horses who need my attention. It's time to finally KICK THIS WEIGHT IN THE BUTT!! B) No more excuses.

    Now, watch... I'll go post on another board with an excuse. LOL it's just such a bad habit!!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    I used to think I didn't have time to work out even though I work from home
    I also used to say I don't eat alot it was the types of food I ate that made me big. As soon as I started logging my eyes were wide open. Not looked back since.
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