

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2015
    Carol NC Great picture! You look very refreshed!

    Barbie- they look like they are best friends!

    Michele- how did you do today? Did you make the full cheese cake? I found spice cake mix! Both BC and DHinz at Cub. I'm going to make a batch to try. Then maybe for Thanksgiving.

    Pip - how did you and Kirby do this weekend?

    Sylvia - I'll have to go back and look at your bowls!

    Becca- cute pictures! I had a tabby just like Thomas! Brings back memories!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - YOU absolutely have to post the pictures of your bowls on here for everyone to see! They are beautiful! I can see why DH wants to keep the flower bowl!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I'm glad Sylvia posted that she had put her bowls on the October post. I went back to look at them and they are fabulous! Do people pay the same price for these bowls or do they pay what they feel the bowl is worth? Your DH is right on his special bowl. Although many other are jsut as special in a different way.

    Becca, men are clueless when it comes to intimate clothing. Did you all read that Playboy is no longer going to post nude photos? Sorry Becca, I am not implying anything there but it was just funny that he had a teddy with a g string.

    michele, if anyone tasted my pie crust they would want me to back to store bought. I used to make a real good chicken pot pie and I used store bought pie crust for it. It was one of those things that made me 233 pounds.

    Why does God make kittens and puppies so darn cute????? I know they are still cute when they grow up but that kitty is so cute. They have such wide innocent eyes.

    Ladies I must confess, I have eaten to much Halloween candy. It was good though! he he he. We divided it in half for Michelle to take some home. But she brought some of her own stuff over. They have an annual Halloween meal at her work. Last year she made deviled eggs but she put orange food coloring in the egg mixture and then an olive on top and then she took red frosting and piped red lines on it coming out from the olives.. They told her that although they tasted just like her usual deviled eggs, they didn't like the way they looked. So this year she made 'bones'. Big pretzels with marshmellows on each end and then dipped the whole thing in white chocolate. So I ate one of those. And yes, it tasted good also.

    Carol your farewell to the beach picture was lovely also. I would hate to go also.

    I went to u-tube and looked up the song In Rememberance to see if I had sung it before and I don't I have. sounds beautiful though. Are you staying at this church? I wish our church did do some of the theme type songs but everything goes with the sermon and we go through a book in the Bible. Even at Christmas, it won't be a Christmas sermon. Somehow it will be worked into his sermon but all of the congregational singing and choir specials go with the sermon. Even the other specials like our trios will go with it. We do have one lady who just sings what she wants. Of course no one argues with Rose.

    Nite, ladies, Joyce, INdiana
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    edited November 2015
    Annr wrote: »

    My calico Pippin (she was a young momma with deer in the headlights look) and one of her kittens.

    I see two kitties! :grin: There is a black one behind mama cat! :lol:

    Mary rotfl :grin: That explains a lot!

    Sylvia As a fellow potter (lapsed) I can say that these bowls are stunning. I had problems relocating the October one as I had unchecked the favourites star, but it was well worth the effort. Please post them on this thread for everyone to enjoy.

    Gloria Prayers and hugs! Hope you get this sorted soon!

    I'm off out to my Creative Writing Group this morning. This is my first session this semester, since I wasn't able to manage it at the beginning of term. It will be great to get back on track with them. It's a self help group for which I am the facilitator.

    On the subject of age and weight loss, I had despaired about my weight for a long time. It yo-yoed for years. This last year has been a revelation. I am 70 next April and I have lost 54 lbs since last October, thanks largely to MFP. Just proves that age is no barrier to weight loss. It is attitude and belief that is the key. Once you change your belief, your attitude changes and you find a way to do it. At least, that's what happened for me. Of course, I did have a strong motivator in that I had to lose it before I could have my hip operation.

    Irish Terri
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member

    Saw someone moving out of a duplex not far from where I live so stopped and talked to the tenant and found out it has not been rented yet. It's only a 2 bedroom but half way between where I live now and the boys school. The tenant gave me the phone number of the landlord so called and left a message. It's not what I really want but would work out until school is out then I would have 3 months to find something else. It's one option. I am going to look at some other properties that would be more permanent moves tomorrow.

    Hugs to everyone - Gloria

    UPDATE - unfortunately I talked to the landlord of the duplex today and it was already rented. So still looking - boys are stressed about what is going to happen so I'm even more stressed than I would normally be. I am going to talk to someone at Housing Justice Project this week. I read the law on this type of situation so feel good about where I stand legally . I am not paying them one cent of rent until the Court orders me to do so however the Court will most likely have me put the rent owed into a holding account until the Judge makes a decision based on the facts and evidence. I have numerous emails to the landlord and pictures of the original damage to the bedroom and hallway and now pictures of the bedroom and hallway as they have sat uncarpeted for 6 months now. I found a 3 day notice to pay or quit hanging on my door but it was not served correctly and then they hung a 30 notice to vacate the premises on my door which again was not served correctly. I had sent two further emails to the landlord concerning the carpet prior to these notices without any response from her. I will keep you updated as to what transpires this week. <3<3<3 Gloria
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Becca, your grocery store bra shopping tale had me laughing out loud, i mean who can think about bras with yogurt in your cart!?

    Kim, i am a huge fan of british baking show, just fascinating to listen to the language, and seems realistic, not mean like some american competition shows.

    Went to a memorial service for a colleague's dad, it is such a privilege to hear about a person's life (i didnt even know him) through the eyes of his children. Also the director of his assisted living home spoke with such humor and honesty, made me wish i had met this man.. i understand my colleague a little better now as well.
    Onto a busy week of work and doc.appt. fingers crossed ladies, i find out how my bp and cholesterol numbers are by next week.
    Cheers, karen from ny
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi all, just saw this thread and as it is the beginning of the month thought I would try and join in. I'm impressed by those of you who are able to reply to everybody - I'm not very good at that so hope you'll excuse me.

    A little about me - 62 last month, generally like weight training and running, but every now and then I seem to get burn out - probably from trying too hard! Lost about 50 lbs last year and have been gradually putting it back on this year, although still going to the gym so all is not lost. At the moment my main problem is alcohol which is the reason why have piled on the pounds, as I eat sensibly otherwise. Stress levels are a bit high because I tend to keep things to myself, husband's ill health, long term financial worries etc. Fortunately my health is A1, though it won't be for much longer if I don't cut out the wine. I did it last year so am going to do it again. Its all or nothing with me so it has to be nothing.

    Had a bad weekend where I went to an event where the wine and champagne was flowing and really overdid it with the result that I was non functional yesterday - for that read really hungover. Not very good for someone of my age!

    So my challenges to myself are:

    1. A dry November
    2. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week
    3. Go for an early morning run with dog before work at least once a week
    4. Start looking after my nails again - me time.
    5. Stop worrying about things I can't change
    6. Weigh less at the end of the month than I do now.

    Number 6 should follow if I do number 1, with a little bit of diet tweaking.

    Wish me luck.

    N.B. I'm in the UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    Barbie~ love the picture of Sasha and Bernie..
    Annr~ that was one funny story...
    slept almost 10 hrs :o weekend was nice..
    dont have to work until 12:30 so will go see DFIL, hope he is better today..
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited November 2015
    1149817eshxdips1k.gif For all of you who have or had or loved a beetle bug

    My goals for November
    132624q8xj4nwru7.gif Weigh less by Dec 1st or at least maintain current weight

    132624q8xj4nwru7.gif Spend at least 1 hour per day going through closets, drawers, cabinets with 3 boxes nearby for items KEEPING, items DONATING and items SELLING.

    132624q8xj4nwru7.gif Begin to meditate by following the Deepok & Oprah 21 day meditation journey

    132624q8xj4nwru7.gif Start a gratitude journal

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,825 Member
    Sylvia~ the bowls are stunning and the flower one is my favorite too.. to bad you were not closer.. I would definately buy one xoxoxo
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia, the flower bowl is beautiful and so are the others. For years we collected M. A. Hadley pottery dishes which were originally collected by my in-laws in the 60's. Sadly, many of the pieces are chipped.

    Yes, I am originally Peachstategal. I have been stuck in my weight loss journey and just trying not to gain back all that I lost the first year I was here. Sadly, my downfall is drinking wine in the evening which leads to after dinner snacking.

    My biggest stress factor is having to share upkeep of my mom's house with my sister. Taxes, insurance, yard work, and repairs for a house that is 80 miles away from where I live. Mom is in a nursing home due to dementia and physical problems. My sister and I are in a living trust along with her so the house technically belongs to her until she passes. I have three brothers that saw that the house was put in us two girls name with mom. They do not want anything to do with the upkeep. We are trying to decide what to do with the furniture so we might can rent it to help with expenses. It's a small house but she filled it with very nice furniture.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Sylvia I can see why DH like the blue flower bowl. Gorgeous.

    Barbie love the picture of your poodle and kitty.

    I decided to go in to talk to our primary doctor we have had at this clinic to tell him what happened. Others told me to be sure to tell how the first doctor on call also did not change the prescription, too. I do understand why doctors protect each other, so my reason for telling is so we all can learn for this and not have it happen to someone else.

    :heart: Margaret
  • SRR65
    SRR65 Posts: 4 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    :)Carol in NC.....Love your pics.A beautiful site! Ditto for the flip flops.....beachy for sure.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Sylvia ... You are so very talented!
  • SRR65
    SRR65 Posts: 4 Member
    Kimperry_68. I feel ya, sister!! I'm having the same ego killing thoughts! I've always exercised a lot but 15 lbs crept up from 45 till now (I'll be 50 next month) I saw my Gyn and internist (who are both also friends and my age) last spring within a short time and they both said the same thing "exercise alone won't work for women our age." I was always able to eat/drink whatever I want and just exercise harder to keep weight off, but the creeping up happened without me realizing. I used to be able to eat well for a week and get back on track. My blood pressure was inching up and cholesterol also, so I knew it was time for a lifestyle change. I have been doing Whole 30 (not super strict with the all organic due to $$$$$) and lost 15 lbs, improved sleep, aches and pains, and generally had more energy and less irritability, etc. the hard part is already starting with Big blow out Halloween party we have every year and family in town and I went crazy this week with carbs. Gained back 3 lbs and feel like crap today! I need big time help with motivation over the Rocky Holiday Road ahead!!!
  • SRR65
    SRR65 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok, so I'm not sure if I am doing this right? I replied to a post on here but not sure if just the one person I replied to will see it or if the whole community can see? But I want to thank all of you for the inspiration and support I have obtained fr your posts this am!! I saw the first post and realized I am supposed to also say:
    I am in NC
    Goals for November:
    Stay Sane!
    Don't stress or "reward" eat during the holidays.
    Treat my body better by putting whole, healthy foods into it.
    Exercise, but be gentle and kind to my body by respecting the 50 years it has given me. I will honor it by loving myself where I am today!!
    Help motivate my young patients by being an example of moderation and mental: physical health!!
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    My goodness this is an active board! No food tracking for Sat and Sunday and not much exercise, but I knew that was going to happen. Had a lovely time away with a few girlfriends just chatting. I'm back and will get to Yoga this morning and start my food log again.

    Goals for November:
    - Be under 200
    - Keep the house stocked with my kind of food
    - Exercise: 1 day Yoga, 2 days swim, 2 days misc. cardio/strength, 2 days off
    - Check in on this board most days

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good lovely morn & Happy November to all.We are expecting sunny 70's this wk. Nov is so not my fav month(along with March) but will enjoy this great weather.

    Katla ....this last mo trying to find a path thru DH's health problems has been a bummer for both of us.It's amazing how fast we can go from "all well" to "woe is me".DH has always been blessed with good health.....so this last month has been
    like picking our way thru a minefield.He has been ok the last few days,so that is my big gratitude.I'm sorry for anyone having to walk the same walk. :/

    Kimperry.....many of us have been thru menopause or are facing up to it.It's a rough patch for sure,but my only advice would be to have a good Dr,then do your best.That is all any of us can do.One thing you might try is only changing one thing at a time.Go with it till you feel you can add another thing etc.The slower process might help.Stick with us.You will be amazed at the info offered,along with the encouragement.

    Beth.....sending hugs.Wish there was a way to help.

    My Nov list will stay the same.
    Drink lots of water...easy for me,as I avg 8-10 a day.
    Try for 8hrs sleep
    Walk more.....been slacking off
    Look into kettle ball.......can use info on that
    Stay OUT of groceries.....use the food we have,buying only fresh milk,bread & produce.I could easily become a grocery hoarder....already half way there :s
    Post days food at lunch,which is my first meal of the day.
    Check in/read MFP every day
    Do the best I can.Gratitude can be as simple as watching the birds,loving the colors of Fall.Feeling
    blessed to have this day with no aches & pains.

    Knowing when to close...as Kenny Rodgers says :) Pat

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, IN - puppies and kitties are so daggoned cute because otherwise they would not survive their infant year. Last month while clearing out some more boxes I unearthed my love seat. There is a huge hole in one of the seat cushions. I asked DH if it was like that before I hid it with boxes. He said "Yes, remember that Merri did that when we forgot to watch her?" Um, no. I had managed to block that one from my mind. She didn't have to find a new home that day because she was so darned tooting cute.

    Mia in MI