October 2015 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training
    Oct 10 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 11 - 40 mile bike ride
    Oct 12 - 5 miles
    Oct 13 - cycling class
    Oct 14 - 5.21 miles + strength training
    Oct 15 - 4.25 + cycling class
    Oct 16 - Strength training
    Oct 17 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 18 - 77 mile bike ride.
    Oct 19 - rest
    Oct 20 - 5.06 miles + cycling class
    Oct 21 - 4.66 miles
    Oct 22 - cycling class
    Oct 23 - 5.1 miles
    Oct 24 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 25 - 41 mile bike ride
    Oct 26 - rest
    Oct 27 - cycling class - couldn’t run in the morning due to some type of police helicopter search. Never did find out what they were looking for.
    Oct 28 - 4.2 miles -Must have turned off alarm and fell back asleep, but luckily woke up in time to get a few miles in.


    @kristinegift - wow those pictures are beautiful! I've been in Florida for about 30 years and since I teach I never get away in the fall... so I really miss seeing the seasons. Thanks for going back to take the photos!
    @patrikc333 - Your mileage is amazing. I've nearly injured myself jumping over what I think is something and it turns out to be a leaf or stick. And this usually happens right when a car or rare person is out and I jump up and over looking like I'm trying to do some type of Cirque de Soleil move. Then I just get right back into my rhythm as if that was just part of my usual routine.
    @7lenny7 - You are going to do great on your HM! Your enthusiasm is contagious!
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    @kristinegift - Thanks for the pics! They're beautiful. Down in Middle Georgia, we get mostly browns with a bare handful of yellows and oranges, and the rare red. This is the time of year I miss being in Tennessee on the Cumberland Plateau....
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited October 2015
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    for someone around 69kg, 2 hours running ish, 135-140 average bpm, how does 1200 cals sound like (measured by the HRM)?

    I looked through my past several runs for something close to to this and found:

    8.56 miles, 1:31:00 time, 138 BPM, 1600 calories (as determined by Garmin using MET values, not HR) and I'm 213 pounds.

    Since calorie burn is linear with time spent doing a constant activity and with weight:

    1600 * 120/91 (min/min) * 152/213 (lb/lb) = 1505 calories for a 152 lb man (69kg) running for 2 hours at the same pace.

    So to me 1200 sounds low. Granted my GPS doesn't use HR for calculating calories, but my rate of weight loss suggests to me that if anything, 1505 might even be a bit low. One variable not taken into account is pace. Garmin rounds pace to the next slowest pace in the table of MET values, which for the run above is an 11:30/mile pace when I actually as running 10:39. Interestingly, if you calculate the calorie burn per mile based on the MET values, in some cases you're actually burning LESS calories for a fixed distance the faster your run. Your calorie burn rate is greater, but you don't run for as much time.

    Again, MET values are only estimates but in my mind, they're the best estimate we have. You do have to consider the variables though if you want to be really accurate (I don't) which include the grade of your route, paved vs. trail, and wind.

    Because I'm an engineer and dig this sort of stuff, I created a table for myself to easily reference my burn rate for various paces running and walking, all based on my current weight:

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    I've nearly injured myself jumping over what I think is something and it turns out to be a leaf or stick. And this usually happens right when a car or rare person is out and I jump up and over looking like I'm trying to do some type of Cirque de Soleil move. Then I just get right back into my rhythm as if that was just part of my usual routine.

    "I meant to do that!" -- PeeWee Herman
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    @Stoshew71 - I think I remember you posting sometime back about creating a BPM playlist for yourself for pacing. How did you calculate the BPM you wanted/needed for the pace you wanted? And what software did you use for calculating the BPM of the songs (and/or adjusting it)?
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @parfia, you can still join in this month if you like. @stoshew71 usually posts the new challenge thread the day before the month starts. He'll post a link in this thread when he's ready. Welcome to the group!

  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,225 Member
    edited October 2015
    01/10 3miles
    02/10 0
    03/10 0
    04/10 0
    05/10 3miles (joined challenge)
    06/10 3miles
    07/10 3.5miles
    08/10 0
    09/10 0
    10/10 0
    11/10 3.5miles
    12/10 3miles
    13/10 3.5miles
    14/10 3miles
    15/10 0
    16/10 3.5miles
    17/10 0
    18/10 3.5miles
    19/10 0
    20/10 3.5miles
    21/10 3miles
    22/10 0
    23/10 4miles
    24/10 0
    25/10 0 had planned to run but weekends are unpredictable
    26/10 0 too stormy
    27/ 10 too stormy
    28/10 5 miles


  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member

    great thanks - super useful, actually 1500 is what fitbit HR is estimating btw, so I might have confirmation of what I was suspecting and a reason of my weight loss
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    great thanks - super useful, actually 1500 is what fitbit HR is estimating btw, so I might have confirmation of what I was suspecting and a reason of my weight loss

    I forgot to mention that anyone can use the burn rates from my table if you just multiply by your weight and divide by mine. I can create a custom table for anyone too, just shoot me a message.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @parfia, you can still join in this month if you like. @stoshew71 usually posts the new challenge thread the day before the month starts. He'll post a link in this thread when he's ready. Welcome to the group!

    Correct! I will probably link it in here on Friday morning.

    You can still join in and just log some runs and get to know some people in here @parfia.
    There's no runcrastination in here. ;-)

  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    10/2 - 4.16 miles
    10/3 - 6.22 miles
    10/5 - 3 miles
    10/7 - 3.23 miles
    10/10 - 3.28 miles
    10/11 - 12 miles
    10/16 - 2.5 miles. slow and painful.
    10/19 - 3.23 miles - knee complained a bit at the beginning but wasn't sharp and went away
    10/23 - 1 mile
    10/25 - 13.1 miles, 2 hrs 22 min

    Knee problems magically went away on Saturday, and I ran the Niagara International Half Marathon on Sunday :) I'm in a little pain now, but PT scheduled in an hour. I'm going to rest and concentrate on losing some more weight and getting stronger over the winter (while running too of course) and then back to training again in march!

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    btw, can I ask to the people who run >10miles what is their average bpm and cal estimates? I'm losing a bit and I see quite a difference between my fitbit and HRM strap right no

    I don't use an HRM, but for a run that is probably more accurate than a fitbit if your fitbit is going off steps alone. And as for calories, that's going to vary widely per person (some people on my friend list can burn the same as me in a workout but run about half the distance). For 10 miles, I usually burn ~1050 calories, but then again I'm short (5'3"/about 1.6 meters) and a girl.

    I don't use a HRM either, I'm 5'6" 120 lbs female and I burn about 930 calories for a 10 mile run that between a 10:15 - 10:30 pace.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 - I think I remember you posting sometime back about creating a BPM playlist for yourself for pacing. How did you calculate the BPM you wanted/needed for the pace you wanted? And what software did you use for calculating the BPM of the songs (and/or adjusting it)?

    So for everybody's reference: The playlist (which i didn't create but some other great people did that I stole) can be found on the middle of this page:

    It will say music for running 180 bmp. And the reason for 180 (beats per minute, or steps per minute) is explained in the few videos and links just above it.

    So, since I didn't create the playlist myself, I am not sure what technology was used to modify the music to do that. I just know the technology of how to download it into my phone. :-)

    However, I did a quick google search.
    On apple platforms there seems to be a piece of software called Garageband that will do this.

    On windows there's a software called Audacity:

    Or Logic pro X

    On Android:

    Again, I never used any of these (yet). I just did a google search, so i cannot endorse or badmouth any of these or any others. Good luck and let me know if you come up with anything.

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    This is an interesting link for what this guy did for his marathon playlist.


    This link is blocked at my work location, so I am not sure what it is. But the people that left comments in the link above state that here: http://podrunner.com/ You can download music at various bmp tempos.
  • Ericsmi
    Ericsmi Posts: 128 Member
    10/1---4.50 miles
    10/2---3.41 miles
    10/3---2.61 miles
    10/4---8.14 miles
    10/5---3.06 miles
    10/6---Rest Day
    10/7---4.48 miles
    10/19---3.38 miles
    10/28---3.58 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    10/1 6.6 miles - 6.6
    10/2 6.75 miles - 13.35
    10/3 22.1 miles - 35.45
    10/4 REST DAY
    10/5 10.75 miles - 46.2
    10/6 10.5 miles - 56.7
    10/7 6.6 miles - 63.3
    10/8 10 miles - 73.3
    10/9 6.75 miles - 80.05
    10/10 3.88 miles - 83.93 <<< Warrior Dash
    10/11 REST DAY
    10/12 10.25 miles - 94.18
    10/13 10.5 miles - 104.68
    10/14 6.75 miles - 111.43
    10/15 10.5 miles - 121.93
    10/16 5.75 miles - 127.68
    10/17 20 miles - 147.68
    10/18 REST DAY
    10/19 10.5 miles - 158.18
    10/20 11 miles - 169.18
    10/21 6.65 miles - 175.83
    10/22 11 miles - 186.83
    10/23 5.79 miles - 192.62
    10/24 20 miles - 212.62
    10/25 REST DAY
    10/26 REST DAY
    10/27 11 miles - 223.62
    10/28 4 miles - 227.62 << Treadmill & Recovery Day


    Rare treadmill moment. Didn't feel like doing another cold and rainy run. Plus it was recovery day anyway. 4 recovery miles in 37:04 at 9:15 even (6.5 mph) and 2% incline.

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    spotify has a brilliant service for running - you can chose your running pace and then it selects songs
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    9voice9 wrote: »
    @Stoshew71 - I think I remember you posting sometime back about creating a BPM playlist for yourself for pacing. How did you calculate the BPM you wanted/needed for the pace you wanted? And what software did you use for calculating the BPM of the songs (and/or adjusting it)?

    It will say music for running 180 bmp. And the reason for 180 (beats per minute, or steps per minute) is explained in the few videos and links just above it.

    I guess my main question was, "Why 180?" But it appears that 180 is the "magic number": most of the elite runners are using that cadence - and the biggest difference between them and us plebes is the length of their stride.

    Is that the way you'd understand it?

    I was thinking that my cadence would be dependent on my height & my stride length, my desired pace, etc....
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited October 2015
    10/1 4.75 -- I would like to do 6+ miles in the coming days, so, am resting tomorrow!
    10/2 rest day
    10/3 6.51 -- first 10k, longest run (time), and farthest run (distance)
    10/4 rest day--this was a horrible day, could not get any exercise done and felt miserable
    10/5 no running, but good elliptical workout
    10/6 5.53 -- excellent run. the weather was cool and crisp, my muscles cooperated and all went well
    10/7 3.11 -- recovery run? that's what i thought of this one. felt good though!
    10/8 5.61 -- very good run.
    10/9 3.11 -- a little over 9 minutes mile pace!
    10/10 rest, the elliptical hour
    10/11 5.00
    10/12 rest, great elliptical session
    10/13 6.52 — very nice run: farthest I went since i started running; fastest 10K (well, second and faster at 10:33 per mile.
    10/14 3.2
    10/15 3.37
    10/16 no run today — good elliptical session though
    10/17 2.25 — shake up run getting ready for my 5K race tomorrow
    10/18 5.65 — I ran a 5K race in 25:49 (not a PR but very close to one, 25:19 three weeks ago). Pace was 8:16. But, and this is special, I did not feel satisfied and went for a 2.54 mile run!
    10/19 rest from running, but a good elliptical workout
    10/20 4 miles--very comfortable pace--10:30 a mile.
    10/21 no run
    10/22 no run
    10/23 2.14 -- very short run, but so glad I managed to get it in
    10/24 7.29 — farthest run 7.29 miles, fastest 10k 1:04, and longest run: 1 hour and 16 minutes.
    10/25 3.12
    10/27 4.50 -- upped monthly challenge to 80 miles
    10/28 3.11

  • SAfricaChick
    SAfricaChick Posts: 1,143 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »

    Are you doing the Disney World Marathon on 10 January? I am doing that as my first marathon and scared stiff!! Mmmm I have NEVER run more than 40miles / week! How many marathons have you done?

    Yes - I live nearby and was originally going to run it this past January, but deferred to 2016 as they wouldn't let me move up from the 4:45 corral to the 3:45 corral after running a fast (1:46) half last November as it was past the deadline. I've done 2 other marathons this year (Pittsburgh/Clearwater Distance Classic), and had done one marathon prior and a handful of halfs. It should be a fun race and a flat easy course from everything I've seen. Weather that time of year is usually just about perfect, although the humidity can occasionally spike, and the last 1/4 of the marathon is into the sun around sunrise, so bring your sunglasses, a visor, hope for clouds, or prepare to squint.

    Thanks for the advice! Appreciate it! I have a HM this week-end in New Orleans and then I'll turn my attention more fully to my prep for January. All of a sudden it feels a lot closer than I am comfortable with!
    I only dream of the mileage you are putting in, so I'll have to up that quite a bit!