October 2015 Running Challenge



  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    I'm wondering if someone can advise me. I'm looking at doing 10k in Feb. At the moment my 5.2mile time is 56 mins, that includes 2 periods of walking for less than 1 minute. So presuming I can by Feb run for the whole 6.2 miles, what do you think a fair anticipated time would be?

    I'm thinking of saying I will do it in about an hour, because I reckon if I ran the whole 5.2 miles now, that would reduce my time to say 55 mins, so adding another mile would probably take me to about 65 minutes. But as I've heard you usually do better on race time, and also as I'm hoping I'll get a bit quicker between now and then - do you think 1 hour would be a good guess? I have to give an estimate, I assume so they can put me in the right 'starting pen'. I've never done any sort of race before so it's all a bit unknown.

    Thank you x
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR: 1:43:38)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am), 6.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/9: Rest day
    10/10: 20.5 miles
    10/11: 4 miles
    10/12: Rest day
    10/13: 8 miles, very hilly!
    10/14: 7 miles speedwork
    10/15: 8 miles (am), 3.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/16: 2 miles to shake off the drove-for-3.5-hours feeling
    10/17: 13.1 miles - Baltimore Half Marathon (1:44:24)
    10/18: Rest/Lazy Day
    10/19: 5 miles
    10/20: XT: 15 miles indoor bike (aka: 1 episode of Blindspot)
    10/21: 7.7 miles speedwork (2ish mile warm up, 3.5 miles speedwork, 2ish mile cooldown)

    Chilly day out on the track! It's hard to push to go super fast when it's pitch black outside! :/ But once the sun started to come up, the speedwork was much easier. Had some tightness in my right hamstring though, so gonna keep an eye on that. I didn't notice it yesterday and figured I was just sore from Baltimore when I ran Monday. Hopefully it's a fluke and not a sign that I've overdone it the last few weeks :#


  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    I think I need to add some sort of lifting or strength training if I want to continue to run more miles. Since I started increasing my miles I've had soreness, tightness, etc. even though I'm following a program and taking it slow. The other day my doctor told me to stop running and find some other form of exercise since "running is bad for the body." I have no intention of stopping since I enjoy it so much but it does get frustrating that I seem to feel "hurt" quite often.

    Time to find another doctor! Seriously, my running and biking friends only go to doctors who do similar sports because they understand. One lady I bike with told me a few years ago she was having back/seat trouble and ended up at a gyn who told her to stop biking and recommended a hysterectomy. She found a different female gyn who is also a cyclist and the doctor said "it's your bike seat". Sure enough, she tried different seats and the pain went away. There is a podiatrist that is a triathlete here that all the runners and cyclists go to.

    But I do think strength training would be great if you can fit it in.
    I'm pretty used to just being sore, especially after long runs. But it's not pain.... it's just soreness and sometimes tightness. I embrace the soreness and just figure it's a part of getting more fit.

    @Clarewho - I bet you can do it in an hour. Plus, depending upon where you live, February will probably be cooler than now, so that will speed you up. Go for it!

    @ohhim - I don't know about you, but I think the Florida weather this month has been much nicer than past Octobers. Usually October is about the same as September, which is the same as August....to blasted hot! But this year October has been really nice so far. Wonder what it means for the rest of the winter!

    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training
    Oct 10 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 11 - 40 mile bike ride
    Oct 12 - 5 miles
    Oct 13 - cycling class
    Oct 14 - 5.21 miles + strength training
    Oct 15 - 4.25 + cycling class
    Oct 16 - Strength training
    Oct 17 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 18 - 77 mile bike ride.
    Oct 19 - rest
    Oct 20 - 5.06 miles + cycling class
    Oct 21 - 4.66 miles + strength training


    Beautiful morning. Except, I heard a thud at one point and then when I got down the street I saw an armadillo had just been hit. Then, an hour later when I drove by on way to work, saw it had been hit several more times. The vultures will be busy today. bleh!
  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    @7lenny7 @Elise4270 @shanaber

    Thanks for the replies

    I can be shy and will definitely be nervous so I'm glad to hear that everyone will be supportive!
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    Clarewho wrote: »
    I'm wondering if someone can advise me. I'm looking at doing 10k in Feb. At the moment my 5.2mile time is 56 mins, that includes 2 periods of walking for less than 1 minute. So presuming I can by Feb run for the whole 6.2 miles, what do you think a fair anticipated time would be?

    I'm thinking of saying I will do it in about an hour, because I reckon if I ran the whole 5.2 miles now, that would reduce my time to say 55 mins, so adding another mile would probably take me to about 65 minutes. But as I've heard you usually do better on race time, and also as I'm hoping I'll get a bit quicker between now and then - do you think 1 hour would be a good guess? I have to give an estimate, I assume so they can put me in the right 'starting pen'. I've never done any sort of race before so it's all a bit unknown.

    Thank you x

    I wouldn't worry about it too much and choose the pen you feel most comfortable with. To me the pen is mostly about what your starting pace is going to be - you can always speed up or drop back as needed. As long as you aren't way faster or slower than the pen's pace, I don't think it's that big of a deal. (unless it's one a huge event where there would be a ton of people to wade through.)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    Clarewho wrote: »
    I'm wondering if someone can advise me. I'm looking at doing 10k in Feb. At the moment my 5.2mile time is 56 mins, that includes 2 periods of walking for less than 1 minute. So presuming I can by Feb run for the whole 6.2 miles, what do you think a fair anticipated time would be?

    I'm thinking of saying I will do it in about an hour, because I reckon if I ran the whole 5.2 miles now, that would reduce my time to say 55 mins, so adding another mile would probably take me to about 65 minutes. But as I've heard you usually do better on race time, and also as I'm hoping I'll get a bit quicker between now and then - do you think 1 hour would be a good guess? I have to give an estimate, I assume so they can put me in the right 'starting pen'. I've never done any sort of race before so it's all a bit unknown.

    Thank you x

    I think that's a fair estimate. But don't sweat it too much; most races will let you update that estimate as the race date nears, if you feel the need.
  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member
    That's great! Hopefully the rain will hold off for us. It's a fast course, I think you will be very happy with your times!

  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member
    10.1: 6
    10.3: 1.1
    10.4: 9
    10.8: 5.2
    10.9: 2.5
    10.11: 10
    10.12: 1.5
    10.13: 4
    10.15: 5
    10.17: 7.5
    10.19: 2.5
    10.20: 4.5

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    10/1 - 3.1 miles on the 'mill; plus 5.8 miles / 20 minutes on stationary bike.
    10/2 - Had to skip run/workout for a life insurance physical (bloodwork, etc.). Then, they couldn't get me to bleed, so I'm gonna have to do it again! Grrr!
    10/3 - 11.5 miles with HM group; cool, beautiful weather!
    10/4 - waaaayy overslept!
    10/5 - not off to a good start this month; kids up half the night with illness / asthma issues
    10/6 - 4.75 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    10/7 - 4.85 miles of hills with HM group
    10/8 - 4.65 miles
    10/9 - 0. Up half the night, again! Now feeling a bit under the weather. It's too early for this stuff, isn't it?
    10/10 - 7.92 miles with HM group. Cool morning, flat loop...nice run!
    10/11 - 3.15 mile "recovery" run. Slower pace with one of my 9 year olds...love getting to run with my kids! Sore hip though.
    10/12 - 4.75 miles. Beautiful weather! Hip better, but not perfect. Fired up for 5k and HM this weekend!
    10/13 - 0. Had my repeat life insurance physical, which went fine. Then spent the whole day waiting at home for Des Moines Water Works to turn water back on. Some sort of miscommunication between dispatch and the technician...UGH!!
    10/14 - 5.16 relaxing, lovely miles with HM group as we "taper" for this weekend. Got pulled over on the way to meet them at 4:45 a.m. Just a warning...woo hoo!
    10/15 - 4.25 miles on treadmill at Trek class. Took it a little slower and flatter than usual.
    10/16 - rest day before weekend race(s)
    10/17 - 2.96 miles @ IMT 5k Road Race - someone shortened the course! Oops!
    10/18 - 13.1 miles @ IMT Des Moines Half Marathon (1:48:41). New PR! Went out a little fast, but mostly had a great run on a beautiful day!
    10/19 - extended stretching with HM group. Relaxing.
    10/20 - 4 miles on indoor track with weights/strength work following.
    10/21 - 4.75 miles around my 'hood. For October, it was hot...beautiful!


    @Clarewho - yep, an hour sounds pretty good...pretty speedy!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Starting to plan my races for 2016. Anyone in Twin Cities, Chicago, KC, St. Louis, Omaha or elsewhere within a reasonable drive of Des Moines have any recommendations? Looking mostly for Half Marathons or multi-race weekends of that and shorter.

  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Thanks guys I'm just going to put an hour and fingers crossed!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited October 2015
    @karllundy, what time of year? I don't have any personal experience with any of these but I hear the Get Lucky Half Marathon & 7K in the Twin Cities are really fun (and great swag). That's near St. Patty's Day.

    Get in Gear Half Marathon is very popular. Late April and very nice course along both sides of the Mississippi.

    Other popular HM's:
    Med City Marathon & HM in Rochester - this one is smaller but growing. Late May
    Minneapolis Marathon & HM - Late May
    Red, White & Boom HM on July 4th is a big event.
    and of course, the Monster Dash in St. Paul near Halloween. This is the one I'm doing and the course is fantastic, and downhill nearly in its entirety. Last year they had about 5000 runners and 4000 runners in the 10 mile. They also do an untimed 5K. This year they say they already have 18,000 registered for the three races!

  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I don't know if great people run, or if running makes great people - there's a kindred spirit amongst them/us.

    I love this! My fam always wonders why I make a point of waving at runners when I see 'em on the road - "You're driving past them - they don't see you, and you don't know them, anyway." My answer is - we're runners, so we're all related. Maybe all crazy, but we're all runners.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @karllundy, what time of year? I don't have any personal experience with any of these but I hear the Get Lucky Half Marathon & 7K in the Twin Cities are really fun (and great swag). That's near St. Patty's Day.

    Get in Gear Half Marathon is very popular. Late April and very nice course along both sides of the Mississippi.

    Other popular HM's:
    Med City Marathon & HM in Rochester - this one is smaller but growing. Late May
    Minneapolis Marathon & HM - Late May
    Red, White & Boom HM on July 4th is a big event.
    and of course, the Monster Dash in St. Paul near Halloween. This is the one I'm doing and the course is fantastic, and downhill nearly in its entirety. Last year they had about 5000 runners and 4000 runners in the 10 mile. They also do an untimed 5K. This year they say they already have 18,000 registered for the three races!

    Thanks! Both the Get Lucky and Red, White and Boom sound appealing and would fit in my schedule. I have one for late April and late May here in Des Moines (Drake / HyVee and Dam to Dam).
  • DaveThomas1901
    DaveThomas1901 Posts: 58 Member
    1/10 6.2
    4/10 6.68
    5/10 6.32
    6/10 3.0
    8/10 7.04
    13/10 3.1
    17/10 6.2
    19/10 4.08
    21/10 6.2

    total 48.82
    target 50 miles

    Nearly there, had a throat infection which slowed things but over that.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    10/1 - 8 miles
    10/2 - 5 miles
    10/3 - 5.1 miles
    10/4 - rest day Allen's son is in the Nat'l Guard and was supposed to jump yesterday. We were headed there when they cancelled the jump :-1:
    10/5 - 10.1 miles
    10/6 - 5.1 recovery miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - 6.6 miles of hilly hills :smiley: not big hills just rolling up and down and up and down
    10/9 - 5 miles my first mile I thought was crappy because I thought my watch said 10:50 and it felt like 10:50. Turned out it was 10:05 which I didn't realize until I pushed harder and my next split was 9:47. Ended up with a 9:49 pace... so happy especially after dancing too much and too late at the Miranda Lambert concert last night!
    10/10 - 5 miles - 9:55 pace don't know what's gotten into me. Ran with Skip who is home from Disney.
    10/11 - 5.1 miles
    10/12 - rest day
    10/13 - 11.1 miles (yes I want my .1)
    10/14 - 5 miles - recovery run with Skip, cool morning about 44F at run time.
    10/15 - 5 miles - another cool morning, I wanted to add a few miles but I got out late so had to stick to my usual run
    10/16 - 3.5 miles I don't know if the stress of this week got to me, if Allen leaving yesterday got to me or my legs just rebelled this morning LOL From step one to failure on my 6 mile run today I felt like crap. Got to about 3 miles and said the hell with it and went home. Oh well 3.5 is better than 0!
    10/17 - rest day XC meet - Skip did great 22:18 top 25 placed and she finished 23rd. She cut 2.5 mins her off time from this race last year.
    10/18 - 4.3 miles with the trail running group we joined. Wow ran trails I would never try alone, when they call a trail "goat trail" they mean it, up up up a narrow rock trail. I was in the middle of the pack, Skip killed it staying at the tail end of the "fast" group.
    10/19 - 5 miles 35F bbrrr degrees at run time today
    10/20 - 1.2 miles it was supposed to be a rest day but Skip's coach wanted me to run a quick mile with him before their meet. He's got a 1,000+ day streak going. Crazy man!
    10/21 - 5.1 miles

    95.2 of 120 miles


    I'll have to catch up on posts later. Busy day. But of course I need a minute to brag on my girl. Those of you are on my friends list no need to read again LOL. Skip had a meet yesterday, it was a 3 mile distance. She not only PR'd with a time of 20:37, she also set a new school record for the distance. I'm so proud of her and so excited for her I can hardly stand it! I also spent the day volunteering at Special Olympics, I volunteer at 2 meets a year and if you have never been to an event or volunteered at one you should. These athletes are so inspiring it just warms my heart every time. One of our athletes Neal was the only to run the mile and finished it in (are you ready?) 9:38!!!! So proud of him!
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member

    I'll have to catch up on posts later. Busy day. But of course I need a minute to brag on my girl. Those of you are on my friends list no need to read again LOL. Skip had a meet yesterday, it was a 3 mile distance. She not only PR'd with a time of 20:37, she also set a new school record for the distance. I'm so proud of her and so excited for her I can hardly stand it! I also spent the day volunteering at Special Olympics, I volunteer at 2 meets a year and if you have never been to an event or volunteered at one you should. These athletes are so inspiring it just warms my heart every time. One of our athletes Neal was the only to run the mile and finished it in (are you ready?) 9:38!!!! So proud of him!

    That sounds like a fantastic day!
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    @ddmom0811 - Thanks for the reply. That's a good point about finding a doctor with the same hobbies. The muscle soreness doesn't bother me so much as the tightness and "stress" I feel in certain places. Generally the first mile is really uncomfortable and then I start to feel better. I'm taking it slow and hoping it passes in a week or two!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kstar_lee wrote: »
    This group really is the sweetest. You all know how to lift a gal up! Can I expect this kind of support at my first race? Registering tomorrow... :smiley:

    You tell me. Some things you may see at your race.





    And my favorite.....


    And this one I ran earlier this year. It was my 4th HM within 4 weekends which got me Jupitor status in Half Marathon Maniacs. You can see me standing against the white fense at :47 in my long red tech shirt looking at my phone. It was considered part of their trail series and most of the course ran through the greenway. So you don't get that usual crowd standing by the sidelines cheering you on. But you get a feel of what it is like to run through the course. You can see me again at 3:56 in my long red shirt again.


    Some random 10K I found on the Internet, but you get the idea of the type of crowd support that you would normally see at a race.


    Another random one I found that was in the UK.


    You kind of get the idea. I hope. it's fun and exciting. I hope you get the race bug. :-)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Clarewho wrote: »
    I'm wondering if someone can advise me. I'm looking at doing 10k in Feb. At the moment my 5.2mile time is 56 mins, that includes 2 periods of walking for less than 1 minute. So presuming I can by Feb run for the whole 6.2 miles, what do you think a fair anticipated time would be?

    I'm thinking of saying I will do it in about an hour, because I reckon if I ran the whole 5.2 miles now, that would reduce my time to say 55 mins, so adding another mile would probably take me to about 65 minutes. But as I've heard you usually do better on race time, and also as I'm hoping I'll get a bit quicker between now and then - do you think 1 hour would be a good guess? I have to give an estimate, I assume so they can put me in the right 'starting pen'. I've never done any sort of race before so it's all a bit unknown.

    Thank you x

    February is a far time away. Too early to predict times. Plus if it is your first race, you will just want to run it for the experience and not worry about a finishing time. Just enjoy it, you are guareenteed a PR. If you keep doing these challenges, by the time February get's here, you will do awesome.